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blishment, while settled at Pesaro. There was Bergami himself, her grand chamberlain; his mother, who did not appear to have held any particular situation in her household; his brother Lewis, who, from the humble station of a courier, had been promoted to be her equerry; the Countess of Oldi, (the sister,) who was the only maid of honour; Francis Bergami, their cousin, who was dignified with the title of Director of the Palace; Faustina, the sister; Martin, a page; Frances, a relation; and the house-steward, besides the child. So that there were ten, as he might say, of his family retained in her service.

The Attorney-General then proceeded to comment on the various facts which he had stated, after which, the Solicitor-General proceeded to examine witnesses.

The first witness called was Theodore Majocchi, an Italian, and a discarded servant of the Queen's. On his entering the house, her Majesty, who had previously taken her seat, started up, and uttering an exclamatory shriek, suddenly left the house. This circumstance was by the enemies of the Queen considered as a token of guilt, while her friends represent it as a natural burst of honest indignation at finding a man whom she had formerly loaded with favours, now classed among her accusers, Majocchi had been with her Majesty in most of her travels, and gave evidence to many circumstances of suspicious familia rity existing between Bergami and the Queen, then Princess of Wales. In his cross-examination, he said he had been, since his discharge from the Princess, in the service of Lord Stewart, the British Ambassador at Vienna. But when any thing was asked which bore upon the facts stated in his examination, a direct answer to which might have led him to contradict himself, he seemed to have lost his memory altogether; and his general answer was "Non mi ricordo”-I do not recollect. His examination and cross-exanination lasted till Wednesday the 23d.

Gaetano Paturzo, mate of the vessel in which her Majesty sailed in the course of her voyage to Tunis, &c. was next called, and corroborated the testimony of Majocchi in regard to the Princess's conduct while on board. Cross-examined, he said he was to receive 800 dollars per month, for time lost by attending as a witness.

he did not receive, and had applied to the British government for reimbursement.

The first witness, Theodore Majocchi, was then re-examined as to his having been in England last year, and certain deelarations which he had made relative to her Majesty. He admitted having been in Gloucester, and in the service of a Mr Hyatt; and that he had spoken of the Queen as a good woman, but surrounded by bad people; but had never said that she behaved with propriety. He further confessed, that he had complained of Bergami for keeping back part of the servants' wages. As to other points, he replied as usual" Non mi ricordo."

Aug. 25.-Francisco Briolo, formerly cook to her Royal Highness, deponed to some indecent exhibitions made by one Mahomet in presence of the Princess; and to certain familiarities between her and Bergami. Cross-examined Had some quarrels with Bergami and his brother, and was discharged by the former.

Captain Pechell, of the Clorinde frigate, deponed as to refusing to dine with the Princess in company with Bergami.

Captain Briggs, of the Leviathan, had seen Bergami and the Princess walking arm in arm, which he did not consider at all uncommon; had never observed any improper familiarity between them.

Pietro Pachi, keeper of a hotel at Trieste where the Princess lodged, had observed Bergami's bed, which appeared not to have been slept in. Had seen him through the key-hole coming from the Princess's room in his coat and drawers.

Barbara Cresse, servant at an inn in Carlsruhe, carried water to the Princess's room one day, and saw Bergami in the bed, with his arm round the Princess's neck, who was sitting on the bed, and started up as she entered. Made Ber gami's bed, and found on it some marks which she described; but which will not admit of being repeated. This witness's examination was resumed on the 26th; and on her cross-examination Lord Lauderdale interposed, alleging that the course taken by the Queen's counsel was unjustifiable. Mr Brougham contended for the right of cross-examining witnesses immediately after their examination, as to such special circumstances as her Majesty's counsel should deem necessary; reserving a right to a future cross-examination, after inquiry into the characters of the witnes

Aug. 24.Vincenzo Garguilo, master of the vessel aforesaid, and a relation of the mate, corroborated the testimony of theses. two preceding witnesses. Had more than one seen Bergami and the Princess kissing. Cross-examined-was to receive 1000 dollars per month for the time he should be detained from his business. Had only 750 dollars from the Princess for the use of his ship and crew; but was promised a present of 6000 dollars from Bergami, which

This point led to long discussions, which occupied the House till Tuesday the 29th, when it was determined agreeably to the wishes of Mr Brougham, by a majority of 121 to 105. On this question the Lord Chancellor and Lord Redesdale voted on one side, and the Earls Liverpool and Harrowby on the other. The former were left in a minority.

Guiseppe Bianchi, door-keeper of an inn at Venice; Paulo Raggazzoni, a ma son, who had been employed at the Princess's villa on the lake of Como; Hieronymus Miardi, an Italian, director of the Princess's gardens; Paolo Oggione, an under cook in the service of the Princess while at Como, were on this and the fol. lowing day examined, and spoke to various familiarities which they had seen take place between the Princess and Bergami. The former had seen her purchase a gold chain, which she took from her own neck, and put on that of Bergami, who in a play ful manner replaced it around the neck of the Princess.

Louisa De Mont, principal female attend ant to her Royal Highness, was next cal. led, and her examination and cross-examination occupied the House till Saturday the 2d September. This witness deponed to many of the strongest acts stated by the Attorney-General, regarding the familiarity between the Princess and Bergami-Had seen the one passing to the bed-room of the other. Spoke to the Princess's bed having the appearance of two persons sleeping in it, &c. In her cross-examina tion she confessed having been discharged from the Princess's service for telling a falsehood. Acknowledged writing a letter to her sister, five months after her dismissal, in which she eulogised, in the highest terms, the piety and virtues of the Princess, and imploring her " generous bene factress" to receive her back into her favour. Her letter farther stated that the Princess was surrounded by spies, and that she had herself been offered a brilliant for tune, and the unlimited power of drawing on a banker în London, if she would go to that city.

Sept. 4.-Alexandio Chinetti, an ornamental painter, who was employed at the Villa d'Este, on the lake of Como, had seen the Princess and Bergami embracing. Dominico Bruza, Antonio Bianchi, Giovani Lucini, Callo Conteti, and Fraucisco Cursini, gave similar evidence.

Guiseppe Prestilli, a superintendent of the stables to the Princess, but dismissed her service for embezzlement, swore to having seen the Princess and Bergami riding out in a carriage from Pesaro; and that, on going up to receive orders, he saw the Princess's hand in the small clothes of Bergami.

Guiseppe Gulli, waiter at the Crown Inn at Balasend, had seen the Princess and Bergami kissing.

Guiseppe Del Orto, a baker at Como, saw the Princess sitting in a garden with Bergami, his arm round her neck, and he making love to and kissing her.

Guiseppe Gourgiandi, a boatman, deponed to their sailing out together on the lake of Como, and to seeing them kissing. VOL. VII.

Sept. 5.-Guiseppe Sacchi, formerly a courier, and afterwards cquerry to the Queen, deponed to various familiarities between the Princess and Bergami; and to various indecent scenes which he alleged took place in the Princess's house, and with her knowledge. At the close of this witness's examination on the 6th, the Attorney-Gene ral rose and stated, that several of his witnesses, who were on their road to give evidence, had taken flight, from the reports they had received of the treatment of the former witnesses by the populace at Dover, and had actually returned to Lugano. On this ground he craved of their Lordships that they would, by adjourning their proceedings, grant the time that might be judged necessary to bring back these wit nesses, who, he understood, were now on their way thither to give evidence at their Lordships' bar. Mr Brougham protested in the strongest terms against any delay, as contrary to precedent, and to every rule of justice. The House, after some discussion, adjourned, reserving the question for further consideration.


Sept. 7.-The Attorney-General with.! drew the application which he had made to the House for delay in the case of the Queen, having received, as he stated, dispatches, informing him that the witnesses a would not arrive in town within the time stated. Mr Brougham was then allowed to recall Theodore Majocclii, in his cross-ex-** amination of whom, among other circumstances, it was brought out, that he had been three times at Carlton House on various pretexts. He was afterwards re-examined by the Attorney-General and several Peers; and Mr Brougham having distinctly declared that he contemplated no future cross-examination, the Solicitor-General commenced his recapitulation of the evi dence, from which he argued that the charge of adulterous intercourse had been? fully made out. This closed the case for the prosecution. In reply to a question from the Earl of Lonsdale, the Earl of Liverpool stated, that, as the proceedings had been instituted solely on the ground of public justice, and not with any view of personal relief to an Illustrious Personage, he should not press the Divorce Clause în the Bill, if, in the proper stage, a strong objection arose to it, from religious or other motives. Mr Brougham was then called upon to state the course of defence he intended to adopt; and was subsequently given until 12 o'clock the following day, at his own request, to consult with his illustrious client and his brother counsel upon the point in question.

Sept. 8.-Mr Brougham requested that he might be allowed to open his case, but that an option should be given him of either calling witnesses in immediately, or at some future period.


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On this point a discussion took place, and it was decided, by 165 to 60, that this privilege could not be granted to her Majesty's Counsel.


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& Mr Brougham afterwards asked that he might be allowed to make comments on the evidence adduced without entering upon his own case, which was also refused, by a majority of 170 to 49.

9 Sept. 9 Mr Brougham, when called upon, at the meeting of the House, informs ed their Lordships that he had been in structed by her Majesty to proceed in her defence with the least possible delay, under standing that, besides this course of procedure, no other alternative remained than to suffer the injurious effects of the case for the prosecution being allowed to remain for a considerable time without answer or com mentor Being desired to name a precise -Lati 91unft to sqad de

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day when her Majesty would be ready to proceed in her defence, Mr Brougham said he would ask their Lordships to allow them till this day three weeks. The request was acceded to, and the House consequent ly adjourned to Tuesday the 3d of October next.

HOUSE OF COMMONS-Aug. 21,→→ The House met pursuant to adjournment. Lord F. Osborne moved, that an, humble address be presented to his Majesty to dis solve Parliament, until it should be deemed expedient to re-assemble it for the dispatch of public business. Mr Brougham begged that the amendment might be with drawn, as the proceedings in the case of her Majesty could not now be put an end to without great injustice to her. The amendment was negatived without a division, and the House adjourned till the 18th September

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-15 Letter of Her Majesty to the King The following letter from the Queen was sent to Carlton House, from whence it was returned unopened, with an intimation that it must reach the King through the medium of his prime minister. It was therefore forwarded to Lord Liverpool; who, to an inquiry of her Majesty, stated that he had laid the letter before the King, but had not received any commands on the subject. of great for to vonz

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OSIR After the unparalleled and unprovoked persecutions, which, during a series of years, has been carried on against me under the name and authority of your Majesty and which persecution, instead of being mollified by time, time has rendered only more and more malignant and unrelenting it is not without a great sacrifice of private feeling that I now, even in the way of remonstrance, bring myself to address this letter to your Majesty. But, bearing in mind that royalty rests on the basis of public good, that to this paramount consideration all others ought to submit, and aware of the consequences that may result from the present unconstitutional, illegal, and hitherto unheard of proceedings; with a mind thus impressed, 1 cannot refrain from laying my grievous wrongs once more before your Majesty, in the hope that the justice which your Majesty may, by evil-minded counsellors, be still disposed to refuse to the claims of a dutiful, faithful, and injured wife, you may be induced to yield to considerations connected with the honour and dignity of your Crown, the stability of your Throne, the tranquillity of your dominions, the happiness and safety of your just and loy al people, whose generous hearts revolt at

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oppression and cruelty, and especially when perpetrated by a perversion sands a mockery of the laws. basadi noqu sham

A sense of what is due to my character and sex forbids me to refer minutely to the real causes of our domestic separation, or to the numerous unmerited insults of

fered me previously to that period; but, leaving to your Majesty to reconcile with the marriage vow the act of driving, by such means, a wife from beneath your roof, with an infant in her arms, your Majesty will permit me to remind yous that that act was entirely your own; that the se paration, so far from being sought for by me, was a sentence pronounced upon me, withs out any cause assigned, other than that of your own inclinations, which, as your Ma jesty was pleased to allege, were not under your control. sds of moitatqmst

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Not to have felt, with regard to myself, chagrin at this decision of your Majesty, would have argued great insensibility to the obligations of decorum not to have dropped a tear in the face of that beloved child, whose future sorrows were then but too easy to foresee, would have marked me as unworthy of the name of mother; but, not to have submitted to it without repin ing, would have indicated a consciousness of demerit, or a want of those feelings which belong to affronted and insulted fe male honour. tear por bra naitonsma

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The tranquil and comfortable society tendered to me by your Majesty, formed in my mind but a poor compensation for the grief occasioned by considering the wound given to public morals in the fatal example produced by the indulgence of your Ma jesty's inclinations; more especially when

contemplated the disappointment of the nation, who had so munificently provided

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of But, alas! even tranquillity and comfort were too much for me to enjoy. From the very threshold of your Majesty's mansion the mother of your child was pursued by spies, conspirators, and traitors, employed, encouraged, and rewarded to lay snares for the feet, and to plot against the reputation and life, of her whom your Majesty had so recently and so solemnly vowed to honour, to love, and to cherish.

at this shameful evasion of law and justice, that indignation was lost in pity for him who could lower his princely plumes to the dust, by giving his countenance and favour to the most conspicuous of those abandoned and notorious perjurers. gim

Still there was one whose upright mind nothing could warp, in whose breast injustice never found a place, whose hand was always ready to raise the unfortunate, and to rescue the oppressed. While that good and gracious father and sovereign rea mained in the exercise of his royal funda tions, his unoffending daughter-in-law had nothing to fear. As long as the protecting -29İn withdrawing from the embraces of my hand of your late ever-beloved and everparents, in giving my hand to the son of lamented father was held over ine, I was George the Third and the heir apparent to safe. But the melancholy event which dethe British throne, nothing less than a prived the nation of the active exertions of voice from Heaven would have made me its virtuous King, bereft me of friend and fear injustice or wrong of any kind, What, protector, and of all hope of future tranthen, was my astonishment at finding that quillity and safety. To caluminate your treasons against me had been carried on was now the shortest road to and matured, perjuries against me had been methodised and embodied, a secret triblinal had been held, a trial of my actions had taken place, and a decision had been made upon those actions without my having been informed of the nature of the charge, or of the names of the witnesses; and what words can express the feelings excited by the fact, that this proceeding was founded onda request made, and on evidence fur nished by order of the father of my child, and my natural as well as legal guardian and protector? ko

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- Notwithstanding, however, the unprece dented conduct of that tribunal conduct which has since undergone, even in Parlia anent, severe and unanswered animadver sions, and which has been also censured in minutes of the Privy Council notwithstanding the secresy of the proceedings of this tribunal notwithstanding the strong temptation to the giving of false evidence against me before it notwithstanding that there was no opportunity afforded me of rebutting that evidence notwithstanding all these circumstances, so decidedly favourable to my enemies even this secret tribunal acquitted me of all crime, and thereby pronounced my principal accusers to have been guilty of the grossest perjury. But it was now (after the trial was over) discovered that the nature of the tribunal was such as to render false swearing before it not legally criminal! And thus, at the suggestion and request of your Majesty, had been created, to take cognizance of and try my conduct, a tribunal competent to administer oaths, competent to examine witnesses on oath, competent to try, com pétent to acquit or condemn, and compe tent, moreover, to screen those who had sworn falsely against me from suffering the pains and penalties which the law awards to wilful and corrupt perjury. Great as my indignation naturally must have been


and to betray her was to lay the sure foundation of boundless riches and titles of honour. Before claims like these, talent, virtue, long services, your own personal friendships, your royal engagements, promises and pledges, written as well as verbal, melted into air. Your Cabinet was founded on this basis. You took to your councils men, of whose persons, as well as whose principles, you had invariably expressed the strongest dislike,The interest of the nation, and even your own feelings, in all other respects, were sacrificed to the gratification of your desire to aggravate my sufferings and insure my humiliation, You took to your councils and your boson men whom you hated, whose abandonment of, and whose readiness to sacrificeme were their only merits, and whose power has been exercised in a

manner, and has been attended with conse quences, worthy of its origin. From this unprincipled and unnatural union have sprung the manifold evils, which this nation has now to endure, and which present a mass of misery and of degradation, accompanied with acts of tyranny and cruelty, rather than have seen which inflicted on his industrious, faithful, and brave people, your Royal Father would have perished at the head of that people,

When to caluminate, revile, and betray me, became the sure path to honour and riches, it would have been strange indeed if caluminators, revilers, and traitors, had not abounded. Your Court became much less a scene of polished manners and refined intercourse, than of low intrigue and scur rility. Spies, Bacchanalian tale-bearers, and foul conspirators, swarmed in those places which had before been the resort of sobriety, virtue, and honour. To enumerate all the various privations and mortifications which I had to endure all the insults that were wantonly heaped upon me, from the day of your elevation to the Re

agency to that of my departure for the ConEtinent would be to describe every species -of personal offence that can be offered to, sand every pain short of bodily violence that can be inflicted on, any human being, Bereft of parent, brother, and father-in-law, and my husband for my deadliest foe; see ing those who have promised to support bought by rewards to be amongst my eneYamies; restrained from accusing my foes in -stthe face of the world, out of regard for the Il character of the father of my child, and - from a desire to prevent her happiness from 5 being disturbed; shunned from motives of selfishness by those who were my natural - lassociates diving in obscurity, while I sought to have been the centre of all that anwas splendid; thus humbled, I had one do consolation left the love of my dear and to only child. To permit me to enjoy this -8 was too great an indulgence. To see my Svdaughter to fold her in my arms; to bamingle my tears with hers; to receive her Do cheering caresses, and to hear from her 19dlips assurances of never ceasing love thus O to be comforted, consoled, upheld, and bublessed, was too much to be allowed me. -91 Even on the slave mart the cries of Oh! -ommy motherjvniy mother! Oh my child, ,womy child 100 have prevented a separation of 097the victims of avarice But your advisers, edmoreninhuman than the slave-dealers, re118 morselessly tore the mother from the child. bas Thus bereft of the society of my child, sor reduced to the necessity of cubittering or her life by struggles to preserve that society, 101 Fresolved on a temporary absence, in the 9 hope that time might restore me to her in 9 happier days. Those days, alas were Moynever to comelids To mothers and those I smothers who have been suddenly bereft of erts the best and most affectionate and only daughters it belongs to estimate my sufferings and my wrongs. Such mothers 0S&Will judge of my affliction upon hearing of the death of my child, and upon my calling ed to recollection the last look, the last words, offwand all the affecting circumstances of our ad separation. Sucha mothers will see the BS depth of my sorrows. Every being with a nedheart of humanity in its bosom will drop a disteary in sympathy with me. And will not somthes world, then, learn with indignation ylisthat this event, calculated to soften the ve hardest heart, was the signal for new conbasspiracies, and indefatigable efforts for the 701 destruction of this afflicted mother? Your Majesty had torn my child from me; you -had deprived me of the power of being at bhand to succour her; you had taken from the possibility of hearing her last pray yders for her mother; you saw me bereft, forlorn, and broken-hearted; and this was fitrwthe moment you chose for redoubling your dipersecutions.



basset the world pass its judgment on the to a constituting of a commission, in a foreign mirsad drod

country, consisting of inquisitors, spies, and informers, to discover, collect, and arrange matters of accusation against your wife, without any complaint having been communicated to her; let the world judge of the employment of ambassadors in such a business, and of the enlisting of foreign courts in the enterprise; but on the measures which have been adopted to give final effect to these preliminary proceedings, it is for me to speak; it is for me to remonstrate with your Majesty; it is for me to protést; it is for me to apprize you of my determination.

I have always demanded a fair trial. This is what I now demand, and this is refused me. Instead of a fair trial, 1 am to be subjected to a sentence by the Parliament, passed in the shape of a law. Against this I protest, and upon the following grounds:

The injustice of refusing me a clear and distinct charge, of refusing me the names of the witnesses, of refusing me the names of the places where the alleged acts have been committed; these are sufficiently flagrant and revolting; but it is against the constitution of the Court itself that I particularly object, and that I most solemnly protest.

Whatever may be the precedents as to Bills of Pains and Penalties, none of them, except those relating to the Queen of Henry the Eighth, can apply here; for here your Majesty is the Plaintiff. Here it is intended by the Bill to do you what you deem good, and to do me great harm. You are, therefore, a party, and the only complaining party.

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You have made your complaint to the House of Lords. You have conveyed to this House written documents sealed up. A Secret Committee of the House have examined these documents. They have reported that there are grounds of proceeding; and then the House, nierely upon that Report, have brought forward a Bill containing the most outrageous slanders on me, and sentencing me to divorce and degradation.

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The injustice of putting forth this Bill to the world for six weeks before it is even proposed to afford me an opportunity of contradicting its allegations is too manifest not to have shocked the nation; and, indeed, the proceedings even thus far are such as to convince every one that no justice is intended me. But if none of these proceedings, if none of these clear indications of a determination to do me wrong had taken place, I should see, in the constitution of the House of Lords itself, a certainty that I could expect no justice at its hands.

Your Majesty's Ministers have advised this prosecution; they are responsible for the advice they give; they are liable to punishment if they fail to make good their

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