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There, then, we will leave that

Seeing that such were the na

jects; this body, whose spiritual pride and political arrogance matter for the present, with no prowould fain trample the people mise on my part not to return to under foot; this body, so re-it again and again and again and nowned for it's constant hostility again, until the hour of consum-to freedom and for its love of des- mation shall arrive. pots; this body, who exultingly exhibit to travellers a species of tural consequences of the Bill. I old hutch or tub, from which they mean the hitherto-consequences; say some Priest, half Protestant seeing that these consequences half Monk, continued to bellow were foreseen, in part at least, forth the divine right of Kings, even by the Ministry themselves, even after the office of King was let me now, according to the inti-abolished; this body it was that mation before given, ask, what sent to the "Grand Council of could induce the Ministry to adopt "the Nation" a man to bring in the measure. I observed but

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that Mr. ATTWOOD does not appear to have fathomed this, and, of course, he puts forth his proposition for pouring out the paper again without being prepared with any arguments to rebut the Ministerial objections to such

a Bill, which will finally pull now, down the mighty from their "seats and exalt the humble and "meek"! Were I, amongst all the circumstances of this grand event, to select that which gives me the most pleasure it would be this; which, however, even re-a measure. I would have Mr. ceives an addition in it's power of ATTWOOD think of this; and to communicating delight, from the pay attention to what I am now circumstance that you were urged going to say, before he again to the measure by the elaborate proposes to send us forth scheme and writings of one of like flakes of snow. your own Constituents. Thus PUFF OUT! Don't start,

we have retributive justice, too: a Bishop invented the accursed system of paper money, and a Doctor of divinity has been mainly instrumental in the producing of a measure calculated to destroy it.


Sir, two short words ought not to frighten the representative of the solid headed University of Oxford, as a powder slap-bang frightens a sparrow or a rook! There would be, to be sure, a monstrous quantity of shame attend a repeal

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of your Bill; but, now, for rea-paper was a thing, that might sons which I do not care to men- be destroyed in a day, by any tion, I am of opinion that this man with a thousand pounds in consideration would not, of itself, his pocket, and with feelings in be sufficient to make the Honour- his breast to prompt him to such able honourable House hesitate one a deed? There might, however, moment about the repeal; that is be some doubt as to the capacity to say, you know, if they thought of an individual for such an enit was for the good of the people! terprise; but, of the capacity of Let us go on smoothly, and fairly: a hostile nation there could be no let us not expose ourselves to doubt. Was it not right, then, misapprehensions. Mere shame to warn my Sovereign and my then, would not be an insuperable Country of the danger? Was it bar. The feast of the gridiron, not right to shew them on what which would infallibly attend the a slender foundation their security repeal, would indeed be hard of rested? Not only was it right, digestion. Nevertheless, this but it had the desired effect. It would be got over, too; as would produced in the Ministers, a resoall the tauntings about inconsist-lution to return to cash-payments; ency, in reverting to those pretty and a great blessing it would have speeches, mashed up out of my been, if they had at the same second letter to the Prince Re-time lowered the interest of the gent upon the origin and power Debt; which you will observe, of money, and upon the evils of was always recommended by me a fluctuating currency. But, as indispensably necessary to such while I was in Long Island, I a return.

raised and sent over an apparition It would have been not only that made the hair of the system criminal negligence; not only stand on end. Sir JAMES MAC-treason to the King to delay meaINTOSH would have banished me sures for a return to cash payfor this! But, was it not my duty, ments; but it would have been a sacred duty to my Sovereign, in the Ministers a self devotion whose coin is gold and silver, and to destruction.. Who, for a moto my country, which it is my ment, can endure the idea of the wish to see always independent safety of England being left to and great; was it not my bounden depend upon the ingenuity and duty to show, that the fabric of fidelity of a brace or a leash of

Yankees! Messrs. Perkins and they have this thing in their head. Co. may be the most honest as It is curious enough, too, that, in well as the most ingenious persons all the long speeches in favour of in the world; but, supposing return to cash payments, this, the this to be the case, from what, great argument of all; this, the except from an immediate mis-main spring of the whole operasion-from Heaven, are we to re-tion, was kept out of sight, was ceive an assurance that, having disguised with as much care and provided us with money, their anxiety, as unmarried females own Government may not, in disguise the circumstance of case of war, or any other powerful hastily becoming lusty! Yet, stimulant, send for them home to why not use the argument? furnish us with a new supply? Why not tell the truth? Why The purity, the honesty, the not urge that, which would, at frankness, the sincerity, the hu- once,, have silenced every oppomanity of the Bourbons are, nent? And why not boldly indeed, such as to make us secure bring it forth and state it now, in in that quarter. But the Bour-answer to Mr. Attwood, who (if bons may not always be upon we adopt the Ministerial notions the throne in France. There are of prosperity,) cannot possibly other states, too, with whom we receive any other satisfactory may be at war; and if we look answer? at the Peninsula, we there see a species of republicans, with whom we may have a crow to pluck one of these days.

Here, then, Sir, was the real motive to the passing of your Here was the 'motive of Coplestone's pamphlet.


Therefore, I say, that it would Without this motive to stimulate

have been a base abandonment

of duty in the Ministers, not to


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them, the Ministers would have

laughed at the Change-Alley trash

return to cash payments, without which the country can have no security in case of war. Mr. ATTWOOD would do well to think of this before he again proposes to treat us to a shower of notes. the paper would have kept comThe Ministers never SAY, that ing out; prosperity" would

adopt effectual measures for a of the Oracle, then, as the Members of Parliament themselves begin to laugh at it now. They would have cared nothing about the ancient standard of value. Day-by-day men as they are,

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have been heaped upon pro- To repeal your Bill; to send sperity; and two years of another out the paper again as Mr. ATTwar (if no blow-up had taken WOOD recommends, would be to place in the mean time) would ensure the destruction, not of the

have pushed the Debt up to three thousand millions!

corrupt part only, but of the whole fabric of this Government; Do I blame them for taking and the same thing will be very the warning? Indeed I do not. nearly effected by enforcing the If they had not taken it they would Bill without a reduction of the have been downright traitors; and interest of the Debt; that is to would have deserved the fate of say, unless the Ministers take traitors. Of course I should measures to conciliate the people deem it equally criminal in them and have them firmly at their now to adopt the proposition of back. The traders are easily BARING; or to give into any brought down. They make no measure having a tendency shew. They are surrounded by to retard a return to cash payments. What I blame them for is, for endeavouring to uphold the crazy system; for calling that good faith, which is really bad faith to the nation at large; and ten of them does not know who which, mind, must be abandoned employs him The property of at least, even after Mr. ATT-traders is scattered all over the WOOD's" present generation" world. But a Landlord is a difshall have been destroyed. What ferent sort of fellow. He has a I blame them for is, talking of pretty tribe at his heels. They justice while they are doing in- are always upon the same spot; justice; for adopting measures to and when they feel pinched, they make some men poor and other one and all set up a most dismal men rich; to enforce the letter of howl. When the aggregate of this howl assails the ears of a Minister it is time for him to look

nobody that belongs to them. Sailors and Wharfingers and all such people are here to day and gone to-morrow. They have neither house nor home. One in

contracts, while they enforce a violation of its spirit; for wanting the courage (for, as men lov-about him. The Ministers, thereing only themselves, they cannot want the desire) to make all things safe and firm as a rock.

fore, in order to push your Bill through, must bend all their efforts towards making it clear as day

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light, that the labouring classes and just after an unusual number are benefited by the low price of of unfortunate creatures had sufprovisions. This is the point to fered death for forgery, there labour at, unless the Ministers appeared in the Times newspaper mean to reduce the interest of the a paragraph stating, Debt; and then, having the "ral public spirited individuals Landlords with them and the peo"had resolved to get bars of gold ple, too, which they will have by "from the Bank, and to issue it,


"that seve

pound notes out of circulation, " and by this means give a check "to the flow of human blood, so

a Reform that they will find it" with a view of driving the onetheir interest to grant, they may safely set the Fund-lords at defiance. One or the other must come down, Landlords or Fundlords, if your Bill be enforced; and which of them it is I really do not care one single straw.


disgraceful to the character of "the Nation and tending so ma"nifestly to the hardening of the "hearts of the people." Nothing could be more laudable than this intention, nothing more truly

Let me now come to the other reserved points of my letter; namely, the particular motive, public spirited, nothing more the design of the day, which has amiable and meritorious. The operated at this time to the producing of the Gold-paying Bill of Van; and the course which it will be wise in the people to pursue with regard to this paying in Gold.

In my first letter to you in the last volume of the Register, and in page 385 and onwards, I gave an account how gold might be got from the Bank, on the first of May next, in virtue of your ex-its one-pounders. If it do this; cellent Bill. I stated, that any and if it exchange its large notes body might go to the Bank, de-in one-pounders, as long as onemand a Bar and get it coined and pounders can be presented, there issue it at par with the paper with- will very soon be no one-pounders out any loss. Soon after this, afloat. This will be a great bless

thing was so obviously just and right in every possible view of the matter, that it certainly would have been done. Any man with two or three thousand pounds in his pocket: any one man with only this comparatively small portion of means might have effected the thing. The Bank, therefore, seeing this, makes a virtue of necessity, and is about to draw in


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