Зображення сторінки
[blocks in formation]

Elle fe leve fur fon lift, & fe met à contempler

la France encor, tant qu'elle peut.

BRANTÔME, tom. ii. p. 119.

NOTE 3. Verse 217.

As kindred objects kindred thoughts excite

To an accidental affociation may be afcribed fome of the nobleft efforts of human genius. The. Hiftorian of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire first conceived his defign among the ruins of the Capitol; and to the tones of a Welsh harp are we indebted for the Bard of Gray, GIBBON'S Hift. xii. 432. Memoirs of Gray, sect. iv.

let. 25.

NOTE 4. Verse 223.

For this FOSCARI, &C.

This young man was fufpected of murder, and at Venice fufpicion is good evidence. Neither the intereft of the Doge, his father, nor the intrepidity of conscious innocence, which he exhibited in the dungeon and on the rack, could procure his acquittal. He was banished to the island of Candia for life.

But here his refolution failed him. At fuch a diftance from home he could not live; and as it was a criminal offence to folicit the interceffion of any foreign prince, in a fit of despair he addressed a letter to the Duke of Milan, and intrufted it to a wretch whofe perfidy, he knew, would occafion

his being remanded a prifoner to Venice. See

Dr. MOORE's View of Society in Italy, vol. i.

let. 14.

NOTE 5. Verse 236.

And watch and weep in ELOISA's cell.

The Paraclete, founded by Abelard, in Champagne.

NOTE 6. Verse 237.

'Twas ever thus. As now at VIRGIL's tomb—

Vows and pilgrimages are not peculiar to the re

ligious enthufiaft. Silius Italicus performed annual ceremonies on the mountain of Pofilippo; and it was there that Boccaccio, quafi da un divino eftro infpirato, refolved to dedicate his life to the mufes.

NOTE 7. Verse 239.

So TULLY paus'd amid the wrecks of Time.

When Cicero was quæftor in Sicily, he difcovered the tomb of Archimedes by its mathematical Tufc. Quft. 5• 3.


NOTE 8. Verse 253.

Say why the penfive widow loves to weep.

The influence of the affociating principle is finely

exemplified in the faithful Penelope, when she sheds

tears over the bow of Ulyffes.

Od. xxi. 55.

NOTE 9. Verfe 269.

If chance he hears the fong fo freetly wild

The celebrated Ranz des Vaches; cet air fi chéri

des Suiffes qu'il fut défendu fous peine de mort de le jouer dans leurs troupes, parce qu'il faisoit fondre en larmes, déferter ou mourir ceux qui l'entendoient, tant il excitoit en eux l'ardent défir de revoir leur


ROUSSEAU, Dictionnaire de Mufique.

NOTE 10. Verse 274.

Say why VESPASIAN lov'd his Sabine farm.

This emperor, according to Suetonius, conftantly paffed the fummer in a small villa near Reate, where he was born, and to which he would never add any embellishment; ne quid fcilicet oculorum confuetudini deperiret.

SUET. in Vit. Vefp. cap. ii.

A fimilar inftance occurs in the life of the vene

rable Pertinax, as related by J. Capitolinus. Pof

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