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THIRTEENTH SESSION.—Mr. E. K. Warren, Presiding.

8.00 P. M.—Service of Praise. Song by Boys from the Gould Memorial Home.

8.30 P. M.-Platform Meeting. Brief Addresses.

9.00 P. M.-Address: "The Oneness of Believers," The Rev. F. B. Meyer, B.A., Great Britain.


FOURTEENTH SESSION, 8.30 A. M.-Conferences:

(a) In Italian in the Waldensian Church, Prof. John Luzzi, President.

9.30 A. M.


-Quiet Hour in charge of Rev. F. B. Meyer, B.A., closed

10.00 A. M.—Address: “The International Bible Reading Association," Mr. Charles Waters, Great Britain.

10.20 A. M.—Messages from the Field: Austria, Rev. J. S. Porter, Prague, Bohemia; Portugal, Rev. H. Maxwell Wright; Egypt, Rev. Chauncey Murch; Hawaii, Rev. E. B. Turner.

11.30 A. M.-Report of Committee, unfinished business.


4.00 P. M.-Visit to the Coliseum.


FIFTEENTH SESSION.-Mr. E. K. Warren, Presiding. 8.00 P. M.-Praise Service.

8.30 P. M.-The Sunday-school Forum: The Significance and Influence of the Convention. Addresses by the Rev. Dr. N. Walling Clark, Italy, Dr. George W. Bailey, U. S. A., Rev. E. E. Braithwaite, U. S. A., Rev. Joseph Clark, Congo Free State, President F. B. Meyer, B.A., Great Britain, and others.

9.15 P. M.-Closing Address: "Arise, Let us go Hence," Rev. B. B. Tyler, D.D., U. S. A.


The World's Sunday School Association.
Rome, Italy, May 22, 1907.


WHEREAS, the Sunday and Bible schools open the broadest and most attractive avenue into the Church, and afford the widest and most profitable field for the co-operation of the whole Church in the evangelization of the world; and

WHEREAS, the work of the World's Sunday School Convention has been signally blessed of God in the past, it has become necessary to provide for a more formal and permanent organization by which this world-wide movement, so providentially inaugurated, may be made still more efficient and its continued prosecution provided for; therefore, RESOLVED: I. That hereafter the "World's Sunday School Convention" shall be known as the "WORLD'S SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION."

2. That this Association shall hold Conventions, and gather information concerning the condition of Sunday Schools throughout the world, by correspondence, visitation, and other methods.

3. That it shall seek to extend the work, and increase the efficiency of Sunday Schools, by co-operation with Sunday School and Missionary organizations, and otherwise, especially in those regions of the world most in need of help.

4. That it shall seek to improve, so far as possible, the methods of organization and instruction in Sunday Schools, and promote the formation of Sunday School Unions and Associations.

5. There shall be an Executive Committee, elected at this-Rome and each succeeding World's Convention, to consist of the elected officers of the Convention, namely, President, four Vice-Presidents, two Secretaries, and Treasurer, the Past-Presidents, six Members each from the United States and Great Britain, two from Canada, and not less than ten from other parts of the world. The

Treasurer shall be elected by the Executive Committee. Additional Honorary Vice-Presidents may be elected.

6. The government and administration of the Association, when the Conventions are not in session, shall be vested in the Executive Committee. Said Committee shall have power to frame a Constitution, and, if deemed advisable, secure an act of incorporation, and have full power to do whatsoever is necessary to promote the interests of the Association. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but the minutes of each meeting shall be communicated to absent members of the Committee, and, upon the receipt of the approval by a majority of the entire Committee, their action becomes effective.


That, in view of the widening opportunities for stimulating and developing Sunday School work in the Empires of India, China, Japan and Korea, and in the Philippine Islands, immediate action should be taken in these countries by this Association:

1. That the work in India be continued by the India Sunday School Union, supported by the British section of the World's Sunday School Association.

2. That the work in China be commended to both the British and American sections of the World's Sunday School Association, the division of fields of labour to be referred to the Executive Committee.

3. That the work in Japan, Korea and the Philippine Islands be especially under the care and supervision of the American section of the World's Sunday School Association. SIGNED: J. C. HARTZELL, Africa, Chairman. F. F. BELSEY, England. CAREY BONNER, England. A. B. MCCRILLIS, U. S. A. FRANK L. BROWN, U. S. A. ELSON I. REXFORD, Canada.




1. That the President be requested to send a form of petition to be forwarded to the International Reform Bureau, for presentation to all governments whose subjects are in any way concerned in the traffic in intoxicating liquors carried on with native races:

Inasmuch as the Senate of the United States has invited all civilized governments to unite in making laws and treaties to prohibit the sale of intoxicants and opium to uncivilized races, which proposal President Roosevelt has set squarely before the world by cabling it to the Brussels Conference of 1906, and has asked the British Government to unite with the United States in initiating; therefore,

RESOLVED, That we earnestly petition all civilized governments to make favorable response to this great proposal, and to act to that end, so far as possible, each among its own subjects, without waiting for other governments; and,

RESOLVED, That one copy of this action, certified by signature of President and Secretary, be sent to the International Reform Bureau, that it may be added to the great petition "To all Civilized Governments" for such laws and treaties.

Adopted by resolution of Convention on May 23, 1907, and undersigned authorized to so attest.

2. That this Convention invites Sunday-school workers in all lands to unite in the observance of the third Sunday in October of each year as the World's Sunday School Day, by engaging in private and public prayer as occasion may offer, on behalf of Sunday-schools throughout the world.

It is suggested that ministers be requested to preach special sermons, placing fresh emphasis upon the Sunday

school as the most promising means of evangelization and character building.

Universal compliance with this suggestion will make this a great day in the history of the Sunday-school.

3. That this Convention, representing more than thirty millions of Bible students, studying the Word of God in many languages and many lands, meeting in Rome, the Imperial City-a city made sacred by the life and death of saints and martyrs, a city in which portions of the New Testament were written, and to which an Epistle was sent— reaffirms its faith in the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and exhorts all who teach in the Sunday-school hopefully and faithfully to present the gospel to their scholars as the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth, while it appeals to men everywhere to accept this sacred Word, study its truths and obey its commands.

4. That this Convention hears with great satisfaction of the approaching conference in London, during the month of June, between the British and American sections of the International Lessons Committee, in order to promote their harmonious co-operation in the great work with which they are charged. This Convention believes this new movement to be full of great possibilities and promise for the good of the International work, and it prays that God's help and guidance may be manifest in all their proceeding.

5. That this Convention warmly congratulates the Founder and Committee of the International Bible Reading Association upon the completion of its twenty-fifth year, and its present membership of nearly 1,000,000, and would cordially recommend this Association to the warm support of all Sunday-school workers, as a most valuable means of study of the Word of God, and at the same time preparing its members for the class study of the International Lessons

6. That this Convention desires to record its firm and deep conviction that the due observance of the Lord's Day, as a day for rest and worship, is essential to the highest

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