Зображення сторінки


the vacation of any dioces, licet Episcopus ibi sit inthroni- BOOK zatus. He may compel Suffragans to residence in their cathedral churches. He may revocare gesta per suos Suffraganeos etiam legitima. The jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Cant. non nudi Metropolitani finibus coercetur.

The subject of the province of York did appeal tuitoriè ad Curiam de Arcubus.

The scholars of Oxon submit themselves to the Archbishop of Cant. et nequeunt sese exceptos. Ex Reg. Arund.

William Courtney, Bishop of Hereford, professed in a Synod, that neither he nor his Clergy would give one peny subsidy to the King, unles the Lord King should do justice to him and his men. Ex Reg. Witelsey.

John Warren, Earl of Surrey and Sussex, was cited to the Councel of the province, to be punished for adultery continued in. Ex Reg. Reynold.

In the third year of the translation of Chicheley, Archbishop, the Lord Le Strange and his wife did public penance after the maner of penitents, from Paul's church to S. Dunstans in the East, because they gave a cause of murder in the said church, and polluted it. Ex Reg. Chichely.

Penance enjoyned to the tenants of Wingham, for that they did ridiculously and contemptuously their service: which was to cary straw to the Archbishops stable. Ex Reg. Courtney.

And so penance was enjoyned to the men of Topsam for contempt. And that was a hard penance, namely, to do penance in the churches of Pauls, London, of Canterbury, and Exeter: to procure a Priest to celebrate the anniver saries of the Earl of Devonshire; and each to pay 20d. to the repairs of the walls of Exon. Ex Reg. Courtney.

Penance enjoyned to the men of Romney Marsh. The constitution of paying tith in the City of London was put forth by Simon Niger, Bishop of London. Which was thus; that every man, according to the rate of the rent of his house should take from every ten shillings one 100 farthing every Lords day, and every holy day, whose vigil

BOOK was appointed for fasting. See the record of Arundel de


anno 1o.

Archbishop Peckham would not consecrate Richard More Professor of Divinity, tho' provided by the Pope for Bishop of Winchester; but wholly rejected him from the said bishoprick for plurality of benefices. Reg. Peckham.

King by the Clergy,

Some petitions were put up to the ann. 9°. Hen. V. and they were three. The first was, that the ordinationes against the provisors of victuals should be diligently observed. The Kings answer was, that the King would have the causes proclaimed and observed. To omit the second; the third petition was, ut omnes qui Presbyteros castraverunt, acriter puniantur. [They used, it seems, to be too free with the laity's wives, and they dealt too roughly with them when they met with them.] The Kings answer was, Vult eos puniri ut felones. Vid. Reg. Chechely.


This an old eye-sore to the Clergy. Robert, Archbp. Winchelsey, did vehemently move the King Edward II. that a remedy might be provided against frequent prohibitions. To which petition the King gave this threefold answer. I. That faithful sworn Clerks should be deputed, who should diligently examine the causes of prohibitions. II. That those that obtain injurious prohibitions be severely punished by a pecuniary punishment, or by prison. III. That those aforenamed bring with them to the Parlament al the abusive prohibitions, to shew them to the King and Council. Reg. Winchelsey.


Petyt. Armig.

Number LXI.

The form of the excommunication of the Bishop of Gloucester, pronounced by the Archbishop in the Synod, anno 1571.

IN Dei nomine Amen. Cum Nos Matthæus providen

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tia Divina Cantuarien. Archiepiscopus, totius Angliæ Pri- BOOK
mas et Metropolitanus, ritè et legitimè procedens, reve-
rendum in Christo Patrem Dom. Richardum Glocestren.
Episcopum, ac Commendatarium Episcopatus Bristolien.
alias propter suam contumaciam et manifestum contemptum
in non comparendo coram nobis, neque per se neque per
Procuratorem suum, in hac præsenti Convocatione sive
sacra Synodo provinciali in domo capitulari ecclesiæ cathe-
dralis D. Pauli London. tertio die præsentis mensis April.
inchoata et celebrata, ac de die in diem usque ad hos diem
et locum continuata et prorogata, juxta citationem et mo-
nitionem ultimam et peremptoriam alias sibi ex parte nostra
fact': pronuntiaverimus contumacem, pœnam contumacia,
sive humoi. ad arbitrium nostrum reservando; Nos Matthæ-
us Archiepiscopus antedict. pœnam contumaciæ dicti Epi-
scopi et Commendatarii nunc declarando, eundem Episco-
pum et Commendatarium de consensu confratrum nostro-
rum nobiscum in hac præsenti Convocatione assidentium,
excommunicamus in hiis scriptis.

Lect. per præfatum reverendiss. Patrem D. Matthæum
Archiepiscopum Cant. in capella Regis Henrici VII.
infra ecclesiam collegiatam D. Petri Westmon. xx°
die mensis April. anno Dom. 1571.

Concordat cum registro,

Incent, Registrarius.

Number LXII.

The Commissioners ecclesiastical to all churchwardens; concerning the Puritan Ministers.

To all and every the Queen's Majesty's officers, churchwardens, sidemen sworn, and others having any government or oversight for the time being, of or in any church, or chapel, or parish, within the province of Canterbury.


WHERAS the Queen's Majesty, being very careful for MSS. C. c. the good government of her realms and dominions in al C. C. godly and wholsome religion, agreable to the word of God,


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BOOK and being very desirous to have both her laws and orders wel and faithfully observed, and her loving subjects reposed in godly quiet, concord, and unity, and especially in matters of religion; we undernamed of her Majesties commission ecclesiastical, with other our associats, as our duty is, advisedly considering her good zeal worthy to take place, to the honour of God, and the godly quiet of her subjects, have thought good to signify thus much; and also to charge you, and every of you whom it may concern: and therefore we wil and require you, and in the Queen's Majesties name straitly charge and command you, and every of you, that in no wise ye suffer any person or minister to minister any sacrament, or say any publick prayers, in any your churches, chappels, or other places appointed for common prayers, in any other order, maner, or sort, than only according to the prescription in the Book of Common Prayer, and the Queen's Majesties law published in that behalf. And that in no wise you suffer any person publicly or privatly to teach, read, or preach, in any the said churches, parishes, chappels, private houses, or other places, unles such be licenced to preach, read, or teach, by the Queen's Highnes authority, the Archbishop of Canterbury his licence, or by the licence of the Bishop of the dioces: and that he be such a Minister as is licensed to preach after the first of May last, and not removed from the ministry by us, or any other lawful authority: and that you have a diligent care in the accomplishment of this her Highnes service and plesure, by us >thus to you declared, as you and every of you wil answer to the contrary. Yeven at Lambeth in the county of Surry, the 7th of June, in the year of the reign of our sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defendor of the Faith, &c. the 13th. Matthew Cantuar. Rich. Cicestren. Pet. Osborn. Gabriel Goodman. Tho. Yale.

Edwin London.

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Number LXIII.



A letter to the Bishop of Norwich, from the Mayor his Commissioner; concerning some controversies arisen in the Dutch Church there.

R.P. Joh.

MY duty to your Honour remmembred. Wheras from E MSS. time to time I have signified to your Honor, as wel of our Ep. Elien. procedings, as the causes thereof, chiefly consisting the regard to maintain your honorable estate, having jurisdic- 102 tion, and being the principal to rule that government which your Lordship had given unto them, the strangers, concerning the Consistory: and to which end you sent to me and the rest to procede in your name. Who took upon us but the first part of your commission, tending to move them to quiet. Which was altogether a temporal cause, and was published, that who did refuse the same should not only incurr such punishment as was thought expedient, but also banishment; which the offenders must look for. But because the whole Consistory stood therin for their Ministers sake, we did desire your Lordship's aid: who in your last decree, under your hand, ordered the effect of the first, specially to Antonius and Theophilus, who not only before us, but also before your Lordship, protested rather to depart the city than to agree therto. And wherupon, besides the first decree, they are within two months to depart the city. Although your Lordship have written to the contrary, yet we think wel of our doings; that after our first decree, they shal not tary here, upon whom the whole company hangeth and dependeth.

But because I tender your Honour, and am very loth that the same should be defaced by them for any thing by us don, as Theophilus only protested that the decree by us past with your authority should seem to be so unconsonant to a truth, that Theophilus offered to dispute it to be against the word of God, and against a good conscience, and against a Christian reformed church: wherin then both your Lordship and our doings are most shamely disteined, and which as we utterly deny, do pray your Lordship, that now that

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