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CHARLES. I thought the multitude absolutely pushed him off the land, they crowded down so from behind. And the boats were new and painted with very bright colors. And Simon sat in one end of the boat mending his nets, and looking very tired. And then Jesus preached; and he told Peter to row out, so that the people might all see him; for the land was sloping. And the bright colors of the boat attracted the fishes, and so they filled both boats. I have often attracted fish by throwing bright colors on the water- and there were many more fishes than they caught.

MR. ALCOTT. Fish often swim in shoals.

Impression of


CHARLES. And then Simon fell down,
feeling he was sinful.

MR. ALCOTT. Why did it have that effect?
Because he saw Jesus was good.

GEORGE K. And because Jesus was good he could do such things; and Simon knew that he could not do such things, and felt that he was not so good.

MR. ALCOTT. How did Simon know that he was good?


Because he had just heard him preach.

CHARLES. He was grateful for the favor of so many fish. I thought the reason they did not catch fish in the night was, because the fish could not see the bright colors of the boats. And the people on the shore saw all this draught of fish, and they did not hear what was said; and as they looked at the movements in the boat, they must have been more astonished still.

MR. ALCOTT. Can you explain Peter's wish that Jesus should depart from him?

CHARLES. He wanted to be alone, to go into his own mind, and consider what all this could mean. LUCIA. He felt the superiority of Jesus.

MR. ALCOTT. Did you ever so feel this superiority of any person, as to wish him or yourself away? MARTHA, CHARLES, EMMA. I have felt so.



What was the feeling in Peter's

AUGUSTINE. A feeling of unworthiness, because he was only a fisherman.

MR. ALCOTT. What does "sinful" mean; wickedness?

AUGUSTINE. No; it means he was not much known. (Many agreed.)

WELLES. He felt that he was not worthy of such favors.

JOHN B. It says they were all astonished. Astonishment. I think that explains Peter's speech. They generally believed and thought of outward things— that fishes came and went by chance they were astonished to find that Jesus could make them come, and they wondered why they could not make them come. MR. ALCOTT. What part of their nature was touched by this whole transaction?

JOHN B. The Supernatural.

MR. ALCOTT. Have you that in you?

JOHN B. Yes; but I do not use it much,

MR. ALCOTT. What do you think of these people forsaking their fishing?

GEORGE K. They thought that he would do something for them. He was so good that they knew he could do nothing but right.

MR. ALCOTT. Who among you have forsaken your nets, and followed Jesus?

(No answer.)

Who never deceive? are frank? ingenuous ? conscientious?

(No answer.)


MR. ALCOTT. What has been our subject to-day?

EDWARD C. The draught of fishes.

MR. ALCOTT. I don't want the outward fact, but the principle, that is our subject.

GEORGE K. Supernatural power.

JOHN B. I never can express what the subject of the conversation has been.

MR. ALCOTT. And for that very reason I wish to have you try.

WELLES. The subject has been faith.

AUGUSTINE. The power of the Supernatural over Simon's body, and the fishes.


Simon's faith in Jesus.

(Many agreed.)

ANDREW. The fishes' faith, and their minding Jesus. They had faith in Jesus, and so they went where he wanted them to go.

MR. ALCOTT. At certain seasons fishes go up rivers as the best time for depositing their young. What is that feeling in them, which makes them go?

[blocks in formation]

MR. ALCOTT. Is there Instinctive Faith? (No answer.)

LUCY. The subject has been the rewards of faith. JOHN B. I have learnt not to catch fish for pleasure. MR. ALCOTT. Shall any of you ever catch fish for sport again?

(Many said No.

Some said Yes.)

WELLES. Once a boy came to my father to be cured, who had a fish-hook in his eye. He was fishing, and it flew up. I think, now, it was to teach him that he should do as he would be done by.

Cruel Sports,

(Here followed much conversation, in whick Mr. Alcott spoke of killing fish for sport,

and for necessity. There seemed much feeling that it was wrong to inflict pain for one's own sport. But many present, who loved to fish, did not like to give up. The worms were mentioned; they said they never thought of the worms. Charles said he did at first, but afterwards he "hardened himself into a kind of beast." Mr. Alcott said he should ask Dr. Alcott to give a lecture on the Physiology of Worms. Charles said that he did not want to hear it, for still he intended to go on fishing, as it "added to his happiness." Josiah said that there were artificial baits. All agreed that it would be much more pleasant to fish with artificial worms. Mr. Alcott asked if they should like artificial fish. They all said yes — then one thought there could not be fun in that. ·But Josiah said there was; he never had fished, except for artificial fish in a bowl of water with a magnet, and there was a good deal of fun in it.)




Review. Casting out of the Unclean Spirits, from the Sacred Text. — Un

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Generation of


clean Spirits. Ideas and Emblems of Unclean Spirits. Unclean Spirits. Generation of Demons or Devils. Transformation of Appetites into Passions, - Self-Accusation. Phases of Appetite and Passion. - Cause of Insanity. - Self-Denial. — - Self-Mastery. - Reputation. Application of the Subject. - Theory of Demoniacal Possession.


MR. ALCOTT. Those who remember the last conversation may hold up their hands.

And where was the place?

GEORGE B. On the Sea of Galilee.
LEMUEL. On lake Genesaret.

ANOTHER. On the Sea of Tiberias.

MR. ALCOTT. (Pointing to the map.) These three names apply to the same place. The disciples were fishing on the Sea of Tiberias. Here is the city of Tiberias, named so probably from the Sea. We do not hear of Jesus often in that city; but much oftener in this Capernaum - where the scene will be laid to-day. He then read the lesson for the day.

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