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indeed, to the Fund-lords, in order other luxuries for the drones. to pay them off, in order to cry Your bill to remove the horsequits with them; that would be tax is good; but, let not your the plan! And, even that would over-fondness for your own dear not cause them to be enclosed, child, induce you to decry or disunless a portion of the labourers parage a repeal of the malt-tax; were made their slaves at once. for the malt-tax and the salt-tax : Nay, that would not effect so are the two most wicked and mispreposterous, so unnatural, an chievous things that the ingenuity


of the Dutch fund-inventors ever fell upon. These two taxes make their attack directly upon the

But, Sir, how could you say, that the repeal of this tax would be a greater relief to agriculture land and upon husbandry labour. than that of the malt-tax? If They find their way to all the we grant, that taxes, when community, at last; but, they equally laid, bear upon the whole are a bar to production at their of the community (except, the first step; they say, "you shall tax-eaters) in proportion to the "not increase in good things;" consumption of each individual, they bid the earth be steril, bid two millions taken off must cer cattle be diseased, and bid man tainly afford more relief than half faint in the field. We had about a million taken off. But, in the ten good hot days last summer; and case of the malt-tax, this is the we read of men actually dropping least part of the effect; for, take down dead in the fields! What the tax off the malt, and you would such men do under a Long add enormously to the consumption Island sun? Why, they would of the article. There are five or not drop down at all; but then six millions of people, at this they must have American food moment, whose bodies are blown in their bodies. I have had seout with water, and whose bodies veral Englishmen in the fields would be blown out with beer, there. I never saw them faint or if that tax were taken off. About flinch; but always saw them stand 30,000,000 of bushels of barley the heat as well Jonathan himwould be required, perhaps, more self. Well and hearty and merry than are now required, and the as larks in a hundred degrees of amount of which, drawn up in heat day after day and night after taxes, go to purchase wine and night; ploughing from sun-rise


to sun-set, when the turkeys were constituents without having made dragging their wings upon the this declaration !

ground and gaping as wide as if under the operation of cramming. Sweating like rashers of bacon: but, then, they had something in them to sweat out, which our poor fellows have not. If we, under Mr. BENNET'S gallon-loaf and

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Oh, brave, Gaffer! Now, if I had been in Mr. COKE's place, I would not have reminded the Gaffer of his having voted against Mr. HUME's propositions. The temptation was, however, strong, that I will not swear that I should have resisted it. The praise


three pence regimen, were to be visited with a Long Island sum-given to Mr. HUME was no more mer, PARSON MALTHUS might than his due. His is a very good give up his check-population way of going to work. It is do: scheme; for three fourths of the it is not talk. There is industry people would die. wanted; and he has shown that I now proceed to the other per- he has it. He has had no party sons who figured upon this occa-support. Your Broughams and sion, beginning with GAFFER Mackintoshes and Scarletts and GOOCH, who seconded your mo- Abercrombies have kept aloof tion. The Gaffer said, and very from him. Tierney has, once or truly, that the Ministers "could twice, given him as much of the cold blanket as he has left to give. He has fought almost single-handed; but he has given the Borough system a shock even in its citadel. This is the way that I, years ago, advised a great con

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not have more than a cat and <her skin." Yes, yes; but, they have not got the skin yet. They will, if you do not fight as bravely as pussy would; but, they have not got it yet. The heroes of the "last shilling stitution-talker to go to work. and last drop of blood" ought But this was do; and my blade not to grumble to let the skin go; never liked do. Indeed he, even but, it is not come to that yet. The Gaffer said if we could not him, said that he could "do no increase our means we must di-" good. Instead of looking inminish our expenditure, and he to the ways in which the public thanked Mr. HUME for his lauda-money was expended, he, suble efforts, tending to this object: blime soul, was lo king about, nay, he said he could not meet his for years and years, "to find a

while he asked

people to elect

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66 public !?' Mr. HUME's has sees, I dare say, that, if the been a contrary way of going to landlords proceed in the way of work. He, being a mere mor witholding, they are safe against tal, takes it for granted that there the tooting press. For, withholdis a public! ing means repeal of taxes; and what tooter will dare raise his hideous voice against the taking off of taxes. To propose to reduce the interest of the debt would call forth all the powers of the tooter. The tooter would net, a

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I now come to the speech of Mr. BARING, who seems, upon this occasion, to have discovered a good deal of displeasure, at which I am by no means sur pris d. I observed in one of my toot letters to Mr. PEEL, that there hundred thousand pounds by this was a class of persons, who wish-fine occasion for out-cry. The ed for things to go on in this pre- tooter is a Jew himself too. This sent way that is to say, to keep cause, therefore, would never do things in such a way as to prevent for Sir Pompous Jolterhead. His the paper-system from being de-way is to go on taking off taxes; stroyed, and that Mr. BARING and, to be sure to say nowas one of these. Perpetual thing about reducing the inBullion payments; lowering the terest of the Fund-lords! Not standard; any thing but destroy a word about that; but, on the the paper-system, which will ine- contrary, insist, that the Fundvitably take place, if a reduc- lords ought to be obliged to him. tion of the interest of the Fund-And, if the Fund-lords should lords come. Now, Sir, there are smoke Sir Pompous, and reproach two ways of proceeding to this reduction ore, by an act declaring the object; and, the other, by taking away the means of pay ing the interest. This is the polowing for public credit and nalitic course for the landlords. The tional faith. other course would be unwise, and would assuredly fail; for the Jong-eared press would set up such a tooting, that poor Sir Pompous sees the landlords taking this Jolterhead would be frightened course. He saw that the thing out of his senses. Mr. BARING must come to this, if Peel's Bill

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him with breach of national faith; then he ought to set up a louder cry than they, and drown their voices with his whooping and hol

All this, I take it, Mr. BARING clearly sees; and, therefore, he is by no means merry when he

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But, at any rate, your bill

says not a word about seizure. On the contrary, its object, and its effect too, is to remove the danger of a seizure of the far

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were persevered in; and, accord-That's good! And he animadingly we saw him trying, in all verted upon the injustice of the manner of ways, to cause that arguments," which tended to bill to be rendered of no effect." point out?" (very sensa'ive!) I pray you to mark this. He saw, the necessity of seizing upon that, if Peel's Bill went into ef-" the security of the public crefect, there must be a fight be" ditor, in order to relieve the tween the landlords and the fund-distresses of the country." lords; and he did not wish to see Seizing! Why, Sir, your bill this. He knew, that perpetual seizes upon nothing. You could, bullion-payments, or a lowering I dare say, see nothing to seize of the standard, would "keep on. "the gig up" and, he saw that an open fight would destroy the paper-system. I agree with him perfectly as to his reasoning: and the only difference between mer's goods by the collectors of us, is, I wish the paper-system, the horse-tax duty. He means loan-jobbing, stock-jobbing. jew-the Sning-Fund, wh e has, boy-million-making to be blown even within doors," been called to atoms, and he appears to wish a humbug a hundred times; and, to keep the system up; and, I surely, one cannot do much harm dare say, he will think it fortu-in seizing hold of a humbu. I nate that my wishes do not ac- should like to see a man indicted for cord with his. That wise being,"STEALING A HUMBUG!" However Mr. JAMES PERRY, said, some you propose no seizure: your bill time ago, that our finances could only withholds so much from the not be in better hands than those revenue. You do not ask the of Mr. ALEXANDER BARING ministers to reduce the interest and Mr. Pascoe Grenfell. They of the Debt, nor to stop the both, he tells us, voted against Sinking-Fund; you only proyour bill! Brave hands indeed!

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pose to stop so much out of the Upon the present occasion Mr. sums usually collected by them. BARING made stout fight for the It is for them to lessen their exFund-lords. He said that the pences; and, if they will not do House ought not to have voted the it in any other way, than that of estimates. Ah! at the salaries! injuring" public credit" be


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Mr. BARING, doubtless from


theirs the blame of " breach of ever before heard of like this “ national faith!” That is the Fund-lord! Moses forbade the way to work them and the Fund-Israelites even to take interest at lords! Always stand to "na- all of one of their own nation. ❝tional faith." He forbade them to sleep with their neighbour's pledge under the best of motives, though from their roof; and so delicate was he erroneous views, says, that the upon this point, that he forbade Fund-lords" lent their money them, when they lent, to go into "during a period of exigency." the borrower's house for the Did they lend a twentieth part of pledge, and commanded them to what is now said to be their due? However, more of this another time; and let me here suppose, for argument's sake, that they - actually did lend the money for which they now draw interest. What reason have they to complain of the repeal of this tax? It neither takes away any part of their interest, nor causes the ne

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wait without the door to have the pledge brought to them. Your modern Jews seem to have forgotton all this; and, though their progenitors were permitted to take interest of the stranger, and we of this unhappy nation may, perhaps, be deemed strangers; yet, double pledges were, surely, never heard of before!

cessity of doing it. Mr. Baring Mr. BARING is alarmed, lest says, that it robs the Sinking we should not be able to borrow, Fund. What business has the" in case of another war in Fund-lord with that? The Sink-" Europe, or in the event of a ing Fund, if not a mere humbug, 66 war with America." I hope

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is the nation's.

It is to pay we shall not! I hope, that loanoff principal; or, it is so much jobbers, scrip-grinders, bonusactually given to the Fund-lords gorgers, million-makers, will * over and above even their pre-never be heard of more after this Lended due. The security of thing shall have been demolished. the public creditor," Mr. My hope, however, has, perhaps, ·BARING! What! Does he want no better foundation than Mr. double security? Must he have Baring's fear; for, if the Debt a mortgage on the land and a were swept away to-morrow, there money fund in hand too as se would be loan-jobbers ready to curity! What pawn-broker was lend the very next day, if the

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