Зображення сторінки

only in the North-West Provinces and Upper India, but in the far more favoured cotton fields of our Presidency, is an adequate testing and full authentication of some inexpensive method of treatment or cultivation, which shall be equally applicable to the exotic, hybridi ed, and good indigenous varieties, and which the ryots themselves will be able to appreciate alike under their present simple methods of tillage, or under any improved system they may eventually be induced to adopt. There is at last, we think, some prospect of this desideratum being attained. The minute of his Excellency suggests more than simply a systematic method of operation in future experiments. It describes what is known at home as Hallett's pedigree system, which consists in the selection by hand of the finest seed from each successive year's crop, and the annual reproduction of the plant only from such seed; and it enjoins the adoption of this plan in experiments both with exotic and indigenous cotton, as the best means of acclimatising the one and improving the other. The advantage of this system appears so very manifest that the wonder seems to be that it has never yet been tried. A cultivator selecting the finest bolls in his field of cotton, and putting them aside, extracting from them at leisure the seed for his next sowing, is a thing that has never yet been heard of; but the matter is so simple, so reasonable, that we have little doubt that the system will be generally adopted when the ryots come to be acquainted with it, and its advantages are explained to them." The same article then goes on to say: "The pedigree system was begun last year in different parts of the Presidency, but cannot be said to have yet had to any appreciable extent a trial, as it is obvious that the effect of it can only be judged by the character of the produce of successive years. In the experiments now being conducted in accordance with the plan suggested by His Excellency, there is yet another element of success in the efficient character of the agency employed. The Cotton Departments are assisted in the work by four practical horticulturists, Messrs. Shearer, Stormont, Strachan, and Milne, who have been sent out to this country for the purpose by the Secretary of State, who, we believe, selected them from a number of applicants on the recommendation of Dr. Hooker, of the Botanical Gardens at Kew." I wrote to my friend Sir Joseph Hooker, who, in reply, says the men were sent out from Kew in 1869, but that he has no statement of the results beyond a newspaper cutting, stating that their services were highly approved of, adding, "cotton is coming down from the country much better in quality and in much larger quantities." I therefore wrote to the India Office requesting to be furnished with a copy of the Minute above referred to, and with informatin as to the exact plan adopted and the results obtained. can only suppose that there is some difficulty in doing this, as, although I stated that these particulars were required for the Congress this day, they have not yet reached me.


Had the Government, when thus appropriating and applying my system, done me the honour to consult me upon it, I should have pointed out that mere horticulturists, however skilful, would not (unaided) be likely to accomplish very much. It appears that in India there are thirty different kinds of cotton grown, in as many separated districts, for the Liverpool market. In each district the kind of cotton grown there is said to be that most suitable, and indeed the only kind that can be cultivated there with advantage. If this be so, then there must be thirty selectors-one in each district-in order to improve to the utmost the cotton most suitable to it. I do not profess any special Knowledge of the growth of cotton, but I know something of the growth of wool, and I apprehend that fineness, and length and strength of fibre are qualities equally desirable in both. I have seen a buyer of wool, when blindfolded, tell by the touch the age and sex of the animal from which the fleece in his hand came, and I have tested beyond all possibility of doubt his ability to do this. I am told there are men in Liverpool who have an equal gift in judging cotton, but that such men soon wake their fortunes there. But these are exactly the men who are wanted for cotton selectors in India. The available differences of plants are slight, and when out of a number the selec tion has reduced the competing plants to two or three, the difference is very slight indeed, but still very real. With many different points to take into account, I have occupied weeks in studying the final best two plants. It is evident that if there is anything at all in selection, a selector, ignorant of the one thing needful, may pedigree in the wrong direction, as the first Napoleon did unconsciously when his conscriptions left only those men who were quite impos ible for soldiers to be progenitors of the future Frenchmen with the result of the standard in the

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army having to be lowered by five inches. I must not, I sup pose, be surprised if the Government has imperfectly understood my system when such a man as Mr. Darwin, in his Cross and Self-fertilisation of Plants," can thus write of it :-"LoiseleurDeslongchamp (Les Céréales) was led by his observations to the extraordinary conclusion that the smaller grains of cereals produced as fine plants as the large. This conclusion is, however, contradicted by Major Hallett's great success in improving wheat by the selection of the finest grains." Here finest evidently means largest; but size of grain is not even an element in my system of selection.

If then we can seize upon these variations in plants, and by means of the principle of inheritance, perpetuate, increase, and accumulate year by year the original variation in the desired direction, what a field does it open to us for increasing this world's plant food! And how vast is this field compared with that presented by the food-producing animals, in mere number probably not equal to the food-plants upon a single English farm; for while these animals supply food for man alone, and for him only in part, plants may be said to almost wholly sup port both them and man. Vast, indeed, may this field be called, for it includes not only the plants destined for food and clothing, but also every kind of plant which contributes to the welfare and happiness of mankind; surely a field, then, worthy of any man's labour!

Since this paper was read a Minute by His Excellency, Sir Seymour Fitzgerald, the Governor of Bombay, dated January 10, 1868, has been sent to Major Hallett by the direction of the Secretary of State for India, together with reports extending to 1870 only.

"In England I have had opportunities of seeing on my own land, and on the properties of other gentlemen, how much can be effected in the improvement of cereals by a continued attention during successive years to the selection of the best seed only from crops of a common variety. The pedigree wheat, which bears the name of Mr. Hallett, a Sussex gentleman, is, in fact, a new variety which he has produced by the constant selection each year of the finest ears produced on his farm near Brighton, and by his never permitting any seed from small or inferior ears to be sown. None but the best ears selected by hand were set aside the first year for seed; from the produce of these the best were again in the same manner selected by hand, and this course was continued for several successive years; the final result was the introduction of Hallett's Pedigree Wheat, which I have known in my own experience to produce a crop nearly 50 per cent. more in quantity, and 50 per cent. more valuable in quality, than that produced from the best seed that could be purchased in the market, and this in the same field, under exactly the same circumstances, and with the same care taken in the cultivation. "I believe the same result may probably be obtained if the same process is adopted with our indigenous cotton. rate, I desire the experiment to be carefully made, and will take care that funds are placed at the disposal of the Inspector-inChief for this purpose. The experiment should be tried not only in different districts but in several parts of each district, and a sufficient breadth should be sown in each case to ensure a fair and satisfactory trial.

At any

The Inspector-in-Chief is, therefore, authorised to make the same experiments as those I have suggested as to the indigenous cotton-with all the exotic varieties he may receive-in the same manner and on the same scale. Even if they are not successful to the extent and in the manner I anticipate, they will serve to show us, if carefully continued for the next three or four years, what are the exotic varieties of cotton which we can with confidence encourage the cultivators in each district to adopt, as being best suited to the particular circumstances of their lands."

The following extract from Administration Report, Cotton Commissioners' Department, for the year 1870-71, was received by Major Hallett on January 9, 1882. Major A. T. Moore, Acting Cotton Commissioner and Inspector in-Chief, writes under date Bombay, October 31, 1871, on the advantages of "Selection":

"Taking everything into consideration, I think the fact of the heavier yield-by more than double-being in favour of the 'Pedigree,' goes to show that selection,' as desired by His Excellency Sir Seymour Fitzgerald, should be carefully carried out; that the cultivators should be supplied from the Government crops with as much seed as possible, and at the same time, that the necessity for selection should be earnestly pressed on

their notice; while the Superintendents themselves, by carefully and steadily pursuing the same plan year by year, by selecting from all their crops, and again selecting from that selection, will be able apparently, if the present results may be relied on, to increase the production and fruitfulness of the plant, and in the course of a few seasons to establish a veritable Pedigree Cotton,' as unlike its parent as the 'English thorough-bred,' with his long stride and fine skin, is unlike the stock whence he originally sprang. It remains for me to notice the avidity with which our surplus seed was purchased by the cultivators. Mr. Wilkinson says this seed was sufficient for the requirements of two villages, and that the crop produced was an abundant one. He further adds, I was informed by the Patel of one of the villages that this seed had given great satisfaction; yields being reported of 96 lbs. to 150 lbs. cotton per acre, according to the amount of care in cultivation.' This gives an average of 123 lbs., but I will only take 100 lbs. as the average product, and even then I find the figures loudly speaking in favour of carefully picked and selected seed.

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CAMBRIDGE. The election to the Professorship of Animal Morphology will take place on May 31.

The Moderators and Examiners for the Mathematical Tripos have announced that logarithmic tables will be provided for each of the candidates during the examination.

The mineralogical laboratory will be open to students during July and August.

The proposed enlargement of the space available at the new museums for Practical Morphology and Histology is to be at once proceeded with.

Mr. W. H. Caldwell, B.A., Scholar of Gonville and Caius College, is approved as a Teacher of Comparative Anatomy with reference to certificates for medical study.

Dr. Anningson has been approved as a teacher of Medical Jurisprudence in the Medical School.

The proposal to continue the opening of the Botanic Garden for three hours on Sundays to Members of the Senate accompanied by their friends during the summer months, has met with warm opposition from some who consider that in this case Sunday labour is imposed on others for the selfish pleasures of a jew.

It has been pointed out that owing to the value of the contents of the garden it must always be watched, and it could not possibly be said that the proposed regulations will impose additional Sunday labour. The voting on this question takes place to-day (25th).

LONDON.-Prof. Ray Lankester has been re-appointed Profe sor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in University College, London.

some freshwater gill-bearing molluscs, by C. A. White.-Mea. sures of the rings of Saturn in the years 1879, 1880, 1881, and 1882, by E. S. Holden.-Interference-phenomena in a new form of refractometer, by A. A. Michelson.-New minerals, monatite and monite, with a notice of pyroclasite, by C. U. Shepard. - Marine fauna of New England, by A. E. Verrill.

Journal of the Franklin Institute, May.-On the several efficiencies of the steam-engine, and on the condition of maximum economy, by R. H. Thurston.-Ninety miles in sixty minutes, by W. B. Le Van.-Intonation of chime bells, by J. W. Nystrom.-The Mears chlorination process, by W. U. Greene. Action of charcoal on a solution of gold chloride, by G. E. Koenig.

Bulletin de l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Belgique, No. 3. -On the sensations the author experiences in his eyes, by M. Plateau. On a claim of priority, introduced in the Academy by M. E. Dewalque, regarding my note on the origin of Devonian limestones of Belgium, by M. Dupont.-On the respiratory effects of excitation of the pneumogastric, by M. Henrijean.Various products obtained from fresh stocks of peony; new reaction of salicylic acid, by M. Jorissen.-Reports.

Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, vol xv. fasc. vii.-The geology of the Parman Apennines, by A. Del Prato. The double quadratic transformation of space, &c. (concluded), by F. F. Archieri.-On rational skew curves, by L. Weyr. On the transformation of the co-ordinates in space, by F. Borletti.

Fasc. viii.-On a formula of Cauchy, concerning the develop ment of functions in infinite products, by P. Cazzaniga.Whether cemeteries may have an injurious influence on the public health, by L. Gabba -Remarks on the subject, by C. Zucchi, and reply by L. Gabba

Atti della R. Accademia dei Lincei, vol. vi., fasc. 10.-On some derivatives of citraconic acid, by Drs. Ciamician and Dennstedt.-Studies on fluoxysalts and fluosalts of molybdenum, by Signors Mauro and Panebianco.—Reports.

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American Journal of Science, May.-Photographs of the spectrum of the nebula in Orion, by H. Draper.-Mean annual rainfall for different countries of the globe, by A. Woeikoff.Physiological optics, by W. L. Stevens.-Flood of the Connect.cut River valley, from the quaternary glacier, by J. D. Dana.-Brazilian specimens of Martite, by O. A. Derby.Method of determining the flexure of a telescopic tube for all positions of the instrument, by J. M. Schaberle.-Dykes of micaceous diabase penetrating the bed of zinc ore at Franklin furnace, by B. K. Emerson.-Occurrence of smaltite in Colorado, by M. W. Iles.-Conditions attending the geological descent of

Combining the results of the present paper with our determination of the B. A. unit in absolute measure, we getI mercury unit = 0.94130 x 109 C.G.S.

this sank rapidly, the molten rock welling up round it. The author considered that these experiments demonstrate that the cooled lava is more dense than the molten, and that the apparently contradictory results obtained by Prof. Palmieri were due to the fact that the surface of the stream, by loss of heat, had become viscid, so that the solid material floated, though of greater density. The author concluded by citing other confirmatory evidence of his view.

Entomological Society, May 3.-Mr. H. T. Stainton, F.R.S., president, in the chair.-The president alluded to the interest which the late Mr. C. Darwin, who was one of the original members of the Society, had always shown in entc


tary of the Essex Field Club, relative to the scientific importance of Epping Forest being preserved in its natural condition “ improved," and requesting the members to join in a Memorial to

Chemical Society, May 18.-Dr. Gilbert, resident, in the chair.-The following papers were read :-On the precipitation of the alums by sodic carbonate, by E. J. Mills and R. L. Barr, The authors have determined the quantity of alumina precipitated in one hour from a solution of potash alum containing I per cent. of sulphate of alumina by varying quantities of sodium carbonate solution. The precipitation takes place in three stages: in the first no precipitation occurs-at the end of this stage, the ratio is molecule of aluminium sulphate to of a molecule of sodium carbonate; during the second stage recipitation is continuous-at the end of this stage about the alumina is precipitated, the ratio, I molecule of the sulphate, to molecule of the carbonate; at the end of the third stage the precipi-mology.-The Secretary read a communication from the Secre tation is complete, the ratio being I molecule of the sulphate to molecule of the carbonate. Similar results were obtained by precipitating potassiochrome alum.-On rotary polarisation by chemical substances under magnetic influence, by W. H. Perkin. The author has determined and compared the power which various organic liquids have of rotating the plane of polarisation, when under the influence of an electro-magnet; and he has calculated the rotary power possessed by the columns of liquids, which would be formed, by the condensation of unit-columns of their vapours, or, in other words, the rotary power possessed by lengths proportional to molecular weight. The numbers thus calculated clearly indicate that the molecular magnetic rotary power increases pari passu, with each increment of CH2-On the constitution of Amarin and Lophin, by F. R. Japp and H. H. Robinson. By the action of parahydroxy-benzaldehyde upon benzil in presence of ammonia, the authors prepared a substance having the formula of hydroxylophin, which by distillation with zine dust furnished crystals resembling in all respects the lophin prepared by Laurent, Fownes, &c. Lophin, therefore, belongs to Hübner's anhydrobases, and is an anhydrobenzoyldiamido


Geological Society, May 10.-J. W. Hulke, F. R.S., president, in the chair.-Arthur Leech was elected a Fellow, and Prof. L. Rütimeyer a Foreign Member of the Society.-The following communications were read :-On the relations of Hybeerinus, Baerocrinus, and Hybocystites, by P. Herbert Carpenter, M.A. Communicated by Prof. P. Martin Duncan, M.B., F.R.S., V.P.G.S.-On the Madreporaria of the inferior oolite of the neighbourhood of Cheltenham and Gloucester, by R. F. Tomes, F.G.S.-On the exploration of two caves in the neighbourhood of Tenby, by Ernest L. Jones. Communicated by Prof. W. Boyd Dawkins, F. R.S., F.G. S. The caves noticed in this paper were that of Coygan, near Laugharn, partially described by Dr. Hicks in the Geological Magazine in 1867, and a cave known as Hoyle's Mouth, reported on to the British Association in 1860 by the Rev. Gilbert N. Smith. Both caves were rock fissures. The Coygan cave had been a hyæna den, as was shown by the deposits of crushed bones and coprolites trodden down into a solid mass by the passing of the animals. Besides remains of hyæna, it furnished those of horse, mammoth, tichorhine rhinoceros, elk, red deer, roe deer, reindeer, cave bear, cave lion, Bos primigenius, wolf, and fox. The presence of hippopotamus was doubtful. Besides these animals, the presence of Paleolithic man in the cave was indicated by some cut bones, and by two flint-flakes evidently chipped by man. In the second cave, Hoyle's Mouth, the hyana, the cave bear, &c., were wanting, the place of the latter being taken by the common brown bear. In one part, remains of an old hearth were found; and the whole contents of the fissure pointed to a Neolithic date. At one time the cave appears to have been used as a place of sepulture.-Note on the comparative specific gravities of molten and solidified Ve uvian lavas, by H. J. JohnstonLavis, F.G.S. From some experiments made on Vesuvian lava, Prof. Palmieri, in 1875, expressed the opinion that its specific gravity, when molten, might be as high as 50, though when cooled it is only 2'7. The author described the results of experiments made in December, 1881, on some lava flowing across the Atrio del Cavallo. Favourable circumstances enabled him to gain a position above a perfectly molten stream, the surface of which was protected from radiation by the heated walls of a tunnel which the lava had already formed by cooling of the crust. On to this were dropped, from a height of 1 yard (a) light scoria; this floated on the surface until lost to view (the stream could be watched for 150 yards or so); (b) fairly solid lava, with some vesicular cavities: this slowly sank, until after some distance it disappeared; (c) the most compact lava that | could be found, in which, however, were a few small cavities:

the Conservators to this effect, lest it should be converted into a mere park.-Exhibitions: Varieties of Fidonia atomaria and Anchocelis pistacina, by Mr. W. C. Boyd; a male of Cryptus titilator, by Mr. T. R. Billups; a hybrid between Antheræa Perryi and Roylii, by Mr. W. F. Kirby ; and a curious abnormal growth of the flowers of the ash (produced by a gall-mite), by Miss Ormerod. Mr. E. A. Fitch called attention to a woody spherical gall on ash keys, produced by a curmlionideons (?) larva.-Papers read: Further additions to Mr. Mashall's Catalogue of British Ichneumonida, by Mr. J. B. Bridgman; a continuation of his synopsis of British Hymenoptera, by Mr. E. Saunders; and on the supposed abnormal habits of certain species of Eurytomida, a group of the Hymenopterous family Chalcididae, by Prof. J. O. Westwood.

Meteorological Society, May 17.-Mr. J. K. Laughton, F. R. A.S., president, in the chair.-Miss W. L. Hall, Mr. E. J. Pearson, Dr. J. R. Somerville, and Mr. W. J. V. Vandenbergh were elected Fellows of the Society.-The following papers were read-On the diurnal variation of wind and weather in their relation to isobaric lines, by the Hon. Ralph Abercromby, F.M.S. By constructing synoptic charts at different hours of the same day, and by comparing the wind and weather records at the different hours, and examining their relation to mean curves of diurnal variation, the author shows that the mean diurnal increase of the wind's velocity is explained by the fact that for the same gradient there is more wind by day than there is by night. The mean diurnal veering of the wind is explained by the fact that in cyclones the wind is a little more incurved, and in anticyclones a little more outcurved, by night than by day. The mean diurnal increase of the frequency of rain during the day hours is explained by the fact that in any given cyclone the area of rain is larger by day than by night. The diurnal changes of every element are superimposed on the larger general changes, and are independent of each other. Great stress is laid on this point, both as explaining and classifying many meteorological questions, and as simplifying the problem of weather forecasting. The author gives a simple hypothesis, from which it appears that the diurnal veering and increase of rain follow as a natural consequence of the diurnal increase of velocity.— Mechanical conditions of storms, hurricanes, and cyclones, by W. F. Stanley, F.M.S.

Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, May 17.-Annual General Meeting.-Prof. F. S. B. F. Dechaumont, M.D., F.R.S., in the chair.-A favourable report was presented by the council on the progress made by the Institute during the past year. The chairman gave an address, and the officers for the ensuing year were elected, the President being His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, K.G., and the trustees Sir John Lubbock, Bart., D.C.L., F.R.S., Dr. B. W. Richardson, F.R.S., and Thomas Salt.

Institution of Civil Engineers, May 16.—Sir Frederick Bramwell, vice-president, in the chair.-The first paper read was "On the various systems of grinding wheat, and on the machines used in corn-mills," by Mr. W. Proctor Baker.—The second paper was on "Modern Flour-milling in England," by Mr. Henry Simon.-The third paper was on "Roller-mills and milling as practised at Budapest," by Mr. W. B. Harding.


Royal Society, May 15.-Prof. Balfour, vice-president, in the chair. Mr. Murray read an account of the explorations which had been carried out by Staff-Commander Tizard and himself in the Faroe Channel during the summer of 1880. In

II.M.S. Knight Errant they had taken a series of soundings and dredgings with the view of testing the truth of the theory that a barrier stretched across between the North-West of Scotland and the Faroe bank, separting the cold and warm deep-sea areas which previous exploration had shown to exist in close contiguity to each other. In this they had been quite successful, proving that there was a narrow barrier separating the northern cold area from the southern warm area. From the specimens of rock obtained from the top of this ridge, they concluded that the ridge was in all probability an ancient moraine. The objects, animal and otherwise, brought up from the bottom had been examined carefully by various scientific men, and the paper consisted in great part of their report -sixteen in all.-Mr. E. Sang, in a short notice of the solar eclipse of May 17, laid before the Society calculations which so supplemented for Edin. burgh the times and hases given in the Nautical Almanac as to make the comparison between calculation and observation more accurate. Should the morning prove favourable for observation, he hoped to be able to lay before the Society the result of the co.nparison.-Prof. Tait communicated a paper by Mr. A. P. Laurie, on a new secondary cell, with which he had made a long series of experiments. The cell consisted of two copper poles dipping into chloride of zinc, and was charged in the usual manner by running a current through it. Zinc was deposited on the one pole, and cuprous chloride was formed at the other. Even with the small sized cells which were used, the results obtained were tolerably satisfactory. They suffered greatly from loss, however, being in this respect in no way superior to the other known forms of secondary cells.


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of graduating galvanometers.-On the length of sparks of the discharge of an electric condenser, by M. Villari. When a condenser is discharged by making it produce one spark or two, the length of the first is not equal to the sum of the lengths of the others, and the sum of lengths of the sparks is not always constant. Small sparks have the effect of elongating another produced at the same time in the circuit; and this influence grows with the charges of the condenser. It is connected with. a sensible diminution of the interior discharge, and increase the exterior.-Existence of lithine and boric acid in notable proportions in the waters of the Dead Sea, by M. Dieulafait. In a cubic centimetre there is enough lithine to distinctly show, at least a thousand times, the spectrum of that sub tance. The boric acid can be practically recognised with the product of a single cubic centimetre. The e facts (contrary to previous ideas) prove the marine origin of the Dead Sea.-On the laws of sola bility of carbonic acid in water at high pressures, by M. Wro blewski. The temperature remaining constant, the coefficient of saturation increases much less quickly than the pressure, while tending to a certain limit. The pressure remaining constant, the coefficient increases when the temperature diminishes. On the mechanism of putrid fermentation of proteic matters, by MM. Gautier and Etard. The acid fermentation which arises in a few days is an epiphenomenon, not nece sary, and not affecting the albuminoid molecules.-On a case of isomerism of bichlor camphor, by M. Cazeneuve.-On purpurogalline, by MM. de Clermont and Chautard.-On the dimorphism of stannic acid, y MM. Levy and Bourgeois.—On chronic poisoning by arsenic, by MM. Caillot de Poncy and Livon, Cats receiving arsenic small doses from time to time, eat more, and fatten, for a tize, showing every sign of good health; but by and bye they grow lean, have diarrhea, lose appetite, and become languid; ani they die in an anamic and lean state.

The authors describe the

changes (fatty degeneration) in the lungs, and mesenteric ga e glions. On a disease of early beans in the environs of Algiers, by M. Prillieux. A parasitic champignon produces white wadding-like tufts on the plant.-M. Laussedat said he had seen Mercury with the naked eye on May 11, at 8 p.m.


Imperial Institute of Geology, April 18.-The following papers were read :-C. Doelter, on pyroxenite, a proposal for the classification of the eruptive rocks.-V. Hilber, geological map pings of Zolkiew and Rawa-Ruska (Gallicia).-Th. Fuchs, which deposits are to be considered as of deep-sea origin?

May 2.-T. N. Woldrich, contributions to the fauna of the Istrian breccia.-R. Zuber, geological notes from the Carpathian Mountains of Eastern Gallicia.




Academy of Sciences, May 15.-M. Jatin in the chair.The following papers were read-Observations of small planets with the great meridian instrument of Paris Observatory during the first quarter of 1882, by M. Mouchez.-New note on the project of formation, in Algeria and Tunisia, of a so-called interior sea, by M. Cosson. He brings forward a series of objections to the scheme.-Reply to M. Cosson's note, by M. de Lesseps.-M. Alph. Milne-Edwards presented, in his own name, the second volume of text, and vols ii, and iii. of plates (266 in number) of "L'Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux de Madagascar." This raises to 400 the number of plates of birds.-Spiraloid drums for cables of equal resistance, by M. Haton de la Goupillière. This relates to extraction from mines. The first part treats of the general properties of every system, of rigorous equilibrium, whatever the form of the cable (cylindrical from end to end, formed of successive cylindrical parts, conical, logarithmic, &c.). In the second part, the general properties arrived at are employed to determine the drum of equilibrium in the case of the logarithmic cable, which represents the exact form of equal -resistance. Simple formulæ are furnished for the radii of winding. Synthesis of several organic compounds by means of electrolysis of water, of acid, alkaline, and alcoholic solutions with electrodes of carbon, by MM. Bartoli and Papasogli. They THE TOTAL ECLIPSE electrolysed distilled water during about six weeks, using a strong battery (1200 D) the first two days, then 100 Bunsens for ten days, then twenty Bunsens for thirty, the elec trodes being carbon. Mixed with the disaggregated carbon was found a dark matter, which they call mellogen, because, I in oxidation, it produces the acids of the benzocarbonic series. Its other properties are described. Using alkaline solutions (hydrates or carbonates) as electrolytes, the authors got a good deal of mellic acid and very little mellogen; the reverse being the case where the electrolyte was acid.-On the spherical representation of surfaces, by M. Darboux.-On the conditions of achromatism in phenomena of interference, by M. Hurion. He gives an experimental verification of a principle enumerated by M. Cornu. In a system of interference fringes from heterogeneous light giving a continuous spectrum, there is always an achromatic fringe which plays the part of central fringe, and is found where the most intense radiations present a maximum or minimum difference of phase.-Aperio lie galvanometer of MM. Duprez and d'Arsonval. This is for very weak currents. Between the poles of a horse-shoe magnet set vertically, is a rectangular frame wound with fine wire, connected by two wires, of silver or copper, with a bent support a ove, and an elastic slip below. These wires, whose tension is regulated by screws, are axial to the frame, to which they also bring the current. The upper wire has a mirror at its lower end; and within the frame is supported an iron tube to

Packard's "Insects Injurious to Forest and Shade Trees."-R.

Brown's Law of Kosmic Order"

Wilson's Uganda and the Egyptian Sudan


Dr. Siemens' Solar Hypothesis.-Prof. GEO. FRAS. FITZGERALD;

Porculia salvania (Hodgson).-Sir J. FAYRER, F.R.S.
Pseudo-Glacial Phenomena.-Rev T. E. TENISON-WOOLS
Varability of number of Sepals, Petals, and Anthers in the Flowers
of Myesurus minimus.-Dr. HERMANN MULIER.
Aurora Borealis.-W. PULLINGER

Bright Meteors.-G. L. TUPMAN

Curious Formation of Ice.-H. WARTH

The Existence of a Voice in Lizards.-C. MICHIE SMITH



The Trapezium of Orion
The Comet




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THE HE influence which our great naturalist has exerted upon zoology is unquestionably greater than that which has been exerted by any other individual; and as it depends on his generalisations much more than upon his particular researches, we may best do justice to it by taking a broad view of the effects of Darwinism on zoology, rather than by detailing those numberless facts which have been added to the science by the ever vigilant observations of Darwin. Nevertheless, we may begin our survey by enumerating the more important results of his purely zoological work, not so much because these have been rarely equalled by the work of any other zoologist, as because we may thus give due prominence to the remarkable association of qualities which was presented by Mr. Darwin's mind. This association of qualities was such that he was able fully to appreciate and successfully to cultivate every department and ramification of biological research-whether morphological, physiological, systematic, descriptive, or statistical-and at the saine time to rise above the minutia of these various branches, to take those commanding views of the whole range of nature and of natural knowledge which have produced so enormous a change upon our means of inquiry and our modes of thought. No labourer in the field of science has ever plodded more patiently through masses of small detail; no master-mind on the highest elevation of philosophy has ever grasped more world-transforming truth.

Taking the purely Zoological work in historical order, we have first to consider the observations made during the voyage of the Beagle. These, however, are much too numerous and minute to admit of being here detailed. Among the most curious are those relating to the scissorbeak bird, niata cattle, aëronaut spiders, upland geese, sense of sight and smell in vultures; and among the most important are those relating to the geographical distribution of species. The results obtained on the latter head are of peculiar interest, inasmuch as it was owing to them that Mr. Darwin was first led to entertain the idea of evolution. As displaying the dawn of this idea in his mind we may quote a passage or two from his "Voyage of a Naturalist," where these observations relating to distribution are given :

"These mountains (the Andes) have existed as a great barrier since the present races of animals have appeared, and therefore, unless we suppose the same species to have been created in two different places, we ought not to expect any closer similarity between the organic beings on the opposite sides of the Andes, than on the opposite

shores of the ocean."

"The natural history of these islands (of the Galapagos Archipelago) is eminently curious, and well deserves attention. Most of the organic productions are Aboriginal creations, found nowhere else; there is even a difference between the inhabitants of the different islands; yet all show a marked relationship with those of America, though separated from that continent by an open space of ocean, between 500 and 600 miles in width. The archipelago is a little world within itself, or rather a satellite attached

• Continued from p. 75. VOL. XXVI.-No. 657

to America, whence it has derived a few stray colonists, and has received the general character of its indigenous productions. Considering the small size of the islands, we feel astonished at the number of their aboriginal beings, and at their confined range. Seeing every height crowned with its crater, and the boundaries of most of the lavastreams still distinct, we are led to believe that within a period, geologically recent, the unbroken ocean was here spread out. Hence, both in space and time, we seem to be brought somewhat near to that fact-that mystery of mysteries-the first appearance of new beings on this earth."

Next in order of time we have to notice the Monograph of the Cirripedia. This immensely elaborate work was published by the Ray Society in two volumes, comprising together over 1000 large octavo pages, and 40 plates. These massive books (which were respectively published in 1851 and 1854) convey the results of several years of devoted inquiry, and are particularly interesting, not only on account of the intrinsic value of the work, but also because they show that Mr. Darwin's powers of research were not less remarkable in the direction of purely anatomical investigation than they were in that of physiological experiment and philosophical generalisation. No one can ever glance through this memoir without perceiving that if it had stood alone it would have placed its author in the very first rank as a morphological investigator. The prodigious number and minute accuracy of his dissections, the exhaustive detail with which he worked out every branch of his subject-sparing no pains in procuring every species that it was possible to procure, in collecting all the known facts relating to the geographical and geological distribution of the group, in tracing all the complicated history of the metamorphoses presented by the individuals of the sundry species, in disentangling the problem of the homologies of these perplexing animals, &c.—all combine to show that had Mr. Darwin chosen to devote himself to a life of purely morphological work, his name would probably have been second to none in that department of biology. We have to thank his native sagacity that such was not his choice. Valuable as without any question are the results of the great anatomical research which we are considering, we cannot peruse these thousand pages of closely written detail without feeling that for a man of Mr. Darwin's exceptional powers even such results are too dearly bought by the expenditure of time required for obtaining them. cannot, indeed, be sorry that he engaged upon and completed this solid piece of morphological work, because it now stands as a monument to his great ability in this direction of inquiry; but at the same time we feel sincerely glad that the conspicuous success which attended the exercise of such ability in this instance did not betray him into other undertakings of the same kind. Such undertakings may suitably be left to establish the fame of great though lesser men; it would have been a calamity in the history of our race if Charles Darwin had been tempted by his own ability to become a comparative anatomist.


But as we have said-and we repeat it lest there should be any possibility of misstating what we mean-the results which attended this laborious inquiry were of the highest importance to comparative anatomy, and of the highest interest to comparative anatomists. The limits of


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