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BOOK craments ministred in maner and forme prescribed by the III. Quenes Majesties Injunctions; and none other way? Whether it be said and songe in due tyme? Whether in al points according to the statuts of your church, not being repugnant to any of the Quenes Majesties laws or injunctions? Whether al that were wonte, be bound, or ought to come to yt, do so styl? And whether every one of your church openly communicate in the said cathedral church at the least thrice in the yere?




Item, Whether your grammar school be wel ordered? Whether the number of the children therof be furnished? How many wanteth; and by whose default? Whether they be diligently and godly brought up in the fear of God, and wholesome doctrine? Whether any of them have ben receyved for money or rewards; and by whom? Whether the statuts, foundations, and other ordinances touching the same grammar school, and school-master, and the scholars therof, or any other having doing or interest therin, be kept? by whom it is not observed; or by whose fault? And the like in al points you shal inquire and present, of your choristers and their master.

Item, Whether al officers and Ministers of your church, as wel within as without, do their duties in al points obediently and faithfully? and whether your Dean, Stewards, Treasurers, Bursers, Receyvers, or any officer having any charge, or any ways being accomptant to the said church, do make a plain, faithful, and true accompt, at such days and tymes as be limytted and appointed by the statuts or 87 custome of the said church; making full payment reallie of

al arrearages? Whether any mony or goods of the church do remaine in any mans hands; who they be; and what sum remayneth?

Item, You shal inquyre of the doctrine and judgment of al and singular hedd and members of your church; as your Dean, Archdeacons, Prebendaries, Readers of divine service, Schoolmasters, Vicars, Petti-Canons, Deacons, Conducts, Singing men, Choristers, Scholars in grammar schools:

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and al other officers and ministers, as wel within your BOOK church as without: whether any of them do eyther privilie or openly preach or teach any unwholesome, erroneous, seditious doctrine, or discourage any man from the reading of the holy Scriptures soberly for his edifying; or in any other point do persuade or move any not to conform themselves to the order of religion reformed, restored, and receyved by publick authority in this Church of England. As for example, to affirm and maintain that the Quenes Majesty that now is, and her successors, Kings and Quenes of this realm of England, is not or ought not to be head and chief governour of this her people, or Church of England, as wel in ecclesiastical laws, causes, or matters, as temporal: or that it is not lawful for any particular church or province to alter the rites and ceremonies publickly used, to better edification; or that any man may or ought by his private authority do the same; or that any man is to be borne with, which do extol any superstitious religion; as reliques, pilgrimages, lightings of candles; kissing, kneeling, or ducking to images; or praying in a tongue not known, rather than English; or to put trust to a certain number of Pater-Nosters, or use any beads for the same, or such other things; or to maintain purgatory, private masses, trentalls, or any other fond fantasy invented by man, without ground of Gods word; or to say, teach, or maintain, that children, being infants, should not be baptized; or that every article in our Crede, commonly received and used in the Church, is not to be believed of necessity; or that mortal or voluntary sins committed after baptism be not remissible by penance; or that a man after that he have receyved the Holy Ghost cannot syn; or that afterwards he cannot ryse again by grace to repentance; or that any man lyveth without syn; or that it is not lawful to swear for certain causes; or that civil magistrats cannot punish, for certain crimes, a man with death; or that it is lawful for any man without outward calling of the magistrates appointed, to take upon him any ministry of Christs Church; or that the word of God doth condemne the regiment of wo


BOOK men; or that the word of God doth command sole lyfe, or abstinence from mariage to any Minister of the Church of Christ, not having the gift of God to live sole: or any other errors or false doctrine, contrary to the faith of Christ and holy Scriptures.




Item, You shal enquire of the names and surnames of al and singular the above-named members, officers, Minister of this your said church, whether you know or suspect any of them to attaine his room or lyving by simonie, that is, by mony, unlawful covenant, gyft, or reward. Who presented him? Whether his lyving be in lease? and by whom it is leased? to whom? upon what rent? whether he doth pay any pension for it? for what cause? what summ? and to whom? Whether any of them be known or suspected to be à swearer, an adulterer, a fornicator, or suspected of any other uncleanlines? Whether any of them do use any suspect house, or suspected company of any such faults, any taverne, ale-house, or tippling-houses, at any unconvenient seasons. Whether any of them be suspected to be a drunkard, a dicer, a carder, a brawler, fighter, quarreller, or unquiet person, a carrier of tales, a backbyter, slaunderer, bate-maker, or any other ways a breaker of charity or unity, or cause of unquietnes by any means.

Item, Whether you have necessary ornaments and books of your church? Whether your church be sufficiently repaired in al parts? What stock or annual rent is appointed toward the reparation of the cathedral church? In whose hands or custody doth it remain ?

Item, Finally, You shal present what you think necessary or profitable for the church to be reformed, or of new to be appointed and ordained in the same.

Number LIV.

Responsiones personales Magistri Georgii Gardyner, fact. articulis ministratis in Visitatione metropolitica reverendissimi D. Matthei, Cant. Archiepiscopi.



AD primum respondet, that the Dean, and two of the MSS. ubi Archdeacons, viz. Mr. Dr. Spencer, and Mr. Underwood, supra. my Lord his Graces Almoner, are resident. And that Dr. Spencer is Prebendary of the said church: and saith, that the other two Archdeacons are not resident, viz. Mr. Dr. Carew, and Mr. Wendon. Which Mr. Wendon is also a Prebendary of the said church: and saith, that neither Mr. Dr. Carew, nor Mr. Wendon, are Ministers. And they go al in semely and priestly apparel, saving Mr. Wendon, whom he saw two since years go in cloke with a Spanish cape, and a rapier by his side.


To the second, this respondent saith, that there are but three Prebendaries resident, viz. Mr. Dr. Spencer, Mr. Manuel, and this respondent. And saith, that one Mr. Fowle, one of the Prebendaries, is in Suffolk, at his benefice at Redgrave, and there dwelleth; and Mr. Wendon at Louvain, and no Priest. One Mr. Smith, one other of the Prebendaries, keepeth at Swyneshead in Lincolnshire; and is neither priest nor preacher, as he saith. And that al go in priestly apparel, saving Mr. Wendon, as he saith. And saith, that none preacheth, but my L. Dean [Bishop] and this respondent, saving that Mr. Dr. Spencer findeth one that preacheth in his course. And saith, that Mr. Wendon, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Fowle, never come at their cathedral church, unles it be to fetch their mony.

To the third, this respondent saith, that their divine service is duely songe in maner and forme, according to the Queen's Injunctions: saving that the Communion, as he saith, is ministred in a chalice, contrary, as he saith, to the Advertisments of the Quene: and except the Prebendaries which be absent, as afore, he saith, he knoweth none, but that al come that should come. And to the latter part thereof, he saith, he doth not know what to answer.


BOOK To the fourth, this respondent saith, that there is no grammar-school at al within their house; saving, that, as he saith, they allow xx marks by yere to one Mr. Byrde, who teacheth a grammar school in the city, and receiveth such scholars as they send him, of which he knoweth not one, as he saith. And the whole order of the school is left to Mr. Byrde's discretion, which he thinketh to be wel done, as he saith; and beleveth, that he bringeth up them that are under hym in the fear of God. And saith, that none of them have been receyved for mony. And no foundations there are, as he saith, touching the said grammar school. And saith, that Mr. Byrde hath wages as afore, and no other person. And to the last part he saith, that it is reported, that they had a foundation for xx scholars, but presently he knoweth, that there lack revenues to susteyne them withal. Further saying, that there is a master of their choristers, but that the choristers are very evil ordered, as he saith.


To the fifth he saith, he cannot answer to the first part. And to the second part he saith, that their officers do, and doth beleve, they will make a trew and perfect accompte in due tyme and tymes, as be appointed by Dean and Chapter, and not by any statute or custome. And saith, that as for arrearages, about Michaelmas come next shal be three years, there was lost by Mr. Mannewell to the sum of 2007. or thereabouts, and the last year there did remaine in mony in the general receyver his hands, who is one Mr. Stanton, 2607, upon this accompte; and, as far as he knoweth or beleveth, doth stil remaine in his hands: and further touching this article he cannot say.

To the sixth he saith, he knoweth no offenders, because he knoweth no man's conscience; and openly he can accuse no man, as he saith, touching the meaning of any part of the contents of this article.

To the seventh he saith, that the offices of the verger, the sextons, the butler, the cooks, the cater, the porter, have commonly bene sold, of those that have had it freely given by the Dean and Chapyter, and other like offices,

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