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which the tide bears the several generations of mortals that fall into it.1 I directed my sight' as I was ordered, and (whether or no3 the good genius strengthened it with any supernatural force, or dissipated part of the mist that was before too thick for the eye to penetrate1) I saw the valley opening at the farther end," and spreading forth into an immense ocean, that had a huge rock of adamant running through the midst of it," and dividing it into two equal parts. The clouds still rested on one half of it, insomuch that I could discover nothing in it: but the other appeared to me a vast ocean planted with innumerable islands, that 10 were covered with fruits and flowers, and interwoven with11 a thousand little shining seas that ran among them.12 I could see persons dressed13 in glorious habits, with garlands upon their heads, passing among the trees, lying down 15 by the sides of the fountains, or resting on beds of flowers; and could hear 15 a confused harmony of singing birds, falling waters," human voices, and musical instruments. Gladness grew



1 That fall into it, Engloutis.—2 I directed my sight, Je regardai. -3 Whether or no, Soit que.-4 For the eye to penetrate, Pour que les regards y pussent percer.-5 At the farther end, A son extrémité. — That had a huge rock of adamant running through the midst of it, Où s'allongeait au milieu un roc énorme de diamant.-7 On one half of it, Sur une des deux moitiés.-8 Insomuch that I could dis cover nothing in it, En sorte que de ce côté je ne pus rien découvrir. - Planted, Semé.-10 See § 49.-11 Interwoven with, Entrecoupées de.-12 That ran among them, Qui serpentaient tout au travers.

13 Persons dressed, Des personnages revêtus.-14 Garlands, Des couronnes.-15 OBSERVE that the same persons cannot be passing among the trees and be lying down by the side of the fountains, or resting on beds of flowers; translate therefore: others, lying down; others, resting.-16 Could hear, J'entendis.-17 Falling waters, Eaux murmurantes.

in me upon the discovery of so delightful a scene.1 I wished for the wings of an eagle, that I might fly away to those happy seats; but the genius told me there was no passage to them, except through the gates of death that I saw opening every moment upon the bridge.


"The islands," said he, "that lie so fresh and green before thee, and with which the whole face of the ocean appears spotted as far as thou canst see," are more in number than the sands on the sea-shore; there are myriads of islands behind those which thou here discoverest, reaching farther than thine eye, or even thine imagination, can extend itself. These are the mansions of good men 10 after death. Are not these, O Mirza! habitations worth contending for ?11 Does life appear

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miserable, that gives thee opportunities 12 of earning such a reward? Is death to be feared, that will convey thee 13 to so happy an existence? Think not man was made in vain, who has such an eternity reserved for him."


1 Gladness grew in me upon the discovery of so delightful a scene, La joie entra dans mon coeur à la vue d'une apparition si délicieuse.-2 See § 36, 7.-3 Seats, Demeures. There was no passage to them, except through the gates of death, Qu'on n'y pénétrait que par les portes de la mort 5 That lie... before thee, Que tu vois. --6 Spotted, Bigarrée. As far as thou canst see, Aussi loin que tes. regards portent.-8 Myriads, Des milliers.-9 Reaching farther than thine eye.. ... can extend itself, Au-delà de ce que ton oeil . . . peut atteindre.-10 The mansions of good men, Les demeures des hommes de bien.-11 Habitations worth contending for, Des asiles dont la possession mérite des efforts.-12 That gives thee opportunities, Lorsqu'elle fournit l'occasion.-13 Is death to be feared, that will convey thee, Dois-tu craindre la mort qui te conduit.-14 Who has such an eternity reserved for him, Puisqu'une telle éternité lui a été réservée.


I gazed with inexpressible pleasure on these happy islands. At length,' said I, "Show me now, I beseech thee, the secrets that lie hid under those dark clouds which cover the ocean on the other side of the rock of adamant."

The genius making me no answer, I turned me about to address myself to him a second time, but I found that he had left me. 4 I then turned again to the vision which I had been so long contemplating; but instead of the rolling tide, the arched bridge, and the happy islands, I saw nothing but the long hollow valley of Bagdat, with oxen, sheep, and camels grazing upon the sides of it.3

ADDISON. 1672-1719.





On the thirteenth of February, 1788, the sittings of the Court commenced. There have been spectacles more dazzling to the eye, more gorgeous with jewellery and cloth of gold, more attractive to grown-up children, than that which was then exhibited at Westminster; but, perhaps, there never was a spectacle so well calculated to strike a highly cultivated, a reflecting, an imaginative


1 At length, Maintenant.-2 Under, Derrière.-3 To address myself to him a second time, Pour lui faire une seconde fois ma demande. - I then turned again to, Je voulus revoir alors.-5 Grazing upo the side of it, Qui paissaient sur ses deux flancs.

6 There have been, On a vu.-. More gorgeous with, Flus resplen dissants de. Grown-up children, Des hommes-enfants. So well, De mieux.




mind. All the various kinds 2 of interests which belong to the near and to the distant,3 to the present and to the past, were collected on one spot,5 and in one hour. All the talents and all the accomplishments which are developed by liberty and civilisation were now displayed, with every advantage that could be derived both from co-operation and from contrast. Every step in the proceedings carried the mind either backward,1o through many troubled centuries, to the days when the foundations of our constitution were laid; away, over boundless seas and deserts, to 13 dusky nations living under strange stars, worshipping strange gods, and writing strange characters from right to left. The High Court of Parliament was to sit,15 according to forms handed down from 16 the days of the Plantagenets, on 17 an Englishman accused of exercising 18 tyranny over the lord of the holy city of Benares, and over the ladies of the princely house of Oude.



or far


The place was worthy of such a trial. It was the great Hall of William Rufus,19 the hall which had resounded

1 A highly cultivated, a reflective, an imaginative mind, Un esprit réfléchi et une imagination cultivée.—2 All the various kinds, Tous les genres divers.—3 To the near and to the distant, Aux objets voisins et aux objets éloignés.- OBSERVE that in French we place the past before the present.-5 On one spot, Dans un même lieu.— 6 Accomplishment, Faculté.-7 Now, En ce moment.-8 That could be derived both from co-operation, Qu'ils pouvaient emprunter à leur alliance.-9 In the proceedings, Du procès.-10 Either backward, Soit en arrière.-11 Luid, Posés.-12 Or far away, over, Soit bien loin dans l'espace, par-dessus des.-13 To, Jusque parmi.-14 Strange stars, Des étoiles inconnues.-15 Was to sit, Allait siéger.-16 Handed down from, Transmises depuis.-17 On, Et juger.-18 Of exercising, D'avoir exercé.-19 William Rufus, Guillaume le Roux.



with acclamations at the inauguration of thirty kings, the hall which had witnessed the just sentence of Bacon and the just absolution of Somers, the hall where the eloquence of Strafford had for a moment awed and melted a victorious party inflamed with just resentment, the hall where Charles had confronted the High Court of Justice with the placid courage which has half redeemed his fame. Neither military nor civil pomp was wanting. The avenues were lined with grenadiers; the streets were kept clear by cavalry. The peers, robed in gold9 and ermine, were marshalled 10 by the heralds under Garter King-at-arms." The judges in their vestments of state attended 12 to give advice on points of law. Near a hundred and seventy lords, three-fourths of the Upper House, as the Upper House then was,13 walked in solemn order from their usual place of assembling to the tribunal. The junior baron present led the way, George Eliott, Lord Heathfield, recently ennobled for his memorable defence of Gibraltar against the fleets and armies of France and Spain. The long procession was closed by the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of the realm, by the




1 Absolution, Acquittement.-2 Awed and melted, Confondu et touché.-3 Had confronted, Avait fait face à.- Placid, Tranquille. -5 Half redeemed his fame, Racheté à demi sa réputation.-6 Was wanting, Ne manquaient à ce spectacle.- Were lined with grenadiers, Étaient bordées d'une ligne de grenadiers.—8 The streets were kept clear by cavalry, Des postes de cavalerie maintenaient les rues libres.-9 Robed in gold, En robes d'or.-10 Marshalled, Conduits. Under Garter King-at-arms, Sous l'ordre de Jarretière, ie roi d'armes.-12 In their vestments of state, attended, Dans leurs vêtements d'office, étaient là.-13 As the Upper House then was, Comme elle était constituée alors.-14 The junior baron present led the way, Le plus jeune des barons conduisait le cortége.

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