Electric light, its production and use. Ed. by F.C. Webb

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Сторінка 9 - Trigonometrical Surveying. AN OUTLINE OF THE METHOD OF CONDUCTING A TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY, for the Formation of Geographical and Topographical Maps and Plans, Military Reconnaissance, Levelling, &c., with the most useful Problems in Geodesy and Practical Astronomy.
Сторінка 7 - Levelling. A TREATISE ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF LEVELLING. Showing its Application to purposes of Railway and Civil Engineering, in the Construction of Roads; with Mr. TELFORD'S Rules for the same. By FREDERICK W. SIMMS, FGS, M. Inst. CE...
Сторінка 11 - Edition, is. 49. Derivative Spelling-Book : Giving the Origin of Every Word from the Greek, Latin, Saxon, German, Teutonic, Dutch, French, Spanish, and other Languages ; with their present Acceptation and Pronunciation. By J. ROWBOTHAM, FRAS Improved Edition. is. 6d. 51. The Art of Extempore Speaking: Hints for the Pulpit, the Senate, and the Bar. By M, BAUTAIN, Vicar-General and Professor at the Sorbonne.
Сторінка 2 - Inst. CE, and M. Inst. ME Third Edition, revised and much improved, with 115 Double Plates (20 of which now first appear in this edition), and numerous Additions to the Text. In 2 vols., imp.
Сторінка 7 - The Engineer, Fireman, and Engine-Boy. THE MODEL LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER, FIREMAN, and ENGINE-BOY. Comprising a Historical Notice of the Pioneer Locomotive Engines and their Inventors. By MICHAEL REYNOLDS.
Сторінка 25 - Whether we consider the liberality and beauty of the illustrations, the charm of the writing, or the durable interest of the matter, we must express our belief that there is hardly to be found...
Сторінка 30 - Good Gardening. A PLAIN GUIDE TO GOOD GARDENING; or, How to Grow Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers. With Practical Notes on Soils, Manures, Seeds, Planting, Laying-out of Gardens and Grounds, &c. By S. WOOD.
Сторінка 1 - List of Contents. I. Historical Sketch of some of the means that have been adopted for the Supply of Water to Cities and Towns.— II. Water and the Foreign Matter usually associated with it.— III. Rainfall and Evaporation. — IV. Springs and the water-bearing formations of various districts. — V. Measurement and Estimation of the flow of Water— VI. On the Selection of th
Сторінка 10 - ... a great amount of practical information very admirably arranged, and available for general or rough estimates, as well as for the more exact calculations required in the engineers
Сторінка 8 - Slate and Slate Quarrying: Scientific, Practical, and Commercial. By DC DAVIES, FGS With numerous Illustrations and Folding Plates.

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