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The coniferous species are most conspicuous from a distance but do not comprise the largest number of individuals. There are four species. Tsuga caroliniana is abundant all over the northern and western brow of the mountain (Fig. 2). Pinus pungens is as conspicuous and more generally distributed down the backbone of the mountain (Fig. 3), as well as occurring as twisted and deformed individuals in crevices and on ledges on the upper slopes of the cliffs. Juniperus virginiana is scattered along exposed places and is always dwarfed or grotesque in shape.


FIGURE 2. Hemlocks on the northern and western brow.

Pinus rigida is found chiefly along and down the backbone of the mountain, the forest of which partakes more of the character of that of the adjacent dry ridges. Of these four conifers, the last only is common throughout the adjacent region, Juniperus being very rare and Tsuga caroliniana being represented by but one mature individual in the Pink Beds, and none so far as known on Pisgah Ridge. Pinus pungens occurs in scattered colonies along the exposed slopes of Pisgah Ridge, and rarely in the Pink Beds valley, which is underlaid by Whiteside granite, sometimes exposed.

The broadleaf arborescent species do not show the same degree of localization as shown by the coniferous species. The most important species are Castanea dentata, Quercus Prinus, Q. coccinea, Q. rubra, Q. alba, Acer rubrum, Hicoria glabra, and Cornus florida. Dwarfed or shrub-like specimens of several smaller trees are common, especially on the exposed brow of the cliff, the principal species being Amelanchier canadensis, Castanea pumila, Chionanthus virginica, Symplocos tinctoria, Hamamelis


FIGURE 3. Pines on Lookingglass Mountain.

virginiana, and Sassafras variifolium. Perhaps the most interesting broadleaf found here was Populus grandidentata, represented by a few young trees.

Among the shrubs, Kalmia latifolia and Rhododendron maximum predominate here as they do nearly everywhere in this region. A very rare species here is Rhododendron punctatum which is common along the Davidson River banks, 2,000 feet lower, and on Cold Mountain, 2,000 feet higher. On the southern exposures of the mountain, Kalmia blooms a week earlier than it does

on the adjacent ridges and two to three weeks earlier than in the Pink Beds, nearly 1,000 feet lower altitude. The buckberry (a local name), Gaylussacia ursina, G. resinosa, Clethra acuminata, Leucothoë recurva, Azalea lutea, Pyrus melanocarpa (Aronia nigra Britton), Vaccinium corymbosum, Robinia hispida, and Rhus copallina are common and conspicuous shrubs on the summit of the exposed cliffs. The drier woods on the back of the mountain contain numerous specimens of Myrica asplenifolia and Vaccinium stamineum. Epigaea repens is common on the wooded portions of the summit.

The herbaceous vegetation varies greatly in appearance with the season. In early May the most conspicuous herbaceous plants are Viola hastata, V. rotundifolia, Adopogon montanus, Hyfoxis hirsuta, Potentilla canadensis, Iris verna, Erigeron pulchellus, Saxifraga virginensis, Viola pedata, V. primulaefolia, and V. affinis.

In midsummer most of the above named plants become inconspicuous and their place is taken by such species as Eupatorium pubescens, Gerardia tenuifolia, Aster Curtissii, Bidens bipinnata, Steironema heterophyllum, Capnoides sempervirens, Talinum teretifolium, and Xyris sp.

The last two named are not found elsewhere in the adjacent region, although the writer has not visited John Rock and Cedar Rock Mountains nearby which possess similar geological formations.



(Starred species were either young, dwarfed, or shrub-like.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

It is interesting to note that eleven of the seventeen species of shrubs belong to the Ericaceae. Of the arborescent species, six belong to the Fagaceae and four to the Pinaceae. Nearly all of the other arborescent species represent different families.





The genus Dewalquea was founded by Saporta and Marion in 1874 § upon remains from the Senonian of Westphalia communicated by Debey and named by him in manuscript Araliophyllum, and on additional remains collected by those authors from the Illustrated with the aid of the Catherine McManes fund.

† Published by permission of the Director of the United States Geological Survey. Saporta and Marion, Mém. cour. et des Sav. étrangers de l'Académie 37: 55.



Paleocene of Gelinden, Belgium (Marnes heersiennes = Étage Thanétien). Three species were enumerated, Dewalquea haldemiana and Dewalquea aquisgranensis from the Westphalian Senonian and Dewalquea gelindenensis from the basal Eocene. In the last thirty-five years several additional species have been referred to this genus. These include another species from the German Senonian (Dewalquea insignis) described by Hosius and v. d. Marck; two species from the Cenomanian of Bohemia (Dewalquea coriacea and Dewalquea pentaphylla) described by Velenovsky; † two American species from the Dakota group (Dewalquea dakotensis and Dewalquea primordialis) described by Lesquereux, both of which are fragmentary and of uncertain relationship; a species from the Raritan of New Jersey (Dewalquea trifoliata) described by Newberry; § and a species described by Heer || from Greenland (Dewalquea groenlandica) and subsequently recorded from Staten Island, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Alabama.

Hosius and v. d. Marck (loc. cit., p. 50) record the Eocene species from the Senonian of Westphalia but the remains are not of this species but fragments of Dewalquea haldemiana which is common at that horizon. The European species Dewalquea insignis is recorded by Heer ¶ from both the Atane and Patoot beds of Greenland and by Hollick** from the Cretaceous of Staten Island but both of these determinations are based upon fragments of single leaves and are, in the writer's judgment, entirely untrustworthy. Attention should also be called to the possibility of Celastrus arctica Heer†† representing the leaflets of a Dewalquea. * Hos. and v. d. Marck, Palaeont. 26: 172. pl. 32. f. 111–113; pl. 33. f. 109 ; pl. 34. f. 110; pl. 35. f. 123. 1880.

† Velenovsky, Fl. böhm. Kreidef. 3: 11, 14. pl. 1. f. 1–9; pl. 2. f. 2 ; pl. 8. f. II, 12. 1884.

Lesq., Fl. Dakota Group, 211. pl. 59. f. 5, 6. 1892. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Minn. 3: 18. pl. A. f. 10. 1893.

Newb., Fl. Amboy Clays, 129. pl. 22. f. 4-7. 1896.

|| Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 62: 87. pl. 29. f. 18, 19; pl. 42. f. 5, 6; pl. 44. f. 11.


Heer, op. cit., 86. pl. 25. f. 7 ; pl. 33. f. 14-16. 1882; ibid. 7: 37. pl. 58 f. 3; pl. 62. f. 7. 1883.

**Hollick, Mon. U. S. Geol. Surv. 50: 106. pl. 8. f. 24. 1907.

tt Heer, op. cit. 7: 40. pl. 61. f. 5, d, e.

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