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have but too often come forth to

scandalize and insult the nation

under the title of Public Papers.

-It is no sacrifice for me to confess, that I view this paper with feelings less hostile, on account of its recognizing several principles, for which I have myself long contended, and for so contending have, for years, been an object of abuse.--Enough, however, on this subject for the present. It shall be my anxious endeavour to make the whole matter clear to every reader; and this I trust I shall accomplish before the subject goes out of my hands. The next session of parliament will probably determine, whether this nation is to continue to be great; or, to become very little. It is fitting, therefore, that we should be duly prepared for the discussions that will then infallibly arise.





The Electors of Westminster.

Kensington, 26 June, 1821.


It was not my desire to trouble you with any remarks on "GLORY's" conduct. His adventures since the month of February last were quite sufficient to render all further notice of him wholly unnecessary; but, this recent affair between Mr. CANNING and him really does call so loudly, for something, from some quarter or other, that I cannot remain silent. As a mere duelling affair, I should, probably, only have joined others in laughing at "Glory's" conduct in it; but, the correspondence, in this case, involves matter of political principle and consistency (that precious quality in "Glory's" eyes); and, therefore, the thing becomes

matter of importance, more espe- disavowal was made; and that, cially as he is a member for your too, in the most prompt manner. populous city, and as he still occa-There was no want of industry sionally talks about a Reform in on this occasion! There was no the Parliament.

shilly-shally. Prompt enough, faith in this affair.

Now, gentlemen, if this matter had been a mere duelling affair. If it had embraced nothing of

wholly unnoticed by me. But, you will find, that the disavował strikes at the very root of political justice; and that, if it be to pass uncensured, all that re

The short history of the quarrel between "Glory" and Mr. Can ning is this:-The former, being at the time passing his three months "in the custody of the Marshal of politics, it would have passed "the King's Bench," wrote and sent to the Chairman of what was called a Reform Dinner," on the 4th of April last, a letter to be read to the persons then and there assembled. In this letter sponsibility in public functiona-he spoke evil of Mr. Canning, as ries, for which we have always. you will presently see. The lat-been contending, and for whichr ter, who was then in England,"Glory" has always been con-took no notice of this letter at the tending, is completely swept time; and, soon afterwards, went away.


to France. But, as soon as We will now take the docu "Glory's" three months "cus-ments, beginning with "Glory's" "tody" were expired, Mr. Can- letter aforementioned. ning came home, and wrote to here, before I proceed further, "Glory," by the hands of Lord let me observe, that I give no William Bentinck, demanding nick-name. This is the name, or (and, as you will see, in a most title, given to him by his own peremptory style) a disavowal, band of creatures; his own, or, the "other alternative." The RUMP; his own friends and par

tizans. Does he merit it? Is nauseous; did ever subject of the he the " Glory of England?" Grand Monarque of France or Then it is a title due to him; and slave of Turkish Sultan, utter it can be no nick-name, no flattery so base and disgusting as mockery. Is he unworthy of it? that which has been poured on Does the application of it to him this man by those creatures who excite laughter? Then let him have the audacity to put forth no longer surround himself with their slavish eulogiums in your The band of base flatterers, who name? We have heard of nuhave bestowed it on him; and who, by the various arts, of which I shall by and by speak, extort from you that support of him,


merous instances of hyperbolical flattery, but never of one equal to England's Glory," applied to a fickle, an irresolute, an inert, and inefficient being, who him

which your own good sense and honesty, if left to themselves, self acknowledges that he can do would never suffer you to give.no good, though placed in a siGentlemen, we hear enough of tuation, where even the poorest flattering courtiers; we despise of talents might, and must, if the parasites of kings; we think honestly exerted, do great ourselves fully warranted, in this good. To apply an appeilation

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like this to such a man, is not only shameful in itself, but it would seem to indicate a widely prevalent want of public principle; and it must have a tendency to disgust inen of real worth, and to make them despise, and, of course, to

case, to express our contempt of the receiver as well as of the utterer of the flattery; we are moreover, in the habit of commending blunt sincerity, and I hope, this commendation is not unjustly given to us as a nation. But, Gentlemen, Electors of be careless about the fate of, a Westminster, was ever flattery people who can be at once so base so fulsome; was ever flattery so and so unjust. If this man, who

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Glory;" if he be Westmin- the documents, beginning with


Glory's" letter to the Lord Mayor, who was Chairman of the " Reform Dinner." Then will come Mr. Canning's demand of a disavowal, or

"ster's Pride;" if this be the way, in which the people estimate, what man can think it a duty to make real and efficient exertions for such a people? However, let me dismiss this topic, for the pre- Then GLORY's prompt and ample sent, by expressing my convic-disavowal; and then the curious tion, that this preposterous and letter of Mr. KINNAIRD (one of ridiculous appellation has been" GLORY'S" chickens!) accusing given without your sanction. the editor of the COURIER of But, let me add, that it is your forgery and complaining of breach bounden duty to interfere, and of confidence. Lord WILLIAM that, too, in an efficient whenever the occasion again may sense of this complaint will close arise. I know, that you do not the collection, which collection, sanction those contemptible an- unless you separate yourselves nual festivals, where "purity of from the Rump and their hero “election" is chaunted by impu- will long remain a deep stigma on dent men, who have, in effect, yourselves; for, the question made your great city no better naturally arises : if such be than a rotten borough, and where Westminster's Pride," what the hero of the Rump has the must the people of Westminster modesty to sit and hear himself be.


styled the "Glory of England;" but, those festivals are held in your name; and, it becomes you to vindicate your character.



of the non

King's Bench Prison, April 4, 1821.

You will not, I am sure, doubt the sincerity with which I express my regret at being unavoidably detained

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My "For 'tis their duty, all the learned think,

"To espouse the cause by which they cat and drink.”

from the Meeting of this day. heart is however amongst you, and my mind altogether in the great cause which you are met to promote. That cause has been supported by so much Do I therefore say the House of Comability, acute reasoning and profound mons is corrupt? Not I indeed, even learning, that it baffles ingenuity to though I should run no risk of offer any thing importantly new upon being transported-no such thing; the subject. Nor do I now take up they are true to the interest of those my pen with the vain hope of doing who send them. "The ox knoweth any thing more than expressing my his owner, and the ass his master's respect for the Gentlemen assembled... crib," and they at least equal the Indeed, the question is itself so plain, ox and the ass in knowledge and virtue, and has been so elaborately set forth and are, moreover, superior to the and illustrated, that to use the slang of Jews, for they do know their Maker. the Honourable House, the people out I will, however, boldly adduce their of doors, the profane vulgar, perfect-example, as proof undeniable, of bely understand it. For in this enlight-nefits the people would derive from apened age and country, no one is, I take pointing their own representatives, it, so ignorant as not to know, that to seeing that these gentlemen are ever have is to have, which is the whole true to their own and their patrons' of the subject'; that if what I acquire, interest. This identity of interest keeps either by good fortune or the sweat of all smooth, and the public may rest asmy brow, another can take from me sured that the same cause will ever without my own consent, it is not my produce the same effect, and that whenproperty, but his; that in that case ever the public shall have the appointam tenant at will; and that if any man, ment of their own House of Commons, or set of men, can make laws to im- the public expenditure will be conprison my person, to which I have trouled, the public burthens diminished, never consented, my person is as in- the public money applied to public secure as my property, in other words, purposes, and the public happiness and that "Liberty and Property," the watch-prosperity, in other words, word of our forefathers, are sounds as and Property" secured, and not till senseless and empty as the beating of then. In the mean time I take this opa drum-as portunity of expressing my satisfac"Sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal." tion at the cause being in such good

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Gentlemen, that Mr. Canning, I mention him as the champion of the party. a part for the whole, should defend to the utmost a system by the hocus pocus tricks by which he and his family get so much public money, can cause neither me nor any man suspicior or anger.



hands, and to add, that the Reformers may always command, such as they are, my services in any way or situation which they can think useful.

I remain, Gentlemen,

Your most obedient, FRANCIS BURDETT.

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