Зображення сторінки

tions for the space of two years, and those shall be fixed according to the present largeness of Moldavia.

Art. 6. The boundaries on the side of Asia shall be fixed exactly as they were before the war bioke


Art. 7. The Mahometan inhabitants in the provinces ceded to Russia, as likewise the natives of other parts, who, in consequence of the war, are now in Russia, may return with their property out of Russia, within the space of eighteen months, to Turkey. In like manner, the Christians belonging to the countries now ceded to Russia, and who are at present in Turkey, may, without any molestation, return to Russia.

· Art. 8. The Ottoman Porte grants a pardon and general amnesty to the Servians, who shall in no wise or means be molested for their last actions. The fortresses lately erected in their country shall be demolished as being unnecessary, and the Sublime Porte will put garrisons into the ancient fortified places. But that such garrisons shall not infringe any of the rights belonging to the Servian people, the Sublime Porte will for such purpose adopt, in concert with the Servian nation, such measures as may be necessary for their security. The Porte grants to the Servian nation the same advantages as are enjoyed by her subjects of the islands in the Archipelago, and of the other districts; and causes it to partake of the effects of her magnanimity, by permitting it to have the sole management of its internal concerns, by fixing the mass of contributions which it will receive from its own hands; and,

finally, will regulate all these matters conjointly and in concurrence with the Servian nation.

Art. 9. All prisoners of war, whether of the male or female sex, shall be liberated on both sides without reserve.

Art. 10. All affairs and demands of the subjects of both parties, which have been put off on account of the war, shall not be thrown up; but, on the contrary, shall, after conclusion of the peace, be again examined and decided according to law.

Art. 11. The Russian troops shall quit the provinces, fortresses, and towns restored, within three months from the day of the ratification of the treaty; and, antil the expiration of that term, shall, as hitherto, be supplied with every thing necessary.

Art. 12. Both the high contending powers promise to keep the commercial treaties in force.

Art. 13. The Ottoman Porit promises her mediation with the Persian power for restoration of peace with Russia.

Art. 14. Any acts of hostility which may have happened, after exchanging the ratification, shall be considered as not having taken place.

New York Convention.

At a Convention of Delegates from the several counties of the State of New York, hereinafter designated, held at the capitol in the city of Albany, on the 17th and 18th days of September, 1812. [Here follow the names of Delegates from 34 cities and counties.]

Resolved, That the doctrine, of


late so frequently and violently inculcated, that when war is once declared, all inquiry into its justice and expediency ought to cease, and all opposition to the men in power immediately to be abandoned, is essentially hostile to the vital principles of our republican institutions; and if adopted, would change our present government into one of the worst species of tyranny which the ingenuity of the foes of freedom has yet contrived, a government republican in its forms, in spirit and practice arbitrary and despotic, -that it must be obvious to the most ordinary capacity, that were such a doctrine to prevail, an administration which by its corruption or imbecility had justly for feited the confidence of the people, would be tempted to plunge the nation into an unjust or unnecessary war, for the sole purpose of perpetuating their power, and thus building their own greatness on the ruins of their country.

Resolved, That without insisting on the injustice of the present war, taking solely into consideration the time and circumstances of its declaration, the condition of the country, and state of the public mind, we are constrained to consider, and feel it our duty to pronounce it a most rash, unwise, and inexpedient measure; the adoption of which ought for ever to deprive its authors of the esteem and confidence of an enlightened people- because, as the injuries we have received from France, are at least equal in amonat to those we have sustained from England, and have been attended with circumstances of still greater insult and aggravation-if war were necessary to vindicate the honour of

the country, consistency and im partiality required that both nations should have been included in the declaration. Because if it were deemed expedient to exercise our right of selecting our adversary, prudence and common sense dictated the choice of an enemy, from whose hostility we had nothing to dread. A war with France would equally have satisfied our insulted honour, and at the same time, instead of annihilating, would have revived and extended our commerce--and even the evils of such a contest would have been mitigated by the sublime consolation, that by our efforts we were contributing to arrest the progress of despotism in Europe, and essentially serving the great interests of freedom and humanity throughout the world. Because a republican government, depending solely for its support on the wishes and affections of the people, ought never to declare a war, into which the great body of the nation are not prepared to enter with zeal and alacrity; as where the justice and necessity of the measure are not so apparent as to unite all parties in its support, its inevitable tendency is to augment the dis sentions that have before existed, and by exasperating party violence to its utmost height, prepare the way for civil war. Because, before a war was declared, it was perfectly well ascertained, that a vast majority of the people in the middle and northern states, by whom the burthen and expenses of the contest must be borne almost exclusively, were strongly opposed to the measure. Because we see no rational prospect of at. taining, by force of arms, the ob


jects for which our rulers say we are contending-and because the evils and distresses which the war must of necessity occasion, far overbalance any advantages we can expect to derive from it. Because the great power of England on the ocean, and the amazing resources she derives from commerce and navigation, render it evident, that we cannot compel her to respect our rights and satisfy our demands, otherwise than by a successful maritime warfare; the means of conducting which we not only do not possess, but our rulers have obstinately refused to provide. Because the exhausted state of the treasury, occasioned by the destruction of the revenue derived from commerce, should the war continue, will render necessary a resort to loans and taxes to a vast amount -measures by which the people will be greatly burthened and oppressed, and the influence and patronage of the executive alarmingly increased. And, finally, because of a war begun with such means as our rulers had prepared, and conducted in the mode they scem resolved to pursue, we see no grounds to hope the honourable and successful termination.

Resolved, That while we copdemn the war, in the most distinct and unqualified terms, we are deeply sensible of the new duties and obligations which the change of our national relations has inposed upon us, and are fully determined in our several capacities of magistrates, soldiers, and citizens, to obey with promptness and alacrity all constitutional requisitions of the proper authorities; seeking no other redress for the evils of which we complain, than that which we con

fidently trust will be obtained from a change of sentiment in the people, leading to a change of men and measures.

Resolved, That we view the creation of new states out of territories not within the ancient limits of the United States as inconsistent with the spirit of the federal compact, and calculated to destroy the weight, which the old, great, and populous states ought to bave in the union, and utterly to disappoint and frustrate the great purpose for which they entered into the confederacy.

Resolved, That we consider the employment of the militia, for the purpose of offensive war, as a pale pable violation of the constitution, as extremely offensive to the people, as the most expensive and the least efficient mode of conducting the war; and as a serious and alarming encroachment on the rights of the several states, which it behoves the true friends of our excellent institutions, by all lawful means, firmly to resist.

Whereas the late revocation of the British Orders in Council, has removed the great and ostensible cause of the present war, and prepared the way for an immediate accommodation of all existing differences, inasmuch as, by the confession of the present secretary of state, satisfactory and honourable arrangements might easily be male, by which the abuses resulting from the impressment of our seamen, might, in future, be effectually prevented-Therefore,

Resolved, That we shall be con. strained to consider the determina tion on the part of our rulers to continue the present war, after official notice of the revocation of


the British Orders in Council, as affording conclusive evidence, that the war has been undertaken from motives entirely distinct from those which have been hitherto avowed, and for the promotion of objects wholly unconnected with the interest and honour of the American nation.

Resolved, That we contemplate with abhorrence, even the possibility of an alliance with the present Emperor of Fiance, every action of whose life has demonstrated, that the attainment, by any means, of universal empire, and the consequent extinction of every vestige of freedom, are the sole objects of his incessant, unbounded, and remorseless ambition. His arms, with the spirit of freemen, we might openly and fear lessly encounter; but, of his secret arts, his corrupting influence, we entertain a dread we can neither conquer nor conceal. It is therefore with the utmost distrust and alarm, that we regard his late professions of attachment and love to the American people, fully recollecting, that his invariable course has been, by perfidious offers of protection, by deceitful professions of friendship, to lull his intended victims into the fatal sleep of confidence and security, during which, the chains of despotism are silently wound round and rivetted on them. Resolved, That we are firmly attached to the union of the States, most conscientiously believing, that on its preservation, the future peace, security, and independence, as well as power and grandeur of the American nation, must mainly depend; and we are therefore strengthened in our reprobation of the measures of our present rulers,

from a consideration of their evident tendency to produce a dissolution of that union which we so warmly cherish.

Whereas in the opinion of this convention the dangers which seem to threaten the existence of the union have chiefly arisen from the prevalence of a course of policy, by which the interests of the commercial states have been wantonly sacrificed to local prejudices and state jealousies: and whereas our minds are irresistibly impressed. with the conviction that a change of system is now demanded by the imperious law of self preservation: therefore resolved, that to effect a purpose so desirable, but so necessary, as a change of our presentrulers, the barriers of party, which separate men, differing, not in principle but in name merely, ought to be thrown down, and every obstacle removed which can. prevent and impede the full and cordial co-operation of those who are actuated by the same feelings, and entertain the same sentiments.

Resolved, that it be recommended to the friends of peace, liberty, and commerce, who are opposed to the present war, without distinction of parties, to assemble in their respective counties, wherein such meetings have not been already held, and appoint committees of correspondence and conference, who, if deemed necessary here after, may meet in a convention, for the purpose of explaining and comparing their sentiments, and concerting a common plan of operation, having for its object the restoration of peace to our degraded and afflicted country.

JACOB MORRIS. President.

Correspondence between Sir J. B. Warren, and the Secretary of State, Mr. Monroe.

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sept 30. SIR,-The departure of Mr. Foster from America has devolved upon me the charge of making known to you, for the information of the government of the United States, the sentiments entertained by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, upon the existing rela

tions of the two countries.

You will observe from the enclosed copy of an Order in Council, bearing date the 23d of June, 1812, that the Orders in Council of the 7th of Jan. 1807, and the 26th of April, 1809, ceased to exist nearly at the same time that the government of the United States declared war against his Majesty.

Immediately on the receipt of this declaration in London, the Order in Council, of which a copy is herewith enclosed to you, was issued, on the 31st day of July, for the embargo and detention of all American ships.

Under these circumstances, I am commanded to propose to your government the immediate cessation of hostilities between the two countries; and I shall be most happy to be the instrument of bringing about a reconciliation, so interesting and beneficial to America and Great Britain.

I therefore propose to you, that the government of the United States of America shall instantly recal their letters of marque and reprisal against British ships, together with all orders and instructions for any acts of hostility what ever against the territory of his

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Majesty, or the persons or property of this subjects: with the understanding, that immediately on my receiving from you an offcial assurance to that effect, I talk instruct all the officers under my command to desist from corresponding measures of war a ainst the ships and property of the United States, and that I shall transmit, without delay, corresponding intelligence to the several parts of the world where hostilities may have commenced; the British Commanders in which will be required to discontinue hostilities, from the receipt of such notice.

Should the American government accede to the above proposal for terminating hostilities, I am authorised to arrange with you as to the revocation of the laws which interdict the commerce and ships of war of Great Britain from the harbours and waters of the United States; in default of which revocation within such reasonable period as may be agreed upon, you will observe, by the Order of the 23d of June, the Orders in Council of January, 1807, and April, 1809, are to be revived.

The officer who conveys this letter to the American coast bas received my orders to put to sea immediately upon the delivering of this dispatch to the competent authority; and earnestly recom mend, that no time may be lost in communicating to me the decision of your government, persuaded as I feel, that it cannot but be of a nature to lead to a speedy termination of the present differences.

The flag of truce which you may charge with your reply, will find one of my cruisers at Sandy


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