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that in mind. You do right, Sir.|(and true it is with the exception in getting this tax repealed; but, before mentioned) that the horse it is, › I promise you, no holiday tax is finally paid by the consumer affair upon which you are enter- of food, the whole of the nation, ing. the tax-eaters excepted, are Mr. VANSITTART expressed his gainers by the measure. To be apprehension that this was the sure it is the first of a series; " first of a series of attacks upon for, of itself it is nothing at all. "the finances of the country" And; how good it is in its way What an idea! What language! you may gather from the conduct Just as if you and the rest of the of the long-eared, tooting, press, landlords were persons not belong, with regard to it. The tooter ing to the country! Just as if the is, you see, hampered. It does finances of the country were something that proceeded from sources with which you had no thing to do! Why, this very language is, of itself, enough to rouse the blood of cowards by

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not know what to say. It says 1.ttle, and that little is of no meaning. If you proceed thus, you will absolutely kill the tooter; who belongs to the paper-system, mind; and you will see that it

nature. That the muck-worm; will die with the system. If you

if you had proposed to reduce the interest, you would have had the tooter upon you, and must have crammed your ears with cotton, or have scampered off too Cumberland ventre à térre.

the fat and saucy millioner of had proceeded in the other way:" "Change Alley should talk thus is natural enough; but, to hear this language from a man in office, living on the taxes, and to hear it addressed, too, to those who own the country! Mr. VAN séenis to have thought better of this before the next meeting, as we shall by and by see.

Mr. VAN's idea, that it was! the "first duty of parliament to

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support the financial system" was of a piece with the other observation. A first duty, ins deed! To do what, to surrender

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To be sure it is the first of a "series of attacks," if attacks they must be called. It is, in fact, a little bit of a step towards doing up the last acre and last drop of justice to the people at large as sweat to the fund-lords! This is, well as to the landlords'; for, if indeed, what has been deemed Mr. HUSKISSON's doctrine be true the first duty, if we may judge

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from what has, for years, been, it does over yours as the rascally doing. But, I think we shall see weeds are, at this very moment, a very different course pursued in growing over your fifty acres and future. And, notwithstanding my five rod of Swedish Turnips. some trifling blanders, you, Sir, I shall rescue my turnips by transshall not be forgotten as claiming, planting, and I would advise you and fairly claiming, the honour to do the same; and this is the of having led the way. way that the emigrating farmers Mr. HUSKISSON said, that are going to work! They find our capital was growing," and the fund-lord weeds too strong for that he saw no reason to de- them, and they are moving off to spond." By "our" what does America, leaving their late com he mean? And what does he panions and fellow sufferers, who call capital? Capital is things of are too tender or too stunted to real vulhe things of intrinsic bear reinoving, to be stiffed by worth. And, are these growing? Mr. HUSKISSON's growing plants. The Debt is growing; and this is This gentleman can see“ no "Capital" in Mr. MABERLY'S "reason to despond;" and, for eyes, which are as sharp as that very reason you ought to needles, and who can turn an idea push on; for, until he despond, of this sort, and line it through-you may. When he begins to out, skirts and all, and put it despond, you may begin to hope; out of hands as neatly as any one but not before. In another view, of Mr. James Perry's "finan- however, his comrades and the "ciers," though on his list, there fund-lords ought to be alarmed at are, besides Mr. Maberly, a Ba-this declaration of his. He has a ring, a Grenfell' and a Ri-head, and that is more than I can "cardo!" Capital, indeed! Is say for any one of his comrades; the farmer's capital growing? Is and, if he can think, that Peel's the landlord's capital growing? Is Bill can go into full effect without the merchant's capital growing? a reduction of the taxes to one half, Is the manufacturer's capital aye half, their present nominal growing? As we used to say, in amount; if he can think this, the country, like a cow's tail, what pretty pates is the system growing downwards. The tax-committed to ! Can he entertain eaters may, indeed, say, our any such belief? Can he have capital is growing;" for grow thought of the matter, and enter

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nomy was indispensable, not only "to make up the deficiency caused by "the repeal of this tax, but to enable "them to relieve the country from

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maid to believe, that a pound of other burdens, which still pressed cream contains two pounds of butter.

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heavily on its industry and resources

Now, why this praise? It was

(hear, hear!). He was gratified that the Noble Lord (Londonderry) felt, We now come, Sir, to the ac66 as he did in this instance, what was tual passing (or as good) of this" beneficial to the country, and for the your memorable bill; for memo-"handsome manner in which that rable it will become, be you as-" feeling was communicated, he could sured. I have the proceedings "not but express his public acknowledgments (hear, hear!)." of the 18th of June now before me; and, that they give me pleanot due. You know well that he sure inexpressible I need not say. On your first moving, on the 14th was compelled to yield, or yield of June, you had a majority of his place. You are not aware, 28 against the Ministers. There perhaps, of the mischief of such were, 141 for you, and 113 praises. You will find, in the against you. Mr. VAN threat-end, that they will be used against ened you with another trial of yourself. I speak here with some force and numbers; but, when experience to back my opinion. the hour of trial came he gave I was, for many years, a great way in "so handsome a manner!" praiser.. I was more prodigal of He was 66 pretty behaved;" and, praise than ever even Perceval if you push on he will behave still prettier next Session.

The business of this day was opened by you in the following


"The Honourable Member stated, "that he was happy to be enabled to "inform the House, that Ministers "did not intend to give any further "opposition to the Bill (loud cheers). "He was sure this would be satisfac

as of the public money. I have had to expiate this sin of prodigality by undergoing all the pains and penalties that the blackest ingratitude in the most base and sordid breasts have been able to invent and execute; and, perhaps, it has been owing more to good fortune than to any thing else, that my very blood has not been shed by the hands, or the

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"tory to the country at large, while "it also proved to Government that hirelings, of men, with regard




Ab, a! little man! You my

"bow ""

to whom I had never committed "sent determination, and whatever was done for the agricultural inany offence, other than that of "térests was worthy of the sacrifice loading them with unmerited (hear !)." praise. Take warning, then, Sir; and if you praise, let it be the act, and expressly confined to the act; for, if it admit of a wider interpretation, and you should find it, hereafter, necessary to disapprove of the conduct of the thousand times, that we "out of


praised party, some black-hearted and high-fed knave, who has à longing eye upon the public purse, and who fears your vigilance, may be found to reproach you with "inconsistency.”

can you after hearing some persons" out of doors." "Competent persons out of "doors." Competent! Aye to be sure! Have I not said, a

"doors folks were the states-
men, after all? That is right.
"Consult" the people "out of
"doors." They will always tell
you what to do. They are "com-
"petent." You remember, I
say, Mr. VAN, my old

Next came Mr. VAN, and I wish I could have seen him! proposition for collecting legislaPray, Sir, how did he look, tors by straining a string across. while uttering the following words?

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the entrance to London by Tyburn, Knightsbridge, Kenning

"The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHE-ton, Kent Road, or Whitechapel, QUER said, that however important avoiding the northern inlets for rea"he considered the tax on agricul"tural horses as affecting the finances, sons that the Edinburgh Reviewers. "he felt himself bound to bow to what could probably inform you of. You

"appeared to be the decided opinion "of the House. A decisive majority

"of the House were in favour of the

“Bill, and having consulted the opi"nion of competent persons out of

"doors since the division he was in

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“duced to conclude that such was the general feeling. That being the ease he would not set up his indivi“dual opinion against it, and he hoped


remember this proposition, I dare

say, and how it was abused; but,
when we find you "bowing” in-
stead of kicking
" within doors,".

in consequnce of "consultations
with competent persons out of
doors," does my proposition

"that no man standing in his situation “would ever do so. Though he did "not think the repeal of the tax of “ vital importance to the people at for catching legislators by the "large, yet he trusted the sacrifice

on the part of the revenue would legs appear to be so very extra“be well received by the country. vagant? "That it might have the effect of

"conciliating the public feeling and


But now comes the great man

allaying irritation, was taken into of all: the thunder of the account in coming to the pre

« thung


"derers." What! Can he "low"]" measure of relief as a measure too! Then, fund-lords, look to" of sympathy, and if it was yourselves: pack up your wallets" within the range of legislation and take to the long boat. Here" to apply effectual relief to the he comes; the Jupiter of the po-" Agricultural interests, such relitical heaven. Hushed be every "lief was what he should have voice! "wished to have bestowed. (hear!)

"not be an effectual measure, it


was better that there should be

"The Marquess of LONDON-" However although this could "DERRY stated that there was no έκ necessity for the introduction" "of collateral topics. He felt it no more struggle about it. It “his duty, like his Right Ho-" was given as a boon, and he "nourable Colleague, TÓ BOW "trusted would have the effect of "to the decision of the House." producing the satisfaction "He was prevented by ind spo-" which the concession was meant "sition from attending the de-" to carry through the country, "bate on the former night, but" That there existed a strong "if he could have attended, he feeling to relieve the agricultu"should then have stated to the "rists in the Committe which had "House the importance of sus- "their case under consideration, "taining the revenues of the" he was convinced their Report, "country, which were so essen-" which had been drawn up that "tial to the public credit (hear," "hear!) - After the manner, how-" "ever, in which the House had ❝ declared its opinions, and tak ❝ing into account the amount of "the tax, compared with the ad

day, would satisfactorily prove; and he said in the hearing of several Members who belonged to that Committee, and could bear out his assertion, that if the state of circumstances, and the continuation of causes which affected the agricultural interests, could admit of immediate and permanent remedy, such remedy would have been pointed out, and he believed promptly carried into effect.. "He need not go into their de

vantage which its repeal was "thought to produce to the Agri«cultural interests, and the effect" "it might have in conciliation, ❝he did not wish that the propo-"

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position should be refused "(hear, hear!); at the same time" "he considered that conceding "the repeal was not so much a

liberations, but, when con

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