Зображення сторінки

BOOK cuniâ numerat. et summam 50. librarum in bonis mobilibus, ut ipsi visum fuerit, pro usu sibi maximè accommodis.






Do et lego eidem Joanni Parker filio meo ea vasa argentea quæ speciatim notantur, in chartis et libris manu mea scriptis, et illi tradita. Et volo hæc vasa in manus illius rursus tradi intra unum mensem proxime post decessum meum sequentem.

Do et lego eidem Joanni filio meo prædicto omnes libros, et advocationes quascunque habeo, ut vel ipse gaudeat illis, vel ejus arbitratu alii probi ministri verbi Dei, præter eas advocationes quæ destinantur quibusdam Sociis collegii Corporis Christi Cantabrigiæ, et præter eam quæ prius data et legata est Episcopo Dovoriensi.

38. Do et lego Academiæ Cantabrigiensi, in communem eorum bibliothecam centum libros.

29. Do et lego prædicto collegio Corporis Christi et successoribus suis, omnes libros meos impressos sive scriptos, quemadmodum in quibusdam registris exprimuntur, sub ista conditione quod reponantur et reserventur in bibliothecis suis novis et abacis in minori bibliothecâ, et in cistis ibidem præparatis; cum aliis libris particulariter adhuc in musæo et vestiario meo Lamhithi reservatis, et alibi, juxta eam a ordinationem quæ in hac re præscribitur in quadam indentura, nisi aliter postea mihi visum fuerit.

a Dat. 1. Jan. 1574. Eliz. 17.



Proviso, quod tam collegium prædictum, de libris suis et vasis à me legatis, obligentur collegio Gunvelli et Caii, et collegio sive aulæ Stæ Trinitatis Cantabrigiæ, quàm duo collegia pro suis vasis, et cives Norvicenses, per scripta sua obligatoria, astringantur collegio Corporis Christi prædicto, ut non alienentur legata mea prædicta illis assignata, sed ut reserventur et renoventur de tempore in tempus, ut usuș postulabit: alioqui non fruentur istis meis legatis prædictis.

189 Do et lego reliquos omnes libros meos sive Cantabrigiæ, 30. sive alibi ubicunque, non in isto testamento aliter legatos, Joanni Parker filio meo.

31. Do et lego Samueli Harleston Bacchalaureo, Studenti Cantabrigiæ, eos libros quos illi peculiariter assignavi, et 20.

alios in usum suum, ut executoribus meis visum fuerit. BOOK Memorand. 4to Aprilis, 1575, tradidi octo illorum.


Do et lego tribus filiabus meis in baptismate susceptis, 32. Dedi. viz. Shefeld, Cobham et Haward, inter se viginti libras. Lego filiolo meo Matthæo Parker 31. 6s. 8d.


Do et lego liberis quondam fratris mei Thomæ Parker 34. Dedi. quinquaginta libras.

Remitto, lego, et exonero Joanni Baker, Generoso, fratri 35. Fact. meo, 2007. quas per obligationem mihi debet.

Lego liberis Simonis Harleston, præter Samuelem, decem 86. Dedi. libras.

Lego liberis Katharina Whiting decem libras.


Lego servis meis electis, ut in schedula, centum quadra-38. ginta libras, et omnibus servis meis domesticis stipendia illius trimestris in quo obiero, et stipendia trimestris sequentis.

Paid to the


Lego pauperibus in Croidon, Lamhith et in parochiis 99. ejusdem 307. Residuum bonorum meorum, debitis, legatis et funerali- 40. Dedi. bus expensis allocatis, volo reservari Joanni Parker filio meo et assignatis suis: sperans interim quod filius meus prædictus Joannes velit esse benevolus illis qui me aliquo modo attingunt.

Et quoniam ex prædictis legationibus, viz. 13am 14am 15am 17am 18am 29am 30am 31am et 35am extra manus meas deliberavi et persolvi, ideo volo quod omnes illæ dictæ legationes, sic per me deliberatæ et persolutæ, sint vacuæ et nullius vigoris.

Supervisores meos constituo reverendum Patrem Richardum Episcopum Dovoriensem; Dominum Willielmum Cordel, Magistrum Rotulorum Regiorum; Thomam Wotton de Cantio, Armigerum; Thomam Yale, Legum Doctorem, et Joannem Bungay, Clericum. Et dono eorum cuilibet pro labore decem libras.

had hang

Executores meos nomino Magistrum Petrum Osborn de Mr. Osborn Scaccario Dominæ Reginæ, Armigerum; filium meum Joan-ings for his nem Parker de Lambith, Arm. Richardum Wendesley, Arm. 207. Nor Wendesly Seneschallum meum; Andream Peerson, Clericum, Commis nor Peerson

BOOK sarium Facultatum, et Joannem Baker fratrem meum de Cantabrigia Generos. quibus eorum cuilibet dono 20l. si


take upon onus executoris testamenti mei velint subire.

them the execut. nor any but J. Parker.

Item volo siquid ambiguum in hoc testamento fuerit repertum, ut interpretatio stet judicio Magistrorum Willielmi Cordel, Militis, Joannis Parker filii mei, et Andreæ Peerson, Clerici, vel ipsi vel ipsorum unus determinet, cui volo omnes legatorios meos stare.

In testimonium et fidem præmissorum, ego Matthæus Archiep. antedict. huic præsenti testamento sive ultimæ voluntati meæ, in his sex foliis contentæ, nomen meum subscripsi, et sigillo meo confirmavi die et anno quibus supra.

Locus sigilli.

Hiis testibus præsentibus, ac
specialibus vocatis. By me
John Coke. By me Tho.
Allen. Alex. Nevil. Henry

Matthæus Cantuariensis.

Testatur etiam hoc Matthæ us Allen, Notarius Publi cus scriptor. præsentium.



MSS. Rev.

Nic. Battely.

Number CI.

The order of the exequies of Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury; appointed under his own hand-writing.

FIRST, after my departure, the corps to be bowelled by G. Denham, my servant and surgeon. The bowels to be buryed in an earthen pot in the chappel called the Dukes Chappel in Lambith church. The body to be well cered, and to be first layd out by Densin's wife and Mr. Warden's wife and eyther of them to have a gowne.

Item, Within one or two dayes after the dressing of the corps, and layd in a coffin of oak, as is used, then the hersecloth of black to be layd on the bier, and so to be caryed by the household into the chapel, through the great chamber and cloister, and to be set in the mid chapel with the hersecloth thereon; and the chapel to be hanged with blacks hired of the draper: and to provide 12 poor men moùrners to have freze gownes, and 4 of them by course to watch


in the night the corps, with two others of my yeomen. BOOK Which 4 poor extern men to be at commons in the hall in their turne, and to have as they can be agreed with; and so the household to come daily to their prayers. And at the first entry of the corse, some one Chaplyn to make a sermon; and while the corps shall be thus reserved in the quire about one month, while the gownes, coats, and other things for the burial in the chapel of Lamhith, be in the preparing; and that all officers, Chaplains and gentlemen have their gownes.

Item, When all things aforesaid are prepared, then I will, that my corps shall be buryed at the upper end of the chapel against the Communion table, on the southside, directly against my accustomed place of prayer.

Item, That my executors do, after their departure after my burial, deliver the keyes of the chambers to the keepers, and do put in inventory and prayze such things as belongeth not to the house, as well at Lambith, as at Croyden, Canterbury, Beakesborn, and Ford house. And the said keepers severally to be charged in their offices, that there be made no wast, spoil or defacing of any doors, locks, windows or chambers, to the hindrance of the successors, nor the grounds to be abused, nor the garden or orchard to be spoiled to the hurt of the same: and also to be bound to be answerable for such things as belong to the said houses for my successors.

An estimate for the funeral.

300 0 0

In cloth for gownes for gentlemen and chap- £. s. d.
lains, gownes for 12 beadsmen at Lam-
hith, gownes for the harolds, coats for
the household, yeomen and groomes.
Item, To the Prince for mortuary by com-
position xxl. Harolds by composition.
Item, For cering and dressing the body to G.

Item, For hiring black hangings-the se-
pulchre finishing.

13 6 8



Item, To Preachers, to the parish, to the
poor, and- -and to my servants in reward.
Item, To servants for wages of the quarter
I dye in, and of the following.

Item, For the eschocheons of the armes for
the coffin, and for the hangings.

Provided, that all these charges exceed not
the summ of


Mattheue Cantuar.

Number CII.

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A brief of the goods and chattels of Matthew, late Archbishop of Canterbury; with the apprizement in his inventory.

MSS. Rev. Armory at Lambeth

N. Batte

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