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nant for his own people; that love for his own sheep led him to lay down his life; that his death renders their salvation absolutely certain; that it opens the way for the offer of salvation to all men, and shows the justice of the condemnation of unbelief. NO MAN PERISHES FOR THE WANT OF AN ATONEMENT, is the doctrine of the Synod of Dort; it is also our doctrine."

ington must have gone a step beyond his own theory,-at least beyond his own statement of the grounds on which it rests; and Dr Candlish must have not only modified, but retracted, not a few of the sentiments which are to be found in those crude and self-destructive hypotheses which fill his volume on the atonement and kindred topics.

We commend Dr Hodge's book; there CHURCH STATIONERY. are few like it, in its calm and dispasGlasgow: David Robertson. sionate reasonings, its sound and judi- MR ROBERTSON has now completed his cious conclusions, and its pious and set of church register certificate books, scriptural tone and spirit. We are sur- &c., and a very complete set it is. The prised, but at the same time we are new copies of the latter are in an enlarged delighted, to see it recommended by such form, which is a decided improvement. men as Drs Candlish and Symington,- We have already expressed our very men who should know the subject, hav- favourable opinion of these publications,' ing written upon it themselves. We and, therefore, have only to repeat our believe their recommendation is both recommendation to sessions to furnish intelligent and sincere; and, therefore, themselves with sets for the different that they have seen reason to adopt the departments of ecclesiastical business, views of Dr Hodge on many points re- which they will do greatly to their own garding the death of Christ. Dr Sym-advantage, and at very little expense.


NEW HEBRIDES. rantee the safety of any teachers placed ONE of the latest communications from near them. The leading man of the the ship of the London Missionary So- party had begged the captain of the ciety, gives us information of their having, above vessel to request that teachers beyond expectation, found an open door might be sent to them without delay. for the introduction of native teachers Thus, while two of the islands of this into Sandwich Island, one of the above group-Erromanga and Eranan-regroup. This island is about fifty miles mained shut against the gospel, here was north-west of Erromanga; its native a door unexpectedly opened to them, in name is Fatè or Vatè. The brethren on providence, into a field of much greater board the ship had intended calling at extent and promise than both these the island, with a view to friendly inter- united; and a voice from it literally course, which might tend to prepare the crying to them, "Come over and help way for the introduction of the gospel at us." Having reached the island, they a future time. But from the captain of found every thing as it had been reprea vessel which they found at Dillon's sented to them, and settled four teachers Bay, they learned, not only that the among them at two stations ;-three of natives of Sandwich Island were friendly the teachers married, and accompanied and peaceable, but that there was a party with their wives. They were received of Samoans and Tongans upon it, who most cordially by the chiefs and people. had been there many years, had acquired Seldom, indeed, have teachers been ingreat influence, and were very desirous troduced among a heathen people under that teachers of Christianity should set- circumstances more interesting and entle among them. This party had been couraging. So far as they could learn blown off during a storm, while attempt- respecting the extent and population of ing to make a passage between Tonga the island, it appears to be larger, and and Samoa, many years ago, and long to have a greater population, than any before the gospel was introduced to single island of the Samoan group, or Samoa. They had become connected any of the yet unoccupied islands of the by marriage with the principal chief of New Hebrides. The inhabitants are the district where they live, and had milder than those of the neighbouring acquired such influence as would gua- islands, and considerably more advanced


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in civilization. They can hardly be said to be cannibals. Their wars are comparatively trifling, being attended with THE baptism of a young convert from very little loss of life. Murders occur Mohammedanism took place in Union very seldom, excepting infanticide, which is generally practised throughout the island. It is said that theft is unknown among them. The island has one of the finest harbours in the South Seas.

In the vicinity of Sandwich Island are fifteen islands; two of which are of much greater extent, and perhaps not less inviting than itself.

At the Isle of Pines and New Caledonia, in another cluster of islands about 5° S.W., the brethren failed in their designs, in consequence of the ferocious character and unfriendly feelings of the chief of the former island. They were under the necessity of removing the two teachers who had been labouring at New Caledonia. These faithful men had been in constant jeopardy of their lives; and their deliverance from the hands of their powerful and relentless enemy, bears signal impress of the mighty and gracious hand of God.


Chapel in December last; the history of whose enlightenment in Christianity affords a good illustration of the sovereignty and power of divine grace. He was a native of Damascus, an Arab by descent; but, from the second to the twenty-second year of his age, he resided in or about Cairo,-his father, who was a merchant, having removed to Egypt. His father's house was visited by men of letters and enterprise, from whom he gathered the rudiments of knowledge, and caught the spirit of inquiry. In common with many others of his own age, he soon arrived at the conclusion, that Mohammedanism was not adapted to the wants and cravings of the soul. The search after truth was commenced in good earnest by about twelve individuals in his own immediate circle; and so intense was the longing of his own mind after the discovery of it, that he resolved to set out in quest of it. He obtained from a bookseller in Cairo a portion of the New Testament, the perusal of which excited in him a desire to become acquainted with the whole In the neighbourhood of Surabaya, in scheme of salvation. In Egypt, it was the eastern extremity of this island, an not safe for him to prosecute his inquiries interesting work of grace has for some after any religion different from the deyears been going on among the Moham-lusion in which he had been brought up. medan population. The spot has been He therefore packed up the stock of frequently visited by British missionaries. Arabic writings which he had gathered, But such restrictions are imposed on the took with him any little money he could direct labours of missionaries among command, and quitted Egypt by the Red them, that no regular ministrations could Sea, leaving his widowed mother to live be established on their behalf. The in- upon the property left by his father. fluence of a pious and zealous chaplain During his voyage, he could not disguise in the place has been considerable. the agitations and thoughts of his mind; And, in spite of all restrictions, the and suffered much persecution from the gospel has found its way to their hearts; Mohammedan seamen and passengers, and many are brought into the fold of in consequence of the avowal which he Christ. The work at first commenced boldly made of his disbelief in the mission in one of the villages, and has now ex- of Mohammed. In the orderings of a tended itself to ten others; and the gracious Providence, however, he found numbers of converts, which at first friends by the way as well as enemies. amounted only to twenty, has now in- Some American Christians, whom he creased to 150. There are, besides, got acquainted with at Jeddah, advised many on probation, who will receive him to make his way to Bengal, which baptism when they give satisfactory evi- he did in a vessel, the captain of whom dence of the sincerity of their profession. gave him all protection from the insults Those baptized appear to be truly in- of those on board; and one of the Ameteresting and devoted followers of the ricans, without his knowledge, sent a Lamb. They have erected a place of letter to a friend in Calcutta, informing worship for the purpose of holding reli-him respecting this young inquirer, and gious services on the Sabbath and week days. The greater proportion of these converts are agriculturists, and possess lands of their own.

urging him to wait his arrival in the vessel, and introduce him to some christian minister. By this means, the young man was immediately brought into ac

quaintance with the pastor of Union ship and divinity of Christ, in the work Chapel, and placed with some recent of the Holy Spirit, declared the light converts to Christianity, among whom he advanced rapidly in the knowledge of the truth. It was found that his life was in danger from the more violent of the Mussalmans in Calcutta, from whom he had not for one moment concealed his sentiments. At his baptism, in reply to questions put to him, he made a bold confession of his faith in the Messiah

and happiness which he now felt in his heart, formerly so dark and wretched, and openly gave up the Koran, in token of his utter renunciation of the figments of the impostor, by whom his earlier years had been darkened. After his baptism, he was transferred to the upper provinces, where his knowledge of Arabic may be far more useful than in Calcutta,




William Millar, moderator, who reported that he had preached and presided in the moderation of a call at West Calder, when Mr Robert M'Laurin, preacher, was unanimously chosen by the people to be their pastor. The call was subscribed by 185 members, and a

nary hearers. The call was unanimously sustained as a regular gospel call, and the clerk was directed to give the usual notice to Mr M'Laurin, and request his decision in reference to it as soon as possible. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed that this presbytery overture the Synod at its approaching

each congregation connected with our church may have a library provided for the use of the minister. It was also with similar unanimity agreed to overture the Synod, to take immediate steps in order that the long contemplated union between the Relief Church and ours, may, without farther delay, be accomplished. It was agreed to hold the next meeting of the presbytery on the Tuesday after the last Sabbath of May.

Lanark, March 3.-This day the United Associate Presbytery of Lanark met, and was constituted. After the usual preliminary business, commission-paper of adherents by twenty-four ordiers from Braehead presented a petition requesting the court to appoint one of their number to moderate in a call to one to be their pastor. The prayer of the petition was granted, and the moderation was appointed to take place on Wednesday the 18th curt. at one o'clock. Called for reports in reference to what the congregations, connected with the presby-meeting, to adopt means in order that tery have done last year for missions. The members of committee appointed to superintend this matter, severally reported in reference to those churches under their care. The moderator gave notice that he would at next meeting of presbytery, move to overture the Synod at the approaching meeting in May next, to adopt means for providing each congregation with a library, for the special use of the minister. The Rev. William Miller was appointed to succeed the Stewartfield. At a meeting of this present moderator, who had occupied presbytery in March, certified statements the chair for the usual period. Brae- were given in by the different congregahead Church, March 23.-A pro re nata tions in the presbytery, of their respecmeeting of the presbytery was held here tive contributions, during the past year, on the above day, called by the mode- for missionary and other benevolent obrator, at the request of the congregation|jects; and the clerk instructed to transof West Calder, who were solicitous to obtain a moderation as soon as possible. Commissioners from the church appeared, and presented in the usual form a petition to this effect. The moderation was granted, and the moderator of the presbytery appointed to preach and preside on the occasion. Lanark, April 21st. The presbytery met again this day, and was constituted by the Rev.

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mit a statement of the amount for missionary objects, raised by each congregation, to the Synod's Board of Missions. Called for the reports of sessions on the overture respecting the eldership, when only the session of Stewartfield reported, and who, at the same time, approved of the design of the overture. The other sessions were appointed to report on this subject at the next meeting of the pres

bytery. The Rev. A. Lind, convener of | voch-of-Deer, with the elders or manathe committee for superintending the gers, in the afternoon, and with the conmissionary stations; reported that the gregation in the evening of Wednesday; committee had visited the stations; that and the same at Ellon, on Thursday of great anxiety was expressed by the the same week; and, at the same time, people for the continuance of sermon, appointed those who were to address the and for a located missionary, as indis-respective congregations. Favourable pensable for the success of the stations; reports, both written and oral, were rethat the audiences were increasing; that ceived of the stations of Gardenston and new committees of management had Pennan. Mr J. Watson, student, then been appointed at the stations; and that delivered an exercise and additions, and they, the committee, recommended the was examined on ecclesiastical history, continuance of sermon, and, by all means, as formerly prescribed to him, which the location of a missionary. The com- exercises were sustained. The presbytery mittee were appointed to co-operate with also overtured the Synod for congregathe committees at the stations, in endea- tional ministers' libraries. At the meetvouring to procure a located missionary, ing of the presbytery at Craigdam, after The committee appointed to draw out a making arrangements for conducting the plan for reviving the interests of religion meetings with the elders and managers in the congregations of the presbytery, of the congregations for regulating the gave in a written plan for this purpose, devotional exercises at the meetings with which the presbytery approved of; or- the respective congregations, in the evendered a copy of it to be sent to the ings, for future visitations at the next elders and managers of each congre- meeting of the presbytery, and appointgation for their consideration, and that ing Mr J. Watson to give in the exerthey should report their opinion of it cises prescribed to him at the next at the next meeting of the presbytery. meeting, the presbytery adjourned to At a meeting of the presbytery in meet in the afternoon with the elders April, the sessions of the respective con- and managers of the congregation of gregations gave in their report on the Craigdam, and with the congregation in overture on the eldership, which; in con- the evening, which they did, and also formity to the decision of the presbytery, with the office-bearers and congregation unanimously approved of the spirit of of Savoch-of-Deer, on Wednesday, and the overture, and were of opinion that with those of Ellon, on Thursday. Quessomething of the kind might be very tions respecting the temporal and spiribeneficial, so far as practicable, to carry tual interests of the respective congregait into effect. Received reports from the tions were put, in a friendly manner, to elders and managers of the different con- their elders and managers, and frankly gregations, approving of the plan for answered in good feeling. Each congrereviving the interests of religion in the gation was addressed by two ministers presbytery, on the understanding that and one elder; the addresses preceded, answers to the queries be optional, and divided; and followed by devotional exthat the proposed visitations of the con-ercises by other members of the presby gregations be regulated so as to suit their tery. The attendance of the congregaconvenience. The presbytery agreed to tions was respectable, and the people carry this plan into effect, without delay; seemed to take a lively interest in the to visit the congregations in a presbyte-services. May God give the increase. rial capacity; that two ministers and one Newcastle, 7th April, 1846.-The preselder shall address each congregation, the other ministers present engaging in devo- | tional exercises; that the visitations be so arranged that three congregations may be visited in one week; and that the minister of each place preside as moderator at the meeting visiting his congregation. Appointed Craigdam, Savoch-of-Deer, and Ellon, to be first visited; the presbytery to meet at Craigdam, on Tuesday, after the third Sabbath of May, at twelve o'clock, for ordinary business; in the afternoon, with the elders and managers of the congregation there; and in the -evening, with the congregation; at Sa

bytery being met, the case of Jarrow Missionary Station was considered, and from a variety of discouraging circumstances, it was agreed that the supply of preachers there be discontinued. The members of Wallsend congregation, who had for some time been worshipping at Walker, were now, at their own request, recognised as a distinct congregation. Mr Young gave notice of a motion as to measures connected with the plan proposed for the augmentation of small stipends. Mr Millar reported his proceedings in the moderation at Stamfordham, and laid on the table a call from the

presbytery agreed unanimously to transmit it. Read a certificate from the clerk of the presbytery of Kirkcaldy, transferring Mr John Logie, student of divinity of the third year, to the care of this presbytery. The committee appointed to consider the subject of returns from the congregations, as to their religious and financial condition, presented their report, which was ordered to lie on the table. Mr Robson gave his annual statement of the missionary contributions within the bounds of the presbytery, which was considered exceedingly satisfactory; and it was agreed that hereafter, instead of the time formerly fixed upon, this statement is to be given in at the meeting of presbytery immediately before the meeting of Synod. The presbytery met again in Edinburgh, on Tuesday, the 5th of May. A memorial to the Synod, on the subject of American slavery, from the session of the congregation of Galashiels, was presented and read, and the presbytery agreed unanimously to transmit it. All the students within the bounds were enjoined to be present at the next meeting of presbytery, to deliver their discourses, and to be examined on the subjects prescribed to them. The next meeting of presbytery is to be held at Selkirk, on Tuesday, the 14th of July.

congregation there to Mr Andrew Weild, | from the congregation of Selkirk to the preacher, which was sustained, and the Synod, on the subject of American usual trials for ordination were assigned slavery, was presented and read, and the to Mr Weild.-Broughton Place, Edinburgh, 6th May. The presbytery met, when the Rev. John Lamb, clerk of Perth presbytery, appeared and laid on the table a call from the congregation of Methven, in the bounds of that presbytery, to the Rev. John Millar of North Middleton. He presented also other papers connected with the call, upon which it was agreed that the call, in the meantime, lie on the table, and that due notice be given to all the parties concerned, that they may appear for their interests at next meeting of presbytery, to be held at Newcastle on Tuesday the 2d day of June.-Newcastle, 2d June. The presbytery again met. Entered on the consideration of Mr Millar's call from the congregation of Methven. Read reasons for his translation given by that congregation, and answers by the congregation of North Middleton. Heard commissioners from both congregations. Mr Millar also was heard, stating his preference of the call from Methven, upon which it was agreed that his pastoral relation to the congregation of North Middleton be now dissolved, and that his name be erazed from the roll of this presbytery. In coming to this conclusion, the presbytery think it right to record the unanimous expression of their affection and esteem for Mr Millar, their regret for his removal, and their earnest prayer that the Lord may bless abundantly his labours in the new sphere which he is now about to occupy. They also agreed to record their sympathy with the congregation of North Middleton; appointed Mr Pringle to preach who presented a petition, praying the there on Sabbath next, and to intimate presbytery to appoint one of their number the present decision. Read a petition to preside in the election of a minister. from the congregation of Wallsend for a Heard the commissioners, who stated moderation, with the view of giving a that the congregation had agreed to give call for one to be their fixed pastor, which the minister L.100 per annum as stipend, was granted; the moderation to take L.10 per annum as sacramental expenses, place on Wednesday 17th June, at 7 PM., with a manse and garden, and to pay the Mr Fraser to preach and preside. Read assessed taxes. That they were entirely arletter from Mr Weild, declining the unanimous in the present application call from Stamfordham, which accord- that recent events had deranged their ingly was laid aside... finances, and that their interests required 16 Selkirk. This presbytery met at a speedy settlement. The presbytery, Melrose, on the 21st of April. Mr after some reasoning, agreed unanimousStewart delivered an exercise and ad-ly to grant the moderation, and to reditions on Hebrews ix. 13, 14; Mr commend strongly to the congregation John Lawson a homily on Psalms exix. to raise the stipend as soon as their cir9; and Mr Wylie, a lecture on Hebrews cumstances admit. The Rev. J. Bain x. 38, 39; which, after some remarks, were was appointed to moderate on the evenapproved of, and they were encouraged ing of May 20. Mr Wm. Johnstone, a to prosecute their studies. A memorial member of the congregation of Leslie,

Kirkaldy-Edinburgh; Broughton-Place Church, May 5.-This presbytery met, and was constituted by the moderator. There appeared--Messrs Thos. Bonthron, Robt. Paton, and others, commissioners from the congregation of Buckhaven,

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