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alone are free from natural infirmi-that "many of the yeomanry may ties? If there is any one class of so-charge their ruin on the govern= ciety to whom we are indebted for the ment," if the government do not safety of the empire, during the most

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eventful period of the late war, it is to give them relief; that is to say, the yeomanry, who, ever loyal to their high prices; and, in conclusion, King, by their example and influence he says, that some of them have with the peasantry, rendered the attempts of instigators of mischief at been 66 temporarily changed;" once nugatory and hopeless. But, my but, that, IN CASE (this is the Lord, I hope better things. I cannot condition, mind!) the government believe that their services are forgotten, and will be so requited as to suffer give them high prices again, he them to fall without one single effort boldly asserts," that the Yeoto save them. I have this very day manry will be found at their post. attended our weekly market at Lewes, Aye, at their post! That is to and to hear the universal complaints and predictions of speedy ruin, is say, at their old work of deductenough to appal the heart of any one ing wages from labour, galloping who has embarked his property in over erty in over "disaffection" for cold poagriculture. There is but one gene- tatoes and water, and preserving ral inquiry—Will Government do any the "invaluable constitution” of thing for our relief? To this I answer, that it is, in my opinion, impos-paper-money, which gave them sible to believe that the Government that "property" which consisted will not assist us. And although ruin of gains extracted_from_the_lahas already overtaken so many, I can bourer's bones. "Bold" Ellman; not believe but that Parliament will interpose its powerful arm, and save 'loyal" Ellman, who have been the remainder from destruction; in" temporarily changed" by the which case, I boldly assert, that how change from high to low prices; ever the feelings of some may have lofty agricultural-ass, LORD LIbeen temporarily changed, when occasion calls the Government of this VERPOOL will give you no answer country will ever find the yeomanry to carry to Lewes, but I will at their post, ready to repress disaffection, preserve our invaluable Con- give one in his Lordship's stead : stitution, and defend that property which Government is so imperiously bound to interpose and save.'

Bold" Ellman; "loyal" Ell man; the government has the It is not worth while to waste and it can "boldly" bid you go people, the millions, at its back; time on this variegated bunch of to the Devil, and make to the stinking flowers, taken from the King of Hell a tender of that parterre of ignorance and impu-"loyalty" which depends upon dence. These fellows" saved the à continuation of a privilege to empire," did they? Why, then, though they staid at home, arined cap-a-pied, to keep down the Labourers' mothers, wives, sisters and children, while the Labourers were abroad shedding their blood for their king and country; why, then, I say, if these fellows" saved the empire," the " empire" is saved, and a pretty sort of salvation it is! But, mind, this agricultural-ass fears

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grind and insult the labouring man; and, if you want an introduction to his Majesty, here's a Lawyer, long acquainted with the Court, who, l'il engage, shall give you a character, if you will give him a fee.

Friend HAYES, have I not said enough, and more than enough, to shew, that the very foundation of Lawyer SCARLETT's scheme

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is wholly rotten? Have I not such a measure? It is notorious, shown, that there has been no that the labouring classes are increase of poor-rates properly so better off than they were. It must called? Have I not proved, that be that this change has been whatever has been paid in that worked by the fall of prices. shape, has come out of the wages Those prices are still falling; the due to labour? Have I not deduction of wages is ceasing; proved, that it is, in fact, the de- the labourers are getting their ductions from labour, that has due again. And, behold, just at paid all the taxes for many years this very time, when the bubble past? Have I not proved, that of paper-money has bursted, forth it was from this fund, and this comes Lawyer SCARLETT with a fund only, that came the ex- "Whereas," lest the relief given pences of the war and the interest to the poor should finally leave of the Debt? Have I not proved, the poor without relief! Upon that it was the drawing of the the very face of things, without food and apparel and goods of supposing Lawyer Scarlett at the millions away, and putting the all capable of entering into an inamount of them into the hands quiry as to causes; this was the of the thousands that gave the time, if he really had been thinkfalse glare of prosperity? Have ing about the thing for years, for I not proved that all this, and all waiting a little longer, to see what the degradation of the Labouring turn things would take; to obClasses, and all the consequent serve that " general working of temptation to crime, proceeded"events" (beautiful, statesmanfrom, and were the natural and like thought!) of which my good inevitable effects of, the accursed Lord CASTLEREAGH SO very repaper-money, and were in nowise cently talked. But, no! in true connected with that wise, hu-lawyer-like way, the brief was mane, and just code, called the poor-laws of England, which, as I have shown, did no more than restore to the Labouring classes rights and property of which they had been robbed? All this have proved; and, therefore, I might, if I pleased, leave Law yer SCARLETT and his Bill to go quietly and silently off the stage, and let them sink into that oblivion, to which assuredly they are finally destined.

But there is something, which, as to point of time, gives this Bill a peculiar character of absurdity; or, else, a character of cruelty equally peculiar. Of all times in the world, why choose this time for the introducing of

ready, and out it must come.

If the Ministers hold firm to their solemnly declared resolution (and, if they do not, everlasting shame will fall upon them, while what is called "public credit," will be blasted, and blown to air): if the Ministers hold firm, the labourer in husbandry will be as well off this day twelvemonth as he was forty years ago; for, though he will still have to pay heavier taxes than he paid then, this will, in some degree, be compensated for by the higher wages; for, mind, the master will never be able to get him down in proportion to the fall in the price of food. Only this very morning a chimney-sweeper, who had

swept my kitchen chimney,["black head of yours."-"Oh !" came to my study (none of the said he, drawing down his chin, rest of my family being up) turning up the whites of his eyes, to be paid Eighteen Peace. and smiling, "I'spose you mean Eighteen pence! Is not that " a lawyer!" And, giving hima good deal?"_ "I have had self a gentle turn, as much as to "that price for years for sweep-say, 66 no thank ye!" off he walked "ing that chimney.". "Yes; to his soot bag with his 18d. in his "and that's the very reason why pocket.



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For proof of the truth of this anecdote, and, indeed, for instruction in matters of political economy, I refer Lawyer SCAR"ILETT to Mr. James MITCHELL, a very repectable Chimney Sweeper, No. 7, Jennings's-buildings, Kensington.

you ought not to bave so much Why so, Sir?" "Why? Why eighteen pence "will now buy twice as much "bread as it bought then.". "don't know any thing about that, "Sir; but, then think of the soot!" "Soot! what is the soot to me. "You have it now,


and you

However, there needs no po"could no more than have it be-sitive evidence; there needs no “fore.”—Aye, Sir; but I used matter of fact, to convince us, "to sell it for 20d. a bushel. I that the wages will keep behind "used to have it bought up faster food, while the food is going "than I could get it; and now down, as they did while the food "have got waggon-loads, and was going up. This is so clear, "cannot get 7d. for it.". "So, it is so obvious, it arises so di"then, as sweep you gain, and rectly out of the nature of things, as soot-merchant you lose?" that it_must be so. Things cer"Just so, Sir."-" Here, then, tainly will, in consequence of this, "take your 18d. But (calling him be in a disturbed state for a while. "back) what do people do with-The breaking of farmers, the "out your soot now?"-"I don't transfer of real property and of "know I'm sure; but, I 'spose occupation; the shifting of the they have got no money now profits of labour from one class to "things be low, and that they the other. These will necessapay men in victuals and till the rily occasion a sort of unfixedness "ground more and don't buy and a species of silent struggle ; "soot."-"There! there!" said but, before next November; after say no more: you are no the harvest has brought all hands sweep: you're a philosopher. into play once more, all will be "Go; go to SCARLETT! for to rights. Thousands upon thou"God's sake go to SCARLETT!" sands of young men and women "Scarlett!" said he,-" Aye," and boys and girls will be taken said I," it is not any thing of into farm-houses next Old Mi"that colour: it is a man; and chaelmas Day. They, at any "his dress very much resembles rate, will no longer be "the peoyours, except his wig, which "ple out of doors ;" and I do not ought to have under it a little of think that that contemptuous ap'what you have got in that pellation will be given to the peo

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ple of England for one year work. And, from a stoppage to longer! Wheat in Darlington these will arise a dividing of the Market (County of Durham) farms, which, at the moment sold, on Monday the 7th instant, that I am writing, is actually at from 4s. 6d. to 4s. 9d. a bushel. going on. The new farmers must At Norwich it does not bring more, come out of the Labouring I believe, on an average, than Classes; and thus things will 58. In Sussex it scarcely exceeds work their way back. There is, 5s. 6d. In Hampshire little is at present, in large towns, a got beyond 5s. I said, long ago, struggle between the retailers of that, if the Ministers stood firm, food and the consumers. Flour wheat would be at 5s. a bushel is sold to the London bakers at by the first of June; and I am about 40s. a sack, and yet, the satisfied, that the average price quartern loaf is kept up to 9d. of the kingdom does not, at this almost generally. We have a moment, exceed the five shillings. man here who sells at 74d., but Is any man, is even Lawyer this is not general. For my own SCARLETT, stupid enough to part, I would, as we did once imagine, that wages will come in New Brunswick, bake my down in this proportion? Oh, bread in the ashes, or live on no The tables are turned; and puddings, rather than give 9d. the lately gaining employer and while I ought to give, at most, landlord will find, that they never no more than 6d. However, can bring down wages in any thing this is a matter that will settle like the proportion of the fall itself in time; but, here again is in the price of food. His affairs a proof of the difficulty of bringwill not wait! The work must be ing down, by direct means, the done. Cattle must be fed, corn prices of any thing of which lamust be cut, housed and threshed; bour forms a part. We must land must be ploughed and seed have the baker. We cannot wait. sown. Dinner must be cooked And so it goes all round; ploughat gentlemen's houses. Affairs man, cook, footman; they must cannot wait; and wages, in their be had; and, if one be turned fall, will keep far behind provi-off, another must be got immesions. Many of the present far-diately; and all are of the same mers will be broken up by the mind.

struggle. But, as to the main Thus, then, things are workpart, they will accommodate them-ing to reduce the poor-rates; selves to the times. The very those rates must, from the nature rich ones, who have made such of things, be reduced. Even a show, will be too proud to come they will fall slowly at first; but, down and to do justice to the la- in the course of two years they bourer. They will retire, as a will be so small as to be, as in prudent winner does from a former times, unworthy of attengambling table. There will tion. Therefore, Lawyer SCARbe no more gambling farming; LETT comes too late with his celino more adventurers; no more bacy-bill; his bill for checking anticipation and accommodation breeding; or, at least, for keep

ing up the population by "love-nisters had adopted a train of "children," as the country girls measures that must of necessity very delicately, feelingly, and render the Bill wholly unnecesjustly call them. When Henry sary, null, and void of all effect the Eighth persisted in forbidding and meaning: and, in this state priests to marry, somebody told of things, when the cause, and him, that if the Priests could the only cause, of the evil was "not have wives, the wives would doomed to cease, out comes Law"have Priests." This, under yer SCARLETT with his "Where the operation of Lawyer SCAR-"as, and for remedy thereof!" LETT'S Bill, would be very much" Like Martin Marr-all, gaping on, "When music and the song were done." the case with the young fellows DRYDEN thought, I dare say, and the girls. His Bill, therewhen he had invented a lover, fore, to be of any effect, must go whose mistress was fond of good further, and make England as famed for singers as Italy. He singing, and who, in giving her a must, at once, declare the laserenade aided by the voice of a bourers to be live-stock, and authorize those operations upon them, to which male and female pigs are compelled to submit ; and, in that case, I think, PARSON MALTHUS might with propriety be made operator general.

Oh, no! Lawyers may sport, and they have sported, with our civil rights and liberties; they can sport with the laws of the land; but Lawyer SCARLETT cannot abrogate or explain away the laws of nature. He cannot stifle the fire of youth: he cannot still the emotions of the heart; he cannot arrest the progress of the propensity of those emotions. His rough and harsh lawyer-like mind may conceive the idea; but, here coer

disguised singer, while she looked out of the window, opened his own mouth and stretched it about to make her believe the voice was

his, but who let her discover the cheat by his forgetting to cease to wag his chops when the song was over; when Dryden had got this character upon paper, hẹ thought, I dare say, that he had pushed credibility to its utmost extent but, Dryden had never heard of a Lawyer SCARLETT and a Bill to put a check to the breeding of the Labouring


Let us hope that this bill is the last of the unnatural offspring of that accursed paper-money system, which has, as I have clearly proved, starved and degraded the Labouring Classes of England. Many thousands, who have supported this system have not been aware of the manner in which it worked, and from these I will not be so unjust as to exclude the Ministers themselves, Pitt and all; for, it is impossible to believe, that human beings could. Mi-have intentionally invented and fostered so cruel and hellish a

cion will fail, and the attempt, if the Ministers were weak enough to adopt it, would cover them also with that ridicule, which is at present the projector's exclusive possession. Yet, even the attempt, absurd as it is, yields, in that respect to the point of time chosen for making it! Lawyer came too late; the


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