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[blocks in formation]

Figure 19-Showing an Elevation of a Common Kitchen Sink

location of fixtures and soil, waste and vent lines, leaving the plumber to put in his connections according to his own ideas.

However, on many of the best jobs nowadays, architects are giving an elevation, showing the manner in which the work is to be laid out.

These two drawings, if desired, may be taken as exercises.

The suggestions made concerning the five preceding sketches should be applied in drawing up Fig. 19. It can easily be seen that each of these views is equally necessary to the complete representation of the sink and its connections. Fig. 18

shows the location of the sink more fully chan Fig. 19, but Fig. 19 shows the connections more fully-the connection under the floor into the stack for instance, the height at which the sink is set, etc.

As we said in looking into the matter of projection as the fundamental principle of drawing, the plan (Fig. 18) is obtained by looking down onto the sink, and the elevation (Fig. 19) by looking directly at it, just as one would look at the front of a building.

This elevation is taken looking at the front of the sink as the arrow points. An elevation might as properly have been taken looking at the end of the sink, as the dotted arrow points. There are certain reasons, however, why the elevation which we show gives a better view than the other. If the elevation had been taken from the end of the sink, it will

be noticed that the waste and vent lines would have come one in front of the other instead of side by side as the front elevation shows, and the trap and its back air pipe would not have shown broadside to us, as Fig. 19 represents.

Therefore, in this work, the layout of the work should be sized up first, and such an elevation chosen as will show the work to best advantage. There is another point to be observed from Figs. 18 and 19.

When drawn on the same scale as these two views are, and should be when possible, similar measurements taken on each should agree with each other: For instance, measure from the end of the lower drip board in the plan to the center of the vent line, and take the same measurement on the elevation. The two measurements will be found to be the




E have already stated, there are two views of any proposed piece of work that the plumber will need, if the work is to be shown fully. These views are known as the plan and the elevation, and each is equally valuable. The plan is sometimes called the top view, that is to say, this view, by whichever term it may be known, is obtained by looking down upon the object or the work, that is to be shown. Now in Figs. 20, 21, 22, and 23, we show drawings for an ordinary cottage house, such

on his own line of work that he can look to for help.

Indeed, in a great many cases he does not need any further help. On the other hand, in a great many cases there is abundant use for a special drawing on the plumbing work of a building, and such a thing would often be of service to the plumber and to the architect and owner as well. If the architect had to work out in a drawing the way in which the different pipes, vent and waste would have to run, it would be the means of his giving more attention to the location

[blocks in formation]

Fig. 20-Showing Cellar Plan. Scale -inch to 1 foot.

as are usually drawn up by the architect having the work in charge, and such, no doubt, as most of our readers are entirely familiar with.

These views are what the plumber usually figures his work from, and as a general thing he has no further drawing

of his fixtures, the laying out of bath rooms, the running of floor timbers, etc.. and as a result, the plumber would find himself able to put in his work to better advantage, with less cutting, etc., than he is usually able to do under present existing and undesirable conditions.

Fig. 20 shows a cellar plan, with the pipes running as they are to be put in. This is a view that is very important,

the plumbing system as we are supposed to do when making this view, we shall see only the ends of pipes that run ver

Fig. 21-Showing Bathroom Connections on Second Floor. Scale 1⁄4-inch to 1 foot. one that will almost always be required when drawings of the plumbing work are desired.

That two stacks that pass up through

tically, and as may readily be seen, these ends will appear circular. Now when we come to study the first and second floor plans, each gives, or should give,

[blocks in formation]

Fig. 22-Showing First Floor Plan. Scaie 1-inch to I foot.

the house, and through the roof, are shown in this view or in any other plan view by circles, for in looking down on

the location of all fixtures on that particular floor, also the location of any stacks that may pass up through said floor.

In comparing these floor plans with the cellar plan, if it is found that the position of the stack as the circle shows it, is located directly over its position in the cellar, it is clear that the pipe runs vertically without offset.

If the positions do not show this, but it is found that the locations vary, then we know that there is an offset.

It would be first-class practice for any one following these articles, to take the set of plans which we illustrate, and work out the same on a larger scale, or better still, to change the layout and locate the stacks in their proper positions on the several floors.

The drawing of a cellar plan, with the pipes showing, as we submit in Fig. 20, is especially desirable work for the beginner, and not too difficult for him. We therefore suggest that he give particular attention to perfecting that view. It will be noticed that these four views are each drawn on a scale of % inch to the foot. To those who do not understand clearly what is meant by a scale drawing, we would make the following explanation: It is obviously impossible to lay out any view of an object of as large size as a house in its actual size. In this event, it is customary to choose some certain measurement, and let such measurement on the drawing represent some larger measurement on the object itself. Thus, in these floor plans, if we find a certain measurement to be 5% inch, we know from the scale that we are using, that the same measurement on the house itself is 5 feet. Various scales are in use, depending on the size of the building usually.

On ordinary work, the scale generally used is 14 inch to the foot. On large work inch to the foot is common. This brings to mind the fact that in working or figuring from plans care must be taken to do such work with the scale that the drawings are made on. The writer has heard several times of people who have made such a mistake as figuring the work from plans drawn on a 1⁄4 inch scale at 1/4 inch scale, thus figuring only one-half the necessary lengths of pipes a fifty per cent. loss.

Now if any of our readers wish to enlarge these plans as we have suggested, and draw them on a larger scale, it can easily be done. If it is desired to make the drawings four times the size shown by us, they would then be on a scale of 1⁄2 inch to the foot, and every measurement on our drawings would have to be

7 ft.




Fig. 23-Showing Elevation. Scale 1%-In. to Ift. made four times as large in the new drawing.

Fig. 23 we have scarcely referred to as yet. It represents a very simple elevation of the house shown in plan on the three other views, and is not meant to represent in any way, the finished elevation that the architect usually prepares.

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