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while, instead of the picture of this well, they are compelled to an old hag upon the corner of give you Bank of England paper a bit of paper, it will give you for it! Get that, and send it to the picture of our gay and gallant London, and there you get the king stamped on imperishable gold at the Bank of England? gold, and, on the other side you So that all is perfectly easy just will see him on horse-back driving now; but, you will observe, his spear into the bowels of the that the Bank of England may, paper-money hydra, while he whenever it pleases, stop paying utters these words : Honi soit in gold. So, make hay while the qui mal y pense; that is: shame sun shines!

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To get these precious pieces

if in London, you have only to

go, or send, your one pounders to

the Bank. But, you have five or

ten pounders,or larger sums. Then you have only to go to the Bank,

or send to the Bank, and get those changed into one-pounders; and then the Bank will pay you the one-pounders in gold. So that there is now, no difficulty at all in turning your Bank of England paper into gold.

It is clear to me, that, if the Bank go on paying honestly for four months, the wheat will be at five shillings a bushel; and, per haps, it may be lower. The poor-rates will soon come down; but the landlords will get no rents at all, in a short time; or, the taxes must be lowered. So that, if the interest of the debt be paid,

the payment must come out of the

landlord's estates, when the capital of the present big-farmers is exhausted, or is withdrawn from

If you live in the country, you the farms. The landlords are will have country-bank paper by most shocking cowards in polities, you; and the country-bankers except when they have the deare not compelled to give you fenceless to contend with. Many gold for that. But, and mark of the most powerful of them are

bound to the system by the gains raiment; and, therefore, as we it gives to them and their rela- can just now, get at some real tions. It is probable, therefore, that they will be led along by imaginary hopes, till the far greater part of them will actually

money, let every one get and keep as much as he can, 'till he sees what turn things will take. Put it into no banks, no insu

see their estates transferred to rance-offices; put it no where out the fund-lords by the means of mortgage and taxes. But, after

all, a reduction of the interest of the debt must come.

of his own sight for forty eight hours at a time.

Amongst the things that I' would fain regard as impossible, but which are possible, the paper

Now, mind, this will not come ALONE! It will not come sin-may again be poured out upon us. gle-handed! It will come with a Then a sovereign will be worth goodly company of contrivances and events. If the interest of the debt be reduced, do you think, that Insurances of any kind will

be very likely to be very sure? Do you think, that they will much resemble the Rock! Pray, reader, do not believe, that they will be like the Phænix!

30 or 40 shillings in paper. The wheat may come down (and will if complete cash-payments take place) to 3s. a bushel in a year of good crops. This is what it used to be; and to this it will come again. In that case a hundred or two of these sovereigns, which may now be got in exchange for the paper, will pur chase a nice little farm and nice

It is impossible to say how the thing will work; but, work it will; and will cause such a change, little snug buildings! Two hunsuch changes, as are little ex-dred pounds will buy a farm of pected. One thing is certain; from 20 to 30 acres of land. he that has money, real money, Only think, then, of the importcannot be in want of food and ance of putting gold by NOW!

This, this, this is the nick of Laws; and, by Lawyer Scarlett time for sober, careful, and sen- too! I shall attend to this withsible people, to make sure of out delay.


The events abroad are of little

No event can arise to render this advice unsound. If the paper interest to us at this moment. be poured out once more, there The Austrians have put down the will be two prices; a paper price risings in Italy; but, they are and a gold price. "Either way not put down for any great length "the system is sped." Once of time. France is also in a "make hay while mere state of temporary tranquil

more, I say,
"the sun shines."

lity. Spain goes on well, and

Portugal better. A Reform here

I have just heard (for I have in England is all that is 'wanted not seen the paper) that a Bill to give freedom to the Continent has been brought into the Ho- of Europe; and, gold will bring nourable House about the Poor us reform.




15 of Mr. HUNT'S ME

NMOIRS, price One Shilling, is


just published, and contains, in addi- TER (Vol. 38) is now complete, bound tion to the continuation of the Memoirs,

an important and interesting ADDRESS in boards, price Seven SHILLINGS. to the Radical Reformers, Male and

to the good Methodists; the first three

Female, on the Barbarities and Abuses It begins with the New Year's gift to of the Ilchester Bastile, and on the the Farmers. It contains the Sermon Investigation now carrying on before a Bench of Magistrates; the Sheriff's Letter to Mr. Hunt; a List of the Charges against the Gaoler; Wheeler's Petition to the House of Commons; Sarah Hewett's and Elizabeth Wilkins's Petitions to his Majesty, detailing their cruel and inhuman treatment in the above prison; the Address of the Poor Debtors to Mr. Hunt; Leeds and Wakefield Addresses to Mr. Hunt, &c. &c.

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HE PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY, to be continued in WEEKLY NUMBERS, at Sixpence each, elegantly printed in octavo, to correspond with the best edition of the Writings of Mr. PAINE, as published by Carlile. This edition will contain the WHOLE of the former one published in 1786, with several additional Extracts from Bentham, Godwin, Paine, Shelley and others, who have written subsequent to that period, on Finance, Government, Philosophy, Theology, &c. &c. by Wm. Clark, 201, Strand, opposite St. Clement's Church. Mr. Clark is induced to re-publish this compendium of genius, talent, and wisdom, in consequence of seeing not only a surreptitious edition offered to the public, but one full of errors in orthography, punctuation, and style.

Letters to Mr. Peel; and several other papers, which may be useful at this time, when THE SYSTEM is in its agony. The Volume has a Table of Contents and an Index.-COBBETT'S MONTHLY RELIGIOUS TRACTS. The three first Numbers are out. The first," Na"both's Vineyard; or, God's ven

[blocks in formation]


'Society" tremble for the fate of its veritable trash. Cant and rant can

not make head against plain common sense. The price of the “ Religious "Tract is three pence. Many per

sons have expressed a wish that the⚫ Tract came out more frequently; but,

Also, just published by Mr. Clark, KILLING NO MURDER, By COL. at present, this would not be conveTITUS. Written during the Protec-nient to the author. torship of OLIVER CROMWELL. Price 2s. 6d.


He must have

time for other things.

While he ne

glects not the "mint and cummin," he



Sponge, before the date of Paper against Gold. In these articles, the wiping off of the whole of the Debt is maintained to be just, if necessary to the happiness of the nation; and, though the Landlords seem not to dare to attempt it, that does not alter the nature of the thing. The author is satisfied, that it must be done at last, though the "Lords of the Soil" will, probably, lose the soil first.- -ALSO IN THE PRESS, a thing that is a great favourite with the author: The "AMERICAN GARDENER; or, a trea"tise on the situation, soil, fencing "and laying-out of Gardens; on the

must attend to the "weightier matters "of the law." While he fails not to write his Monthly Tracts, he must not forget his Weekly Duty towards the System, especially now that Corruption herself is at her wit's end. The Six Acts make an exception in favour of Religious Publications ;"and, the author thought it hard, if he could not get his nose, at any rate, into the privileged class.- -COBBETT'S GRAMMAR, a new and neat edition, price 2s. 6d., bound in boards. It was intended for the use of young persons in general, and especially for the use of soldiers, sailors, apprentices and plough boys; but, the author has dis-" making and managing of hot-beds covered, (in rather an odd manner) that it is in great vogue amongst “statesmen ;" and, God knows, it was not before it was wanted by them!


"and green-houses; and on, the Pro

pagation and Cultivation of the se"veral sorts of Table-Vegetables, "Herbs, Fruits and Flowers." The author promised this work to his good and kind neighbours in America. It

-COBBETT'S YEAR'S RESIDENCE IN AMERICA, a thick volume in Octavo. 10s. bound in boards. Very was principally written in that counuseful for those who want to know try; and would have been finished what America really is.- -A there, had it not been for Peel's Bill,

New Edition of PAPER AGAINST to witness the effects of which made GOLD, that complete history and him hasten away home. Thanks to exposure of the mystery, of the Mr. PEEL, the author set off for Bank, the Funds and the Paper Sys- dear Old England in November; for, tem. Price five shillings, bound in if it had not been for that Bill, boards.- -In THE PRESS, the Pre- the author would have remained 'till

liminary Part of Paper against spring, and then he would have lost Gold, containing the articles written the inexpressible pleasure of seeing by the author on the subject of the Her Majesty arrive! Peel's Bill

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