Зображення сторінки
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1. On Suicide. Account of the Laft Guinea Club. Affembly at

White's, a kind of Laft Guinea Club. Different Ways of Suicide


between Vulgar Perfons and Perfons of Fafhion.
ments for Suicides propofed. Frequency of Self-murders in
England falfely imputed to the Climate. Defpair, brought on
by Extravagance and Debauchery, a Caufe of Suicide. Free-
thinking another. Specimen of a Bill of Suicide after the Man-
ner of, but diftinct from, the common Bills of Mortality
LI. On Kept Miftreffes and Keepers. Character of an Hen-pecked Keeper
of a Keeper, a Married Man-of a Keeper, an Old Man.

Shifts of Perfons in Middling or Low Life, who take Girls into


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LVII. On the Import and Extent of the Phrafe, Good Company
LVIII. Propofal for Preffing all the Ufelefs and Detrimental Members of
the Community, fuch as-Country Squires-Town Squires-

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LXI. On Sectaries and Enthufiafts. Sects founded by the loweft Mecha-
nics. Hiftory of Religion, Superftition, and Atheism

LXII. Debates in the Female Parliament, in the Committee of Religion.

Speech of Mifs Graveairs, fetting forth that the Female Dress

inclined to Popery. Refolutions propofed to prevent it. De-

bates upon them

LXIII. On Race-horfes. Panegyric on White-nofe. Pedigrees of Race-
horfes carefully preferved. Praifes of the Jockey. Propofed to
preferve his Breed. Genealogy of a Jockey

LXIV. Petition of the Dogs, a Dream. Speeches of a Greyhound, a
Pointer, a Lap-dog, and others

LXV. Letter, remonftrating against the Ufe of Paint among the Men.
Defcription of a Male Toilet. Characters of John Hardman,
and Mr. Jeffamy

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LXVIII. On the Public Gardens. Dearness of the Provifions there.

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LXXVIII. On the ufe of Social Intercourfe between Perfons of Different
Ages and Profeffions-Want of it between Father and Son
LXXIX. Defcription of a London Tradefinan in the Country
LXXX. Letter from an Husband, complaining of his being ruined by his
Wife's Relations

LXXXI. Letter from Mr. Village, giving an Account of his Vifit to Lord

Courtly. Character of the Honourable W. Haftings, by the

Earl of Shaftesbury

LXXXII, Letter of Advice to a Young Academic. Characters of the


LXXXIII. On Alliteration. Ridiculous Affectation of it in modern Poets.

Propofal for the Rhymer's Play-thing, or Poetafter's Horn-


LXXXIV. On Sea-officers. Their unpolifhed Behaviour on Shore. Their
Contempt of New Improvements in Navigation. Of Sea-chap-
LXXXV. Account of the Female Thermometer. Secret Affections of Ladies
difcovered by it. Experiments upon it, at the Play-houfes, Ope-
ras, Mafquerades, Public Gardens, and other Places
LXXXVI. Letter from Orator Higgins, relating his Progress in Literature
by ftudying in the public Streets

LXXXVII. On Eating. Character of Cramwell, and his Eating Club
LXXXVIII. On Ideal Happiness. Authors poffeffed of it, especially Essay-
writers. Mr. Town's Defcription of his Study

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XCIV. Mr. Town confidered in a Military Capacity. His Articles of News,

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CII. Letter, on Nobility. Vanity of Pedigrees. Story of a Nobleman
and his Coachman in Hell. Pedigree of a Footman


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cvi. Letter from Cantab. complaining of the too great Strefs laid on
Mathematical Studies in that Univerfity. Letter from Michael
Krawbidge, on the Lady's Diary


cvшi. On Curfing and Swearing
CIX. On Vulgar Errors. Specimen of a Supplement to Sir Thomas
Brown's Treatife. Refutation of the following Vulgar Errors-
That a Maid cannot be with Child-That Gaming depends on
Chance That Matrimony brings People together--That the
Sabbath is a Day of Reft-That there is any fch Thing as an
Old Woman-That the Gofpel is an Object of Belief

cx. Letter, containing a Propofal to Tax all fashionable Vices and Amufse-

ments, viz. Routes, Drums, Card-tables, &c.-French Foppe-

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CXIII. On the Modern Tafte in adorning Gardens with the Statues of Pa-
gan Deities. Letter from Mofes Orthodox, proposing a Poll-tax
on Gods


Of Match-makers by Profeffion. Ac-

CXIX O: Keeping a Secret. Characters of faithless Confidants
CXX. On Tafte

CXXI. On Match-making.

count of a droll Accident occafioned by the Mistake of a Match-


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CXXIII. Secret Hiftory of Infants brought to the Foundling Hofpital. A


CXXIV. Of Love. Characters of various Lovers
CXXV. Letter from a Gentleman of Cambridge, introducing two Poems,
viz. The Satyr and the Pediar; a Fable. Epiftle to a Friend,
on the modern Notions of Correctnefs

CXXVI. On Preaching. Inflamed Oratory and extravagant Geftures im-
proper in the Pulpit. Pretty Preachers condemned
CXXVII. Leiter, containing the Character of a Jealous Wife
CXXVIII. Letter from Sir Aaron Humkin, complaining of his Lady's vio-
lent Paflion for Mufic

CXXIX. Letter from Thomas Vainall, an Old Bachelor, defcribing him-

felf and his Sycophants, and afking Advice concerning the Dipo-

fal of his Fortune by his Laft Will. Mr. Town's Reflections

on this Subject

cxxx. Letter from Lady Humkin, containing a Vindication of herself, on

account of her Paffion for Mufic


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CXXXII. On Keeping Low Company. Character of Toby Bumper
CXXXIII. Lerter from Ignoramus, containing a New Plan for Studying
the Law. Character of Tom Riot

CXXXIV. Letter from Mr. Village, giving an Account of the present
State of Country Churches, their Clergy, and their Congre-

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