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he was willing to admit, by artificial
means. The heavy expenditure of a
country naturally increased the bur-
thens of the people.
The system
could be only kept together by sacri-
fices on the part of the people, energy
on the part of the Government, and on
the part of the House a firm and mag-
nanimous resolution to preserve the
public credit. With respect to the
proposed measure for the Repeal of the
Tax on Foreign Wool, he considered
it at least a novel proceeding, and he
did not think the present a time for dis-
cussion on the subject.-Honourable
Gentlemen had said that Government
showed no disposition to practise eco-

applied by sending Commissioners into the market. for the purpose of ruising the price of stock. Why, he asked, might not not that sum be applied to keep up the price of land or of corn? To send persons into the market to raise the price of stocks above their natural price, appeared to him, under the circumstances of the country, to be perfectly unwise. He would vote for the repeal of the present tax, because he felt convinced that by reducing taxation the House would promote economy. So it was at the time of the repeal of the Property Tax. Notwithstanding the previous declaration of Ministers that they would stand or fall by the tax, the tax was repealed Ministers kept their places-nomy; to that charge he would say, withdrew the estimates which had been that the estimates for the present year previously prepared, and substituted exhibited proofs of a reduction in the other estimates considerably lower in public expenditure unexampled at any former period, save periods when 'arge The repeal of taxes was, he armies had been reduced. The House felt convinced, the only means of forcing were told that by repealing certain economy upon an Administration which seemed determined not to diminish the taxes, Ministers would be driven to expenditure of the country unless where Gentlemen that such steps were unneacts of economy; he could assure: they were compelled to do so. Under this impression he begged to declare his the Crown were determined to adopt cessary (a laugh). The Ministers of tention, that in the event of his Hon Friend carrying the Bill to a Committee, he the Estimates for the next year would every possible plan of economy, and would move instructions to the Committee be as low as could possibly be con-> to introduce a clause into the Bill for the sistent with the public security; furrepeal of the Tax on Foreign Wool.-(Ather than that Ministers would not go ; laugh from the Ministerial side.) The object of his Honourable Friend was to force upon the Ministers a system of economy to the amount of 480,000l.; he would wish to add a sum of 180,000l. more, though indeed it could be scarcely said that the repeal of the tax on foreigu wool would take any thing out of the pocket of Ministers, for he was con-attending the implements and machivinced that so far from decreasing the revenue, the repeal of the tax would have a direct contrary, effect.

they would not be forced to propose Estimates which according to their ideas would be insufficient for the maintenance of the public Establishments and the public security. With respect to the tax in question, it should be recollected that the tax was but a very inconsiderable part of the expence

nery of the agriculturist It was also worthy of consideration, that the expence of the farmer, as far as regarded the maintenance of cattle, had considerably decreased. He could not

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER said, that the motion before the House was not intended merely to re-agree to the repeal of the tax; he lapeal the tax on agricultural horses. mented that the question had been disThe Noble Lord gave notice of his in- cussed until the Report of the Agri, › tention to move for the repeal of the cultural Committee was laid on the tax on foreign wool, and the repeal of Table of the House; for if that Com-. the malt tax was an object with another.mittee should recommend the repeal of · Thus then the measure might be considered as the opening of a general assault upon the finances of the country. It would be impossible for the Government to go on against such a system of attack. The financial system of this country was carried on,

the tax, it was possible they might recommend an increased taxation on something else. The Right Honourable Gentleman next defended Ministers from the charge of not shewing a disposition to relieve the agriculturist. To effect that desirable object was not

Husbandry Horses. In the year 1815 the Chancellor of the Exchequer reduced the Tax to 2s. 6d. on all farms under 2001. per annum. Now, would it be said that the pressure was less on those small farms, or that there was no agricultural pressure in Ireland, where no such tax existed? The argument of the Member for Wiltshire (Mr. Benett) against the tax was contradictory. He argued that it would lower the price of corn, and that it would re

within the controul of human policy. Ministers had, however, listened to every plan that had been suggested; they agreed to a Committee, which had been for some time carrying on its labours with unparalleled attention, and from them the country might expect all that could be expected from the most laborious inquiry, and the most praise worthy s licitude, to remedy, as far as possible, the distresses of the times. The support of the Financial System should be the first object of Parlia-lieve the farmer from the pressure on ment; for if that system were once successfully assailed, all the interests of the country would be involved in distress and ruin. The distresses of 1816 were followed by comparative prosperity, but the improvement that took place could be only ascribed to the stability of the public credit. The Right Honourable Gentleman concluded by moving the previous question.

Mr. SCARLETT made some remarks, but not material in their amount.

him. Now, if it had one effect, it could not have the other. The fact was, this tax, like most others, was distributed equally on the whole consumption of the country; and he paid no more upon it than he did upon hemp or iron. The tax went to diminish the general profits, and abridge the gene al comforts of the community. But when gentlemen talked of the difference between Romney Marsh and this or that description of land, was it possible that any of Mr. HUSKISSON observed, that what those who had thought at all on the his Right Honourable Friend (Mr. principles of political economy, or the Vansittart) had said, was, that if Par-application of capital, could be so igliament should adopt all the sugges-norant of its first elements as to suptions that were thrown out by various pose that there would be a different Gentlemen, for the repeal of the salt tax, of the malt tax, of the husbandry horse tax, of the wool tax, or according to the Honourable Member for Abingdon, of the window tax-if all these taxes were repealed, those who looked at the strength of our present financial system as the best safeguard | of the country, could not continue to carry on the Government. As to the particular tax, he should say, that if the repeal of this tax could be a substantial relief to agriculture, he should vote for the repeal, nay, he could go further, and say, that if it was even thought to be so by the agriculturists themselves, he should vote for it. But he could say, that in the Agricultural Committee it was not pretended by any one of the witnesses, that the repeal of it would be any material benefit, and out of 112 Petitions that had been presented to the House, the tax had only been mentioned in one-a Peti tion from the Hundred of Parkinhoe, in Leicestershire, the reasoning of which was very curious, as it stated that the framework knitters of Leicestershire were out of employ; there fore, said they, repeal the Tax upon


return on account of this tax, and that
one kind of cultivator would get ten,
while another would be content with
five per cent? A noble lord had
read them a grave lesson from a King's
Speech of 1721, recommending the
taking off taxes on raw produce.-
He (Mr. H.) had looked to the Statute
book to see how that recommendation
had been practically attended
Acts had been passed to take of the
tax from Beaver, Skins, Pepper,
Cloves, Mace, Cinnamon, and Nut-
megs, so that what the wise Whig
Administration had in view to protect,
was the culinary manufacture. In the
next year too, a substitute for these
taxes was imposed-a tax upon Pa-
pists. The Noble Lord (Lord Milton)
had said, he saw no difference between
buying up a quantity of corn or other
commodities, with the superfluous taxa
tion, and reducing the debt with it.
Did the Noble Lord see no difference
between a man buying up a quantity
of commodities he had no need of, and
paying off a debt which he had con-
tracted to pay at some time? Was
there not as a matter of policy and
economy use in keeping up public

Becher, W. W.
Bernal, Ralph
Benyon, Benj.
Brough m, Henry
Bury, Visct.
Byng. Geo.
Burrell, W.
Baillie, J.

credit, unless we were never again to Barnard, Visct.
be in the situation of borrowers?
As to his Hon. Friend behind him
(Mr. W. Burrell) and others, he would
ask, were they among those who voted
for a large Sinking Fund? If they
were, he called on them as men of
consistency to vote against the repeal
of this tax (loud cries of hear, hear!).
-The substitute proposed by the Ho-
nourable Member for Cumberland, had


been sufficiently disposed of. That Hon. Gentleman had always a substitute for every tax, in the prohibition of some foreign production; but he should recollect, that if by prohibition or over taxation, they drove away foreign commerce, they destroyed the foundation of their agriculture, and its support and hope under its present difficulties. He was willing to admit as fully as possible, the mischief of the taxation brought upon us by an extended and expensive war; taxation was only a choice of evils; it necessarily diminished the comforts of the people, and what worse, checked the progress of that accumulation of profits which had been the source of the present greatness of the country [hear!]. But they were not to measure the pressure of taxation by the number of persons by whom a certain amount of taxes was paid, but by the amount of capital or income out of which it was paid. According to this calculation, many foreign countries were as heavily taxed as England, and he should say that Ireland was as heavily taxed as England, though in proportion to the pulation, it paid so little. Our capital had grown, and was growing in spite of our difficulties, so that he saw no reason to despond. After some further observations, the Right Honourable Gentleman concluded by voting for the previous question, which he said, was the proper course, as the motion was premature, the House not having heard what the Agricultural Committee recommended.

[blocks in formation]


Barham, J. F. Jun.

Benett, John
Bastard, E. P.
Bright, Henry
Blackburne, John
Blair. J. H.
Belgrave, Visct.
Buxton, T. F.
Boughton, C. M.
Calcraft, John
Carter, J.
Coffin, Sir I.
Coke, T. W.
Colburn, N. R.
Concannon, L.
Crompton, Sain.
Calvert, N.
Creevey, Thos.
Calthorpe, Hon. F.
Chaplin, C.
Cholmeley, Sir M.
laughton, T.
Clive, Hon R.
Chetwynd, G.
Cheere, E. M.
Curteis, J. E.
Corbett, Panton

Cole, Sir C.

Clive, Lord
Cawthorne, J. F.

Cripps, Jus.

Davies, T. H.
Denman, T.
Denison, W. J.
Duncannon, Visct.
Davenport, D.
Egerton, W.
Ellice, Ed.
Fergusson, Sir R.
Folkestone, Lord
Forbes, C.
Fane, John
Fellowes, W. H.
Gordon, R.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

C.Rowley, Sir W.

Rumbold, C.
Rickford, W.
Russell, J. W.
Rogers, Ed.
Smith, Hon. K.
Smyth, J. H.

Scarlett, J.
Sefton, Earl of
Stanley, Lord

Sykes, D.

Sebright, Sir J.
Sumner, G. H.

[blocks in formation]


In my last I intimated my intention to make some remarks on the

portance than even I thought it; and will induce me to go more fully into the m tter than I intended.I shall put this off for a week, as a punishment to the dispute between this hero and Mr. writer, or, perhaps, the dictator, CANNING; in consequence of of this anonymous letter; for, if which an anonymous letter (all in his a arm was great enough to character) has been sent me by induce him to take so desperate a one who calls himself “an Elector step as this, what will he not suf"of Westminster" ard a Trades- fer during the ensuing week? man, threatening to thrash me

with an Oak-Stick, if I put my

announced intention into execn- AGRICULTURAL REPORT. tion! This, I suppose, proceeds from that innate attachment to

"the liberty of the press," which

This Report is made, and will

is a standing toast at the annual be printed, together with the Evi

festivals, held to perpetuate the

renown of Westminster's Pride

dence, in a few days. It is my intention to re-publish it entire, in

"and England's Glory." The an Octavo Volume, same form as

the Register, and at as low a price as possible. The subject is of the very greatest importance; and the book will be a thing to be

writer of this anonymous effusion of folly and poltroonry is no tradesman! The tradesmen of Westminster are, I imagine, any thing but full of admiration appealed to for ages. It will be found full of most curious and of their cock and this, I think,

we shall see proved, if he have deeply interesting matter.

the courage to face another contest for this great and really publicspirited City. The letter is at the Office of the Register, to be seen by any one; and, some one, perhaps, may know the hand

writing. This letter has had one good effect: it has convinced me

that the subject is of more im


[ocr errors]

order to render it convenient, I shall Number the divisions of thematter, and, then, in a Register or two, to contain NOTES and COMMENTS on several parts of the book, I shall refer to these Numbers; and thus make the thing complete.

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