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BOOK enterprises and idlenes, and the yiles that myght chaunce therof, and to take them cleane awaye so farree as we may, by the assent and aduise of our counsell, haue ordeyned, that the fourme which foloweth be holden and kept touchyng the thynges aboue written. First, that the great Lordes of the realme cause not to be serued in their houses aboue two courses of fleshe, of foure kyndes of fleshe, that is to say, the one and the other course double, without any more, sauyng that the Prelates, Earles, and Barons of the greater sort of the lande may have one measse betwene, of one sort of fleshe at their table yf they lyst. And likewise that they make vpon the fyshe day their seruice of two courses in foure kindes of fyshe without any more, or one measse betwene of one kynde of fyshe, yf they lyste, and that whosoever shall do otherwise, be greuously punished by our officers. And lykewyse that to the houses of Prelates, Earles, and Barons, none resort to meate and drynke, unlesse he be amynstrel, and of these minstrels, that there come none except it be three or foure minstrels of honour at 65 the most in one day, vnlesse he be desired of the lorde

of the house. And to the houses of meaner men, that none come unlesse he be desired, and that such as shall come so, holde them selues contented with meate and drynke, and with such curtesie as the maister of the house wil shewe vnto them of his owne good wyll, without their askyng of any thing. And yf any one do agaynst this ordinaunce, at the firste tyme he to lose his minstrelsie, and at the seconde tyme to forsweare his craft, and neuer to be receaved for a minstrell in any house. Lykewise that no messenger, nor currour, come to any house to eate and drynke, yf he bryng not his maisters male, or haue some certaine message to do to the maister of the house. And concernyng archers and other idle men, that none come there unlesse he be desired of the maister. And we forbid under pain of our greuous forfaiture, that no man receave them to meate and drynke, contrary to the fourme of this ordinaunce. And therefore we commaunde you, and earnestly enjoyne you, that you cause the thinges abousayde to be published in


cities, boroughes, market townes, and other places within BOOK your bayliwicke, where you shall see it meete to be done, and the same earnestly to be kept vpon the paynes aforesayde. Yeuen at Langley the vi. day of August, in the ix. yere of our reigne.


"AS it was in the dayes of Noe, so shall it be in the Math. xxiv. "dayes of the Sonne of man. They were eatyng and drynking, &c. even unto the same day that Noe entred "into the Arke, and the flood came, and destroyed them "all. Lykewise in the dayes of Lot, they were eatyng Luk. xvii. " and drynkyng, &c. But the same day that Lot went out "of Sodome, it rayned with fire and brymstone from heaven, " and destroyed them all: even thus shall it be in the day "when the Sonne of man shall


Constitutio Thome Cranmeri, Archiepiscopi, et aliorum fratrum suorum.

IN the yere of our Lord M. D. xli. it was agreed and condescended vpon, as wel by the common consent of both Tharchbishops and most part of the Bishops within this realme of Englande, as also of diuers graue men at that tyme, both Deanes and Archedeacons, the fare at their tables to be thus moderated.

First, That Tharchbishop should neuer exceede vi. divers kyndes of fleshe, or vi. of fishe, one the fishe dayes; the Bishop not to exceede v. the Dean and Archdeacon not above iiii. and al other vnder that degree not above iii. Provided also, that the Archbishop myght haue of second dishes iiii. the Bishop iii. and al others vnder the degree of a Bishop but ii. As custard, tart, fritter, cheese, or apples, peares, or ii. of other kyndes of fruites. Prouided also, that


any of the inferiour degree dyd receave at their table any Archbishop, Bishop, Dean, or Archdeacon, or any of the laitie of lyke degree, vidz. Duke, Marques, Earle, Vicount, Baron, Lorde, Knyght, they myght have such provision as were meete and requisite for their degrees.

Prouided alway, that no rate was limitted in the receau


of any
ambassadour. It was also prouided, that of
the greater fyshes or fowles there should be but one in a
dishe, as crane, swan, turkeycocke, hadocke, pyke, tench:
and of lesse sortes but two, vidz. capons two, pheasantes
two, conies two, woodcockes two. Of lesse sortes, as of
partriches, the Archbishop iii. the Bishop and other degrees
vnder hym ii. Of blackburdes the Archbishop vi. the Bishop
iiii. the other degrees iii. Of larkes and snytes, and of that
sort but xii. It was also prouided that whatsoever is spared
by the cuttyng off of the olde superfluitie, shoulde yet be
prouided and spent in playne meates for the relieuyng of the
poore. Memorandum, that this order was kept for two or
three monethes, tyll by the disusyng of certaine wylful per-
sons, it came to the olde excesse.

Inter Constitutiones Legantinas, editas Londini, sub anno
1555. Presidente Reginaldo Cardinali Polo, decret. 5.

THE example of lyfe is a certaine effectuous kynde of preachyng. Therfore all Bishops, and all other Prelates of the Church, be monished and commaunded to lyue soberly, chastely, and godly, abstaynyng not only from all euyll, but also from all shewe of euyll: that their persons, houses, 66 families, tables, implementes of house, may be worthyly called a mirror of modestie and frugalitie. Whereupon the vse of precious and sylke garments be forbydden them. At their table whatsoever guest there be, shall be set no more then three kyndes of meate, or at the most foure, which is in the respect of the qualitie of this tyme graunted by pardon and indulgence, rather than by allowance, besydes fruite and banquettyng dishes. As for further furnyshyng of their table, let it be, readyng of holy bookes, and godly communication.

Cavete à crapula et ebrietate.

Number XXXIV.

Causes of the dearthe of corne: and remedies.




FIRST, wealthie fermers, that ought by statute to bring MSS. penes so much corne to the market as thei buie for seede, do perhaps bring, for coulours sake, iii. or iiii. bushell, and bargain with him, of whom thei buie their iii. or iiii. bushell for seed, to deliver at a certain place appointed a number of quarters at the like price; so that neither of theis ii. parties fournishe the market enie more, and speciallie the buier, althoughe he have perhaps c. quarters in his barne to sell.

Item, If perhaps barnes be at enie time charged to serve the market according to eche mans quantitie of corne, some will keape a great portion of corne readie thresshed hid within the mowe of corne in sheaf.


Item, All maner craftsmen, that are well able to live of 3. their occupation, yea and manie batchelers, at the first comming in of corne in harvest, do buie some xx. quarters, some c. some v. or vi. hundreth of barlie: which thei make into malt, and lay up in back roomes untill Midsummer, when they think to have best utterance for it.

Item, The victualers to the citie by water and land, that dwell in the countrey, have so much in store, that manie times looking for a greater dearthe, it is not conveied to the citie while it is good. And great pitie it is, that thei shoulde have enie more in store then wold loade a barge or cart, and asmuche for the next return from the citie, and

not more at once.

Item, Such victualers as dwell within the citie, when thei perceive a likelihood of dearthe, thei stray abroade in the countrey, and give a small portion of money in earnest for manie hundrethe quarters at a price agreed upon.

Item, Bakers and brewars, perceaving a dearth of corne liklie to ensue, do engrosse a great somme against the following, which is a great hindrance to the cheapnes of



Item, In the counties of Oxford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridg, Hartford, Surrey, Essex, Kent, Norffolk, Suffolk and South






BOOK wark, there be licenses to buie and sell graine, graunted by the Justices of the peace, to suche persons as may in lands dispende yeerlie xxx. or xl. pounds: and to suche fermers as have let out their ferms for xxl. yeerlie above the rent and also to a number of inhoulders.








Item, There are licenses graunted to divers craftsmen, as diers, clothiers, shoomakers, weavers, &c. who give up their occupation, and get them a license to sell graine. And some have license, and kepe still their occupation.

Item, The badgers, that be licensed, do most communelie buie their graine in barnes, and not in the market, which graine afterward thei kepe in great quantitie in lofts and cellers, untill thei espie their time to utter it.

Item, Such Justices of the peace, that set forward the said licenses in open sessions to persons of great wealthe, are men of great tillage themselves, and commune sellers of corne to badgers secretlie in their barnes.

Some remedies for the foresaid abuses.

That it wold please the Quenes Majesties Counsell, to pick out vii. or viii. Justices of the peace, that be no cornsellers in the said shires, and admit special trust to them, to see the forsaid abuses redressed, aswell in graunting of licenses in open sessions, as in seeing the marketts well served by such as have it in their barnes. But chieflie in the countie of Oxford, with speciall mention of Henley towne, where at this present are all the disorders above mentioned.

Item, To such Justices, as will for the commune weales sake take some paines in seing that fermers bring their corne to market, wheras indeed the market is generallie ill served, were it not for such poore men that sell for verie necessitie, either to make rent, or otherwise to serve in their house of necessaries.

Item, That the said Justices of peace, well waying the forsaid abuses, pik out in everie hundred iiii. substantiall honest men, to see such good ordres well kept, (who may be no corne men as nighe as thei can,) and to make relation of their doings in that behalf to the said Justices monthelie.

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