Зображення сторінки


their idolatry. Which brute cannot but be dolorous to our BOOK hearts, mindful of the sentence of the Apostle, saying, If ye bite and devour one another, take heed lest ye be consumed 84 one of another. We purpose not at this time to enter into the ground of that question, which we hear of either part to be followed with greater violence then wel liked us, to wit, whether such apparel is to be counted among things that are simply indifferent, or not.

But in the bowels of Christ Jesus we crave, that Christian charity may so prevaile in you, in you, we say, the pastors and leaders of the flock within that realm, that ye do not unto others that which ye would not that others should do unto you. Yee cannot be ignorant, how tender a thing the conscience of man is. Al that have knowledge are not alike persuaded. Your consciences reclayme not the wearing of such garments. But many thousands, both godly and learned, are otherwise persuaded; whose consciences are continually stricken with these sentences: What hath Christ Jesus to do with Belial? What fellowship is there betwixt darknes and light?

If surpless, corner-cap, and tippet, have been badges of idolatries, in the very act of idolatry, what hath the preacher of Christian liberty, and the open rebuker of al superstition, to do with the dreggs of the Romish beast? Our brethren, that of conscience refuse that unprofitable apparel, do neither damne nor molest you which use such vain trifles. If ye should do the like to them, we doubt not but therin ye shal please God, and comfort the hearts of many which are wounded with the extremity that is used against the godly, and our beloved brethren. Colours of rhetoric, or humane persuasions, wil we use none, but charitably we desire you to cal that sentence of Peter to mind: Feed the flock of God which is committed to your charge; caring for it not by constraint, but willingly; not as though ye were lords over God's heritage, but that ye may be examples to the flock. And further also, we desire you to meditate that sentence of the Apostle, saying, Give no offence, neyther to the Jew, nor to the Grecian, nor to the Church of God. In what condi


BOOK tion of time ye and we both travayl in for the promoting of Christ's kingdom, we suppose ye not to be ignorant. And therefore we are made bold to exhort ye to walk more circumspectly, then that for such vanities the godly should be troubled. For all things that may seem lawful, edify not.

If the commaundment of authority urge the consciences of yours and our brethren further then they can bear, we unfeignedly crave of you, that ye remember that ye are called the light of the world, and the salt of the earth. Al called to authority have not the light of God always shining before their eyes: but their affections oftentimes savor over much of the earth, and of worldly wisdome. And therefore, we think, ye should boldly oppose your selves to al power that wil, or dare extol it self, not only against God, but against al such as dare burthen the consciences of the faithful, further then God hath burthened them by his own word.

But herein we confes our offence, in that we have entred further in reasoning then we promised at the beginning; and therefore we shortly return to our former humble supplication. Which is, that our brethren, who among you refuse the Romish raggs, may find of you, the Prelates, such favor as your Head and Master commaundeth every one of his members to shew to other. Which we look to receive of your gentlenes; not onely for that ye fear to offend God's Majesty in troubling your brethren for such vain trifles; but also because you wil not refuse the humble request of us your brethren and fellow preachers of Jesus Christ. In whom albeit there appear no great worldly pomp, yet, we suppose, ye wil not so far despise us, but that ye wil esteem us to be of the number of them that fight against the Romish Antichrist, and travail that the kingdom of Jesus Christ universally may be advanced.

The dayes are evil, iniquity aboundeth, Christian charity is waxen cold. And therefore we ought more diligently to watch. For the howre is uncertain when the Lord Jesus shal appear. Yea, you, brethren, and we, must give accounts of our administration. And thus in conclusion, we once

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again crave favour for our brethren. Which graunted, ye BOOK in the Lord shal command us in things of double more importance.

The Lord Jesus rule your hearts in true fear to the end; 85 and give unto you and unto us victory over that Romish Antichrist, whose wounded head Satan by al means laboureth to cure again. But to destruction shal he and his maintainers go, by the power of the Lord Jesus. To whose mighty protection we heartily commit you. From Edenborough, out of our general assembly and session there. The 27th of December, anno 1566.

Your loving brethren,

and fellow-preachers in Christ Jesus, John Davidson, for James Nicoldson, Writer and Clarke of the church of Edenborough.

Number LII.

A draught of a pardon for the first-fruits of certain Ministers deprived anno 1566.

ELIZABETH, by the grace of God, Queen of England, PaperOffice. France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To our right trusty and right beloved, the Treasurer and Barons of our Exchequer, greeting. Forasmuch as we are credibly enformed, and have perfect knowledg, that divers and sundry specialties and writings obligatory, lately made to us by divers and sundry persons lately compounding with us for the payment of the first fruits of divers and sundry promotions, dignities, and offices ecclesiastical, in divers and several sums of money, only for the assurance of the first fruits of their said promotions, and for none other cause; as by the said specialties and writings obligatory remaining before you, our said Treasurer and Barons, more plainly doth appear: whereof we be not yet satisfied, as we ought to have been, according to the tenor of the said writings obligatory; for that the incumbents of the said promotions and dignities

A line

drawn under this clause in the MSS.

BOOK spiritual cannot, nor do not, as we be advertised, enjoy the III. said promotions or dignities, for the which they, or their friends, did compound, and were bound to pay the first fruits as aforesaid: by reason that divers the said incumbents so lately compounding, for not observing and obeying certain ecclesiastical rites and ceremonies by our laws and injunctions appointed, and for refusing to wear such distinct and decent apparel as by public order is commanded, by due order of law already are deprived and removed; and that divers others for the same causes are like to be deprived and removed from their said promotions and dignities spiritual: know that we in consideration therof, altho' we by our ye, law might recover against the aforesaid persons and their sureties the said sums in their writings obligatory specified, yet we, of our grace special and mere motion, have, for us, our heirs and successors, clearly released, forgiven, remitted, and acquitted, and by these presents do clearly release, remit, forgive, and acquit unto the said persons so presently deprived and amoved, or hereafter to be deprived and amoved, within the space of one whole year next ensuing the date of these presents, from their promotions and benefices, and to every of them, and to al other persons with them and for them, in their said writings obligatory named or specified, and the heirs, executors, and administrators of them and every of them, al such sum or summs of mony, wherof the days of payment were or shal not be come nor expired, at the time of the deprivation of such persons from their said promotions and dignities.

Wherefore we wil and command you, our said Treasurer and Barons, and other our officers there, to whom it shal appertain, that ye immediatly upon the sight hereof, after due proof had of the deprivation or avoidance of the said persons, or any of them, by certificate of their Ordinary or Ordinaries, under their hands and seals to you directed, or by 86 any other due, ordinary, and just means, cancell and make void the said specialties and writings obligatory of every of the said person or persons, proved, as aforesaid, to be deprived; and also the bands or writings obligatory of al other


person or persons for them, or any of them, for the pre- BOOK misses in form aforesaid bounden: and that upon the request of them or any of them, or any of their sureties, ye deliver, or cause to be delivered unto them, and every of them, so severally bounden, his said several writings obligatory, in form aforesaid cancelled without any maner of pleading or charge, or other warrant in this behalf to be had, any thing in the said specialties or writings obligatory, or any order or course of our said Exchequer had or made to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding. And these our letters shal be unto you at al times against us sufficient warrant and discharge in this behalf. Given under our privyseal, &c.

Number LIII.

Articles to be inquired of in the metropolitical visitation of the most reverend Father in God Matthew, by the providence of God, Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Metropolitan, in all and singular cathedral and collegiate churches within his province of Canterbury.

Tho. Baker, col. D. Joh.


FIRST, Whether your Dean, Archdeacons, and other MSS. D. dignities of your church be resydent or not? whether they be [Graduats?] what other promotions or livings every one Cantab.Soc. of them hath? whether every one of them be Ministers or not? whether they use semely or priestly garments, according as they are commanded by the Queens Majesties Injunctions to doe?

Item, Whether your Prebendaryes be resydent, or how many of them where every one of the rest be? what be their names? what livings they have? what Orders they be in? How or in what apparel they do commonly goe? Whether they do preach in their course; or how often? And in what time of the yere they do resort to your cathe

dral church?

Item, Whether your divine service be used, and your sa


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