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BOOK ad domum usque meam est insectatus, et postea insidias omnis generis mihi tetendit; tandem salvagardia regia, dum me illectum putant, et domi audiunt esse, vi aperta adoriri me agitant: sed Deus gratia sua infatuavit consilium eorum, et me mihi ipsi ignotum deduxit ad mare: unde, nave conscensa, me ad vos huc adduxit. Nihil mihi, post vindictam sceleris nefandi, tam in votis, quum venire in conspectum regiæ Majestatis, ex cujus pietate et potentia, et prudenti consilio, video pendere spem unicam cohærendæ istius insaniæ publicè grassantis in orbe Christiano. Quantumque magno ferar desiderio, nolui intempestivè et inconsultè accedere. Expectabo quid decernat Majestas regia. Interim significabo familiæ meæ, quam feliciter Deus providerit meæ saluti. Scribam ad Principem, (quamvis ejus memoriam perhorrescam) ut leniam, si potero, ejus efferatum animum, ne sævius agat in uxorem, ob spretam, ut ei videbitur, securitatem mihi promissam; sed non sine insidiis, et fraude insigni; quam tamen oportet in alium rejiciam. Deus det consilium, qui jam auxilium tulit, et ad portum securum me deduxit. Cupio supra modum ipse videre et audire, quomodo sitis tam inaudito casu affecti. Interim rogo tuam dominationem, ut Majestati regiæ revocet in memoriam obsequiosam meam, semper talem futuram, erga eam servitutem.

Tu, Domine, mihi magnæ consolationi eris, si per te intelligam, regiam Majestatem compati nobis, et horrere adeo tantam perfidiam, ut nec eam dissimulare ferat ejus animus. Non enim dubito, quin horrescat ipsa sola recordatione. Sed vereor, nè mitius loquendo de isto, addat animos carnificibus; ut qui videant ne audire quidem hiscere principes vicinos. Velim, et credo futurum, ut se principes tales præstent, quales debuerunt. Non sit futura minima pœna istorum carnificum, metus futuræ vindictæ. Nec credas 113 eos levi sermone mansuefieri posse; imò magis et magis insolentes futuri, si levius agatur cum iis. Fateor, non solis verbis detegendum id quod de eis sit judicium, sed facto opus esse, ut videant non esse mera verba, sed animos operi ipsi accinctos.


Precor Deum, ut vobis, qui consilio non caretis, det men- BOOK tem, quæ consulti sciat fructum capere; et te, Domine, servet tuæ reipub. diuturnum consiliarium.

Dominationis tuæ observantissimus et amantissimus. Sept. 1572.

Number LXXI.

Dr. Whitgift to the Archbishop, when he sent him the first part of his book against Cartwright.

I HAVE sent unto your Grace the first part of my book, MSS. G. Petyt. Armig. which I beseech your Grace to peruse, and to correct, alter, add, or take away what you shal think convenient. In the 37 leafe I have named certain that were made Priests according to the Popish maner. Whether I say truly of them al or no, I cannot certainly tel. I beseech I beseech your Grace to consider that place, and correct it. My Lord of Lincoln hath perused the book, and so hath Dr. Pern; and they both like of it. I have ended the second part, which wil be as much as this, and it is almost written out fair. This may be in printing in the mean time. And I thank your Grace most umbly for letting Mr. Toy have the doing of it. I have intreated Mr. Hanson, a very honest man, and one of this college, to take some pains in correcting the print. And I beseech your Grace let Mr. Grafton joyne with him: for I would gladly have it wel and truly printed. I umbly desire your Grace also to give the printer and them a special charge that no copies be given out of it, or any portion, until it be fully printed. And if it shal please your Grace to have me dedicate it to any, either the Queen's Majesty, the Parlament, or any other, I wil stay until I hear from you. I desired your Grace at my last being with you, to grant a licence to preach to one Mr. Handson; I beseech your Grace, that he may have it sent unto him by this his brother, the bearer hereof. Not having any other thing to trouble your Lordship with at this time, I commit you and


BOOK al yours to the tuition of Almighty God. From Trinity college in Cambridge, the 2d of Octob. 1572. Your Grace's to command,

John Whitgyfte.

MSS. penes


Number LXXII.

Balkius and Vosberghius to the Lord Treasurer, in the name of themselves and other strangers, intending to settle at Stamford, and set up their trades there.

Illustri ac generoso Domino D. a Burghley Mæcenati observandissimo.

ILLUSTRIS ac generose Domine, quanta possumus reverentia, Isbrandus Balkius verbi Minister, et Caspar Vosberghius, nostro et eorum nomine qui fortè sedes suas Standfordiæ, religionis puræ, et conscientiæ suæ ergô, figere optabunt, supplices tuæ amplitud. exponimus, multas (ut speramus) hoc tempore futuras fidelium familias, ob religionem Christi exules, quæ citra dubium se Standfordiam lubenter conferrent, sedesque isthic figerent, si à regia Majestate ea privilegia impetrari queant, quæ articulis hisce annexis bre114 viter delineata sunt. Quod si (ut optamus) à regiæ Majestatis clementia benignè tuo favore, concedantur, quàm plurimi non dubitant, urbem Standfordianam Dei benignitate brevi maximum inde sensuram compendium, multo cum civium et vicinorum locorum commodo, et profectu conjunctum. Quemadmodum è contrario, nisi hæc toti Ecclesiæ communia privilegia exulibus isthic permittantur, omnino de sua Ecclesiæque commoditate et successu dubitant. Cujus rei certissima documenta ex aliis locis sumi possunt, quò nunc multi exules in hoc regno confluxerunt, ubi sine expressis regiæ Majestatis privilegiis toti Ecclesiæ communibus, nullæ familiæ unquam vel vellent, vel tutò subsistere possent. Huc accedit, privatum unum, aut alterum totam Ecclesiam constituere, eamque alere, et fovere non posse. Et quia scimus tuam A. hanc, et miserorum Christi


exulum, et urbis tuæ causam, quàm optimè promotam velle, BOOK cum te rogamus Christi nomine, ut digneris hæc, quæ hisce articulis continentur, privilegia, pro Christi exulibus a regia Majestate, quam id fieri potest citissime, impetrare, quo illi, qui jam olim nomen Ecclesiæ dederunt, sine magno suo incommodo (hoc maxime tempore quando conductiones ædium multarum familiarum expirant) Standfordiam migrare et se conferre queant. Quod si tua amplitudo præstare dignabitur, et suæ urbi et miseris Christi exulibus, quàm plurimùm commodaverit. Quod ut T. amplitudo faciat, per Christum oramus. Londini, 17. Martii anno 1572, Styl. Nov.

Number LXXIII.

Certaine articles, conteyninge theffecte of the petition, and the requeste of the straungers, that shalbe willinge to go and kepe theire residence at Standford: whereby the same Standford, and other places lyenge theireabouts, withe the grace of God, be lyke in a shorte tyme to florishe wonderfullie.



FYRSTE and formoste, That itt maye please the Queenes MSS. penes Majestie, by her Hyghnes lettres patentes, to graunte, that all estraungers (to soche numbre and quantitie as convenientlie maye be placed and howsed within and aboute the forsaid towne of Stanford) beinge for conscience sake, and for the trewe and mere religion of Christe Jhesu, fledde into her Grace's reaulme, and willinge to goo to Stanford, and theire to kepe theyre residence; may be permitted freelie and franklie, and withowte all empeschemente, hindrance, or lette, to transporte, carrie, and bringe, or cawse to be transported, carried, and browghte to the saide towne of Stanford, all and singulier soche theyre goodes, housholdestuffe, marchaundises, instrumentes, and towls, appertayninge to theire occupations, artes, or handycraftes, as they have, thither to be browghte and transported from theire howses and dwelling places nowe beinge.

That itt maye please lykewyse her Majestie to graunte 2.

[blocks in formation]


BOOK the estraungers at Stanford, aforesaide, a churche, wheyrein they maye openlie have God's holye word preached and taughte, togither withe the exercyse of the reformed religion: even as the same by her Majestie is graunted to other congregations of straungers within this her Highnes reaulme.



And that it maye be leful to the same estraungers at Stanford, aforesaide, beinge placed, to chewse amongs them selffes seven menne (more or fewer) evin as the straungers of Norwiche and Sandwiche have in theyre churches; the whiche dewlie havinge fyrste taken theyre othes at the magystrates haundes, maye lefully afterwards decyde and ende all manner of civil and politicq debates, differences, and controuersies, rysen, or to ryse betwene straungers, if they canne. Yff not, and in case the matter or difficultie dothe so require the same, that (for the more and stricter coertion and brydlynge of the evil willers) they maye call two of the 115 magistrates of the towne of Stanford to assiste them. So that nevertheles, the appellacion, and the correction and punishemente of the evil dooers, be reserved entire and wholye to the magystrates of Stanford aforesaide.

Thyrdelie, That by her Majesties patentes, it maye also be graunted the forsaide estraungers, to make, and cawse to be made, all manner of straunge and owtlandishe clothes (as clothes of Braband, Holland, and soche lyke) hitherto as yet not beinge mentioned in anye particulare privelege by her Highnes given or graunted. And lykewyse also all sortes of beyes, seyes, stammets, moccados, grograines, karsees, fustaynes of Neapolis, secklets, carpettes, lynsiewoolsies, fringes, and all manner of makinge of passemente and pamets, and al sortes of tapistrie woorks, of sylkes and vellviths, withe all manner of figured and unfigured fyner woorke, sowed and stiched.

Item, And to thende that the forsaide pretended haundelinge or trade maye the better sorte effecte to the commune-wealthe of the forsaide towne, that it maye be lawfull to everie of the forsaide estraungers, to bye wolle, threade, soape, butter, oyle, and all manner of stuffe servinge to the

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