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the squadron commander), which would be thrown forward from the front by the diagonal march at an increased pace at the right moment, and then wheeled inwards and led on the enemy's flank. Should, however, one's own flank be threatened, the leader of the section on the menaced flank, without awaiting orders, must wheel it out of the front, in order to meet the enemy's attack. In the advance to the attack, the squadron leader must remain in front of the centre. of his squadron, in line with the section leaders, and regulate the pace; after ordering the 'Attack,' he must, therefore, check his pace to a walk until the section leaders come up into line with him. In practising the attack, when the charge has been delivered and the squadron at the order' Rally' has closed in and is at a trot, the squadron commander must order the halt, provided, that is to say, he does not propose, after rallying, to follow up the marked enemy for a certain distance at a trot or gallop. The squadron trumpeter sounds the corresponding calls, on the orders Attack,' 'Charge,' and 'Rally' from the commander; after sounding the 'Attack,' he draws his sword and suspends it from the wrist by the sword-knot, that he may have it ready to his hand after sounding the 'Charge.' Should the enemy retire before the charge is ordered, it is not advisable to follow him up with the whole squadron. This duty then devolves on one of the two flank sections, the squadron commander giving the word, 'First (Fourth) section, pursue'; the

remainder of the squadron follows at a suitable distance, at a trot or, if necessary, at a gallop. When the squadron commander wishes to stop the pursuit, he sounds the 'Rally,' and the section assembles as rapidly as possible on either flank of the squadron, the men taking care to clear the front with the utmost possible rapidity.

In an attack in column, the same successive commands and trumpet-calls are employed, and the same principles observed, as in an attack in line. After giving the order to attack, the commander rides beside the commander of the leading section. If the enemy retires before the charge is ordered, the leading section is sent in pursuit, the squadron commander giving the order 'First section, pursue.'

In Open Oraer (Swarm).

The attack in swarm is executed at the same commands and on the same principles as laid down for the section.

A squadron, working independently, should leave one section behind in reserve; one of the centre sections should be charged with this duty, as it facilitates the formation of the squadron into swarm. On the order from the squadron commander, 'Second (Third) section in reserve,' the section named drops behind and follows, on the flank and rear, at a suitable distance at a trot or gallop. At the 'Rally,' it closes up to either flank of the squadron.

Attack against Cavalry.

The enemy's cavalry should, if possible, be surprised in the act of deploying, or, if already deployed, attacked in flank. A small body may attack a considerably superior force in flank with every chance of success. In this case the relative superiority in numbers is of minor importance; but, for success, it is imperative that the flank attack be executed with such rapidity as to have the nature of a surprise, and the enemy be allowed no time to change his front to meet it. A judicious utilisation of ground, affording cover to the formation and advance, is the main essential to the success of a flank attack.

Attack against Infantry.

Infantry should, if possible, be attacked when in motion, or be surprised, so as to have no time to form squares. When this cannot be done, and it is imperative to actually break in upon the infantry, the squares must be attacked by successive bodies, so as to shatter their morale by a rapid succession of charges. The attack should, as a rule, be delivered against one of the sides of the square; if delivered against an angle, the shock is felt at one point only, and the cohesion in the attacking line is broken. The attacking bodies should follow each other at from at least 80 to 100 paces, taking up these intervals in succession, during the advance, after receiving the

order to attack. When practising the attack on infantry, the 'Charge' must on no account be ordered; the attacking line must be halted at about 100 paces from the marked enemy, and the success of the attack be assumed, that the cavalry may not be systematically used to go about.

Attack against Artillery.

Artillery should, if possible, be attacked when in motion, limbering up or unlimbering, or in flank. The attack on the guns should be executed in swarm, but a simultaneous attack, with a proportionately large body in close order, must also be directed against the escort. In the case, for example, of an attack of a squadron on artillery, one section should go in swarm against the guns, the remainder of the squadron in close order against the escort.

The Rally.

If it

A squadron rallies, as a rule, in line, and in the same order in which it advanced to the attack. is required to rally in column, the squadron commander must give the necessary orders at the moment. The duties of the squadron commander are identical with those prescribed for the section commander. When he orders the 'Rally,' the squadron trumpeter must sound the corresponding call.


The principles governing the attack of the section and the squadron are, in general, also applicable to the attack of the regiment. In practising the attack in line, the marked enemy must be shown by a corresponding number of squadrons, each being designated by a non-commissioned officer and 4 men, the whole under the command of an officer.

Attack against Cavalry.

Every attacking body of cavalry, over the strength of a squadron, must be followed in échelon, at from 50 to 80 paces to the flank and rear, by small parties, for the protection of its flanks; these detached parties must be prepared to attack in flank, at the right moment, any body of the enemy aiming a blow against the flank of the attacking line. When the so-called defensive flanks consist of two or more sections, it is best to form them in column. As a rule, each flank Oblique attack against the flank of the enemy's line, showing the detached defensive flanks and reserve.

of the attacking line should be followed by a defensive flank, but if one of the flanks is covered by circumstances of ground, the exposed flank only would detach

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