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When I see a man flattering the people, making great professions of attachment to liberty,' who is in private life a tyrant methinks, look out, good people; that fellow would set you turning grindstones."


When I see a man hoisted into office by party spirit -without a single qualification to render him either respectable or useful-alas! methinks, deluded people," you are doomed for a season to turn the grindstone for a booby." FRANKLIN. 1706-1790.



I KNEW a worthy whipmakers who worked hard at his trade 20 to support a large " family. He had prepared a number of strips of leather,12 by well oiling and greasing them. These he carefully laid by in a box, but strange to say, they disappeared one by one, nobody knew anything about them,15 nobody had touched them.16



However, one day as he was sitting at work in his

1 Making great professions of attachment to liberty, Qui prétend aimer beaucoup la liberté.-2 Look out, Prenez garde.-3 Would set you turning grindstones, Veut vous faire tourner des meules.-4 Hoisted into office by party spirit, Arrivé aux affaires, nommé par un parti politique.-5 Deluded people, Pauvres gens.—6 For a season, Pendant bien longtemps.- Booby, Nigaud.

8 I knew a worthy whipmaker, J'ai connu un honnête fabricant de fouets. Hard, Continuellement.-10 Trade, Métier.-11 Large, Nombreuse.-12 A number of strips of leather, Un bon nombre de petites bandes de cuir.-13 Strange to say, Chose étrange à dire. -14 One by one, L'une après l'autre.-15 See § 26.-16 Had touched them, Y avait touché.

shop, a large black rat, of the original British kind,1 slyly poked his head out of a hole in the corner of the room, and coolly took a look about the place.3 Seeing all quiet,' out he came, and ran straight to the box in which were kept the favourite leather strips. In he dived, and quickly reappeared, carrying in his mouth the most dainty morsel he could find. Off he ran to his hole, and vanished."



12 the

Having thus found out the thief, the saddler determined to catch him. He accordingly propped up a sieve with a stick, and put a bait underneath. In a few minutes out came the rat again, smelling the inviting toasted cheese, and forthwith 10 attacked it. moment he began nibbling at the bait," down came sieve, and he became 13 a prisoner. "Now," thought he, my life depends upon my behaviour when 1 this horrid sieve is lifted up by that two-legged monster with the apron.15 He has a tolerably good-natured face,16 and I don't think he wants to kill me. I know what 17 to do."



1 One of the original British kind, Descendant des anciens rats de la Grande Bretagne.—2 Slyly poked his head, Mit sournoisement la tête.-3 And coolly took a look about the place, Et inspecta froidement l'appartement. Seeing all quiet, Voyant que tout était tranquille.-5 Favourite, Qu'il aimait tant.- Off he ran to his hole and vanished, Il repartit alors pour son trou et disparut.- Determined to catch him, Prit la résolution de s'en rendre maître.-8 He accordingly propped up a sieve with a stick and put a bait underneath, Pour y réussir il mit un bâton sous le tamis et y plaça une amorce. -9 The inviting toasted cheese, Le fromage rôti et alléchant.— 10 Forthwith, Immédiatement.-11 Bait, Morceau de fromage.— 12 Down came, Tomba.-13 He became, Le rat était.-14 See § 40. -15 With the apron, Qui porte un tablier.-16 He has a tolerably good-natured face, Il m'a l'air assez bienveillant.-17 What, Ce que je dois.


The whipmaker at length lifted up the sieve, being armed with a stick ready to kill Mr. Rat when he1 rushed out. What was his astonishment on seeing 3 that he remained perfectly still. After a few moments, he walked quietly up the whipmaker's arm, and looked up in his face, as much as to say, 6" I am a poor innocent rat, and if your wife will lock up all the good things in the cupboard, why I must eat your nice thongs. Rats must live as well as whipmakers.'

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The man then said, " Tom, I was going to kill you, but now I won't; let us be friends. I'll give you some bread and butter every day if you will not take my thongs and wax, and leave the shopman's breakfast alone. But I am afraid you will come out 10 once too often "-there are lots of dogs and cats about 12 who won't be so civil to you."


He then put him down,13 and Mr. Rat leisurely retired to his hole.1 For a long time afterwards 15 he found his breakfast regularly placed for him at the mouth 16 of his hole; in return for which he, as in duty bound," became quite tame,1s running about the shop, and



1 He, Ce dernier.-2 See § 42.-3 On seeing, De voir.- Ht, Le rat, see also § 49.-5 Up, Jusqu'au.-6 As much as to say, Comme s'il voulait dire.-7 Will lock up, Met sous clef.-8 I won't, Je ne le ferai pas.-9 Leave the shopman's breakfast alone, Si tu ne touches pas au déjeuner du garçon.-10 You will come out, Que tu ne sortes. -11 Once too often, Un jour pour la dernière fois.12 There are lots of dogs and cats about, Il y a un grand nombre de chiens et de chats dans les environs.-13 He then put him down, Il le mit alors par terre.-14 Mr. Rat leisurely retired to his hole, Le rat retourna à son trou sans se dépêcher.-15 For a long time afterwards, Pendant bien longtemps.-16 Mouth, Entrée.-17 In return for which, he, as in duty bound, Et lui, pour sa part, et comme c'était son devoir.18 Became quite tame, S'apprivoisa tout à fait.

inquisitively turning over everything ca the bench1 at which his protector was at work. He would even accomJazy Lim into the stables, when he went to feed the pony, and pick up the corn as it fell from the manger; keeping, Lowever, a respectful distance from the pony's legs. His chief delight was to bask on the warm windowwill, in the mid-day sun.*

This comfortable but unfortunate habit proved his destruction, for one very hot day as he lay taking his nap,' the dog belonging to the bird-shop opposite 10 spied him afar off" and instantly dashed at him " through the window. The poor rat, who was asleep at the time, awoke, alas! too late to save his life. The dog caught him, and took him into the road, where a few sharp squeezes and shakings soon finished him.1

The fatal deed being done," the murderous dog left 16 his bleeding victim in the dusty road, and, with ears

1 Inquisitively turning over everything on the bench, D'un air curieux bouleversant tout sur l'établi.-2 He would even accompany him, Le rat accompagnait même celui-ci.—3 To feed, Donner de la nourriture à.-4 As it, Qui.—5 Keeping, however, a respectful distance, Mais il se tenait assez loin.—6 To bask on the warm windowsill in the mid-day sun, Se chauffer au soleil de midi sur le bord de la fenêtre. Proved his destruction, Fut la cause de sa mort.One very hot day, Un jour quand il faisait très-chaud.—9 As he lay taking his nap, Comme il faisait un somme.—10 Belonging to the birdshop opposite, Qui appartenait à la boutique d'en face où l'on vendait des oiseaux.-11 Spied him afar off, Le vit de loin.12 Dashed at him, S'élança sur lui.—13 Caught him and took him into, Sauta sur lui et l'emporta sur.-14 Where a few sharp squeezes and shakings soon finished him, Où il le serra et le secoua si fort qu'il mit bientôt fin à sa vie.-15 The fatal deed being done, Après avoir commis le crime.-16 The murderous dog left, Le chien sanguinaire


and tail erect,1 walked away quite proud of his performance.2


VII.-CATHARINE I., EMPRESS OF RUSSIA. CATHARINE, born near Dorpat, a little city in Livonia, was heiress to no other inheritance than 3 the virtues and frugality of her parents. Her father being dead, she lived with her aged mother in their cottage covered with1 straw; and both, though very poor, were very contented. There, retired from the gaze of the world, by the labour of her hands she supported her mother, who was now incapable of supporting herself. While Catharine spun, the old woman would sit by and read some book of devotion; thus, when the fatigues of the day were over, both would sit down contentedly by their fireside.

yet 9


Though her face and person were models of perfection, 9 her whole attention seemed bestowed upon her mind; her mother taught her to read, and an old Lutheran minister instructed her in the maxims and duties of religion. Nature had furnished her not only with a strong but a right understanding. Such accomplishments 10 procured her several solicitations of marriage" from the

1 Erect, En l'air.—2 Of his performance, De ce qu'il avait fait. 3 Was heiress to no other inheritance than, N'eut pas d'autre héritage que. See § 35, 7-5 She supported, Elle soutint._6 Of supporting herself, De se suffire à elle-même.-7 See § 4.-8 When the fatigues of the day were over, Après les fatigues de la journée.— 9 See § 39.-10 Accomplishments, Talents.-11 Solicitations of marriage, Demandes en mariage.

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