Зображення сторінки
[blocks in formation]

Habits, guarding against evil, 314, 315,
476, 477.

Hardships, see Trials.
Harmony, see Unity.

Healing, see Miracles.

Heart, hardening of the, 61, 62, 75.

see also Character; Conversion.
Heathen, as protectors of Elijah, 416,

430; of Paul, 416-418, 430, 431.
conversion of, in Thessalonica, 256;
in Athens, 233-242; in Corinth,

glory of heathen world, 233-240.
justice of, 428, 430.

labors of Paul among, in Ephesus,
286, 287.

many, longing for light, 109.

methods of reaching the, 248, 249.
Paul and Barnabas among the, 177-

Paul's manner of instructing Cor-
inthian believers, 270-274.

waning confidence of, in their gods,

see also Heathenism.

Heathenism, allurements of, 299, 300,

as met by Paul, 235-240.
significance of, 317.

victory of Christianity over, 240.

victory over debasing sins of, 299-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

principles underlying, 557-567.
revelation of practical, in daily life,
262, 263.

see also Sanctification.

Holy Spirit, as a guide in council meet-
ings, 192-195.

convicting power of, 119, 120, 595.
descent of, 35-46, 546; compared to
early and latter rain, 54, 55; upon
Cornelius, 139-142; upon disciples
of John, 282-284.

disciples endowed with, the second
time, 68.

effects of outpouring of, 38-40.
fruits of, 263, 523, 529-533.
gift of, 47-56.

gifts of, in Corinthian church, 301,
302; in Thessalonian church, 263.
influence of, 45.

in patriarchal age, 37, 53.
nature of, a mystery, 51, 52.
power of, 46-56, 478; proportionate
to daily needs, 55.

presence of, with Israelites, 53.
rejoicing caused by, 476.

results of gift of, 520, 521.

work of, 22, 45, 52, 53, 282-284.

as a direct guide, see Guidance; In-

see also Pentecost.

Home, influences in the, 203, 204.
Household of Cæsar, 461-468.
House-to-house labor, 363-365, 370, 371,

of Paul, in Corinth, 250; in Ephe-
sus, 296.

Huguenots, 598.

Humility, 527, 528, 542, 543.
Huss, 598.

Hypocrisy, warning against, 70-76.

Iconium, labors of Paul and Barnabas at,
177-179, 185.

Ideals, attainment of, a lifelong effort,
560, 561, 566, 567.

high, 299, 471, 478, 518, 519; in
ministry, 501-508.

Idlers in market-place, 111.
Idleness, see Labor.

Idolatry, alluring nature of, 299, 300.

see also Heathen; Heathenism.
Images and shrines, manufacture of, in
Ephesus, 292.

Immorality, in Corinth, 243-254, 299-
308; in court of Nero, 486; in
Rome, 462, 463.

see also Purity.

Impressions, an unsafe guide, 279.
Imprisonment, of Paul and Silas at
Philippi, 213-218.

of Paul, 399-418; the final, 490; led
to conversion of some, 463, 464.

of disciples, 79.

of Peter and John, 78-81.
Inauguration of Christ, 38, 39.
Independence, individual, 163, 164, 386.
see also Gospel order; Impressions.
Individual responsibility, see Gospel or-

Infallibility, see Fallibility.

Influence, of faith and zeal of early
apostles, 186, 187.

, of Paul over converts, 218.
see also Environment.

Inheritance, a sure, 517, 518.

see also Assurance.

Initiative, taking the, 106, 107, 357, 358.
Inquisition, 85.

Inspiration, 302, 303.

Investigation of Bible truth, 231-233.

Isaiah, 223, 380.

Israel, acceptance of Christ by remnant
among, 376-382.

presence of Holy Spirit with, 53.
rewards of obedience among, 315,

Jailer, Philippian, conversion of, 215-
217, 426.

James (brother of John), labors of, for
Jews at festivals, 165.

petition of, for position in Christ's
kingdom, 541-543.

imprisonment of, 143, 144.
martyrdom of, 597.

James (the Lord's brother), decision of,
regarding Jewish and Gentile
Christians, 194.

among elders at Jerusalem, 194, 195,

Jason, 230.

Jeremiah, 223, 575.

Jerome, 598.

Jerusalem, attendance at feasts in, 39.

attitude of elders at, toward Paul,

[blocks in formation]

Paul's last journey to, 389-398.
scattering of believers from, 103, 105,

work of Christ in, 31.

see also New Jerusalem.
Jethro, 92, 93.

Jewish economy, 227, 228.

Christ the author of, 120.

support of priests under, 336, 337.
see also Ceremonial law.

Jews, acceptance of gospel by remnant
among, 376-382.

as accusers of Paul, before Felix,
419-422; before Festus, 428-430;
before Nero, 494.

as living stones in God's temple, 596-

as wanderers, 379.

attitude of, toward ceremonial law,
188, 189; attempt of, to burden
Gentiles with, 188-200.

confidence of, in Saul of Tarsus, 102,


dispersion of, 39.

failure of, to fulfil God's purpose, 78.
Grecian, 87; antagonism of, to He-
brews, 88.

guilt of, in crucifying Christ, 59, 82.
hatred of, against John, 569; against
Paul, 406-415, 489.

in Rome, 450-453; in Thessalonica,

labors for conversion of, at festivals,
165, 514.

labors of Paul for, in Corinth, 248;
in Ephesus, 285; in Rome, 450-
453; in many lands, 174, 175,

languages spoken by, 39.
opposition of, to gospel, 61; at Thes-
salonica, 229, 230; at Berea, 232;
in Galatia, 383-388; at Ephesus,
285, 286; toward Paul, 178, 179,
183-185, 249, 397, 398, 485.
opposition of, to Paul's testimony con-
cerning Christ, 125, 128, 130.
Paul's burden in behalf of, 174, 175,
374-382, 389, 398, 412.

Paul turns from, to Gentiles, 173,
174, 248.

Peter's appeal to, 59, 60, 165, 514.

Jews Continued.

plots of, to assassinate Paul, 389,
390, 413, 414, 430, 450.

prejudice of, against gospel, 403-405.
prophecies concerning acceptance of
Christ by, 374-382.

rejection of Christ by, 377-380.
resort of, to bribery, 101.
salvation to the, 372-382.
scattering of, 379.

sermon of Paul to, in Antioch of
Pisidia, 171-173; in Thessalonica,
221-230; in Corinth, 244-248; on
the temple stairs, in Jerusalem,
408, 409; in Rome, 450-452, 494-

some, to proclaim gospel with power,

surprise of, at conversion of Saul,
123, 124.

see also Israel; Jewish economy; Op-

[blocks in formation]

other disciples of, in Ephesus, 281-

John the beloved, 539-545.

with Peter, 57-69, 77-86.
before Sanhedrim, 63-65, 77-86.

labors of, for Jews at festivals, 165.

a faithful witness, 546-556.
transformed by grace, 557-567.
on Patmos, 568-577.

martyrdom of, 570, 597.

Joppa, vision of Peter in, 131-136.
Joseph, influence of, in Egypt, 13.
persecution of, 575.

Joseph of Arimathea, 104.
Joshua, 53.

Joy, 563, 564.

[blocks in formation]

Kingdom of God, nature of, 30.
freedom of, from caste, 20.
see also Heaven.

Knowledge, godly, 475, 515, 530, 531.
of God, how lost to world, 13, 14.
see also Bible; Wisdom.

Knox, 598.

Labor, blessings in, 352, 353.
dignity of, 346-348, 352-355.
Laborers, see Workers.

Ladder, Peter's, 529-533.

Jacob's, between heaven and earth,
153, 154.

Languages, at Pentecost, 39-41.
Latimer, 598.

Latter rain, 54, 55.

see also Holy Spirit.

Law, civil, see Authorities.
Law of God, 387.

exaltation of, by Paul, 393; in last
days, 54.

fulfilment of requirements of, 227,

far-reaching claims of, 424, 425.
growing contempt for, 506.
love the basis of, 505.

the standard of right, 562.
see also Obedience.

Lawsuits, among professing Christians,


Lay members, activity among, in cities,
158, 159.

gospel commission to, 110, 111.
in Antioch, activity of, 188.

see also Believers; Disciples; Work-


Lazarus, effects of raising of, on priests,

Leaders, qualifications of, 92-96, 503.
church, to set lay members at work,
110, 111.

large-heartedness among, 417.
responsibilities resting upon, 92-96.
see also Apostles; Counselors; Gospel
order; Leadership.

Leaders, Jewish, resistance of, to truth,
61, 65, 78, 79, 82, 377-380.
Leadership, of apostles in early church,
88, 89.

of Israel by Moses, 92-94.
divine, 401-406.

vested in church officers, 163, 164.
see also Apostles; Gospel order; Lead-


Letters, from Paul, to churches, 453,
454, 469-484.

[blocks in formation]

from Peter, to churches, 514-538.
from John, to churches, 546-556.
to the Thessalonians, 255-268; the
Corinthians; 298-334; the Romans,
372-382; the Galatians, 383-388;
to Philemon, 456-460; the Colos-
sians, 471-478; the Philippians,
479-484; to Timothy, 498-508.
Liberality, fruit of conversion, 70, 71.
in early church, 70, 71.

in support of gospel, 335-345.
of Nicodemus, 104, 105.
see also Offerings; Tithes.
Liberty, in gospel, 459, 460.

Light, increase of spiritual, through use
of light received, 54, 55.

see also Gospel; Light-bearers; Truth.
Light-bearers, 53, 54, 586.

see also Believers; Gospel; Workers.
Logic, 31, 45, 235, 236.

[blocks in formation]

Magic, burning of books on, 286-290.

see also Sorcery.

Manual labor, as a means of self-support,

the apostle Paul on, 346-358.

see also Labor.

Man of sin, 265-267.

Mark (John), as companion of Paul and
Barnabas, 166-170.

discouragement and return of, 169,

as companion of Barnabas, 202.
later development of, 170, 455.

as faithful companion of Paul, 455.
Mars' Hill, 236-239.

Martyrs, early Christian, 97-103.

influence of, 465.
triumph of, 602.

see also Martyrdom.

[blocks in formation]

Material, for use in God's temple, 596-

Means, see Liberality; Offerings; Tithes.
Meats offered to idols, decision concern-
ing use of, 191-197.

Meditation, by Paul, after martyrdom of
Stephen, 112, 113, 116, 118, 129;
after conversion at Damascus, 118-
120; in Arabia, 125-128; during
walk from Troas to Assos, 391,
392; during last imprisonment,
490, 491, 498, 499, 507.

by John, on Patmos, 571, 572.
see also Communion with God:

Melita, experiences of Paul in, 445-447
Mercury, Paul likened to, 181.

[blocks in formation]

Miletus, meeting of Ephesian elders at,

Ministers, accountability of, as spiritual
leaders, 206, 207.

adaptation of truth by, 386.

and business matters, 365-367.
blending of talents among, 273-280.
compared to stars, 586, 587.
counsels to, 501-508.

courage in, 393-395.

efforts of, to be seconded by activity
among the laity, 158, 159.
evidences of faithfulness in, 328-332.
evils in showing favoritism toward,
277, 278.

John the beloved an example to,

of Christ, to act in His stead, 122.
ordination of, 18, 161-163.
Peter as a faithful under-shepherd,

recompense of labors of, 355, 356.
shepherds, 394, 395, 514-528.
showing respect for, 278.
solicitude of, for converts, 201.
spiritual-minded converts as an evi-

dence of faithful ministry, 328-332.
success of those who refuse to exalt
self, 278.

sympathetic and hearty support of,

temptations of, to engage in self-
supporting work, 356, 357.

to engage in personal labor for souls,
250, 296, 363-365, 526, 527.

to shun temporal pursuits, 506.
to train youth for ministry, 367, 368.
training of, 17-24, 202-205.
true, characteristics of, 501-508.
zeal and fidelity among, 465, 466.
see also Apostles; Ministry; Watch-
men; Workers.

Ministry, a consecrated, 359-371.

of apostles, glorious, 593, 594.

of John, 546-556.

of laymen, importance of, 106, 107.
Paul's preparation for, in Arabia,

youth inspired to engage in, 517.
see also Ministers; Workers.
Miracles, accompanying labors of dis-

ciples, 78, 206; of Paul and Bar-
nabas, 167-169, 177, 181, 184,
185; of Paul in Ephesus, 286, 287.

at Pentecost, 35-46.

at Melita, 445, 446.

at Philippi, 212-218.

cripple at temple gate, 57-69; at
Lystra, 181.

[blocks in formation]

life, 49; of Paul, 112-122; of
John, 557-567.

raising of Eutychus, 391; Lazarus,
66; Paul, 184.

see also Transformation.
Missionaries, believers in Thessalonica as,

early Christians as, 105-109.

God's people, aggressive, 109, 110,

see also Apostles; Believers; Lay
members; Workers.

Missionary charter, 28.

Missionary journeys, see Paul.
Missions, 211-220.

see also Missionaries.

Mob, against Paul, in Iconium, 179; at
Lystra, 183-185; Philippi, 213;
Thessalonica, 229, 230; Corinth,
252-254; Ephesus, 292-295; in
temple courts, 406-410.
failure of, 389, 390.

in pursuit of Nero, 497.
see also Opposition.
Morality, see Purity.
Moses, as leader, 53, 92-94.

chosen counselors of, 92-94.
Motives, love for souls, 547, 551, 552.
Mount Zion, 590, 591.

Mystery of godliness, 527.

Mystery of iniquity, 265-267, 587.
see also Apostasy.

Naaman, 416.

Nations, history of, determined, 238.
knowledge of God lost and regained
by, 14.

Nature, book of, 571, 572.

Nazareth, 417.

Neglected classes, labors of Paul for, 175.

Nero, arrest and martyrdom of Peter

under, 537.

character of, 462, 463, 485, 486.
Paul before, 492-497.

salvation offered to, 496.
infamous conduct of, 496, 497,
death of, 497.

New Jerusalem,,591, 592.

see also Heaven; Tree of life.

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