Зображення сторінки

the limits of being 0 and a cos 0, and those of being O and.


[blocks in formation]

2 п




8 a3


-; and the part of the hemisphere which is not

comprised in the cylinder is

diameter of the sphere.

8a3 1

or of the cube of the



(8) A paraboloid of revolution is pierced by a right circular cylinder, the axis of which passes through the focus and cuts the axis at right angles, its radius being one fourth of the latus rectum of the generating parabola; find the volume of the solid common to the two surfaces.

The equations to the surfaces are

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and the whole solid is a3 (162 + 2).

When a solid is generated by the motion of a plane area which moves parallel to itself, while its magnitude increases or decreases according to a given law, its volume is found by the formula

V = cos a fv dz;

v being the area, the axis of ≈ being the direction of motion, and making a constant angle a with the normal to the plane.

(9) Let the solid be the groin which is generated by a square moving parallel to itself, its sides being the double

ordinates of a circle of which is the abscissa. half length of a side, v = 4y°, and y2 = a2 – ≈3, case α = 0, we have

V = 4 f,' d≈ (a2 − x2) = §} a3.

If y be the and as in this

(10) Find the content of the solid ABCDO (fig. 55); the base ABCD being a rectangle, the side OAB a rightangled triangle perpendicular to the plane of the rectangle, and the upper side OBCD being formed by drawing lines as PQ from OB to CD, always parallel to the plane OAD. If we draw PR parallel to O4, and join RQ, the triangle PQR having two sides parallel to the sides of ODA, is in a plane parallel to that of ODA. Hence the figure may be supposed to be generated by the motion of a triangle constantly parallel to AOD, and having its angular points in the lines AB, OB, CD. If AD = a, AB = b, AO = c, the abc volume of the solid is 4

(11) The axes of two equal right circular cylinders intersect at an angle a; to find the volume of the solid common to both.

Let ABCD (fig. 56) be the section of the solid made by the plane containing the axes, and let the radius of the cylinders a, so that AB - a cosec a.


If we cut the solid by a plane parallel to ABCD, we shall have a parallelogram as PQRS; and calling the area of this A, and its distance from the plane of the axes ≈, we shall have for the part of the solid above that plane

V = ƒa d z A.

Now A = 4 POQ; but making PQ = l, and calling p the perpendicular on PQ from the point in the plane PQRS where it meets a line through O perpendicular to the plane of the axes, we have


1 = p (tana + cota) = 2p cosec a,

and therefore POQ = p2 cosec a,

and A = 4 p2 cosec a. But

the section through O and the perpendicular p being a semicircle, we have p2 = a2 - x2.


V = 4 cosec a foa (a2 - 22) dz a3 cosec a,

and therefore the whole solid is



3 sin a

(12) Find the volume of the solid DEQB (fig. 57) cut off from a right circular cylinder by a plane EQD passing through the centre of the base, and inclined at an angle a to the plane of the base.

If we cut the solid by a plane perpendicular to the base of the cylinder, and parallel to the trace ED, the section is a parallelogram, and the solid may be considered as generated by the motion of this parallelogram parallel to itself.

Let CBa, CM = x, MN = y, PN = ≈, then

as = a tan a, and y = (a2 - x2)},

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[blocks in formation]

When x = 0, V = 0, therefore Ca3; hence

V = & tan a {a3 — (a2 − x2)} } ;

and the whole solid when a is a3 tan a.

If the solid be one of revolution round the axis of x, and if y=f(x) be the equation to the generating curve, the volume of the solid is given by the integral V fy3dx.

(13) A paraboloid formed by the revolution of a parabola round its axis.

In this case y2 = 4mx, and

V = 4mπ fx dx
fx dx = 2mπ x2 + C.

If the solid be reckoned from the vertex C = 0, and

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(14) The volume of an oblate spheroid formed by the

revolution of an ellipse round its minor axis is



being the major axis of the ellipse; and the volume of a

[blocks in formation]

(15) Find the volume of the solid formed by the revolution of the cissoid round its asymptote.

The asymptote being taken as the axis of a, the equation to the cissoid is

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


= C + } π (2ay - y) - 2a. circ. area whose vers. =

When y = 2a, V = 0, therefore Ca3, and



V = π2α3 + ¦ π (2 ay - y) - 2aπ. circ. area whose vers. =
Hence the whole volume is 2a3.

(16) The equation to the conchoid being

xy = (a + y) (b2 — y3)3,

the volume formed by its revolution round the axis of a is

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(17) The equation to the cycloid is (the base being the axis of a),

[subsumed][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

This being integrated from y = 0 to y = 2a and doubled gives 5a3 as the volume of the whole solid.

When the axis of the cycloid is taken as the axis of x, the equation to the curve is

[merged small][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

but this is not a convenient form for finding the value of π fy'da. It is better to substitute for y and a their expressions in terms of 0, i. e.

y = a (0+ sin 0), x = a (1

whence Va3 [de sin 0 (0 + sin 0)3.


cos 0);

The value of this taken from 0 to 0 = π, is


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

and the volume of the solid generated by its revolution round

the axis of x, and taken from a = 0 to x = ∞ is

(19) The equation to the Witch of Agnesi is

[blocks in formation]


If it revolve round its asymptote which is taken as the axis of x, we have for the volume of the solid

V = π fу2 dx = πу2x - 2π fxу dу



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The whole volume is 472 a3.

(20) The companion of the cycloid is defined by the equations

y=a0, x = a (1

x = α (1 - cos 0).

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