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ANCYRA, of Galatia, in Asia Minor, belonging to the Tectosagi, near the river Halys and lake Cenaxis. It is now called Angouri by the Turks. Pausanias states, that it derived its name from an anchor which was found there, and preserved in the temple of Jupiter. Augustus added considerably to the beauty of this city, which became the metropolis of Galatia during the reign of Nero. Suidas denominates the inhabitants, who are still numerous, Hellenogalatæ, or Græco Galli. Also a town of Phrygia, mentioned as Ancyra Abasitidis, by Pliny, and another in Sicily. PAUS. i. PLIN. v. c. 32. AND, the imperative An-ad of the verb, Anan-ad, dare congeriem! Tooke, v. i. p. 135.

A singular combination certainly, and not supported
by any authority. It appears to be given as a conjec-
ture, for want of something better. An is used by R.
Gloucester, and other writers, exactly as they use And.
And is also not unfrequently used as An; If, Gif,
Give. They may be the same word, merely the im-
perative An. The addition of the d must remain un-
accounted for.

He nome wýp hým of Engelond god knygt menyon,
An myd gret poer & muche folc puderward vende anon,
So pat he sone come bysyde hys fon echon,
An byleuede hym per al nygt, & al hys ost al so,
An pozte anon amorwe strong batayle do.

R. Gloucester, p. 319.

pys kyng Knout was tuentỷ ger kỷng of Engelond,
An in a pousend ger of grace & prýtty, ých vnderstonde,
An syxe he deyde at Ssaftebury, & at Wynchestre mýd gret prute
At Seyn Swythynes he was ybured, pere as he lyp gut.

Me reweth sore I am unto hire teyde;
For and I shulde rekene every vice,
Which that she hath, ywis I were to nice.

Id. p. 324.

Chaucer. The Squieres Prologue, v. i. p. 418.

O swete and wel beloved spouse dere,
Ther is a conseil, and ye wol it here,
Which that right fayn I wold unto you saie,
So that ye swere, ye wol it not bewraie.

Id. The Second Nonnes Tale, v. ii. p. 207.
What, quod the protectour thou seruest me I wene wt iffes &
with andes, I tel the thei haue so done, & that I will make good on
thy body traitour.

The Workes of Sir Thomas More, fol. 54. c. 2. Maister Masker goeth as wylily to woorke to take me, as a man myghte send a child about with salt in his hand, and bidde him goe catch a byrde, by laying a little salte on her tayle, and when the byrde is flowen, coumfort hym then to goe catche another, and tell hym he hadde caughte that and it had tarried a little.


knees: your

Id. fo. 1108. c. 2.

Arise my Knights o' th' Battle, I create you
Companions to our person, an will fit you
With dignities becoming your estates.

Brazil; from the kernels of its fruit the natives extract ANDA a purgative medicine, and an oil, which they use for anointing themselves.

ANDABATE, in Antiquity (from avaßarw, to ascend), a term applied to those wrestlers who fought in chariots with their eyes blind-folded, and having almost all their face concealed by a peculiar kind of helmet. From this circumstance the expression andabatarum more, indicative of rashness, originated. ANDACOLLO, a town in the province of Coquimbo, Chili, the seat of the gold mines of the district.


ANDAHUAILAS, a province of Peru, in South Ame rica, bounded on the N. E. by the provinces of Abancay and Aimaraez; on the S. E. by Parinacocha; on the S. by Lucanas; on the W. by Vilcas Huaman; and on the N. by the Andes. It contains a population of about 12,000 inhabitants; and is said to have an annual produce of sugar, amounting to between 30,000 and 40,000 arrobos, of 25 pounds each. The entire length of the province is 24 leagues from N. W. to S. E. and 15 broad. It abounds with thick forests; but produces considerable quantities of wheat, maize, and fruits of various kinds.

ANDALUSIA, or VANDALUSIA, an extensive district of Spain, comprising the provinces, or kingdoms, of Seville, Cordova, Jaen, and formerly Granada. It is bounded on the W. by the Portuguese provinces of Alentejo and Algarve; on the N. by Spanish Estremadura and La Mancha, from which it is separated by the Sierra Morena mountains; on the S. by Granada, frequently called Upper Andalusia, the straits of Gibraltar, and the ocean; and on the E. by Murcia, and part of Granada. The Guadalquiver river waters this fine district through nearly its whole extent; while the Guadiana, separating it from Portugal, fertilizes its lands on the west.


Notwithstanding a considerable inequality of surface, and a material difference in the fertility of its respec tive provinces, this part of Spain is deemed, taken altogether, as one of the richest portions of that country; and has been not unfrequently pronounced the most fruitful and luxuriant part of Europe. It does not, however, exceed 250 miles in length, nor more than 160 in breadth. Very large districts are found covered with woods of olive-trees, growing wild, and yielding annually immense quantities of oil. Corn is grown such abundance, that large quantities are exported by the inhabitants to various parts of the neighbouring countries and districts. Honey, silk, sugar, and wine, are produced here in great plenty; as also quicksilver, cinnabar, and antimony. Cattle of various kinds, and in great herds, are to be found almost all over the provinces. The horses are esteemed the best in the kingdom, and the bulls are always preferred at the bull-fights during the carnivals, so long observed in this country. Their sheep produce a coarse kind of wool, which is exported to various parts of Europe, chiefly from the populous and busy city of Cadiz, which is situated in this province, or district. The climate of Andalusia is remarkably wholesome, and the inhabitants are, for the most part, reckoned much more active and enterprizing than the other natives of Spain. They are said to combine, in their persons and character, a mixture of the art and cunning, with the zeal and alertness of their Arabic ancestors. They ANDA, in Botany, a tree found in the forests of are thought to have originally sprung from a German

Shakespeare's Cymbeline, act v. BEN. And I were so apt to quarrell as thou art, any man should buy the fee-simple of my life, for an houre and a quarter.

Id. Romeo and Juliet.

And, in the beginning of a sentence, serveth instead of an ad-
miration: And, what a notable sign of patience was it in Job, not
to murmur against the Lord!

Ben Jonson's English Grammar.
Secondly, Sir Launcelot,
Sir lowsie Launcelot, ye have suffer'd him,
Against my power first, then against my precept,
To keep that simp'ring sort of people company,
That sober men call civil: mark ye that, Sir?

LAU. And't please your worship

SEB. It does not please my worship.

Beau. and Fletch. Mons. Thomas, act ii. sc. 2.


DALU. colony of Vandals; and that hence the name of AndaLA. lusia, or Vandalusia is derived: their faces and dispositions differing very materially from those of the natives of Castile and other parts of Spain.


The soil is capable of maintaining a much greater population than at present occupies these provinces; but this remark will apply to almost every other part of this fine kingdom. In the year 1787, the three provinces did not contain more than 738,153 inhabitants; and of this number, Cadiz alone had 80,000.

Before the year 1243, Andalusia was in the hands of the Arabs; but between that year and 1250, Frederick the Third, or, as he was generally called, Frederick the Saint, then king of Castile, took it from them, and annexed it to the crown of Spain. During the late peninsular war, Andalusia was the scene of many important engagements, and was subject to numerous changes. For an account of NEW ANDALUSIA, see the article GUIANA.

ANDALUSICUS, in Ornithology, a species of Tetrao, which is denominated the Andalusian quail by Latham. ANDAMAN ISLANDS, the name of several islands, called the Great and Little Andaman, lying on the east side of the bay of Bengal, in E. lon. 92°, and N. lat. 10°, 32', containing a population of about 2,500 persons. The Great Andaman, being divided by narrow straits, besides the four principal islands, of which it consists, embraces several inconsiderable islets, comprehending, in the whole, an area of about 150 miles in length, and from 18 to 30 in breadth. The Little Andaman, which lies about 30 miles south of the former, is only 28 miles long, and 17 broad.

The air and climate of these islands are more mild and temperate than on the Indian coast; some parts, however, are insalubrious; and the native inhabitants are an extremely savage, artful, and mischievous race, perhaps, with the exception of the natives of New Holland, the most uncivilized tribe of human beings hitherto discovered. Their stature is low, their skins dead black, their hair woolly, their noses flat, their lips thick, and their eyes small and red. Their whole persons exhibit evident marks of the scantiness of their subsistence. It has been proved, however, contrary to what was thought of them in early times, that they are not cannibals. Their food is principally procured from the sea; and they devour, with greediness, rats, lizards, and snakes. Having no means of cooking their victuals in vessels, they cannot avail themselves of the rice, and some other seeds and plants, to be found on their islands; they nevertheless cultivate rice, and some other fruits, which they dispose of to the Europeans who visit them from time to time. They half broil their fish on the embers, and then devour it with characteristic eagerness. They wear no kind of clothing whatever, and live in rudely-constructed huts, consisting of four posts stuck in the ground, bound together at the top, and covered with branches. Their beds consist of the leaves of trees thrown together in heaps on the ground. Insects infest these islands in great numbers, against which the natives protect themselves by a thick plaster of mud, with which they every morning bedaub their whole bodies, leaving it to encrust by the rays of the sun. Their hair they clot by a composition of red ochre and water; and thus they are completely dressed for the day; giving to their naturally deformed bodies the most frightful and horrid appearance imaginable. Their

weapons consist of bows, arrows, and sharply-pointed ANDAspears; and they carry a shield made of the bark of a MAN tree.

It is not certain whether they have any idea of religion. It has been thought, however, that they worship the sun and moon; and entertain a sort of dread of the existence of an evil being, whom they call The Demon of Tempests: but their language is very singular, and imperfectly understood. They amuse themselves by singing wild songs, the music of which is said to be somewhat sweet and melodious; and their mirth is attended with much gesticulation.

In the year 1791, a British settlement was formed on an islet in the south extremity of the Great Andaman; but on account of the insalubrity of the air, and the frequent disputes with the surrounding savages, it was removed about two years afterwards to Port Cornwallis, on the east side, about fifteen miles from the opposite extremity of the same district. This was intended for the reception of the Bengal convicts; and as there is a fine harbour at the first place it was desirable, on account of the shelter which it would have afforded during the blowing of the monsoons. It has been thought, that an allusion is made to these islands in the travels of two Mahometans during the ninth century; but their early history is involved in great obscurity.


ANDANCE, a town of France, in Languedoc, department of Ardeche, arrondissement of Tournon. is, though very small, containing not more than 860, or 1,000 inhabitants, the head of a canton, and was, at one time, the station of a provincial tax-office. It is about seven leagues from Vienne, and 134 from Paris, situated at the conflux of the Deaume and the Rhone.

ANDANIA, in Ancient Geography, a city of Arcadia, celebrated as the place where Aristomenes received his education. It derived its name from a gulf in its vicinity. PAUS. iv. c. 1–33.

ANDANTE, in Music, from the Italian andare, to walk, a medium between very quick and very slow movement. It also denotes tender or soothing.

ANDANTINO, the diminitive of andante, relates to movements rather quicker, and approaching to allegretto, or graziosa.

ANDAYE, a town of France, in Gascony, department of the Lower Pyrennees, arrondissement of Bayonne, two leagues and a quarter from St. Jean de Luz; situated on the river Bidussea, in the Terre de Labour, a part of the Pas de Basques, opposite to the Spanish fortress of Fontarabia. It contains only 110 houses, and a small port, but carries on a considerable trade in brandy.


ANDEGARIA, in Ancient Geography, a country upon the sea coast of Gaul, near the Turones. TACIT. Ann. iii. c. 41.

ANDEGAST, a hamlet in the grand duchy of Baden, circle of the Thinzig, bailiwick of Oberkirch, standing on a lake of the same name, near the town of Oppenan. It is now celebrated only on account of a famous chalybeate spring that is found here. It formerly belonged to the bishop of Strasburgh.

ANDELAT, a town of France, in Champagne, department of Upper Marne, arrondissement of Chaumont, from which place it is distant only four leagues and a half. It is the head of a canton, and is situated on




[blocks in formation]


ANDELFINGEN, a district and market-town of Switzerland, in the canton of Zurich, circle of Winterthur, between the town of that name, and that of Schaffhausen, on the banks of the Thur. It has a population of 2,000 inhabitants; and the adjoining country abounds with corn and fruits, and produces considerable quantities of wine. The Val de Flaach is particularly fruitful. This is also the name of a small parochial village of Suabia, in the kingdom of Wirtemberg.

ANDELYS, a town of France, in Upper Normandy, district of Vexin. It consists of two divisions, called the Great and Little Andeli, both formerly bearing the title of viscomte, and is now at the head of an arrondissement, in the modern department of the Eure, eight leagues from Rouen, and the same distance from Evreux. The arrondissement forms the N. E. portion of the department, bordering on the departments of the Seine and Oise; the Oise, the Somme, and the Seine Inferieure, containing a population of 62,200 inhabitants; the Great and Little Andeli having themselves 5,256 inhabitants. A considerable manufacture of stuff, called rateen, is carried on here, and the inhabitants also cultivate apples for cider in great quantities.

ANDEN, a village of Namur, containing 2,450 inhabitants, and once famous for a nunnery, which is now suppressed.

ANDENES, an island and town, near the coast of Norway, in the North sea.

ANDERA, in Ancient Geography, a town in Phrygia where stones were found which, by the action of fire, might be transmuted into iron. Cybele was worshipped here under the name of Anderina. STRABO,


ANDERAB, a town of Usbeck Tartary, distant from Bulkh about 130 miles, and situated in the only pass of those mountains which separate the Great Bukharia from Hindostan.

ANDERLECHT, a town of the kingdom of the Netherlands, adjoining the city of Brussels. It is a very neat and well-built place, having a population of 1,930 inhabitants, with a collegiate chapter of twenty canons, and a provost.



ANDERNACH, a town of Germany, situated on the ANDER Rhine, between Coblentz and Rouen, being distant NACH. from the former about six miles, and 25 from Cologne, to the elector of which it formerly belonged; but it is now included in the grand duchy of the Lower Rhine, CAPE and belongs to Prussia. The white tower, which once formed the boundary between the territories of Cleves and Cologne, is still to be seen here. The population amounts to about 2,020 persons, who derive considerable pecuniary advantages from a very productive toll on the Rhine, the vineyards that adorn its banks, and a manufactory of China ware. The great junction of small timber floats that navigate the Rhine in this neighbourhood, is near Andernach; where they ultimately form the great float of 1,000 feet in length, and 90 in breadth, commonly destined for the town of Dort, in Holland. This raft employs four hundred men to manage and pilot it, and produces, when sold, from 80,000 to 100,000 florins. They also export very large mill-stones to Holland. Near the town is found an excellent kind of terras-stone, with which the houses in this part of Germany are usually built. There is a strong castle here; and not far from the town formerly stood the rich Augustine nunnery of St. Thomas.

ANDERO, ST. or SANTANDER, a sea-port town of Spain, on the bay of Biscay, standing on a peninsula in W. lon. 4°, and N. lat. 43°, 20'. It once was a considerable rendezvous of the Spanish navy, and contained a royal arsenal and dock-yard, where ships of war were built. The harbour, however, is gradually filling up with sand-banks, so that no large vessels can enter; but the town still preserves a brisk trade for a Spanish port. Here are two parish churches, four monasteries, and from 700 to 800 houses. A good road leads from St. Andero to the interior of Spain. The Spanish troops from the north of Europe were disembarked at this place in 1808. Population 4,900.

ANDERSON'S ISLAND, an island in the North Pacific ocean, so called by Captain Cooke, in honour of Mr. Anderson, surgeon of the Resolution, who died near it, in the year 1778. It lies in W. lon. 167°, 40', and N. lat. 63°, 10', near the north-western coast of America.

ANDERVILLE CAPE, a promontory on the coast of Normandy, in France, 13 miles W. Ñ, W. of Cherbourg.





ANDES, a chain of mountains in America, commonly considered as commencing in N. lat. 8°, at the isthmus of Panama, and running south in a line parallel to the coast of the Pacific ocean as far as Cape Pilares, in S. lat. 53°, at the mouth of the straits of Magellan, a distance of about 4,200 miles. M. Humbolt and some other writers extend the parent ridge northward into New Spain, and consider the Rocky or Stony mountains of North America as forming continuation of the Andes; but their distinct mineralogical character, and the almost entire disappearance of the ridge in the northern parts of the isthmus of Panama, have generally, and, as we think, justly confined this name to the unparalleled ranges of the southern continent.

Thus restricted, this is by far the most important es of chain of mountains in the world. Penetrating almost moun- all the climates of the earth in its course from north to south, it presents also in some of its single heights, perpendicularly, an equal variety of temperature, and an epitome of all the seasons. Under the equator the Andes attain their greatest altitude, and the majestic Chimborazo exhibits its masses of everlasting snow at an elevation, according to the latest accounts, of upwards of 21,000 feet from the level of the ocean. Far below this amazing height human respiration is difficult, and the cold more piercing than in any known region of the Arctic seas; but in no portion of the globe is vegetation more luxuriant than towards the base and in the plains of the Andes: here a temperate and unchanging climate has invited European opulence to fix its seat; whilst the Lower Savannahs glow occasionally with the utmost heat of the tropics. In nothing are the Andes more distinguished than in the surprising elevation of the plains at their base, and between them, which exceed the height of some of the loftiest mountains of the Old World. They are also remarkable for their numerous volcanic peaks in every stage of destructive activity, and pouring forth inexhaustible fires in regions of perpetual frost; for the horrid crevices with which they are interspersed reaching sometimes to the depth of several thousand feet; and for the mighty streams that rush from them in every direction into the surrounding seas. Desolating earthquakes, which have occasionally engulphed whole mountains and cities, are also common to these regions, which seem almost designed to present the extremes of earthly peace and insecurity, and to unite every thing charming with every thing appalling to man in the operations of


in The principal chain of the Andes preserves a medium distance of 150 miles from the western shore of South America, and traverses successively the kingdoms of New Granada, Quito, Peru, Chili, and Patagonia. It is rich in precious metals, and contains, from Cotopaxi to the straits of Magellan, not less than forty volcanoes, ous which are constantly burning. The first separation of this main chain, as it descends toward the south, into distinct ridges, is in New Granada, and extends from N. lat. 5°, 15' to 2o, 30'. It consists of three nearly

parallel lines, the western one being a continuation of ANDES. the mountains which rise almost imperceptibly in the province of Darien, and which never exceed the altitude of 4,500 feet in this direction. This ridge divides the province of Choco on the west, from the river Cauca eastward. The middle ridge, which is the loftiest of the three, runs between the latter stream and the waters of the great river Magdalena. In its highest altitude it rises into the region of perpetual frost; and, clothed with the rays of the rising sun, it presents a most imposing spectacle from the city of Santa Fe. The three most elevated points are the Guanacas, the Baragan, and the Quindiu mountains. The eastern ridge divides the Magdalena from the plains of the Meta, but possesses no very lofty mountains. In the province of Popyan, at the latitude already named, these ridges re-unite. Across the equator the Andes form but a single line; but in the province of Quito they separate, at about half their altitude, into their two most remarkable and most elevated chains, comprising the Chimborazo, the Cay- The central ambe Ureu, the Pichincha, Cotopaxi, &c. At Cuenza, group. in about S. lat. 3°, these central ridges terminate in the parent stem, and from this place to their southern extremity, the great line of the Andes is but little known. It seems, however, according to D'Anville, frequently to consist of two or three pointed ridges, from 100 to 150 miles in breadth, with immense plains of various elevations between and around them. Ulloa speaks of the average height of these plains as being from 8,000 to 10,000 feet from the level of the sea. In the neighbourhood of the town of Cuzco, in Peru, the Andes, assume, with the coast, a S. E. direction, and diverge into many subordinate branches, which form prodigious plains of what has been called tableland. Here, and amongst the highest uplands, the Apurimac, the Beni, and other streams that finally form the majestic river Maragnon, have their sources. Further south, in lat. 16°, the remarkable lake Titicaca, or Chucuito, is embosomed between two parallel ridges of the Andes, and receives the waters of from ten to twelve large rivers. This noble basin is 240 miles in circumference, and navigable for the largest vessels; it contains the island of Titicaca, supposed to have been once the residence of Manco Capac, and formerly adorned by the incas of Peru, with the celebrated temple of the Sun. In these regions the great river La Plata finds its source.

The Andes of Chili form three parallel ranges, of Andes of which the centre is by far the loftiest, and contains Chili. several single mountains, upwards of 20,000 feet in height. The principal ones which are known are the Manflos, in S. lat. 28°, 45'; the Tupungato, in 33°, 24'; the Descabesado, in 35°; the Blanquillo, in 35°, 4'; the Longavi, in 35o, 30'; the Chillan, in 36°; and the Corcobado, in 43°. The eastern and western ridges are from 20 to 30 miles distant from this amazing stem. Fourteen volcanoes have been reckoned on this part of the Andes, from one of which, in December 1760, a

ANDES. considerable eruption took place, rending one of the mountains completely asunder, and forming a new lake. Throughout the province this cordillera maintains an unaltered elevation, and a breadth with its plains of nearly 120 miles. Between the 24° and 32° of S. lat. the Andes are wholly desert; at the latter point, and to lat. 45°, they begin to be inhabited by various barbarous tribes in alliance with the Araucanians. The Andes of Patagonia, or Terra Magellanica, are wholly in the possession of unconquered and savage

Three sub

visions of Humbolt.


From the principal chain of the Andes, which we ordinate di- have thus traced from its rise in the isthmus of Panama to its termination in the strait of Magellan, Humbolt describes, the three subordinate chains, or cordiHeras, with which we are (chiefly by his own recent travels) best acquainted, as branching out at right angles, in the following directions:

First divi


The first of these inferior divisions, called sometimes the Cordillera of New Granada, is on the coast of Venezuela. Though this chain is higher in point of general elevation than the others, it is inferior in breadth, and irregularly bends from the river Atrato to the east, until it reaches the stream of Magdalena, which flows through the province of St. Martha, forming in its course the Sierra of Abibe and of Cauca, and the lofty plains of Tolu. On its approach towards the gulf of Mexico, it becomes contracted progressively, until it reaches the vicinity of Cape Veta. Here the chain divides itself into two ridges, which run in a parallel direction to each other, and are re-united by two arms, enclosing three lofty vallies, which rise gradually one above the other, attaining their highest point towards the east, in the government of Caraccas. Humboldt ascertained the elevation of the plain of the Caraccas to be 2,660 feet above the level of the sea. This chain finally enters the sea at Cape Paria, and may be considered as terminating off the Galley Point of the island of Trinidad. In its course it gives rise to those rivers that enter the left bank of the Oronoco, . and northward to various streams that enter the Caribbean sea. The loftiest summits of this chain are the Nevada of St. Martha and Merida, the former of which is between fifteen and sixteen, and the latter between fourteen and fifteen thousand feet in altitude. At their base are the elevated deserts of Mucacha and Rosa, and west of the lake Maracabo, several noble forests, occupying the long narrow vallies which run in a parallel direction from N. to S. The Silla de Caraccas, on the shore of the Caribbean sea, is an abrupt precipice of 8,420 feet; but the average height of the cordillera of the coast does not exceed 5,000 feet. Many volcanic cones are interspersed among them, and the whole country presents the most striking traces of past convulsions. Lofty and extensive vallies appear to have been the basins of lakes that have been drained or drawn suddenly off, while existing sheets of water and marshy grounds extend themselves at various altitudes below them: thus, while Humbolt found the plain of the Caraccas of the height we have stated, the basin of Aragua is only 1,350, and the Llanos, or marshy plains of Monai, only 600 feet above the level of the sea. In the extreme castern point of this chain independent mountains are found, in which the primitive rock of the original stem is much depressed, and finally disappears; secondary calcareous substances envelope

beds of gneiss and mica slate, and a sort of detached ANDES. chain at Capellum is formed of a mass of sand-stone, resting on a calcareous base. At Barcelona immense plains unite with those of the Caraccas, and extend southward to the Oronoco.

The second division, called the Cordillera of the Second d Cataracts of the Oronoco, which branches out from the vision. main Andes between the third and sixth degress of N. lat., displays a range of primitive mountains, which have been accurately surveyed by Humboldt for upwards of 600 miles, i. e. from the Black river to the borders of the Grand Para. It runs eastward from the Panamo, or lofty plains of Tuquillo and St. Martin, near the sources of the Guaviari, and gives rise to the noble streams of the Meta, Zama, and Ymerida, which form in their course, the cataracts of Maypuré and Aturé. The greatest altitude of this chain is found beyond these cataracts, in the southern direction which it takes into the Portuguese territories, a portion of the Andes which is only known to us from the accounts of mercantile adventurers into its boundless forests for sarsaparilla and other productions of the soil. Here, as far as conjecture may supply the fact, the sources of the Oronoco are supposed to exist, for they never have been traced; the whole country being occupied by barbarous tribes. Further cast the Andes are occasionally seen to break through the forests which surround the lake of Parimè and the Amazons, by the name of the Sierrade Quineropaea and Pacaraimo. They are here about 200 miles broad, and, after a short course to the east, bend southward along the banks of the Mao to the Sierra Ucucuamo, or El Dorado (Golden mountain), of the first visitors of South America, a hill which is entirely composed of shining yellow mica. Stretching across the country from this point, eastward, the chain now meets the mountains of Dutch and French Guiana, supplying in its course the sources of the Essequibo, Marony, Surinam, and Berbice rivers. The highest known point of this chain is the active volcano of the Sierra Duida, in lat. 3°, 13', about 8,465 feet in altitude, which is surrounded by a rich savannah, thickly set with the tropical palm and anana, and regularly discharges, at the close of the rainy season, enormous volumes of flame. This chain, as far as it was seen by Humboldt, contained no alluvial formations, petrifaction, or organic remains, but was composed wholly of granite, gneiss, mica slate, and hornblende. The rest of the chain is principally known to us from the accounts of Don Ant. Santo, who disguising himself as an Indian, entered it at the river Carones, one of the minor streams of the Oronoco, and passed undiscovered through the savage tribes who inhabit its borders to the Maragnon. The cataracts of Mayparé and Aturé present the only known opening from the plains of the Maragnon to the interior of the South American continent. The whole of this chain is remarkable for the abrupt precipices which it presents towards the south.

No part of the third chain mentioned by Humboldt L was surveyed by his party, but only became known to si them by the report of those who had passed the immense dead flat, or Pampas, which separates it from the foregoing ridges. It is called the Cordillera of the Chiquitos, and is situated from the 15° to the 20° of S. latitude, between the waters of the Maragnon and the Plata. Stretching from the main stem in a semicircular

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