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being chiefly persons of Republican note, with a coloured print of the interior of the House of Lords with members assembled, all dinted and stained, as though in their virtuous frenzy the denouncers of a bloated aristocracy had flung the dregs of their rum-and-water at it, and pelted it with bits of tobacco-pipe. Over the door-way is the design of a working man-a figure of Liberty ramming home a charge in a cannon, with the mysterious words beneath, "Ireland-Chain Shot."

Then here are some framed boards inscribed with the names of the great men-some who have been, and some who still are attached to the cause. Horrible daubs these; as ill-lettered as the rules of a goose club exhibited in the tap-room of a beer-shop; the work of a genius who has as much disrespect for the Queen's English as for Majesty herself, for he spells solicitor "ter." As for the company, among which might be counted fifteen or twenty females, it seemed to be of the respectable mechanic sort. A goodhumoured assemblage, with a partiality it scorned to conceal for tobacco and beer, and one that was not to be checked by the lack of table room to stand a quart-pot on. Nay, the trifling inconvenience afforded those present an opportunity of demonstrating still once again that invention--which of course means the grandeur and greatness of a nation-is peculiarly the offspring of the necessitous. Many of those present, as they sat on their chairs, held their hats by the brim between their knees, and converted the hat's interior into a snug receptacle for their pint of sixpenny—an instance of ingenuity that might be sought in vain amongst the bloated aristocracy.

But the most remarkable feature of the evening was that, though those who would have it so tried desperately hard, for it was not a Republican meeting at all. That is to say, it was not, as I had fully expected-and what anyone who from time to time may have read of the tremendous doings at this stronghold of revolutionists would naturally expect it was not an assemblage of persons who were unanimous in their discontent of affairs as they exist, and who come together to chafe at the old wound and keep it open, and amongst whom there is but one opinion as to the manner of healing

it. To be sure there were a few of the red-hot school present, men who have seen service beneath the Reformers' Tree in Hyde Park, men who have spouted sedition to such an insane extent that, compassionating their infirmity, Government has refrained from shutting their mouths; such men as these were there, and spoke with as much violence as ever, but it was only the few that applauded; and when they had done and more temperate men rose and had their say exactly on the other side, it was impossible not to perceive that these gave most satisfaction. I can't say what has gone before, but taking that Sunday evening as a fair sample of a Republican meeting and of what are the prospects of Republicanism in London, I should say that it. would be a mere waste of labour to attempt to snuff it out. The "brief candle" is already spasmodically flashing and flaring in the socket of the candlestick, and will presently expire without the aid of an extinguisher.

This certainly was my conviction, as at eleven o'clock I gladly made my way out of the unwholesome room reeking with tobacco smoke and the fumes of gin and beer, but it occurred to me afterwards that perhaps I jumped at somewhat hasty conclusions. I should not forget that it was Sunday night, and that it was very possible that many staunch Republicans might refrain from putting in an appearance from religious scruples. They met twice a week, Sunday and Thursday, and if I came on a Thursday I might find a very different state of things.

Stay, I may do something better still. At the bar of the "Hole in the Wall," and on the walls of the discussion hall, were printed notifications to the effect, that on Monday a concert would be held in the hall for the benefit of a tried and faithful Republican leader, and it was most sincerely hoped that on such an occasion his friends would rally round him.

This was exactly the thing. There might be many men whose conversion to the ways of Republicanism was so complete that they were content to sit and enjoy their opinions at home. But here was a claim on their gratitude as well as on their opinions. Here was a brother, a prominent man and a leader, who, perhaps, had expended his little savings

in forwarding those interests they all had so much at heart, and who now would be sincerely glad to receive from his numerous friends the small sum of twopence each—that was the price of admission to the concert-to help him in his distress. Here would be a splendid opportunity, if London Republicanism had any pluck remaining in them, to display their zeal to make the patriotic speech, to sing the song of revolution and regeneration.

Anticipating a crowded gathering, I reached the "Hole in the Wall" half-an-hour before the advertised time of beginning the concert, but I was much more than that time too soon. As the appointed time drew nigh, three or four increased to ten, perhaps, and then somebody thought, perhaps we might as well get upstairs. Some of them did not pay, however, for when there were at least thirteen persons present there were only sixteen-pence in the plate, as the well-spread pence themselves confessed.

Then came in two notables, one of them, indeed, a gentleman who by this time might have written M.P. after his name, had he not been unfortunate; but the company took no more notice of him than if he had been the waiter, and he took four of gin-and-water in a corner. Then began the singing, which fortunately was enlivened by the laughter and engaging liveliness of three or four married female Republicans who were tossing their male friends for threes of hot rum at a side table. I say that it was fortunate that these mirthful ladies were present, or otherwise the company might have gone to sleep. There were no stormy songs sung.

The spirit of Song was as languid as though it were hard up for the twopences, and foresaw what a dismal failure the affair was. Somebody sang "Brigham Young," and somebody else "Good Old Jeff," and some one else "Tom Bowling."

By half-past ten, there were, perhaps four more songs sung of an equally soul-stirring and revolutionary character, and there was about three-and-sixpence in the plate; but after this the company began to dwindle, and I thought it time to take my departure.


SCARCELY has summer green ripened to autumn brown, than thrifty housewives of the working classes, with a wary lookout ahead, and taught by experience that winter's dreariness ofttimes brings with it slackness of work and a diminution of wages, laudably set about making, while the sun yet shines, a little hay for Christmas storage. Loyal to the chief of feasts and festivals, they arrange that the fat goose destined to grace the dinner table is bespoke even while it is at present little better than a gosling innocently disporting in some distant country farm-yard. Through the agency of some accommodating projector of a goose-club, the purchase money for the esteemed bird is accepted in instalments of sixpence a week, the period over which the subscription extends being so nicely adjusted that by the time the twenty-first small coin falls due the feathered victim has arrived at just that pitch of perfection when it is most acceptable as a roast sacrifice.

It is not generally known, however, that within the past few years an attempt has been made to improve on the economical plan above described. It is to be hoped that it is not the prevailing mistrust of all manner of commercial speculations that is at the bottom of this falling away from what in certain circles has become almost a time-honoured institution. It would be painful, indeed, if it transpired that the disposition of those who operate in the monetary world to regard shyly and with suspicion affairs in which they are invited to become shareholders as has spread to poor folk, leading them to regard goose-club sixpences as an investment not to be embarked in without grave con sideration and careful scrutiny into the respectability of the promoters and directors. It is not a little matter when


regarded in the light in which the hard-striving, hand-tomouth livers look at it. Just imagine the consternation-the benumbing despair of the deceived depositors should it happen with them on a Christmas eve as it did with another class of ruined investors on a certain Black Friday! Unsuspicious of anything wrong they have gone the length, maybe, of even laying in the ingredients for savoury stuffing," and then they set out for the club, making, oh so sure, and lo! they find the shutters up and a written notice posted "In consequence of circumstances over which he has no control, the manager regrets to announce that the distribution of geese is postponed until further notice." The bare idea of such a catastrophe is enough to make the most confiding hesitate, and to eventually decide that since goose it must be, it will be better, all inconveniences notwithstanding, to have the live bird in hand a month or two before it is required, and fatten it for killing.

At all events, and in whatever way may have originated the novel idea of hoarding and boarding a goose at home, and, as it were, paying the expenses to the creature itself instead of to the club, the movement has given rise to the establishment of a market of such a remarkable kind that nothing will be lost if the attention of the sanitary authorities, and perhaps that of the officers of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as well, is hereby directed towards it. Except to the initiated it is not easy to find. In the immediate neighbourhood of Bishopsgate Street Without, and lying eastward between that busy thoroughfare and Bethnal Green, is a network of squalid streets that time out of mind have been a disgrace to the parish that owns them, as being the scene of a sort of exchange or market for all manner of "live stocks" dear to the fancy-the fanciers in attendance being the ruffian element drawn from all parts of London, and on the morning of Sunday, of all days of the week. An addition has recently been made to the live stock business done in this detestable Sabbath-day market, and it now includes transactions in poultry.

It, no doubt, is difficult to satisfactorily define what is cruelty to an animal such as to call for the interference of the law, but the merely moderately compassionate person

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