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thing fhall determine me to furrender the fort, unlefs you fhall have totally deftroyed it, and that I fhall have no more powder to fire. I have the honour to be, fir, your moft humble, and most obedient fervant,



Count d'Hauffonville to lieut. col. Amberft.


Letter from count d'Hauffonville to col. Amberft, dated at St. John's, Sept. 18, 1762.


Have received, fir, your letter, which you did me the honour to write to me.

I am as averfe as you to the effufion of blood. I confent to furrender the fort in a good condition, as

UNDER the uncertainty of the I have already acquainted you, if

fuccours which I may receive either from France or its allies, and the fort being entire, and in a condition for a long defence, I am refolved to defend myself to the last extremity. The capitulation which they may think proper to grant me will determine me to furrender the place to you, in order to prevent the effufion of blood of the men who defend it.

Whatever refolution you come to, there is one left to me, which would hurt the interefts of the fovereign you ferve. I have the honour to be, fir, your most obedient humble fer vant, Count D'HAUSSONVILLE. Fort St. John's, Sept. 18, 1762.


Camp before St. John's, SIR, Sept. 18, 1762. Have just had the honour of your letter. His Britannic majefty's feet and army co-operating here, will not give any other terms to the garrifon of St. John's than their furrendering prifoners of war.

I don't thirst after the blood of the garrifon; but you must determine quickly, or expect the confequences; for this is my final determination. I am, fir, your most obedient humble fervant,

WM. AMHERST. To count d'Hauffonville.

the demands, which I enclofe herewith, are granted to my troops. I have the honour to be, fir, your moft humble and moft obedient fervant,



Demands of the garrison of St. John, and, in general, of the troops that are in it.

The French troops fhall furrender -Agreed to. prifoners of war.The officers and fubaltern officers fhall keep their arms to preferve good order among their troops.Agreed to.

Good fhips fhall be granted to carry the officers, grenadiers, and private men, either wounded, or not, to France, in the space of one month, on the coaft of Brittany.-Agreed to. Lord Colville will, of course, embark them as foon as he poffibly


The goods and effects of both the officers and foldiers fhall be preferved. - His Britannic majesty's troops never pillage.

The gate will be taken poffeffion of this afternoon, and the garrifon will lay down their arms.

This is to be figned by Lord Colville, but will remain at present, as afterwards, in full force. Signed, WM. AMHERST. Le compte D'HAUSSONVILLE. Camp before St. John's, Sept. 18, 1762.

The French troops that ferved in Cana, being defirous of erecting a monument in honour of Montcalm their general, who fell in the action at Quebec, when we also loft the brave Wolfe, a French colonel wrote to the academy of Belles Lettres for an epitaph, 10 be placed over Montcalm's tomb, in a church in that city; which occafioned the following letter from M. De Bougainville, member of the academy, to Mr. Pitt.



HE honours paid, under your ministry, to Mr. Wolfe, affure me, that you will not difapprove of the grateful endeavours of the French troops, to perpetuate the memory of the marquis de Montcalm. The body of this general, who was honoured by the regret of your nation, is interred in Quebec. I have the honour to fend you an epitaph made for him by the academy of infcriptions: I beg the favour of you, fir, that you will be pleased to examine it, and, if not improper, obtain leave for me to fend it to Quebec, engraved on marble, and to be placed on the marquis de Montcalm's tomb. Should fuch leave be granted, may I prefume, fir, that you will be fo good as to inform me of it, and, at the fame time, to fend me a paffport, that the marble, with the epitaph engraved on it, may be received into an English fhip, and Mr. Murray,

governor of Quebec, allow it to be placed in the Urfuline church. You will be pleased, fir, to pardon me for this intrufion on your important Occupations; but endeavouring to immortalize illuftrious men and eminent patriots, is doing honour to yourself.

I am with refpect, &c.

Mr. Pitt's anfwer.


is a real fatisfaction to me, to fend you the king's confent on a fubject fo affecting, as the epitaph compofed by the academy of infcriptions, at Paris, for the marquis de Montcalm, and which, it is defired, may be fent to Quebec, engraved on marble, to be placed on the tomb of that illuftrious foldier: It is perfectly beautiful; and the defire of the French troops, which ferved in Canada, to pay fuch a tribute to the memory of their general, whom they faw expire at their head, in a manner worthy of them and himself, is truly noble and praiseworthy.

I fhall take a pleasure, fir, in in facilitating, every way, fuch amiable intentions; and on notice of the measures taken for fhipping this marble, I will not fail immediately to tranfmit you the paffport you defire, and fend directions to the governor of Quebec for its reception.

I withal beg of you, fir, to be perfuaded of my juft fenfibility of that fo obliging part of the letter with which you have honoured me relating to myfelf, and to believe that I embrace as a happiness, the opportunity of manifefting the esteem and particular regard with which I have the honour to be, &c. London, April 10,


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W. PITT. The

The EPITAPH was as follows:
Utroque in urbe æternum victurus
Ludovicus Jofephus de MONTCALM GOZON,
Marchio fancti Verani, Baro Gabriaci,
Ordinis fancti Ludovici Commendator,
Legatus Generalis Exercituum Gallicorum ;
Egregius et Civis & Miles,

Nullius rei appetens præterquam veræ laudis,
Ingenio felici, & literis exculto;

Omnes Militiæ gradus per continua decora emenfus,
Omnium Belli Artium, temporum, difcriminum gnarus,
In Italia, in Bohemia, in Germania
Dux induftrius.

Mandata fibi ita femper gerens ut majoribus par haberetur,
Jam clarus periculis

Ad tutandam Canadenfem Provinciam miffus,
Parva militum manu Hoftium copias non femel repulit,
Propugnacula cepit viris armifque inftructiffima.
Algoris, inediæ, vigiliarum, laboris patiens,
Suis unice profpiciens, immemor fui,

Hoftis acer, Victor manfuetus.

Fortunam virtute, virium inopiam peritia & celeritate compenfavit; Imminens Coloniæ fatum & confilio & manu per quadriennium fuftinuit, Tandem ingentem Exercitum Duce ftrenuo & audaci, Claffemque omni bellorum mole gravem, Multiplici prudentia diu ludificatus,

Vi pertractus ad dimicandum,

In prima acie, in primo conflictu vulneratus,
Religioni quam femper coluerat innitens,
Magno fuorum defiderio, nec fine hoftium mærore,
Extinctus eft

Die XIV. Sept. A. D. M DCC LIX. ætat. XLVIII.
Mortales optimi ducis exuvias in excavata humo
Quam globus bellicus decidens diffilienfque defoderat
Galli lugentes depofuerunt,

Et generofæ hoftium fidei commendarunt.
Here lieth,

In either hemifphere to live for ever,

Marquis of St. Veran, baron of Gabriac,
Commendatory of the order of St. Lewis,
Lieutenant-general of the French army;

Not lefs an excellent citizen than foldier,
Who knew no defire but that of true glory;
Happy in a natural genius, improved by literature,
Having gone through the feveral steps of military honours
With uninterrupted luftre,

Skill'd in all the arts of war,


The juncture of times, and the crifis of dangers,
In Italy, in Bohemia, in Germany,
An indefatigable general.

He fo discharged his important trufts,
That he feemed always equal to ftill greater.
At length, grown bright with perils,
Sent to fecure the province of Canada,
With a handful of men

He more than once repulfed the enemy's forces,
And made himself mafter of their forts
Replete with troops and ammunition.
Inured to cold, hunger, watchings, and labours,
Unmindful of himself,

He had no fenfation but for his foldiers ;
An enemy with the fiercet impetuofity,
A victor with the tendereft humanity.
Adverfe fortune he compenfated with valour,
The want of ftrength with kill and activity;
And, with his counfel and fupport,

For four years protracted the impending fate of the colony,
Having with various artifices

Long baffled a great army,

Headed by an expert and intrepid commander,
And a fleet furnished with all warlike ftores,
Compelled at length to an engagement,
He fell, in the firft rank, in the firft onfet,
With thofe hopes of religion which he had always cherished,
To the inexpreffible lofs of his own army,
And not without the regret of the enemy's,
XIV. September, A. D. M DCC LIX. of his age XLVIII,
His weeping countrymen

Depofited the remains of their excellent general
In a grave,

Which a fallen bomb in bursting had excavated for him,
Recommending them to the generous faith of their enemies,

[graphic][merged small]


THE illuftrious perfon. Some particulars of whole life are the fubject of the following piece, was the fon of that famous duke of Orleans, whofe character is too well known to need any delineation, and too profligate to furnish any example. The Jon was in every thing, but parts and genius, the very reverse of that father; and applied his great abilities of mind and fortune as faithfully to their proper purpofes, as the father had perverted bis from that rational end, for which Providence has defigned such important gifts. It is hard to conceive a more amiable picture than that of fo great a Prince, employed in the pursuit of knowledge and the exercife of piety; and devoting all his time, influence, and fortune, to the honour of his Maker, and the good of his fellow creatures; rewarding merit and relieving indigence. With whatever peculia rities his religion, country, or conftitution may have tinged his character, they will not detract from his example; nor diminifh his merit in the eyes of thofe, who in human beings confider only the great outline and general tenor of their actions, who judge of religion only by its fincerity, and of virtue by its efficacy.

ever lived, was born at Verfailles, on the 4th of Auguft, 1703. He was fon of Philip, duke of Orleans, afterwards Regent, and of Mary Frances, of Bourbon. He discovered in his very childhood a reverence for religion; a fhining genius and enlarged underftanding. He was particularly fond of natural philo fophy and natural history; but those, who had the mangement of his education, were often obliged to restrain and interrupt his ftudies, on account of the weakness of his con-. ftitution, and the frequent indifpofitions to which he was fubject. At the time his father became regent of France, he made his firft appearance at court, After the death of that prince, he married, in 1724, Augufta Maria, of Baden, a princess eminent for her fine qualities, and truly worthy of him. This il luftrious couple lived together in the tenderest union, but it was foon unhappily interrupted by death: for the princefs died in the year 1726. She was lamented by all ranks of people,

A death fo premature, joined with the reflections which the duke of Orleans had already made on that of the regent, made him fully The life of Louis, late Duke of Or fenfible of the vanity of titles, pre


D'Orleans Duke of Or

eminence and earthly enjoyments He immediately propofed to himfeif a new plan of life, which he after

Lleans, firit prince of the blood wards purfued, dividing his time

royal of France, and one of the most pious and most learned princes that VOL. V.

between the duties peculiar to his rank, the exercises of a chriftian, B


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