Зображення сторінки

ASAM. considerably more, and its superficial area may be estimated at 60,000 square miles on a very moderate calculation. It is intersected by a great number of streams, and though mountainous, is highly fertile. It is in fact an extensive valley on the banks of the Berhām pūter, (Brahma putra,) lying between the 25th and 28th degrees of north lat. and 94 and 99 of east long. But its extent northwards has not yet been determined by actual observation. The kingdom is divided into three districts-1. Uttar-kol, or Uttarparh, the northern district to the north of the river (Brahma putra). 2. Dekin-kol, or Dekin-parh, the southern district to the south of the same river: and 3. Majuli, a large island enclosed by branches of it. It is also subdivided into Upper and Lower Ashān. The former terminates at Kolyaparh, (Goyal para), where the river divides into two considerable streams, and the mountains diverge to the south east. The latter comprehends the lower and western provinces annexed to the kingdom by 'Surg-Deō, and governed by a viceroy. The divisions mentioned above, Uttarkol and Dekin kol, do not, strictly speaking, apply to

the lowland district.

Asam is bounded on the S. W. by Bengal and Bisni, on the north by the successive ranges of the Butan, Anka, Dúffula, or Dóp'hla, and Miri mountains; on the south by the Garraō, (or Garó) hills. Of the two divisions above mentioned, Uttarcol, in the northern side of the Burrampooter, is in the higher state of cultivation; it surpasses Dekinkol also in population. But there is no produce peculiar to the east which is not grown, or might not be cultivated either in the high or low lands, with which Asam abounds. Mangoes, plantains, citrons, limes, pine apples, &c. in great abundance, and of excellent flavour, are found here, as in other parts of India. There are also cocoa-nut trees, pepper vines, and various species of spices, in great plenty. The sugar-cane of this part of India is remarkable for its softness and sweetness; and the silks resemble in quality those of China. Gold and silver are found in most of the rivers, by washing the sand; and form so considerable a source of revenue, that the number of persons employed in this occupation has been computed to amount to 12,000; some raise the number to 20,000; of whom, each individual pays a fixed tax of a tola of gold to the rajah. Of this people, the only account of which we know, is to be found in the second volume of the Asiatic Researches. The paper alluded to, is a translation of A Description of Asam, written by Mohammed Cazim, and translated from the Persian, by Henry Vansittart, Esq. In justice to the people which it describes, it should be remembered, that the author was a rigid Mahommetan, resident at the court of Aurenzebe, and particularly hostile, as such, to the people of Asam. According to this author, however, they are a base, unprincipled race, without piety, or any laws, except their own vicious inclinations. They indulge in polygamy, live upon unclean food, and would not refuse to eat an animal that had died a natural death even though dressed by the follower of a religion which they abhorred. Their dress consists of a cloth tied round their loins, and a sheet thrown over their shoulders; but they neither wear turbans, nor drawers, nor shoes. Except the gates of the city of Ghersong, and some of their idolatrous temples,

they have no buildings either of brick or stone; the habitations of the rich and poor, are all equally constructed of bamboos or straw. The country produces neither camels nor horses; and the people are so afraid, says our author, of the latter animal, that if one trooper should attack 100 armed Asamians, they would all throw down their arms and fly; but if one of this detestable race should encounter two men of another nation, on foot, he would defeat them. The military weapons which the Asamians use, consist of muskets, swords, spears, bows and arrows; and at all events it says much for their courage and love of their country, that with these they have invariably succeeded in defeating every attempt which has at various times been made, to reduce them to subjection. See Asiatic Researches, vol. ii. p. 171-185.

ASAPH, ST., a town of North Wales, in the county of Flint, which has the rank of a city from being an Episcopal See. It consists of little more than a single street. The cathedral, in which the service is no longer performed, is a plain building, of about 190 feet long. The Episcopal palace is a commodious residence, having been almost rebuilt by Bishop Shopley. The diocese extends through Flint, Montgomery, Merionethshire, and part of Denbigh; and contains 121 parishes, and 131 churches and chapels, the greater number of which are in the patronage of the Bishop. Population 1520; distant 28 miles W. of Chester, and 217 N. W. of London.


ASARUM, in Botany, a genus of plants, class Dodecandria, order Monogynia.

Generic Character. Calyx trifid, superior; capsule six-celled.

The A. Europæum, or Asarabacca, a native of England, has long been in use as a sternutatory. The powder is made from the root or leaves

ASBECK, a town of Westphalia, in the bishopric of Munster, bailiwic of Horstmar, annexed to the possessions of the house of Salm in 1803, but for the present in the occupation of Prussia. Here is a convent for noblemen's daughters. 4 miles S. E. of Aahaus.

ASBESTUS, in chemistry, from a privitiva, oßer vvu, I extinguish, is a mineral consisting principally of a composition of siler and magnesia, with a small proportion of alumina, lime, and iron. There are five varieties of this substance, Common Asbestus, Elastic Asbestus, Mountain Leather, Mountain Wood, and Amianthus. It is a greenish, brittle substance, somewhat unctuous to the touch, and slightly elastic. The Egyptians, according to Herodotus, made a sort of cloth of this substance, which they used for the purpose of wrapping up the bodies of the dead. Some modern attempts have been made to produce this cloth, which has been effected by a mixture of asbestus, with flax and oil. See Kirwan, Mineralogy, v. i. 189. Brockart, Mineralogy, v. i. 497.

ASCALON, a town of Palestine, 14 miles N. of Gaza, and 30 S. W. of Jerusalem. It is a maritime town, and was formerly one of the five Satrapies of Egypt. It is now merely a village, and is called Jealona; but it continued a place of note until the time of the Crusaders, among whom it was considered a place of importance. It is known in history as the birth-place of Herod the Great.



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This genus is said to derive its name, Gecko, from a peculiar cry made by one of its species which inhabits Batavia, according to Bontius it is of a thicker form than the other lizards; the feet are very remarkable, from the under part of the toes being covered with such fine folds of skin, as to enable them to walk on the ceiling their nails, which are wanting in some species, are retractile in different ways, for the purpose of preserving their points, and to give them a better grasp the pupil of the eye contracts very much in the light, like those nocturnal animals who pass the day in their holes. From this form of their nails and eyes they seem, Cuvier thinks, to occupy the same place among the saurous reptiles, that the cats do among the carnivorous Mammalia.

They are a very numerous genus, and scattered over the warm countries of both continents. They have been accused of being poisonous, in consequence of their dull air and partial resemblance to the salamanders and toads; but the charge is without foundation.

For information respecting structure and classification, see COMPARATIVE ANATOMY and ZOOLOGY. Cuvier has subdivided them into several subgenera, of which the most numerous is,

a Platydactyli, or Broad-fingered Geckos. These have the toes very broad, and covered beneath with transverse scales: some have no nails, and the thumbs very small: they are covered with tubercles, have very vivid colours, and are natives of the Isle of France. Some want the subfemoral pores; such are the A. Inunguis, Cuv. or Nailless Gecko; and A. Ocellatus, Cuv. Gecko Ocell. Oppel, or spotted Gecko. Others have the papillæ very remarkable; as the A. Cepedii, Cuv. Gecko Cepedien, Peron. Cepedian Gecko, which inhabits the Isle of France, and is of a yellow colour spotted with blue, having a white line extending along each side.

Others have no nails on the thumbs, the second and fifth toes of all the feet, and no subfemoral papillæ ; such is,

A. Muralis, Cuv. Lacerta Mauritanica et Turcica, Gmel. Gecko Fascicularis, Daud. Stellio of the ancients. Geckotte, Shaw. This hideous animal is of a greyish colour, living in holes of the wall, under tiles, &c. covered with dirt and filth. It is called Tarente in the south of France, and is very common in the south of Europe.

The greater number of the Platydactylous Geckos merely want nails on the four thumbs: they have a row of pores about the vent.

A. Stellio, Cuv. Gecko à gouttelettes, Daud. Stellio Gecko, Schn. Spotted Gecko. The colour of this animal is red with spots of white, and tuberculated; its tail covered with square imbricated scales; is a native of India.

A. Vittatus, Cuv. Lacerta Vitt. Gmel. Pandang Lizard of Amboyna, White-striped Gecko, Shaw. About seven inches long, of a brown colour, with a


white stripe on the back, becoming forked on the ASCALAhead, and at the root of the tail, which is surrounded BOTES. with white rings. It is a native of India; it is caught at Amboyna, on the branches of the tree, called Pandang of the banks.

b Hemidactyl, or Half-fingered Geckos.

These have the base of their toes provided with an oval disc, formed below by a double tier of scales, from the middle of which springs the second phalanx, slender, and supporting the third, or nail: all these have five nails and pores on both sides of the vent; the scales on the under part of the tail are large bands, like those on the belly of serpents.

A. Tuberculatus, Daud. Cuv. Tokaie of Siam; Tokai, Shaw. About a foot long, varied with red and blue, and studded with small blue conical tubercles.

The Java Gecko, is similar to the preceding, but smoother; the natives believe it to be poisonous. To these may be added the G. à tubercules triedres et G. à queue épineuse, of Daudin.

c Thecadactyli, having the fingers provided with scales like the last subdivision, but divided longitudinally by a furrow, in which the nails can be entirely received: they generally have no nails on the thumbs; have no subfemoral papillæ; and the tail is completely covered with small scales.

Among them we find the G. Lævis, Daud. Perforated Gecko, Shaw; which is a native of Surinam; and indeed it is probable that the G. Squalidus of Herm. and G. Surinam, of Daud. are the same as the G. Lævis.

d Ptyodactyli, or Fan-fingered Geckos, have the extremities of the fingers expanded, and the underparts marked like a fan; the middle is split, and the nail received in it; the nails are all much hooked.

A. Domesticus, Cuv. Lacerta Gecko, Hasselquist, Gmel. Common Gecko, Shaw. Rather more than a foot long, of a reddish grey spotted with brown; the scales and tubercles very small; its toes are marked beneath with numerous transverse lamellæ, and furnished with small claws except the thumbs; as it creeps along the skin it produces some redness, probably owing to the fineness of its nails; the tail is round, longer than the body, and marked with rings; it has the subfemoral papillæ : its voice resembles that of the frog. It is very common in the houses of those countries which are south-east of the Mediterranean at Cairo, it is called Abou Burs," the leper's father," because they say it poisons with its feet the food and salt provision of which it is very fond.

A. Fimbriatus, Cuv. Tête plate, La Cep. Fimbriated Gecko, Shaw. About eight inches long. Cepede, who first described it, thinks it connects the Chamaleon, Gecko, and Water Newt; the head, skin, and general form of the body resembling the Chameleon; but there is no crest on the head, which that animal has; and from the head a prolongation of the skin is extended down the sides of the body like a fringe which extends down the legs; the tail is like that of the Newt, but compressed horizontally instead of vertically, whilst the feet resemble those of the Gecko, but the toes are half-webbed; its colour also is variable like the Chamæleon. It inhabits Madagascar, and the inhabitants are afraid of it, but without reason.

A. Caudiverberus, Cuv. Lacerta Caudin. Lin. Gecko du Peron. Feuillée. Scollop-tailed Gecko, Shaw. About 5 к

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