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are all fairly stated) and by most foul abuse.

They remained


wholly unshaken then; and, I am

satisfied, they will remain unshaken now. The reader will be

This Work is just published, price 3s. 6d. and it does, I think, amused to see, that Mr. RIclearly prove the justice as well CARDO's project for dividing the as the necessity of greatly reduc- land with the fund-holders, origiing first, and, in the end, stopping nated with one of the silliest of my altogether, the Interest of the antagonists of 1806! Oh! Mr Debt. It consists of Essays written between 1803 and 1806, both inclusive, to which are subjoined,

Perry! How "happy the Spa"nish Legislator must be to be "able to take down from his

some notes. Its arguments then" shelf a Blackstone, or a Ri<were met by arguments (which cardo!".

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with the New Year's gift to the

Sermons the public call them, farmers. It contains the Sermon

and I will do the same. The Six to the Good Methodists; the first

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Acts provides for the free circu- three Letters to Mr. Peel; and lation of pamphlets on religion, several other papers, which may so that I may be said to take, in be useful at this time, when THE this case, the benefit of those acts. SYSTEM is in its agony. The VoI will confess, that it was those lume has a Table of Contents and Acts which inspired me with the an Index.-COBBETT's MONTHLY thought of preaching in print. RELIGIOUS TRACTS. The four "Tract" is beneath the thing first Numbers are out. The first, described; and, besides, the pub-"Naboth's Vineyard; or God's lic will have mine to be Sermons.vengeance against hypocrisy and Sermons, therefore, they shall be. As a proof of the piety of the days, in which we live, and of my superiority over the Doctors," I will venture to say, that I am able to prove a ten times greater sale of my Sermons, than can be

proved of the Sermons of any Doctor that belongs, or ever did

belong, to either of the Universities.


The LAST VOLUME OF THE REGISTER (Vol. 38) is now complete, bound in boards, price

cruelty." "The second," The

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Sin of Drunkenness in Kings, Priests and People." The third, God's Vengeance against Bri"bery." The fourth, "The « Rights of the Poor and the "Punishment of Oppressors." Each of these Numbers has gone through several large editions, and the work makes the "Tract "Society" tremble for the fate "of its veritable trash. Cant and rant cannot make head against The price plain common sense. of the "Religious Tract," is three pence. Many persons

wanted by them!

have expressed a wish that knows, it was not before it the Tract came out more fre- was quently; but, at present, this COBBETT'S YEAR'S RESIDENCE

IN AMERICA, a thick volume in
Octavo. 10s. bound in boards.
Very useful for those who want
to know what America really is.
A New Edition of PAPER

would not be convenient to the author. He must have time for other things While he neglects not the "mint and cummin," he must attend to the " weightier "matters of the laws." While he AGAINST GOLD, that complete fails not to write his Monthly history and exposure of the Tracts, he must not forget his mystery, of the Bank, the Funds Weekly Duty towards the Sys- and the Paper-System. Price tem, especially now that Corrup-five shillings, bound in boards.tion herself is at her wit's end. Just published, price 3s. 6d. the The Six Acts make an exception Preliminary Part of Paper in favour of "Religious Publi- against Gold, containing the ar"cations ;" and, the author ticles written by the author on the subject of the Sponge, before the date of Paper against Gold.

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thought it hard, if he could not

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get his nose, at any rate, into the privileged class. COBBETT's In these articles, the wiping off of GRAMMAR, a new and neat edi-the whole of the Debt is maintion, price 2s. 6d., bound in tained to be just, if necessary to boards. It was intended for the the happiness of the nation; and, use of young persons in general, though the Landlords seem not to and especially for the use of dare to attempt it, that does not soldiers, sailors, apprentices and alter the nature of the thing. The plough boys; but, the author has author is satisfied, that it must be done at last, though the "Lords

discovered, (in rather an odd

manner) that it is in great vogue" of the Soil" will probably, amongst "statesmen ;" and, God lose the soil first.


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IN THE PRESS, a thing that is a though it be the American great favourite with the author:Gardener," he thinks it contains The AMERICAN GARDENER ; matter more than worth the pur

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or a treatise on the situation, chase money to an English reader, "soil, fencing and laying-out of who takes delight in gardening; "Gardens; on the making and and, besides the Horticultural in"managing of hot-beds and formation, the book contains the green-houses; and on the Pro- best possible account of the cli"pagation and Cultivation of the mate, and of things connected "several sorts of Table-Vege- with the climate, of the country, "tables, Herbs, Fruits and Flow-for the use of which it is writ"" ers. The author promised ten.In answer to enquiries this work to his good and kind about the FRENCH GRAMMAR, neighbours in America. It was the author begs the public to principally written in that coun- consider a little what have been try; and would have been fi- his labours since his return to nished there, had it not been for England! This is a work, which he cannot suffer to go out of his hands with a single doubt in his mind as to any part of it. It would, however, have been ready for the press before this time, had it not been for the last-mentioned

Peel's Bill to witness the effects

of which made him hasten away home. Thanks to Mr. PEEL,

the author set off for dear Old England in November; for, if it had not been for that Bill, the author would have remained 'till work, which he had promised spring, and then he would have to so many kind friends. All lost the inexpressible pleasure that he can say, is, that he of seeing Her Majesty arrive! thinks to have the French GramPeel's Bill brought him away mar out during the summer: with his works in an unfinished But, let it be borne in mind that It is now finished; and, the main business of his life is to



watch the motions of Corruption. her for long at a time. Expire He has been dogging her steps she must; but, she must not for many years. She has now- expire, without a last blow from and-then, turned upon him and him. given him a bite; but, now

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Printed by C. CLEMENT, and Published by JOHN M. CORBETT, 1, Clement's Inn.

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