Зображення сторінки
[blocks in formation]

Mercatanté-a merchant, i. 269

Mere quite, i. 292

Mere-sole, absolute, certain, i. 106; ii. 88, 139
Mered-entire, sole, ii. 424

Merely-entirely, absolutely, i. 240, 296; ii. 381
Merit-guerdon, reward, i. 390
Mermaid-a siren, ii. 494

Merry-greek-a wag or humourist, ii. 281
Metaphysical-supernatural, ii. 198
Mete yard-a measuring yard, i. 271
Methoughts-methought, i. 331
Mewed--a term of falconry, ii. 118
Micher-a vagabond, i. 425

Miching-skulking, ii. 259

Milch-moist, ii. 255

Mill-sixpences, i. 56

Mince to walk affectedly, to affect coyness, i. 79 ; ii. 186

Mineral-a metallic vein in a mine, ii. 266

Minikin a darling, ii. 181

Mirable-admirable, ii. 302

Miscreate-spurious, i. 474

Miser-miserable caitiff, i. 528

Misprised-mistaken, i. 190

Misprising-undervaluing, despising, i. 139, 290

Misprision-mistake, misunderstanding, i. 145, 190, 415

'Miss-amiss, ii. 491

Missives-messengers, ii. 198

Mistaken-misapprehended, ii. 71

Mistful-ready to weep, i. 495

Mobled-muffled, ii. 255

Mock-to scoff, to gibe, ii. 145
Model-a mould, i. 399

Modern--ordinary, common, i. 373; ii. 115, 213, 436

Modo-a fiend, ii. 180, 183

Moe-to make mouths, i. 20

Moiety a portion, also the half, i. 427; ii. 501

Moist star-the moon, ii. 243

Mold-warp-the mole, i. 427

Mome--a blockhead, a dolt, i. 116

Moment-import, ii. 257

Monstrous unnatural, ominously prophetic, ii. 384

Montanto a term of fence, i. 129

Moon-calf-a false conception, i. 21
Moonish-variable, inconstant, i. 240
Moralize to interpret, ii. 502

More-greater, further, i. 374, 479; ii. 504

More and less-great and small, i. 443; ii. 529
More sacks to the mill-a game, i. 167
Mortal-deadly, ii. 495

Mortified-ascetic, ii. 215

Motion-puppet-show or puppet, i. 37

Motion-the impulse of desire, ii. 264

Motley-a fool, i. 235; ii. 530

Mouse-a term of endearment, i. 172, 309

Mouse-hunt, ii. 123

Mousing-gorging, devouring, i. 366

Mowes-mouths, ludicrous antics, i. 26; ii. 254

Much-an expression of contempt, i. 452; ii. 222
Mule, Bajazet's, i. 295

Muleters-muleteers, ii. 422

Mum-budget--a pass-word, i. 81

Musit, or Muset-a gap in a hedge, ii. 496
Muss-a scramble, ii. 425

My cake is dough--a proverbial saying, i. 256, 275
My heart is full of woe-a tune, ii. 124

NAPKINS handkerchiefs, ii. 395

Naught a while, be--a mischief on you! i. 227
Naughty--wicked, base, i. 216; ii. 182
Nay-word-a watch-word, i. 79, 312

Neat-slave-a base cow-herd, ii. 172

Neeld-needle, ii. 504

Neglection-neglect, i. 523; ii. 285

Neif-fist, i. 194, 452

Nether-stocks-short stockings, i. 422

Next way-the nearest way, i. 280, 343, 428
Nice-trivial, effeminate, dainty, i. 205, 443
Nicholas' clerks, St.-cut-purses, i. 418
Nick-to mark like a fool, i. 125

Nick, out of all-beyond all reckoning, i. 48
Nicked--emasculated, ii. 424

Night-rule-a night revel, i. 189

Noddy-a game at cards, also, a noodle, a simpleton, i. 34
No had an archaic expression, i. 377
Noise-a band of musicians, i. 451
Nonce-for the occasion, i. 415
Nook-shotten-spawned in a corner, i. 486

No poynt-non point, i. 162, 174
Nott-pated-round-headed, i. 422

Novum-a game played with dice, i. 176
Nurture-breeding, i. 236

Nut-hook-a beadle or catchpoll, i. 57, 470

O-orb, circlet or round, ii. 435
Oaths taken on the sword, ii. 250
Ob-obolum, a halfpenny, i. 426
Obidicut-a fiend, ii. 183
Obsequious-funereal, ii. 15, 35

Obsequious-obedient, submissive, ii. 130
Observation-rites or observances, i. 195
Observed-respectfully treated, i. 463
Obstacle-corruption of obstinate, i. 528
Oddly--unequally, ii, 286
Odds-quarrel, ii. 141

Od's pittikins-God me pity, ii. 334

Eiliads--ogles, i. 59; ii. 185

O'erparted-not equal to a part or character, i. 176

O'erraught-over-reached, over-took, i. 113; ii. 256
O'erstrawed-o'erstrewed, ii. 499

Oes-circular bosses of shining metal, i. 191

Oes-small-pox marks, i. 172

Of--for, i. 237

Of all loves-for love's sake, i. 64, 187; ii. 142

Offices-the apartments in great establishments where
refreshments were prepared or distributed, ii. 139
Old, old utis-rare, rare fun, i. 451

On-of, ii. 381

Once-for the nonce, sometimes, i. 117
Oneyers-owners, i. 419

Oosel-cock-the blackbird, i. 189

Opinion-reputation, i. 438
Opposite-adversary, i. 318, 458

Or e'er-before, sooner than, i. 378

Or, ore-gold, ii. 266

Orbs-field fairy-rings, i. 183

Order, to take-to adapt measures, i. 258; ii. 393

Orgulous-proud, haughty, ii. 280

Orient-pellucid, lustrous, ii. 411

Orthography-orthographer, i. 136

Orts-scraps, ii. 236,

Ospray-a large hawk, the sea eagle, ii. 372

Ostent-appearance, parade, i. 207
Otherwhere-otherplace, ii. 165

Ouphes-elves, goblins, i. 76

Out-past, i. 12

Out of all cess-out of all measure, i. 418

Out of all nick-beyond all reckoning, i. 48

Overlook, Overlooked-to overbear, to overcome, to be-

[blocks in formation]

Painted-cloth-hangings for rooms, i. 176, 239; ii. 503

Pajock-peacock, ii. 262
Palabras-few words, i. 143
Pale-to impale, ii. 10

Palled-decayed, waned, ii. 418
Palliament-a robe, ii. 441

Pantaloon, the Italian, i. 263

Parcel, parcel-gilt-part, parti-gilt, i. 448
Parish-top for the public amusement, i. 307
Paritor-an apparitor, i. 163
Parle-speech, i. 35, 484
Parlous-perilous, i. 188

Partake to impart, to participate, i. 359
Partake to take the part of, ii. 535
Partaker-a partner, a factionary, i. 513
Parted-endowed, imparted, ii. 296

Partisan-a weapon, half-pike and half-halberd, ii. 417
Partlet, Dame-a name for the hen, i. 338, 430
Pash-head or brow, i. 331

Pass, passed, passing-to surpass belief or expression,
i. 58, 75, 348

Passage-passengers, ii. 156

Passionate perturbed, agitated, i. 367

Passioning-displaying emotion, i. 51; ii. 499
Pass not-regard not, i. 552

Pass on, pass upon-to sentence, i. 87; ii. 181
Passy-measure's pavin-a dance, i. 327

Pastry-the room where paste was made, ii. 123
Patch-fool or jester, i. 116, 196, 209; ii. 215
Patchery-roguery, villainy, ii. 290
Patience perforce, an adage, i. 97
Patient-to make patient, ii. 441

Patine-the cover of the chalice anciently used to hold
particles of the host; a plate, a round, bright object,
i. 223

Pauca, pauca verba, paucus pallabris-few words, i. 56,

166, 252, 478

Paul's walk, i. 444

Pavin-a dance, i. 327

Peak-to mope, to pule, ii. 256

Peat--a pet, i. 256.

Pedant a schoolmaster, i. 263, 269

Pedascule-a pedant, i. 263

Peevish-childish, simple, headstrong, i. 528; ii. 140, 402
Peise-to weigh down, ii. 65

Peised-balanced, weighted, i. 214

Pelleted-formed into pellets, or little balls, ii. 426, 536
Pelting-paltry, despicable, i. 184; ii. 173
Penitent-doing penance, i. 112

Pensioners-a band of gentlemen in immediate attend-

ance on the sovereign, i. 63, 183

Perdurable-enduring, i. 495; ii. 135
Perdy-corruption of par Dieu, i. 123
Perfect-confident, well-assured, i. 342
Perjure-a perjurer, i. 167

Perplexed-distracted, frenzied, ii. 161, 326, 507
Person-old form of parson, i. 166

Perspectives, to be viewed obliquely, i. 327
Peruse-to examine, i. 112; ii. 272
Pervert-to avert, ii. 323

Pestered-impeded, encumbered, ii. 304

Pew-fellow-companion, sharer, ii. 59
Pheeze--to tickle, i. 252

Philip-a name for the sparrow, i. 362
Phill-horse-the shaft-horse, i. 207
Phisnomy-physiognomy, i. 299

Physical-medicinal, ii. 389
Pick--to pitch, ii. 97

Picked-scrupulously nice, i. 170; ii. 274

Pick-thanks-parasites, i. 428

Pickt-hatch, the manor of, i. 63

Picture of Nobody, i. 24

Pied-party-coloured, ii. 529

Pied ninny-a jester, a fool, i. 24

Pight-fixed, ii. 171, 311

Pilcher-pilch, an outer garment of leather, ii. 114

Pilled-robbed, pillaged, ii. 39

Pin, to cleave the-to split the wooden pin in a target, i. 53
Pin and web-the cataract in the eye, i. 332; ii. 180
Pinched-restrained, nipped, i. 334
Pinfold-a pound, i. 34, ii. 172

Pink eyne-small eyes, ii. 418

Pioners, or pioneers--degraded soldiers, ii. 146
Pip -a spot on a card, i. 257

Pith or pith-eminence, ii. 257

Pitch and pay-pay on delivery, i. 480
Pittikins, 'ods-God me pity, ii. 334
Place-abiding-place, i. 233

Place-seat of authority, ii. 424

Places-dignities, honours, i. 335; ii. 424

Placket-a petticoat, i. 163, 348, 351; ii. 197, 290

Plagued punished, ii. 39

Planched-planked, made of boards, i. 100

Plantage the moon's influence over plants, ii. 295
Plantain, its medicinal use, i. 162; ii. 102
Plants-the soles of the feet, ii. 417
Plates-silver coin, ii. 436

Platforms-plans, schemes, i. 511

Plausibly-with expressions of applause, ii. 516

Plausive manners-gracious, popular, winning manners,
ii. 248

Plurisy-repletion, ii. 272

Point-device-precise, with great nicety, i. 170, 240, 316
Point of war-a strain of military music, i. 459

Points-long tagged laces to fasten dresses, i. 265, 308,348
Poize-weight, ii. 144

Polacks-Polanders, ii. 248

Politician a schemer for his own advantage, ii. 273
Pomander-a ball of perfume, i. 351

Pomewater-a kind of apple, i. 164

Popinjay-a parrot, a trifling fop, i. 416

Porpentine-porcupine, i. 117; ii. 287
Port-a gate, ii. 409

Port-show, state, appearance, i. 257
Portable-bearable, supportable, ii. 181, 212

Portage-portholes, i. 482

Portance carriage, mien, bearing, ii. 133
Possessed-informed, i. 204

Potch-to push, to thrust, ii. 354
Potents-potentates, i. 366
Poulter-a poulterer, i. 425
Pouncet-box-scent-box, i 416
Powder-to salt, i. 439

Poynt, no-non point, i. 160, 174

Practice-conspiracy, machination, collusion, i. 1c6, 479;

ii. 161,174, 191

Practise on-to plot or intrigue against, ii. 412
'Praise--to appraise, i. 310

Prank-to adorn, to dress ostentatiously, i. 314, 346

Precedent- a sign, an indicator, ii. 491

Precepts-warrants, i. 466

Prefer-to advance, to promote, i. 256; ii. 343

Pregnancy-ready wit, i. 445

Pregnant-supple, ready, ii. 258

Prenominate--torenamed, ii. 303

Preposterous-misplaced, inversely, i. 65, 191, 263

Presence-presence-chamber, ii. 127

Presently-immediately, ii. 57, 509, 539

Pretence-design, device, i. 43, 339, 521

Pretend to intend, i. 520

Pretend to portend, i. 521

Pretty-petty, little, ii. 511

Prevent-to anticipate, i. 445, 521; ii. 385

Prick-song-music pricked, or noted down, ii. 1TG

Prig--a cheat, a thief, i. 345

Prime-the spring, ii. 529

Primero-an old game at cards, i. 78; ii. 93

Principality-a celestial, i. 40

Principals the strongest rafters in a building, ii. 477

Princox-a coxcomb, ii. 106

Print, in-precisely, to the letter, i. 38
Prize-to rate, ii. 220

Prize-privilege, ii. 10
Probal-probable, ii. 141

Proceeding advancement, ii. 390

Process-citation, ii. 407

Prodigious-monstrous, portentous, . 368; ii. 384

Proface-welcome, i. 469

Prognostication-almanac, i. 353

Project-to shape, ii. 436

Projection-forecast, preparation, i. 4S1

Prolixious-coy, delaying, i. 94

Prompture-suggestion, i. 94
Prone-ardent, ii. 507
Proof-armour, ii. 196

Proper-peculiar, personal, ii. 353, 374
Proper-false-handsome-false, i. 311
Propertied-circumscribed, appropriated, i. 324
Properties, a theatrical term, i. 77, 183
Prorogue-to deaden or benumb, ii. 412
Provand-provender, ii. 356

Provincial of the ecclesiastical province, i. 108

Provincial, from Provins-celebrated for roses, ii. 262
Prune-to plume, i. 413; ii. 340
Pruning-trimming up, adorning, i. 168
Pugging-prigging, i. 345

Puke-stocking puce-stocking, i. 422
Pun-to pound, ii. 287

Punk-a prostitute, i. 64, 107

Purchase-profit, advantage, i. 466

Push!-pish! pshaw ! i. 148, 477
Push-pin-a game, i. 168

Put on-to incite, to provoke, ii. 141

Putter on a contriver, an inciter, i. 335; ii. 72

Putter out-an adventurer of money, i. 25
Puttock-a buzzard, ii. 314

Puzzel-a foul drab, i. 509

QUAIL-to slacken, i. 233

Quaintly-clever, adroit, i. 38

Qualification-temperament, ii. 138

Qualify- -to mitigate, to weaken, ii. 505

Quality-profession, calling, i. 48; ii. 134, 254

Quarry a pile of slaughtered game, ii. 348

Quart d'écu, or cardecue-a coin, the fourth part of a

French gold crown, i. 298, 301

Quat-a pimple or scab, ii. 156
Queasy-fastidious, squeamish, i. 135
Quell-murder, ii. 200

Quest-inquisition, inquest, jury, i. 100; ii. 42, 131
Question-to converse, ii. 502
Question-motives, reason, ii. 394
Queubus-equinoctial of, i. 312

Quick-alive, quickening, quick-witted, ii. 35, 408
Quiddit-a subtlety, ii. 273

Quietus-discharge, acquittance, ii. 257, 532

Quips-sudden, angry gibes, scoffs, i. 48

Quit-to requite, i. 109; ii. 426

Quittance-requital, to make requital, i. 443, 510; ii. 221
Quiver-smart, nimble, i. 458

Quote--to look into, to scan, ii. 251, 454, 508

RABATO, or rebato-an ornament for the neck, a kind of
ruff, i. 142

Rabbit-sucker-a sucking rabbit, i. 425
Race-nature, i. 15

Rack-to stretch, to extend, i. 145

Rack-drifting vapour, or scud, ii. 11, 521

Racked-harassed by exactions, i. 536

Rag-a term of contempt, ii. 235

Ragged-rough, rugged, base, i. 234, 443, 458

Ragged-beggared, ii. 509

Rake up-to cover up, ii. 187

Rampallian-a low, creeping, mean wretch, i. 448

Rank-chorus, rhyme, i. 238

Rank-brimming, full, ii. 491, 531

Rapture-a fit, ii. 356

Rarely-curiously, ii. 322


Rascal--a lean deer, i. 242, 522; ii. 343

Rates-counts for, is equivalent to, ii. 423

Rather-hasty, quick, i. 162

Raught-reft, reached, grasped, i. 541; ii. 19
Ravin-to devour greedily, i. 85; ii. 203
Ravined-ravenous, ii. 210

Rayed-chafed, excoriated, i. 266
Razed-slashed, opened, ii. 262
Razes-roots, i. 418

Read-to tread, i. 433; ii. 98
Rearward-rearguard, ii. 528
Reason- to discourse, i. 211

Reasonable swiftness-speed of thought, i. 477
Rebate to blunt, i. 85

Rebeck-a sort of fiddle, ii. 123
Receipt-receptacle, ii. 200
Reck-to regard, ii. 247
Record-to chant, i. 52; ii. 479
Recover the wind of me-
Recure-to recover, ii. 54

-a hunting expression, ii. 262

Rede-counsel, advice, ii. 247

Red-lattice phrases-ale-house phraseology, i. 63, 287

Reduce to restore, to bring back to a former state, ii. 68
Refelled-refuted, i. 106

Regiment-directorship, rule, ii. 422
Reguerdon-recompence, i. 517
Relume to relight, ii. 158

Remarkable profoundly striking, ii. 433

Remember thy courtesy-discontinue ceremony, i. 171
Remembered-reminded, ii. 532

Remembrance-memorial, ii. 146

Remonstrance-exhibition, manifestation, i. 108

Remorse-pity, tenderness of feeling, i. 49, 106, 379;

ii. 146

Remorseless-relentless, pitiless, ii. 506

Remotion-removal, ii. 174, 236

Removed-remote, private, i. 85, 357

Removes-stages, journeys, i. 302

Render-to describe, to represent, i. 247

Reneges-denies, renounces, ii. 172, 407

Repeal to recall from exile, to bring back, i. 45, 285,
394, 400, 549; ii. 392
Repetition-recrimination, i. 301
Repine-vexation, discontent, ii. 494
Repugn-to resist, i. 521
Reputing-boasting, i. 542
Reserve -preserve, ii. 521, 527

Respect-self-command, prudence, ii. 288

Respect-regard, consideration, i. 51, 224, 362; ii. 458
Rest-a term in music, ii. 510
'Rest-arrest, i. 121

Resty-immobile, dull, uneasy, ii. 329

Retire to withdraw, i. 394

Retort-to refer back, i. 107

Reword to echo, ii. 536

Rich coat-a full charged escutcheon, ii. 538
Rich eyes, i. 244, 301

Rid-to destroy, i. 15; ii. 30

Rides the wild mare-plays at see-saw, i. 453
Riggish-wanton, ii. 414

Right-direct, immediate, i. 383

Rigol-a circle, i. 465; ii. 515

Rivage the shore or bank, i. 482

Rivality participation, copartnership, ii. 421

Rivals-associates, partners, i. 243

Rivo-a drinking exclamation, i. 422

Road-a roadstead, a haven, i. 41

Rolled-coiled, ii. 446

Rondure a round or belt, ii. 520

Ronyon-a scurvy old woman, a witch, i. 75; ii. 196
Rood-the cross, the image on the cross, i. 456

Rook-to squat down, to roost, ii. 32

Ropery, rope-tricks-ribaldry, i. 258; ii. 111

Rough hew-to plan, or fashion in the rough, ii. 275
Round-plain spoken, i. 113; ii. 258
Rounded-insinuated, i. 368

Rounding-whispering, insinuating, i. 332
Roundure a circle, i. 365

Royal--a coin so called, i. 424

[blocks in formation]

songs, i. 469

Satire a satirist, ii. 529
Saucy-prurient, i. 300
'Sayed assayed, ii. 466
Scaled-dispersed, ii. 309

Scamble-to seize, to scramble, to rifle, i. 379, 473
Scamels, or sea-mells-sea-birds, i. 21
Scapes-lapses, slips, i. 343; ii. 507

Scarfed bark-vessel decorated with flags, i. 209
Scathe to damage, ii. 106

Sconce the head, i. 113, 114, 273, 365
Score to mark, to brand, i. 112

Scotch-to wound, to notch, ii. 205

Scrimers-fencers, ii. 272

Scroyles-scabby rogues, i. 366

Scrubbed-stunted, i. 224

Sculls-shoals, ii. 309

'Scuse-excuse, i. 222; ii. 151

Seals on deeds, i. 408

Sear-to stigmatize, to close up, i. 335; ii. 313

Season-preservative, ii. 208

Secret-separated, devoted, ii. 387

Secure--careless, to make over-confident, i. 63, 66, 68;

ii. 182, 288

[blocks in formation]

See, to-to the sight, ii. 522

Seel, in falconry-to sew up the eyes, ii. 205, 426
Seen-versed, practised, skilled, i. 258
Septentrion-the north, ii. 10

Sequester a separation, ii. 148

Sere, tickled o' the-easily moved to mirth, ii. 254

Sergeant anciently one of the king's guard, ii. 196
Serpigo-leprosy, i. 24

Sessa-be quiet, i. 252

Set-a term in music, i. 35

Set a watch-to plan a robbery, i. 414

Set up his rest--to stake all, ii. 123

Several-private, i. 161; ii. 533

Shale-a case, a shell, i. 493
Shards-broken fragments, ii. 274

Shards-scaly wings of a beetle, ii. 205, 419
Shaven Hercules, the, i. 142

Sheen-brightness, splendour, i. 183; ii. 259
Sheep-pronounced ship, 1. 34
Sheer-pure, unmixed, 409
Shent-undone, ruin, reproved, i. 60

Ship-tire-a fanciful head-dress for ladies, i. 69
Shive-a slice, ii. 445

Shog-to jog off, i. 477, 480

Shotten-spawned, projected, i. 486

Shoughs-shaggy dogs, ii. 205

Shoulder-clapper-a bailiff, i. 120

Shovel-boards-broad shillings used in the game of shove-
groat, i. 56

Shrewd shrewish, mischievous, i. 65, 90, 132, 172, 183,
192, 251, 257, 258, 383; ii. 429

Shrift-auricular confession, ii. 51, 101, 110, III, 112,


Shrive-to bring to confession and absolve, i. 116
Shriving-time-time of shrift or confession, ii. 275
Shut-up-finished, concluded, ii. 200

Siege a seat, place, state, i. 101; ii. 271
Sightless-invisible, ii. 198, 199
Sightless-unsightly, i. 368

Sights-apertures for seeing through in a helmet, i. 460
Sign-to give an omen, ii. 428
Silly-simple, rustic, ii. 338
Silly cheat-petty theft, i. 345
Simular-counterfeit, deceitful, ii. 177
Single-simple, feeble, i. 445; ii. 197
Sink-a-pace-cinque-pace, a dance, i. 133
Sir-a title of certain churchmen, i. 534

Sir-applied to nobility and royalty, i. 332, 355

Sir reverence-an apology for any unseemly saying, i. 118
Sir, the the gallant, the courtier, ii. 138

Sithence since, i. 281

Sit out-refuse to play, a card-table phrase, i. 155
Sit thee down, sorrow, i. 157

Skainsmates-reckless fellows, ii. III

Skill-cunning, design, reason, i. 335, 347
Skimble-skamble-jumbled, deranged, i. 427
Skinker-drawer of liquor, i. 421
Skirr-to scour, i. 496

Slander-to abuse, ii. 247

Slanderous-ignominious, branded, ii. 510

Slavish wipe-the brand of slaves, ii. 506
Sleave--unwrought silk, ii. 201
Sledded-sledged, ii. 243

Slipper-slippery, ii. 138

Slips-counterfeit pieces of money, ii. 110, 290
Sliver to slit or slice, ii. 183, 272
Slop-loose knee-breeches, ii. 110

Smirched-sullied, soiled, i. 142, 145, 231, 484
Smoke-to discover, i. 293
Smoothed-fawned on, ii. 233

Smug-spruce, smart, i. 427
Sneap-to nip or check, i. 330
Sneck-up-go hang! i. 312

Snipe-a fool, a blockhead, ii. 135
So--as, i. 297; ii. 221, 225, 409

So like you he is the worse, a proverb, i. 338
Solemn-grave, public, accustomed, i. 265
Solidares a coin, ii. 226

Sometimes-formerly, i. 203, 410

Sonties-corruption of sanctities, i. 206
Soon at-about, i. 112

Sorry-dismal, sorrowful, i. 125

Sort-lot, ii. 286

Sort to suit, to fit, ii. 509

Sort-gang, crew, company, i. 405, 539

Sort-rank, degree, quality, i. 129

Sot-a fool, i. 116

Sowle-to lug, to drag, ii. 370

Spanish pouch, i. 422

Speak by the card-to speak precisely, or according to

the book of manners, ii. 274

Speak to-to aspire or lay claim to, ii. 131
Speculation-view, espial, ii. 296
Sped-done, settled, ii. 114
Sped-promised, i. 276
Speed-fortune, i. 342
Sperr-to shut up, ii. 280
Spleen-flash, i. 182, 367

[blocks in formation]

Stannyel a kind of hawk, i. 315

Stark-rigid, stiff, ii. 334

Starve-to perish, ii. 316

State--a chair or throne, i. 424; ii. 206

Statuas statues, ii. 390

Statue-picture, image, i. 51

Stay-a check or obstacle, i. 367

Stern-rigid, unyielding, i. 295
Sternage-steerage, course, i. 482
Sticking-place-abiding place, ii. 199

Stickler an arbitrator in combats, ii. 311

Stigmatical-branded with deformity, i. 120; ii. 13, 559
Still-always, ever, i. 129, 202, 298, 431, 488; ii. 393
Still music-soft, subdued music, i. 195, 250
Stinted-stopped, ii. 103

Stith an anvil, ii. 259

Stithy-the smith's work-shop, ii. 259
Stomach-haughtiness, ii. 91

Stood upon-plumed or presumed upon, ii. 447
Stops a technical term in music, ii. 259, 262
Stover-fodder, i. 26

Strain-lineage, i. 135, 481

Strain-turn, tendency, i. 70

Strain courtesy, to-to avoid the post of honour in a

perilous undertaking, ii. 497

Strange-wonderful, incredible, ii. 159

Strange-coy, ii. 108

Strange-foreign, ii. 318

Strappado-a kind of punishment, i. 423

Strict-harsh, ii. 229

Strike to tap, to broach, ii. 418

Stroke-rule, i. 101

Strossers-trousers, i. 488

Stuck-a sword, a thrust, ii. 272

Stuck-in-corruption of stoccata, i. 321

Stuff-luggage, i. 123

Stuffed-furnished, endowed, i. 129; ii. 120

Subject-people, subjects, i. 330

Subscribes-succumbs, ii. 530

Success-consequence, succession, i. 333; ii. 199, 404,

[blocks in formation]

TABLE-a table book, i. 42

Table-a picture, board or canvas on which any object
is painted, i. 278, 367

Table, in palmistry-the palm of the hand, i. 2c7
Tabourines-drums, ii. 304, 429

Tag-the rabble, ii. 363, 383
Tailor cries, i. 184

Tainture-defilement, i. 316

Take-to bewitch, to blast, to paralyse, i. 76; ii. 309
Take a truce-to make peace, i. 368

Take it in snuff-to take it in dudgeon, i. 172

Take me with you-let me understand you,


Take thought-to abandon oneself to grief, ii. 387
Taking up-dealing, i. 444

Talent-a talon, i. 165

Talents-riches, ii. 318

Tall-able, stout, robust, i. 60, 306, 324

Tallow-keech-a round lump of tallow for the chandler,
i. 423

Tame-cheater—a petty rogue, i. 452
Tame-snake-a poltroon, i. 246
Tang-to twang, i. 315

Tarre to incite, i. 375; ii. 286
Tartar-Tartarus, i. 479

Tasked-taxed, challenged, i. 435, 437
Taste-to try, to test, i. 317, 321
Tawdry-lace-a neck ornament, i. 348
Tawny-coated followers, i. 508
Taxation-sarcasm, satire, i. 228
Teen-grief, sorrow, i. 2, 13; ii. 103

Tell-to rate, to number, to account, ii. 223, 225
Temperance-temperature, i. 17

Tempered-moulded, qualified, i. 479; ii. 399
Tender hefted, ii. 175

Tents-hangings, i. 263

Tercel-the male hawk, ii. 294

Tharborough-a constable, i. 156

Theorick-theory, i. 297, 473; ii. 130

Thews, i. 458; ii. 247

Thick-rapidly, ii. 325

Thick-skin-thick-head, i. 77

Thills--the shafts of a waggon, ii. 294

Though-if, even if, since, ii. 426

Thought-melancholy, ii. 429

Thrasonical-bragging, boastful, i. 170, 248

Three-men song-men-singers of songs in three parts,
i. 345

Three merry men be we-the burden of a song, i. 312
Thronged-oppressed, crushed, shrunk, ii. 513
Thrummed-made of coarse woollen, i. 74

Thunder-stone-the imaginary produce of thunder, ii. 384
Tib-a loose wench, ii. 484

Tickle-ticklish, i. 533

Tickled o' the sere easily moved to mirth, ii. 254
Tidy-plump, i. 453

Tightly-briskly, promptly, i. 59

Tike clown, clodpole, i. 77

Tilly-fally--a ludicrous interjection, i. 312, 451
Time and the hour, ii. 197

Timely-in proper time, i. 547

Time of life-duration of life, ii. 402
Time's fool, i. 439

Tire-to peck like a bird, to tear, ii. 8, 231

To, to-ploughmen's words of encouragement, ii. 288
To friend-for friend, propitious, ii. 316, 393
Toasts and butter-term of contempt, i. 433
Tokened pestilence, ii. 423

Toll, i. 302

Too fine-too full of finesse, i. 303

Too late-too recently, ii. 49, 516

Took it on his death-an oath, i. 361

Too-too-excessive, excessively, i. 41; ii. 245
Top, the parish, i. 307

Topless--supreme, ii. 285
Tottered-tottering, i. 400

Touch-a pang, a wound, sympathy, ii. 314
Touch-a touchstone, ii. 236

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