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the maintenance of a work so great and so good. Much has been effected; so much indeed that the welcome recitals of it may perhaps have caused some to overlook the sad fact that very much more remains to be done, before even the grossest Heathenism, and its attendant superstitions and vices, can be extirpated from among the rural population of some of the islands. This will be sufficiently illustrated by the judicious letter from the Rev. Edward S. Thompson, which will be found below. Many parts of the West Indies are still strictly Missionary ground. At the same time, it is clear that even the progress already made cannot be duly maintained or carried out, but by a vigorous reinforcement of important stations, and a larger expenditure of money. We solemnly call upon our friends seriously to consider "what Israel ought to do" under such circumstances. We trust that this will be one of the topics prominently urged by the speakers at the ensuing Missionary Anniversaries. And we recommend a careful perusal and seasonable use of the soul-stirring sentiments and arguments expressed in the subjoined letter of the Rev. Richard Wrench, of St. Vincent's.-Let all begin afresh to pray, (and act in accordance with such prayers,) that here, and everywhere, the Lord will be pleased, "in the midst of the years," to "revive His work."

JAMAICA.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Edward S. Thompson,
dated Duncan's, June 28th, 1850.

OUR Sabbath congregations, both at this place and also at the two mountain stations, Sawyer's and Tangier, have been generally good, and the people attentive to the word preached; and, although we do not witness those immediate results in the conversion of sinners, which we so much desire, yet we are encouraged to persevere, remembering who hath said, "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him."

Our Duncan's Sabbath-school is, I am thankful to say, in a very encou raging condition. On Sunday week I counted about one hundred and seventy scholars, diligently engaged in the dif ferent classes; while the Teachers, several of whom have been trained in our day-school, seemed delighted with their work. This I consider to be a very important part of our work, as it is from our Sabbath-schools that our future churches will be formed.

I am happy also to be able to report a small increase in the financial receipts of the Circuit as compared with the corresponding quarter of last year. The members are exerting themselves just now in making a special subscription for the purpose of putting the chapelyard in repair, the walls of which were in a most dilapidated condition. On bring ing the matter before the Society, they

cheerfully promised their aid; and, as they are now in full employment, most of the estates being engaged in making sugar, this being crop-time, they have already subscribed about £10 sterling for this purpose.

But while we look at these bright features in connexion with our work, it must be acknowledged that the Jamaica Mission has not for several years past afforded all that encouragement to its supporters at home which we could wish; and it has caused us deep regret to be obliged to report from time to time a diminution both in numbers and financial receipts. But this might have been anticipated, considering the barbarous state of society generally when our churches here were formed, and the people put themselves under the instruction of the Missionaries, with the great changes which have taken place in their condition since the abolition of slavery; and we may reasonably expect that it will take years of toil before our churches here assume that intelligent and stable form which characterises more enlightened communities. It should be borne in mind, that our people in this country are still in a state of infancy, both as it regards their intelligence and piety; and when we remember the deep depravity of the human heart, fostered by long years of darkness and superstition during the reign of slavery, we must be thank

ful for the thousands still in our churches, who manifest a change of heart by the fruits of a consistent life.

In this island there are many influ ences at work which are productive of a fearful amount of evil, especially among our young people. Among others may be named that of Negro-dances. It has become a practice upon many of the newly-formed settlements, as well as upon the estates, to foster these sources of evil. Some man of bad character erects a large booth, of the branches of the cocoa-nut tree, in the neighbourhood of his own house, and has it made known that a dance will be held there on a certain night; and, having procured the assistance of a fiddler, or a drummer and fifer, crowds of people flock thither, and, amidst the unmusical sounds emitted from these instruments, (the drum is generally made of a small barrel having the head and bottom knocked out, and goat-skins stretched across instead,) a dance is kept up frequently from Friday evening until Sunday morning, to the great annoyance of the more quiet and peaceably-disposed inhabitants. Many of our young people fall into these snares. These dances generally end in noisy disputes and quarrels.

Another evil which may be mentioned is concubinage, an evil which is becoming awfully prevalent. As few of the young people in the country marry until they get houses of their own, it has become the practice for parties to live together in a state of illicit connexion, generally occupying a small hut or room where it can be obtained. An illegitimate family of sickly and neglected children is the result, who are little cared for, and scarcely ever sent to either day or Sabbath school, but are in training for all sorts of vice.

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Another source of much evil is the employment, upon many of the estates, of what are called "picaninny gangs." Hundreds of children, of both sexes, from seven to fifteen years of age, are employed, in large gangs, in cleaning canes and other work. This is done to the exclusion of the adults, (except in erop-time,) to save expense, as these children work for about 6d. per day; while their parents, who get no work upon the estates, are either at home, depending upon the earnings of the children, or at work in their provisiongrounds. In some parts of the island, many of these children live in the mountains, several miles from the estates, and are sent to their work either on Sunday evening, or early on Monday morning,

and do not return to their homes until Friday night; and during the week are found indiscriminately herding together at night, either in the mill or trashhouses, without any sort of supervision being exercised over them. The results of such a state of things, in a country like this, may be easily imagined. Upon inquiry, I have found that very few of them are seen at any place of worship upon the Lord's day.

I might also refer to the prevalence of Obeahism and Myalism, as another ob. stacle in the way of our spiritual progress. In the minds of thousands of the black people these superstitions are deeprooted, which leads them, when under the influence of any affliction, to fly in the face of Divine Providence, by attributing their sickness to the influence of Obeah or witchcraft; and, instead of using proper means for their recovery, they have recourse to the Myal Doctor, or, as he is generally called, "the bushman," who, by sundry incantations, and pretended secret arts, practises upon their credulity for the sake of extorting money from them. A case of the kind came under my notice a very short time since. A man living in the mountains of St. Ann's had been suffering for some time from a complaint in his head. A person called upon him one day, calling himself a Doctor, and, after making several inquiries, told him that somebody had been setting Obeah for him, which was the cause of his illness, and that he could cure him for three dollars: a bargain being made, the so-called Doctor, or bushman, commenced a search, telling him that the Obeah was buried in his garden, and at length pretended to dig up, near the house, a small parcel containing pieces of broken glass, small pieces of bone, teeth, &c., &c., which was declared to be the cause of all the sickness, and set there by somebody who had a spite against him. After squeezing some lime-juice upon it to "kill the poison," it was thrown away, the man declaring that he would now get well. As this, however, was not the case, he was again sent for, another three-dollar bargain made, the same digging and finding operation repeated, with the same results. But here the evil did not end the sick man was anxious to know who had set the Obeah for him, and was told that it was a man who lived near, giving his name. When I inquired what he did to the man thus accused, he replied, "Massa, me have a war with him ;" and upon further inquiry I ascertained that this led to a quarrel which

lasted for more than a year, and which only ended in the accused man being obliged to leave his settlement, for the sake of peace, and to seek a home several miles away. Such cases, I am sorry to say, are of too conimon occurrence; and although differing widely in detail, some cases being of the most disgusting nature, generally produce like results, and tend greatly to retard the progress of religion among the people of this island.

From these remarks it will be seen, that while we have many evils to contend with, which will require the exercise of patience and faith, yet there is cause for gratitude that so much good has been accomplished. I believe that a brighter day will yet dawn upon Jamaica, although years will elapse before the soul-withering effects of slavery will cease, and that Jamaica Christians will be called to acts of high and holy enterprise on behalf of those who are still in heathen darkness. Frequently from my late residence in St. Ann's have I seen, on a clear morning, the hills of Cuba rising in the distance; and often have 1 felt distressed while

thinking of the eight hundred thousand slaves who sigh in bondage there, and while reflecting upon the moral darkness and cruelty which brood over that beautiful, but unhappy, island, and longed for the time when it shall be open to Missionary enterprise. When that day shall arrive, and come it assuredly will, what a field will be open for the exercise of the consecrated talent of some of our Jamaica youth who are now being trained in our churches and schools here! To this result we should be encouraged to look forward, from the fact that we have in this island, already actively engaged, five native Missionaries, the fruit of Missionary toil. Let, then, our friends in England be encouraged still to pray for us, and by their increased contributions assist in maintaining an efficient staff of Missionaries in Jamaica; and the result will ultimately be an increase of intelligence and piety in our Jamaica churches, the effects of which will be felt in other lands, yet under the influence of darkness, superstition, and slavery in their worst forms.

ST. VINCENT's.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Richard Wrench,
dated Calliaqua, June 23d, 1850.

NEARLY another quarter of a year having fled, I hasten to fulfil my duty, and embrace the privilege of addressing to you a few lines relative to the work of the Lord in the island of St. Vincent's.

Your permission for the return home of Mr. Barley was well-timed, as, in addition to his previous physical debility, he had, a short time prior to his leaving, an unexpected, sudden, and somewhat severe, attack of fever, &c., which rendered a speedy departure very desirable. Before this affliction, we held a week's special services in our large, commodious, and beautiful Kingstown chapel. There were public prayermeetings each day at five A. M., and at five P.M., and a sermon every evening, after which succeeded another prayermeeting. In addition to the Ministers of the Circuit, Mr. Collier and myself were invited to take part in some of the services. All the meetings, I am informed, were encouragingly attended. Of the Wednesday night's I can write from happy observation, inasmuch as the cloud of blessing which for some days had been gathering and cumulating, then, by the attraction of believing prayer, dropped its fatness upon the thirsty land, making "the parched ground become a pool of water." I preached to a large and attentive congre

gation from 2 Peter iii. 10: "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night," &c. At the close of the sermon, all the congregation remaining, my beloved brother Ministers, Messrs. Butcher, Barley, Ellison, and Wood, resolved, in God's strength, to continue instant in united prayer. We cried mightily unto God, at which the light of eternity was shed upon the darkness of time; and soon a very gracious influence was poured out upon us all, scales dropped from the eyes of the spiritually blind, marble hearts were dashed into the fragments of penitence, rocks were smitten with the rod of Divine truth, and forth gushed the tears of contrition: the capacious sacramental rails were crowded with anxious sinners, crying, like the jailer of old, "What must I do to be saved ?" while others, in various parts of the sanctuary, were

"Deep wounded by the Spirit's sword,

And then by Gilead's balm restored." Amid this glorious visitation, and while each Missionary was engaged in exhorting, reproving, or comforting, it was most touching to see our Chairman, Mr. Bannister, who had not fully recovered from an attack of sickness, walking up to the scene of penitential groans and tears, coming to our aid with one arm in

a sling, and, with a pale countenance and tremulous voice, giving out the verse,

"To serve the present age,
My calling to fulfil;

O may it all my powers engage,
To do my Master's will!"

Backsliders were reclaimed, and sinners converted; while the saints of God shouted for joy.

You will also be pleased to hear that Mr. Hudson has had the George-Town chapel repaired and newly painted: the improvement is surprising, giving to the interior of the substantial stone-built edifice an air of comfort and neatness bordering upon elegance. The members, with their wonted liberality, at the reopening services gave the noble sum of more than a hundred dollars, while about thirty more are expected: this will go far towards defraying the expenses incurred. The George-Town members are probably not surpassed in liberality by any country Wesleyan Society in the entire Mission-field. They contributed more than £100 sterling last year to the great and good cause of Missions, and are, unmistakably, deserving of commendation. Last Sabbath I had unusual liberty in the second of the serial re-opening services, while preaching from Psalm 1xxxiv. 10: "For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand," &c. The house was filled with the Divine presence, while the sparkling eyes, beaming countenances, and enchained attention of an overflowing congregation seemed to echo, and re-echo, the glowing words of inspiration.

The unexpected arrival of Mr. Wood was opportune and gladdening; yet, while we feel grateful for this kind and practical remembrance of us, permit me to remind you of the urgent necessity of a supply for Mr. Padgham, who, after upwards of a year's severe illness, was sent to England some three months ago. Mr. Padgham has laboured hard in the Mission-field, yea, over-tasked his strength hence this fearful re-action. But, O, what can we do, when souls, immortal souls, right before our eyes, are dancing in their chains, on the verge of death? It is easy for people far away to admonish us, "Don't work too hard; don't kill yourself!" But, Sirs, when brands are so near the eternal burnings, we must snatch them away, ere they ignite, kindle, and burst into a flame, which all the water of earth and heaven combined cannot quench.

Permit me, for I feel for the West Indies,-permit me to entreat the Com

mittee, in its laudable efforts to send the ploughshare of the Gospel into new soil, not to allow anything to minify its sympathy for these green isles of the sea. Finances are notoriously at a low ebb; but the work of Missions here was never more important; the population, as you well know, need multiplied assistances while passing through a state of transition from semi-Heathenism to refinement, civilisation, and Christianity. Our Societies need consolidating, nursing, watching, and, eventually, a thorough training to fight "the battles of the Lord." There has been, from various causes, a gradual diminution of Missionaries in the West Indies, when there should rather have been an annual addition; for, as matters are, despite of all our efforts, we do not, cannot, overtake our work, and "people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Here we are, in a torrid, insalubrious clime, galloping daily over the sugarplantations, and through the villages; and when we return home in the night, jaded, and frequently drenched with rain, we possess the sickening consciousness of not having done nearly all that should be done.

Just take my own case the other Wednesday; and this is only a sample of our running "to and fro, that knowledge may be increased." After visiting the Calliaqua day-school in the forenoon, and giving the children an address, at two o'clock I mounted my horse, and proceeded to Marriaqua Valley, a distance of six miles, where I preached at four P.M.; after which we held a Leaders' Meeting, and settled two quarrels. Thence I rode away to see two sick persons, one a Roman Catholic, brought to the gates of death by the dropsy. I tried for fifteen minutes to convince her, that unless she obtained forgiveness from God, and consequently the Spirit's attestation of the heavenly boon, her praying for it and hoping for it would not be of practical benefit. I left her, with deep feeling, thinking "how short the time" will be, ere I be called to stand with her among the countless and inconceivable throng, "before the judgmentseat of Christ." She died in four days. Thence I trotted away, and found another congregation waiting for me at Evesham-Vale. I preached, then hastily drank a cup of coffee, and, after leading my horse, in the dark, by a dangerous precipice, mounted, and rode off two miles further, to Calder chapel; getting to my seven-o'clock appointment at ten minutes to eight. The dense darkness

having prevented the usual 'congregation from assembling, I held another Leaders' Meeting, and found myself, at a late hour, six miles from home, in a night so dark, that I could not literally see half a yard before me. Finding it impossible to grope my way home, I craved lodgings at the house of Mr.Parsons, a Local Preacher, who lives in the vicinity.

Persons in the bracing and salubrious clime of England may wonder at Our undertaking three sermons, two Leaders' Meetings, pastoral and school visits, all on a week-day, under a West-Indian sun, or amid its deleterious night-dews; but, Sirs, what is to be done? There is no alternative. Duty, with trumpet-tongue, proclaims, "What thy hand findeth to de, do it with thy might." And souls lie near our heart; they are the purchase of Christ's most "precious blood," and must soon either be blasted monuments of God's withering and eternal curse, or wear on their victorious brows a 66 crown that fadeth not away." These things, Sirs, are enough to make the most apathetic pant to cram, if possible, two or three days' work into one.

As another illustration, I may mention, that we have had to expel about one hundred and fifty members in the Biabou Circuit, for amalgamating heathenish customs with the forms of Christianity; and also for following their animal feelings and mental whims, in opposition to the revealed word of God. In a Circuit of twenty miles in length, containing three thousand members, what, I would ask, are three Ministers among so many? We cannot overtake and reclaim the

wilderness enthusiasts, while adequate pastoral oversight is out of the ques


Amid all this, I do not forget that the Committee cannot "of stones raise up children unto Abraham," who will be divinely called, and empowered, to preach the Gospel. The gladsome news of so large an increase in the Missionary yearly income was "music in our ears," and leads us to indulge the hope, that at the Conference we shall receive some assistance in the St. Vincent's and Demerara District. But, if your debt of nearly £11,000 prevents you from augmenting, to the extent desired, the West-Indian Missionary army, I know your heart will be as our heart, when we ask you to meet us in spirit at a throne of grace, and join us in praying,

"Lord of the harvest, hear

Thy needy servants cry," &c.

Permit me, in conclusion, to express my gratitude for the encouraging letter I lately received from the Rev. Dr. Beecham, and which, amid trying Missionary scenes, was a happy comment on the words of the wise man, "As cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country."

Mr. Collier's health is much the same as at our last District-Meeting-trembling in the balance. Myself and family continue well; for which I am truly grateful to the Giver of every good and perfect gift.

I thank you for all past kindness, and hope to hear from you again ere long.

P.S. Since writing the above, I have had a sharp attack of fever, but am now almost convalescent.

Extract of a Letter from the Rev. William T. Waymouth, dated St. Martin's, July 23d, 1850,

IT has pleased God to visit us in this island with one of those devastating scourges which expose life and property to so much hazard in the tropics, earlier in the season than we are usually prepared to expect such visitations. On Thursday the 11th, the wind from the northward increased from ordinary force to extraordinary violence, and blew in fearful blasts till about nine at night. Then there was a lull for an hour and a half, deceiving such as do not consult the barometer into a belief that all was over; but suddenly the wind came with terrific power from the opposite point, and it was from this part the destruction chiefly


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ter, whose premonitions enabled me to take every precaution in due time, so that, I am happy to say, except wringing almost off the hinges of a few shutters, leveling the fences, and carrying away the spouts of the house, very little damage was sustained by the Missionpremises. A large tree in the Missionyard, that has stood perhaps a century, was torn into pieces. Salt, from the heaps into which it had been as usual gathered, was blown in rattling peals against the doors and window-shutters; whilst the sea, with horrible noise, was forcing the ships from their anchors to strew the shores with wreck. Two large brigs were dismasted in a few moments; then

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