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Printed for J. DODSLEY, in Pall-Mall, 1774-







HE year of which we treat, has been more favourable to the general tranquillity, than many preceding circumstances feemed to indicate. It has not, however, been deftitute of interefting events. difmemberment of Poland, the neceffity which produced a ratification of that act by the King and the Republic, and the precarious ftate of the remaining part of that unfortunate country, present a leffon to others, which might be ftudied with advantage. The favourable change which has taken place in the Ottoman affairs, and the infurrections which have happened in Ruffia, feem rather to increase the probability of a peace, than of a long continuance of the war. The final diffolution of the Jefuits, would alone distinguish the prefent year; and as that measure reftores fecurity to the territorial poffeffions of the court of Rome, may be supposed to have a confiderable



effect in preferving the peace of Italy. The entire ceffion of the Dutchy of Holftein to Denmark, whether confidered with refpect to its political value, or commercial confcquences, is alfo a matter of public importance.

The great revolution which has taken place, in the ftate and conftitution of the Eaft-India Company, has rendered our domeftic affairs particularly interefting. Indeed, the natural importance of the subject seems to be increased, by the ability with which it was difcuffed, and the dif ference of fentiments and opinions it produced, among the most eminent perfons in

the nation.

We have endeavoured to ftate these and other matters, in as clear a manner, as our means of information would admit, and ftill hope for that indulgence to our imperfections, which the kindness of the public has rendered habitual to us.


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General ftate of affairs. Poland. Ruffia. Retrospective view of the war, and its confequences confidered. Ceffion of Holftein. Revolt in the Crimea. Infurrection in the government of Oremberg. Ottoman empire. Preparations by the new Grand Signior for carrying on the war. Great Germanic powers. Revival of obfolete claims. State of the empire. Abolition of the Jefuits. Commercial failures. Dearths. Earthquakes.


HOUGH the year 1773, has not been productive of many great or fplendid actions, it has poffeffed a kind of negative merit, in not being attended with all the evil which it portended. The flames of war are till reftrained to thofe ftates with whom they began, and if the probability of peace does not appear greater than at the beginning of the VOL. XVI.

year, neither does the danger of extending thofe calamities feem to be increased. Thofe great armies in Germany and the North, which feemed to threaten deftruction to each other, or to the rest of mankind, have held their fwords quietly in their hands, and are now fo long accuftomed to behold each other without emotion, that they almoft forget their natural animofities; [4]


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