Зображення сторінки

Brown's paper, two extracts from Americanism, ix. 32.
principal master of the female academy, account of him

and the catastrophe of his family, xi. 242.

Bryant's, Job, defence of his conduct, Philips the dwarf, viii. 49.
Bubble and Squeak, poem, Whig Club of England, xi. 79.
Buchan's, Lord, correfpondence with General Washington, xii. 24.
Lord, letter to General Wafhington, accompanied with a

box, xii. 25.

Buck, Mr. a member from Vermont, fays, that Whitney had pro-
posed to him to corrupt Congress, iii. 47.

Buckingham, Duke, letters to him from King Charles I. vii. 119.
Buckskin's picture of Virginia, viii. 93.

Buffon, Mr. Jun. mad; his wife eloped with Orleans, vii. 200.
Bull, ftory of a farmer's, i. 81.

Bulwark of Truth, in oppofition to Paine's Age of Reason, xi. 3.
Buonaparte, the Cut-throat, v.241.

vii. 7.

-'s correfpondence with the Pope, v. 303.
antwer to the Pope's letter, v. 394•
rapacity and cruelty, vi. 39.

letter to the Doge of Venice, vi. 69.

fpeech to his army on quitting the Auftrian provinces,

kiffed at Paris by the five kings, their address to him

to get rid of him, viii. 92.

x. 46.


fpeech in plain English, ix. 180.

fpeech, and Admiral Nelfon's letter, the contrast,

Burke, Right Hon. Edmund, reflections on his death, vii. 103.
's confiftency defended, from the letters of Thomas Townf
end, Efq. vii. 104.

Mr. opinion on a filent fubmiffion to the will of the Ex-
ecutive, xi. 71.

Burning fhame, detailed account of the affair between Lyon and
Mr. Grifwold, viii. go.

Burns, Ann, v. Baker, John, an interesting law cafe, ix. 285.
Burwell's, Mr. Lewis, letter to Mr. Davis, relative to a converfa-
tion on the fubject of feparation of the States, held at his houfe
by Mr. Giles and others, x. 183.

Bufy-body's letter to Mr. Porcupine, vi. 344.

Butler's, Mr. declaration in Congress against the treaty with Great
Britain, iii. 18.

fhip taken, vi. 287.


Cabell's, S. J. letter prefented by a grand jury, vi. 5.

--'s, S. J. circular letter, Jacobin's last fift, viii. 148.

Calculation of the loffes in two years by the merchants in America,
by the unjust captures of the French, vi. 14.

Caldwell, Rev. Mr. fhot by an American, and not by a British fol-

dier, ix. 47.


[ocr errors][merged small]

x. 23.

-'s, Dr. treatment of the yellow fever, condemned by a
Scotch phyfician, xi. 284.

Callender's account of the conduct of the army towards the people,
in quelling the Pennfylvania infurrection, i. 307.

connexion with Lord Gardenfton, ii. 5.0.
comparison pilfered from Dean Swift, ii. 8.
pamphlet, its contents, ii. 13 & 14.

Political Progrefs of Britain, remarks upon it, vii. 378.
reflections on the Congrefs, vii. 369.

a Scotch patriot, encouraged by Mr. Jefferfon, called

the Congreis thieves, viii. 70.


the runaway, a great friend of Senator Mafon, ix.

Calm Obferver's letter to Mr. Wolcott, iv. 403.

[ocr errors]

fecond letter to Mr. Wolcott, iv. 414.

third letter to Mr. Wolcott, iv. 423.

fourth letter to Mr. Wolcott, iv. 431.

Calvin and Biam, fenfibility, viii. 47.

's (old, the fhowman) verfes on Porcupine, viii. 51.
Calvinifts of Nimes maffacre 600 Catholics, iii. 202.

Calumnies against the French regular clergy, before the feizure of
their eftates, iii. 188.

Cambria in Pennfylvania, Rees, Theophilus, and Morgan, decoys
and deftroyers of hundreds of emigrants from Europe, ix. 412.
Camus and Condorcet openly taught atheism, iii. 172.

Canal lottery, Jofeph Ball and Co. xi. 23.

Candid recantation, vii. 180.

Candidus's letter to Meflrs. M'Lean and Lang on Porcupine's Can-
nibals' Progrefs, ix. 29.

's letter to the editors of the New-York Gazette, relative
to his rebuke of Noah Webster, ix. 39.

Cannibals' Progrefs, &c. abridged from the tranflation of Anthony
Aufrere, Efq. viii. 259.

Cantabel's, French peafant, heroic behaviour and sufferings in the
cause of religion, iii. 206.

Capitulation, connected with the falfe accufation against General
Washington of having committed murder, v. 51.

Captures, French, of American veffels, a few remarkable cafes,
viii. 460.

Capuchins' convent attacked, and the fathers of it murdered,

iii. 202.

Carey's, Matthew and James, denial of Mr. Fenno's charge, x. 60.
Carmarthen, Lord, abstract of letter to Mr. Adams, refpecting the
pofts on the western frontier, xii. 53.

[ocr errors]

Carmelites, convent of, where 180 priests were maffacred, iii. 90.
Carnot, Prefident, extract from the regifter refolves of the
Executive Directory, iv. 148.


Carrier, a member of the Convention of Nantz, a Frenchman,
and the names of all the other members, iii. 106.

-'s, most shocking enormites, iii. 109.

alone put to death more than 40,000, iii. 153.
-, anecdote of him, vii. 50.

Caufes affigned for the diabolical change in the French fince the
revolution, iii. 166.

Caution, public, a few days after Mr. Adams's election, iv. 357.
to the Quakers of l'hiladelphia, viii. 125.


Cavan, Patrick, and Smith, Jofeph, magiftrates for the county of
Londoun, proofs of Callender's being a runaway, and an inti-
mate of Senator Mafon, ix. 218.

-'s, Patrick, Magiftrate, declaration that General S. T. Ma-
fon appeared in Callender's behalf, ix. 219.
Celebrations of the 4th of July, vi. 241.
Cenfor, iii. 1.

iii. 7.

, the periods of its publication and its object, iii. 5.
originally called the Prospect from the Congrels Gallery,

iii. 7:

Political, No. I. contents, "Meeting of Congress, &c."

's remarks on the Prefident's fpeech to Congrefs, 7th De-
cember, 1795, iii. 14.


caufe affigned for the Prefident's retiring in the fpring of
1797, iii. 42.



iii. 55.

remarks on the proceedings of the House of Representa



remarks on Mr. Dayton the Speaker's conduct.
remarks on Mr. Chriftie's motion being negatived, iii.

on the reception of the French flag, January 5, 1796,

defcription of the French flag, iii. 57.

examination of a paffage or two of the decree of the
National Convention, iii. 61.


picture of the French revolution, iii. 62.

remarks on the religion of the French, iii. 67.

remarks on the President's answer to Adet's letter, iii.

Political, No. II. iii. 247.

remarks on the appointment of a Stenographer, iii. 261.
Political, No. III. iii. 309.

calculation on the gains and loffes of the last war in Ame-
rica, iii. 357

Political, No. IV. iii. 369.

No. V. iv. 70.

No. VI. iv. 207.

No. VII. iv. 277.


Cenfor, Political, No. VIII. iv. 333.

's remarks on an article in the Minerva, iv. 424.

Century, the, difpute concerning it, ix. 209.

Cerberus's reply to Talleyrand, xi. 125.

Ceremony of burning the law and records on the Yazzoo lands,

vii. 180.

Certificates granted to members of the fociety of United Irishmen,
viii. 212.

from the veffels in quarantine at Port Mifflin, on the
charge of mutiny, ix. 12.

Ceruti's most blafphemous regret when dying, iii. 172.
Chabrol, Mr. martyr in the French revolution, iii. 89.
Challier, Prefident of the democratic club at Lyons, ii. 118.
Champre, French Conful, judgment on two veffels taken from the
Americans by the French, viii. 422.

's reply to the Conful of the United States, refpecting
neutral powers, viii. 338.

Chaplain, proceedings of the State Legislature in Virginia, viii. 94.
to the House of Representatives, names and numbers of

the candidates, vii. 299.

Chaplains, the candidates and their different tenets, vi. 115.
Charity, auction of Mr. Swanwick's library, &c. viii. 19.
Charles, King, I. letters to the Duke of Buckingham, vii. 119.
Charleston, civic feftivals of, 1794, vii. 422.

Chafe, Judge, his houfe threatened by Smith's partifans, x. 3.

--, Judge, his charge to the Jury on the trial of Cooper, xii. 7.
Charity!!! Claypoole's paper, x. 84.

Chatel, Mayor of St. Denys, his unjust and cruel death, iii. 190.
Chatham, Lord, his ftatue deftroyed by the citizens of Charlestor.,
i. 112.

Cheating, bruifing, robbery, and perhaps whoredom, liberty,
vii. 191.

Chemistry, Mr. George Hunter, what fort of liquor will yield
moft newspapers, x. 162.

Cherin's, French commander, exactions, vii. 157.

Chevalier D'Yrujo's letter to the Secretary of State, v. 424.
Chief Justice, his fentence at the trial of M'Lean the traitor,

Child, one of ten years old, accuses and causes the murder of his
own mother in Paris, iii. 102.

Chisholm, Captain, never employed by Mr. Lifton, vii. 72.
Chifley, Philip, proofs from him and others of the preva-
lent difregard of the matrimonial tie in republican America,

ix. 339:

Christie, Mr. confeffes he was the person who introduced Randall
to Mr. Smith and Mr. Murray, iii. 47.

Christian religion, the government of the United States declared
to be in no fenfe founded on it, vi. 65.


Chriftian religion difcarded by the United Iriflimen, viii. 208. Church lands or giebes, remarks by a layman, viii. 3. property, not the property of the public, iii. 7.

plundering, Virginia, refolution of the Houfe of Delegates, viii. 45.

's, Dr. behaviour in Mr. Fleetwood's illness, vii. 122. Circular orders from Government against arming, v. 373. Circumftance refpecting the Yazzoo lands pointed out, vii. 181. Cifalpine poor Republic, viii. 186.

its contents, xi. 170.

Cifpadane, a queftion of the Congrefs there, v. 321.

Cifpadanian Republic, proclamation of the Congress there, v.


Citeaux, Abbey, history of it and its wealth, when feized upon by the Constituent Affembly, iii. 179.

Citizen's, an honeft cheerful, addrefs to the Americans, i. 35.

---, a poor one, remonftrance against Mifflin's proclamation, vii. 65.

---~, a, letter to Mr. Cobbett, respecting the Bank Directors, ix. 322.

Civic conftitution fubverfive of religion, iii. 195.

feast, revolution in Holland, vii. 159.

fucceffes of the French, vii. 160.

Civis's letter to Mr. Porcupine, vi. 376.

remarks on Munio's letter to Mr. Pickering, vi. 393.
-, attempt to burn New-Brunswick, vii. 208.

Claffes, three, of French partifans, viii. 141.
Claypoole's lies refpecting Nova Scotia, vii. 18.

the Sheriff, hangman of John Roberts and Abraham Carlifle, xii. 05.

Clarke, of New-Jerfey, his more violent resolutions refpecting the fequeftration of all British property, i. 388.

Clerical gentleman, Dr. Duché, property confifcated by M'Kean, with the money he choufed the foldiers out of, xi. 48.

character, debafement of it in America, xi. 263. Clergy and veftry of Chrift Church, a card fent to them, ii. 22. obliged to fwear to obferve the civic conftitution, iii.


French, only 4 out of 134 take the oath to the civic conftitution, iii. 198.

Prefbyterian, paftoral letter, ix. 208.

Clergyman, a German, his comment on Paine's Age of Reason, vi. 80.

Clifton, Mr. William, Jun. the author of a song on Admiral Nelfon's victory, x. 69.

Climax of the defolating crime of elopement in republican America, ix. 344.

Clothier, John, verfus Sylvanus Planter, a law cafe, xi. 17.


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