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Francis 1; illiam Fitt



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ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1831,


in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Massachusetts.

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THE present edition of the Chapel Liturgy is intended to supply a want, which has been long felt and often expressed, for a book which should serve as a Manual of both Public and Domestic Worship. I cherish the hope that this intention will be found to ' have been in some good measure fulfilled.

As a Manual of Public Worship, this edition strictly follows the last. Though it contains a few alterations and additions, they are not such as to prevent its being. used in all the services of the sanctuary, with that which preceded it. The alterations and additions which have been admitted are the following.

One prayer has been added to the Occasional Prayers and Thanksgivings. The Gospels and Epistles have not been printed at length, but only referred to. As these are read by the minister alone, it is not necessary that the congregation should have them before their eyes; and the omission of them has made room for the introduction of much matter at the end of the volume,

without swelling it to an inconvenient size. Some Selections have been given from the Saints' Days, which are observed in the English Church. To this I was influenced more by the excellence of the Collects of the days selected, than by any other consideration. It may be observed, too, that all the Saints' Days of the English Church, were retained in the first edition of the Chapel Liturgy. One or two inconsiderable alterations have been made in the Collects and Prayers before and after Sermon. Brief Meditations and Prayers, for private use, before and after Communing, are now for the first time introduced. A Prayer is added in the Office of Visitation of the Sick; as is also one in the Burial Service. A short Collect is introduced among the Prayers to be used at Sea. In all other particulars, this edition, in the public portion, is printed word for word from the third.

It is in the latter portion, which is devoted chiefly to Domestic Worship, that the difference between the two editions is most perceptible. To say nothing of minor additions, four Services for Morning and Evening Prayer have been prepared for this edition, together with a collection of nearly one hundred Hymns for domestic and private use.

The Services were constructed for the express purpose of bringing a whole family to join with their voices in daily praise and prayer, just as a whole congregation are permitted, in our forın, to join in church

worship. I am persuaded that an interest may be imparted in this manner to family devotion, which it too often needs, and that even quite young children may have their attention fixed, and their serious regards attracted, who otherwise would be listless, and perhaps troublesome. The Prayers in these Services, together with the Petitions and Thanksgivings which accompany them, are from various sources. Some are abridged from printed prayers, and some are, wholly or in part, my own composition.

The Hymns, which close the book, will, I hope, approve themselves to the lovers of devotional poetry, and contribute to make the volume acceptable and useful. Some of them are not of a strictly domestic, or strictly private character, and might be used in the church, as well as in the dwelling-house. The greater part of them, however, could not properly be sung in the church, as they are either too private or too didactic. A hymn often becomes a private or domestic one, by expressing certain states of the mind and heart in a highly impassioned manner, a manner which may be to an individual or a small assembly delightful, inspiring, and affecting, but which would be felt to be out of place in a large and miscellaneous congregation. A hymn may be also too descriptive, or, if I may so speak, too poetical, that is, too much adorned with the usual figures and turns of expression of common poetry, to be employed fitly in the public worship of

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