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D. Anderson, P. Hamilton. Rev. W. cordially approved of the principle of Thomson, convener. these overtures; and appointed a board to devise measures for carrying the scheme into effect, with power, in the meantime, to obtain contributions in its behalf: said committee to report to the Synod in October.

It was remitted to the committee on public questions, which was appointed at this time, to take into their consideration a bill for increasing the salaries of parochial schoolmasters, with instructions to take all proper measures for obtaining the abolition of the test by which eligibility to the office of parochial schoolmaster is restricted to members of the Established church, The same committee was appointed to consider a bill before parliament for the regulation of charitable trusts in England.


In pursuance of a resolution of the Synod formerly adopted, a letter of sympathy, addressed to Dr Heugh, was read; and the committee by whom it was prepared was instructed to forward it without delay.


Entered on the consideration of an overture from the presbytery of Stirling and Falkirk respecting the superintendence by presbyteries of students in languages and philosophy, who aspire to the office of the ministry.


The committee appointed on theological education was empowered to direct their attention to the present state of the theological library, and to take measures, without delay, for placing it on such a footing as shall render it in the highest practical degree a benefit to the Theological Hall and the church generally; and presbytery clerks were enjoined, in the mean time, to exact the sum of five shillings from all students on behalf of its funds.

An overture concerning remuneration to congregations injured by translations was dismissed. A protest by the Rev. John Lamb against a deed of the presbytery of Perth refusing to record a dissent, was unanimously sustained. A petition from the late East Regent Street congregation, Glasgow, and its managers, was refused-the Synod expressing, however, its sympathy with the The Synod approved of the object of petitioners in their trying situation. An the overture; remitted it to a committee overture from the Glasgow presbytery to take the whole subject to which it on the Scottish universities was remitted refers under their careful consideration; to the committee on public questions, and to recommend to next meeting of who were authorised to express, in a Synod the measures which they may petition to parliament, the unanimous deem it advisable to adopt for securing opinion of the Synod against the continuan effective and uniform superintendence ance of the religious tests at present exby all presbyteries of the students in isting in the universities of Scotland. The languages, philosophy and theology, who presbytery of Edinburgh was authorised are in their bounds, and for promoting to certify a student for admission to the the interests of theological education generally in the Secession Church. The committee to consist of the Professors, Dr D. Young, W. Pringle, J. Cairns, Dr Robson, Dr John Taylor, Dr James Taylor, W. Johnston, P. M'Dowal, P. Davidson, Dr King, A. Thomson, W. Thomson, H. Renton, D. Thomas, Jas. Hay.

The Synod agreed to authorise the presbytery of Edinburgh to sustain the attendance of a student on the moral philosophy class in the Free Church college, during the session of 1844-5.


In connexion with various overtures from presbyteries regarding the formation of libraries in congregations for the use of their ministers, the Synod

second session of the Divinity Hall, who had been unable to attend the class of natural philosophy. In a reference by the presbytery of Perth respecting the congregation of Leslie, lately under the inspection of Rev. W. Scott, it was decided by a majority of one, that supply of sermon be not given to the applicants, The case of a member of the congregation of Wick was remitted to the presbytery of Elgin. The Board of Missions was reappointed, with the addition of Dr James Taylor, and Rev. Alexander Duncan; and was instructed to report in October respecting the salary to be allowed to the Synod treasurer. Several other cases were delayed; and the ses sion of Synod closed with prayer at a late hour on Thursday evening.

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Ir will be recollected, that in the beginning of February, the United States' House of Representatives resolved, by a majority of 163 to 53, "that the President of the United States cause notice to be given to the government of Great Britain, that the convention between the United States of America and Great Britain, concerning the territory of the north-west coast of America, west of the Stony Mountains (Oregon), of the 6th August 1827, signed at London, shall be abrogated in twelve months after giving said notice." This, so far as that House of the legislature was concerned, was substantially a resolution for war with Britain. The Senate, however, have happily displayed a different spirit, and passed a much more moderate and pacific resolution, to the effect that the notice should be given 66 at the discretion of the President, and with a view to renewed efforts for an amicable settlement." The resolution, so amended, on being brought back to the Representatives, for their consideration, had the conciliatory clause struck out. The Senate refused to acquiesce in it thus mutilated. A conference of the two Houses, conducted by three members of each, then took place, the result of which has been, the passing of a deed, the latter part of which is as follows:-" And whereas it has now become desirable that the respective claims of the United States and Great Britain should be definitively settled, and that said territory may, no longer than need be, remain subject to the evil consequences of the divided allegiance of its American and British population, and of the confusion and conflict of national jurisdictions, dangerous to the cherished peace and good understanding of the two countries with a view, therefore, that steps be taken for the abrogation of the said convention of the 6th August 1827, in the mode prescribed in its second article, and that the attention of the governments of both countries may be more earnestly and immediately directed to the adoption of all proper measures for a speedy and amicable adjustment of the difficulsties and disputes in respect to said territory,Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, sin Congress assembled, that the President of the United States be, and he is hereby authorised, at his discretion, to give the British government the notice required


by its said second article, for the abrogation of the said convention of the 6th August 1827." This joint resolution has been subscribed by the President, and is now a law of the States. The British minister at Washington declares his conviction, that the form of notice which has been adopted by Congress will greatly contribute to bring about an honourable and pacific adjustment of the question. The opinion, we believe, is very generally entertained on both sides of the Atlantic, that the danger of a war has now almost entirely passed away. Every right-hearted man will rejoice in such a prospect, and cherish fervent gratitude to the "God of Peace," that, for the present, our fears have been disappointed.



THE second annual meeting of the Council of this association was held at Leicester on Thursday and Friday, 7th and 8th of May. Those assembled manifested a hearty zeal in the cause. interesting report was adopted, which will speedily be published. The whole proceedings were highly satisfactory to the Executive Committee, and confident expectations are entertained that the great object of the association will be prosecuted with increased activity and energy during the ensuing year. On the evening of Thursday, 8th May, a public meeting was held in the New Hall, Leicester, at which the following resolutions were adopted :


"1st. That we are more than ever impressed with the deep truth and moment of those grounds on which the Anti-State Church Association is founded; that the labours and operations of this society have already attracted unprecedented attention to the voluntary principle, as the only scriptural and legitimate means of advancing the christian religion, and have subjected its claims to a free discussion and to searching examination. That the consequence of this has been to demonstrate more fully than ever, that all secular and legislative interference in the affairs of the church of Christ eventually tends to impair its spirituality, to break down those barriers which separate it from the world, to obstruct the progress of truth, and to allow of the introduction of an indefinite laxity, both in religious doctrine and

practice."-Moved by Rev. Dr Cox; seconded by Apsley Pellatt, Esq.

christian church, both at home and abroad ; and notwithstanding discouragements which arise from the absence of sympathetic co-operation in some quarters, professedly favourable to the cause of nonconformity, we are cheered by the most unequivocal signs of the times to prosecute with untiring energy the great religious enterprise in which

"2d. That holding with a full conviction the sentiments expressed in the first resolution, and deeming it altogether unjustifiable either to conceal or to compromise them, we feel it our imperative duty to use all the resources which are supplied by argument, persuasion, and the freest discussion. to promote their we have embarked."-Moved by Mr dissemination. But that while engaged Edward Miall; seconded by the Rev. in this work we earnestly deprecate the H. Robertson. imputation on the part of any who may differ from us, of uncharitable, or unchristian feeling. That fidelity to the convictions of our own conscience, reverence for the authority of the great Founder of our faith, and ardent desire for its transmission in all its purity to successive generations, are paramount to any deference, however sincere, to the sentiments of even the wisest and the best of men ; and can never be construed otherwise than by the misinformed or uncandid, into the absence of good-will

towards those whose opinions we may be called to oppose. That, though not uniting with any more formal alliance, we distinctly disavow any want of kind and christian affection towards any who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity." -Moved by the Rev. John Burnet; seconded by the Rev. John Sibree.

"3d. That we feel called upon by divers features of the present times, to devote ourselves, with increased energy, to the objects of the British Anti-State Church Association-that the notoriously increased tendency of the Anglican clergy to a merely ritual religion, their general and obstinate want of sympathy with the advancing spirit of the times, the exclusive feeling by which they are growingly distinguished, and the steps taken on their belief to silence complaint and animadversion, by the most unconstitutional restrictions of the liberty of the press, render it imperative that we arouse ourselves to the most determined vindication of the rights of conscience, and to wise and persevering efforts to effect the dissolution of that unhallowed union between the hierarchy and civil power to which these and a multitude of kindred evils, with a mass of social bitterness and private wrong, are directly attributable.". -Moved by Rev. Dr Price; seconded by Robert Hardy, Esq. "4th. That we hail with the most unfeigned satisfaction the advancing movements towards a more free and enlightened order of things which are taking place in various sections of the


WE heartily congratulate our readers on the progress this great measure has recently made, and on its having now fairly cleared the House of Commons with a final majority of 327 to 229. Considerable anxiety is still felt about the reception it is to meet with from the peers. Nothing, however, is more certain is a question only of time, and of very than that the abolition of the corn laws short time-shall it be with, or without, a dissolution of Parliament, and, possibly, a change of ministry? Were the Lords speedily and frankly to pass the bill, though they might be only making a little credit, and save themselves and the virtue of necessity, they would gain a public a world of trouble, annoyance, and loss, while they and their order and party would participate in the advantages which would result from the improvement of trade which might be immedisupposed that prejudice has blinded ately expected. It can scarcely be them to considerations so obvious. The experiment will presently be made.


THE annual meeting was held this year in Edinburgh, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 28th, 29th, and 30th April. The first business which occupied attention was the Theological Academy. It was resolved, that a resident Tutor should be appointed, who should devote to it his undivided attention. The expenditure, on account of the Academy, for last year had been about L.500. On Wednesday, several private meetings were held; and, in the evening, there was an interesting and numerously attended soiree. The Rev. Mr Thomson of Glasgow delivered an address on the importance of maintaining their distinctive principles, at the close of which he said," He could not help observing, that the general condition of their body at present presented very unfavourable

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Let us try." The Rev. Mr Ingram of Glasgow gave a sketch of the history of the denomination in Scotland, and maintained "that their adherence to purity

symptoms,and showed a relaxation of that | addressed to them, which was unanizeal, energy, and enterprise, for which mously agreed to. Dr A. stated “that they had been originally distinguished." he had received a letter from Dr Merle The Rev. Dr Vaughan, President of D'Aubigné, which mentioned that the Lancashire College, addressed the meet- friends in Geneva intended to send Mr ing on Independency and its present Laharpe, of the theological school there, condition. "It was a striking fact," he and Count St George, as representatives said, "and they must not conceal it, it to this country, whose object was to had been concealed too long,-that there attend all denominational meetings where never had been in the history of their they might have an opportunity of conbody so large a number of churches veying an expression of the regard which wanting ministers, and not able to find the Christians in Geneva had for the them; and so large a number of minis- Christians in this country. Dr A. said, ters wanting churches, and not able to the friends in Geneva were exceedingly find them." [This, we understood, re- annoyed at the monopoly that had been ferred chiefly to England. It was lately made of Dr D'Aubigné, when he visited stated in the Patriot, that "fourteen this country, by the Free Church; and Congregational churches in the metro- it was their desire that the present depolis and its neighbourhood were in want putation should not too much identify of pastors or assistant pastors, and it was themselves with any religious party not known whence they were to be sup- whatever." Dr Wardlaw spoke in favour plied."] "Surely this," continued Dr V., of the Evangelical Alliance, but held was an unwholesome state of things. that adherence to it did not imply the It had a cause, and his fear was that the suppression or compromise of one's discause lay deep; and something like a tinctive principles. "The Alliance," regeneration of the pervading elements said Dr W., "asks no such sacrifice, and of their body was needed to meet it. He to those who say that success will be could not but think, that, so long as the impossible without such sacrifice, I say great majority of Independent ministers had to subsist upon an income not above that which was supplied to the ordinarily skilful artisan for his duties it could not be expected, without expecting of communion was at once the cause of miracles, that the majority of Inde- their external weakness and internal pendent ministers would be men of strength. In so glancing at the poverty marked capacity and great culture. of many of the pastors and churches, It would be to expect that God would when they were the objects of a more supply a race of martyrs to poverty to relentless persecution than, said he, the anticipate anything of this kind; and adherents of the Free church had ever that, too, in an age where there were been, he declared that, poor as were the openings in all directions for men of churches, and dependent as were the sagacity and talent. How natural is it, pastors, many of them, like Paul, workunless there be the presence of extraor- ing with their own hands that they might dinary principle, that numbers will draft not be burdensome to the brethren, off into secular life, terrified by the yet the churches would rather have sold thought of destitution. He was very their garments, and the pastors begged far from wishing to see a Dissenting their bread from door to door, than have minister become a sinecurist very far sent a deputation to solicit the charity of from wishing to see their ministers placed men whose wealth was wrung from the in a condition which would be attractive crimes, the groans, and the blood of to indolent and worldly minds. He their fellow-men. In all their poverty would have their ministers to be men and difficulties they never had, and, by who required to do their work well; God's grace, they never would, hold but when they did their Master's work out the hand of christian fellowship to well, he would have them to receive a Heaven-defying man-stealers." 'fair day's wage for a fair day's work."" Treasurer stated that the sum expended On Thursday Dr Alexander brought in aiding small churches, and maintainunder consideration the Congregational ing a system of itinerancy in the lowchurches in Switzerland, and proposed lands, highlands, and islands of Scotland, that a letter of sympathy should be amounted for the past year to L.2049.





FOR JULY, 1846,



WHEN the roll is read at the commencement of the annual meeting of Synod, how solemn the reflection that the names of so many pious and faithful ministers should have been erased during the preceding year by the stroke of death! Some of these have been cut off in early life, some in the midst of their days and usefulness, and some at a very advanced age, after patiently and honourably bearing the burden and heat of the day. In regard to some of those honoured men, much regret may be felt as to the particular time or circumstances of their death; still it must be remembered that each of them had entirely completed all the days of his appointed time on earth before his change came, that each of them had performed that particular work and service in the church, which his gracious Master had prescribed to him, and served his generation according to the will of God before he fell asleep. They have left behind them the sweet savour of their names, of their pious examples, of their ardent zeal in the cause of the Redeemer, and of their indefatigable and successful exertions in the christian ministry.

Mr Brown died at Kinross, in the house of his father-in-law, the Rev. Dr Hay, on the 21st February last, in the 21st year of his ministry. He was the sole surviving son of John Brown, of Finderlie, the head of an old and respectable family in the parish of Orwell, Kinrossshire. He passed through an extensive course of education in the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, not only in those preliminary studies which are required for the christian ministry, but also in the study of medicine, attending in succession the various medical classes till he attained the honorary title of Master of Surgery. Like Timothy, Augustine, and many other ministers, Mr Brown was blessed with a religious mother, to whom he considered himself under deep obligations for her instructions, example, and prayers. He revered her for her meek and quiet spirit, for her uniform benevolence and kindness, accom

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