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A. C. 1456. ment reaffembling, Henry appeared in perfon, and declared from the throne, that as he now enjoyed perfect health, and was in a condition to refume the réins of government, he did not think the kingdom had any further occafion for a protector: he therefore defired the parliament would discharge the duke of York from the toils of that troublesome office. Whether the two houfes thought the request reasonable, or the members had been tutored for the purpose, they readily complied with his defire; and he sent an order to the duke to abftain from the function of protector. York was not a little confounded at finding himself thus over-reached; but, making a virtue of neceffity, he and his adherents fubmitted with a good grace to the orders of the king and parliament. But, on pretence of their having no further business at court, they retired to Yorkshire, where they lived in the fame neighbourhood. In a little time after they had withdrawn themselves an infurrection happened in London, occafioned by a quarrel between an English and Italian merchant; and the duke of Buckingham and Exeter, being empowered to try and punish the delinquents, were prevented by the populace from executing their commiffion. The queen fufpecting that this tumult was excited by the partifans of the duke of York, and thinking the king's perfon was not fafe in London, conveyed him to Coventry, on pretence of his enjoying the benefit of a change of air: though her real defign in taking this route, was that fhe might be nearer the difcontented lords, who had retired from the council. She had received intelligence of their holding feveral fucceffive meetings in the North, and fhe refolved to arrest them, if poffible, in Coventry, where they had fewer friends than in London. With this view The caufed the king to write letters with his own hand, inviting them to court, where he had occa

The queen

endeavours to decoy

York and

his affo

ciates to Coventry.

fion for their advice and assistance in an affair of the A. C. 1456, utmost consequence. As the duke of York and his affociates had taken no ftep towards publishing his defign upon the crown, but covered all their conduct with the pretext of patriotism, they refolved to comply with the invitation of Henry, who they imagined had at length opened his eyes with refpect to the conduct of the queen and the miniftry, and really defired their affiftance, in order to reform the adminiftration. They therefore fet out for Coventry; but being apprized on the road of the queen's intentions, they fuddenly chang→ ed their refolution, and feparated immediately, in order to provide for their own fafety. The duke of York haftened to his eftate of Wigmore, on the borders of Wales; the earl of Salisbury retired to his own houfe in Yorkshire; and Warwick tookhipping immediately for Calais, of which place he had continued governor fince the battle of St. Alban's. Though the queen was mortified at her disappointment, fhe enjoyed the confolation of having parted three noblemen whofe union was very Stowe, dangerous to her interest.

the French

The mutual jealoufy and machinations of the Invafion by two parties were at this period interrupted by other and the confiderations. As the English had formerly taken Scots. advantage of the divifions in France, to make conquefts in that kingdom, Charles VII. refolved to follow the fame maxims of policy, and profit by the quarrels that began to divide England. He prepared two fquadrons to attack the kingdom in different parts. One of these pillaged the town' of Sandwich, and the other made a descent upon Cornwal: but, as they were very ill provided with neceffaries, they did not undertake any enterprize of importance, and this was rather an infult than an invafion; for their troops reimbarked and returned to their own country, after having plundered a few

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A. C. 1457 few incónfiderable villages. In all probability the French court had engaged the Scots to co-operate with its measures against England, as they invaded the northern counties, notwithstanding the truce fubfifting between the two nations, and carried off a confiderable booty. The truces were fo ill obferved on both fides, that a predatory war was generally carried on without intermiffion between the borderers; and the mutual incurfions of private adventurers furnished continual pretences for infringing the truce or accommodation. The Englifh authors alledge that this invafion was headed by king James in perfon, who retired at the approach of the earl of Northumberland; whereas the Scottish hiftorians affirm that Piercy, and the earl of Douglas, at that time a refugee in England, entered Scotland and ravaged the country, until they were encountered and defeated by the earl of Angus and Sir James Hamilton. Be that as it will, the truce between the two kingdoms was renewed, and afterwards prolonged for four years, though both kings had been greatly incensed, and written outrageous letters to each other.


Reconciliation between

the queen and the

duke of


This difpute being happily terminated, Henry, who was of a mild, pacific difpofition, and dreaded nothing fo much as the revival of domeftic troubles, preffed his queen to liften to terms of accommodation, to which fhe did not appear averfe; nor indeed was it her intereft to profecute a quarrel with fuch powerful antagonists, at a juncture when her adminiftration was fo odious to the people. On the other hand, York and his confederates did not think their scheme ripe for an open revolt against the established king, who, though a prince of mean capacity, had, by the innocence of his life, and the piety of his devotion, acquired, if not the efteem, at least the good will of his fubjects. They therefore lent a willing ear to the overtures of peace


and reconciliation, which were made in the king's A. C. 1458name, by the archbishop of Canterbury and other prelates; and both parties agreed to meet at London in January, that all difputes might be agreeably determined. Not but that the queen and York mutually diftrufted each other's fincerity; and upon the duke's fignifying his fufpicion, the king confented to his coming with his friends in a posture of defence. Salisbury arrived at the time and place appointed with a retinue of five hundred men; York repaired to the congrefs with four hundred followers, and took up his quarters at Baynard's castle, while Salisbury refided at Cold harbour; on the fourteenth day of February, Warwick landed from Calais with fix hundred men, and chofe the Greyfriars for the place of his residence; the rest of the party lodged within the city. Somerfet, Exeter, Northumberland, Egremond, and Clifford, came with numerous retinues, who were quartered in the suburbs; and the mayor of London, at the head of five thousand men, kept guard within the city, and patroled through the streets, to maintain the public tranquillity. The conferences were begun; and, after fome difpute, the warmth of which was moderated by the mediating bifhops, the treaty was concluded to their mutual fatisfaction. maffes were founded for the fouls of the people killed at St. Alban's, and a pecuniary fatisfaction made to their heirs: both parties folemnly promised to lay aside their animofity, and live together in perfect friendship for the future; and the duke of York with his affociates were readmitted into the council. The fifth day of April was appointed for a thanksgiving, and a folemn proceffion to St. Paul's church. The king, queen, and all the noblemen affifted on this occafion: those of dif ferent parties walked hand in hand, in token of amity, and the duke of York handed the queen,

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A. C. 1458. who affected to treat him with public marks of efteem and confidence.

Id. Ibid.

Another upture.

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Nevertheless, there was little fincerity on either fide. The duke of York and his friends ftill dreaded fome deceit or perfidy on the part of Margaret, who had formerly eudeavoured to entrap them and they quitted the court on various pretences. The duke and the earl of Salisbury repaired to York, and the earl of Warwick returned to his government of Calais. In his paffage he fell in with fome ships belonging to Genoa and Lubec, and a quarrel enfuing, in confequence of their refufing to pay proper deference to the English flag, he funk fome of the number, and carried the reft into Calais. The republic complained to the king of this outrage; his majefty appointed commiffioners to enquire into the particulars, and Warwick was obliged to come over and juftify his conduct. During his ftay at London on this account, he occafionally affifted at council; and a domeftic belonging to his train happening to quarrel one day with a fervant of the king, who was wounded in the fray, all the retainers at court took to their arms, to revenge the infult offered to their companion. The delinquent having made his escape, they attacked the earl himself as he came from council; fo that it was not without the greateft difficulty that he reached his boat, which waited for him on the fide of the river, and which conveyed him to the city, after he had seen fome of his followers killed in his de-. fence. He forthwith conjectured that the queen had contrived this scheme for his deftruction; and this conjecture was confirmed that fame day, when he understood that the king had granted a warrant to commit him prifoner to the Tower. He received this intelligence time enough to elude the order; and retired to his father the earl of Salisbury, to confult about measures to be taken against the queen, upon whofe


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