Зображення сторінки
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Action of the force of the magnet on living organized matter on the ner-
vous system-Effects on Angelique Cottin and Frederica Hauffe
Petetin's observations - What is this new force of the magnet? -
Hahnemann's experiments with the magnet-Becker's observations
on the effects of iron in the organism, by Noanks and Trenks- Effects
in cases of St. Vitus' dance- Reichenbach's experiments with the
magnet important cases given - Tests made by him and Baumgart-
ner- Operation on a patient through a thick stone-wall-Demon-
strated not to depend on the imagination - Influence of this agent in
producing catalepsy - Power of attraction- Ashburner's experiments
with the magnet- Effects catalepsy and spasms-T. C. Hartshorn's

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