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ABAP- town); and Matthias is said even to have prescribed the ISTS. dishes, of which he partook in common with his followers. He now developed talents of no ordinary kind as a military commander, and shared with the lowest of the people the various labours he enjoined. Every one capable of bearing arms was trained to military duty, and every hand that could assist, obliged to work upon the fortification of the city, or in replenishing the magazines. Messengers were dispatched, as long as it was safe, into the country, to invite their brethren to come to their aid, and share their triumphs; the city of Munster being now dignified with the title of Mount Sion, and the most confident assurances held out to the various branches of the sect in Germany and the Low Countries, that from this favoured spot their leaders would shortly go forth to the conquest of all


Count Waldeck was at this time the bishop and sovereign of Munster, and possessed both energy and experience as a general. He surrounded the city in about three months with a considerable army. Scarcely, however, had they encamped, before Matthias sallied out with a chosen band, and putting a large party of the besiegers to the sword, returned into the city with great exultation, and a valuable booty. The next day he was determined to venture his whole success on his spiritual pretensions, and declared that, after the example of the chosen servant of heaven of old, Gideon, he would go forth with only thirty of his men, and overthrow the host of his enemies. The daring part of his pledge he fulfilled; his associates, who felt themlas selves honoured by the selection, as willingly followed him, and they were all cut to pieces.

This utter failure of their leader made a considerable momentary sensation in the city; but his wary and ambitious coadjutor, Boccold, quickly raised the drooping cause. His measures at first were entirely defensive; but he was too well formed to sustain his present ascendancy, to suffer any feeling of torpidity, or even common calmness to take possession of the minds of his followers. Visions and various predictions had announced some great event to be approaching, when Boccold stript himself naked, and ran through the city, proclaiming, "That the kingdom of Sion was at hand; the highest things on earth must be brought low, and the lowest exalted." One of the first interpretations of this injunction was the levelling of the churches to the ground; another, the degrading the most respectable of his associates, Chipperdoling, to the office of common-hangmen; a third was to be still more formally announced. In the month of June it was declared by a fellow-prophet, to be revealed to him from heaven, that John Boccold was called to the throne of David, ed and must be forthwith proclaimed king in Sion. Boccold solemnly, and on his knees, declared the same important circumstance to have been communicated to himself; and that he humbly accepted the divine intimation. In the presence of the assembled citizens he was now hailed as their monarch, and appeared in all the pomp of his new dignity. He clothed himself in purple, and wore a superb crown; a bible was publicly carried before him in one hand, and a drawn sword in the other. He coined money, bearing his own likeness; appointed body guards, officers of state and of his household, and nominated twelve judges of the people in imitation of the judges of Israel.

This fanatic was permitted to add one more unhappy ANABAPproof, of the extravagance of which the human mind is TISTS. capable, while professing to act under the most sacred sanctions. Doubts were hinted by the public teachers of the obligations of matrimony, and the ineligibility of the restraint of taking no more wives than one. At length it was declared to be an invasion of spiritual liberty, and the new monarch himself confirmed the wavering, and awed the fearful, by marrying at once three wives. Only one of them, however, (the widow of his predecessor), was dignified with the title of queen. Freedom of divorce, and the most unbridled licentiousness followed this vile example among the people; every good man in Germany secretly trusted that such a scene could not long be suffered to disgrace the Christian name, and the German princes hastened to afford the bishop new succours. In May 1535, the siege was converted into a close blockade; but the vigilance of Boccold had left no point unguarded. Famine, however, gradually threatened the besieged; their supplies were uniformly interrupted; the greatest horrors were suffered; and the courage of some of the sect began to fail. While new visions and revelations still sustained the faith of the multitude, Boccold found it necessary to make severe examples occasionally of the unbelieving; and, in the presence of all his family, cut off the head of one of his wives with his own hands, for daring to express some doubts of his divine authority. But a deserter from the besiegers, who had been taken into the service of the Anabaptists, had discovered a part of the fortifications rather weaker than the rest, and carried the intelligence to the bishop's camp. Entrusted with the direction of a small detachment (June 24), he ascended the wall and seized one of the gates; an advantage which, being observed from their entrenchments, was instantly followed up by the main body of the besieging army, and though the Anabaptists defended themselves with all the frantic courage of enthusiasm and despair, the greater part of them were put to the sword, and the whole town subdued to its rightful sovereign in the course of the day. Boccold and Chipperdoling were among the few pri- Boccold soners that were taken. The former was instantly taken, and loaded with fetters, and, after having been paraded in the Anamock majesty through all the chief towns of the neigh-baptists put bourhood, was brought back to Munster, and exposed to the most excruciating tortures. These he bore with great firmness; and though but twenty-six years of age at his death, retained to the very last an undimi nished superiority over his sufferings, and an unshaken profession of the principles of his party. Thus, after a precarious and disgraceful dominion of fifteen months, ended the kingdom of the Anabaptists at Munster. During the whole period of its continuance, the reformers of Wittemberg earnestly testified against its spirit, and stimulated the princes of Germany to put them down. "It is my singular satisfaction to find," says Luther to the Elector Frederic, "that these madmen openly boast that they do not belong to us, and that they have neither learnt nor received any thing from us." (Dupin, and after him Dr. Robertson, speaks of the first Anabaptists as disciples of Luther; for which, however, there appears to be no authority.)


They have been conversing with God for the space of three years. They reckon little of our teaching faith, charity, and the cross, at Wittemberg."-" It is



ANABAP- not my wish that any persons, no not even these fanatics, should be hindered from preaching. Let them have free liberty to exhibit the best specimen they can of their erudition. Let them teach; but keep their hands from violence: or, if they will persist in their ferocious, seditious practices, it will then be your duty to restrain them, and without hesitation to banish them your dominions."

In what sense the Mennonite Baptists of Holland can be correctly called "the descendants of these Anabaptists," we know not; though Dr. Mosheim has taken much pains to prove them so. They themselves reject the appellation as an "odiosum nomen" (Schyn's Hist. Mennonitarum plenior Deductio). Menno ex


pressly condemned the ecclesiastico-political notions ANABAP already described, and treats with much indignation TISTS, the licentious tenets and extraordinary pretensions of the Anabaptist prophets. It is more than probable REITE that the discriminating principle of the Munster Anabaptists (as far as any principles may be supposed to have actuated a set of men who exhibited at last the wildest excesses of evil passions), that of the abolition by force of all earthly government over the members of the Christian church, has been confounded with their most obvious practice, that of adult baptism, and that the former has been attributed abroad, as it was for a great length of time in England, wherever the latter was avowed. See MENNONITES.

ANABASII, in Antiquity, couriers with important dispatches, who, for the greater expedition, travelled on horseback, or in chariots.

ANABASIS, in Botany, a genus of plants belonging to the class Pentandria, and order Digynia. ANABATA, in Antiquity, a sacerdotal vest, or cope, covering the shoulders and back of the priest.

ANABATHRA (avaẞaivo, I ascend), in Antiquity, stones placed on the public roads, and provided by the inspectors, for the purpose of assisting horsemen in mounting and alighting; similar, therefore, to the horse-blocks of our own country. In a general sense, it was applied to the steps by which any eminence was ascended.

ANABLEPS, in Ichthyology, a species of Cobites, frequenting the shores of Surinam.

ANABO, or ANABAO, one of the Molucca isles, separated from the south west shore of Timor by a canal only. ANABOLEUM (of ara and Baλλ), in Antiquity, any garment worn over the tunic, or coat.

ANABOLEUS, in Antiquity, an equerry, who assisted his master to mount on horseback, bending down his back, from which his master raised himself into his seat. It is also applied to various engines for mounting on horseback with facility.

ANACA, in Ornithology, a species of Psittacus, or parrot, native of Guiana and Brazil.

ANACALYPTERIA (avakaλvπTEV, to uncover), in Antiquity, festivals among the Greeks on the day when a bride first laid aside her veil, and was seen in public; at which time she received presents from her husband's friends, to which the term has also been applied.

ANACAMPTERIA, in Ecclesiastical History, small inns, or hospitals, built adjoining to the ancient churches, as receptacles for the poor.

ANACAMPTICS (of ava and Kaμπтш, I bend), in Pneumatics and Optics, a term that has sometimes been applied to echoes, as reflecting back sound, and to Catoptrics, or the science of reflecting rays.

ANACARDIUM, in Botany, a genus of plants belonging to the class Enneandria, and order Monogynia. ANACATH ARSIS (of ava and καθαιρομαι, to purge up), in Medicine, is generally used for expectoration of pus, or mucus; or ANACATHARTICS are medicines that promote expectoration in any way, or that work upwards, in distinction from cathartics. ANACATHARsis has also been used among divines for the clearing up of some obscure passage of Scripture, &c. by giving it an anagogical sense.

ANACEIA, in Grecian Antiquities, the festival of Castor and Pollux, who were called Anaces, or Anactes, by the Athenians, on account of the regard they were supposed to have shown their city. Similar appellations were bestowed on some of the ancient Greek families, who were said to have been descended from their gods, and who claimed a share in the honour of having given rise to these feasts. CICERO de Nat. Deorum, iii. 21. PLUTARCH in Thes. &c. ANACH'ORETTE, ANACH'ORITE, ANACHORETICAL,


Sometime I am religious,

Αναχωρητης, from avaXwpew, to go away, to retire.

One who betakes him self to solitudes.

Now like an anker in an hous.

Chaucer. The Romaunt of the Rose, fo. 146. ci. 1.

In praiers & in penaunces. putten hem manye
Al for pe love of our Lorde, lyvend ful harde
In hope to have a gode ende. & hevene rýche blysse
As ancres & eremites pt holden hem in bure cellys.

Vision of Peirs Plouhman, p. 2.

Of this Dagobert is reportyd, that an holy ancre or heremyte of Frauce, beinge in his medytacions, shulde see a company of feendes which beynge in the see shuld have among them in a bote the soule of Dagobert, and were coueyinge it towarde peyne; but this spirite ceasyd not to cry, & to call to seynt Denys and his felawes for helpe, ye which lastly came clad i whyte vestemets, and delyneryd y1 sowle from ye peynes of his enemyes, & conueyed it vnto euerlastynge joy. Fabyan, p. 116.

Last of all he [Will. I.] fiered the citty of Mewre, and burnt it with our lady church, & two anchors that were inclosed there, who perswaded themselues they ought not to forsake their house and caue in such extremitie. Stowe's Chro. Howe's Ed. 1614. And it followed (saith Maurdine) as the virgine had spoken: which virgin vowed to liue a religious life, and became an acresse 16 at Crowland.

Our Saviour himself, the great author of our faith, and exemplar of our piety, did not chuse an anchorite's or a monastique life, bat a sociable and affable way of conversing with mortals.

Boyle's Occasional Reflections, scc. iv. dis. 9. He [George Ripley] turned Carmelite at Saint Botolph's, in Lincolnshire, and died an anachronite in that fraternity in the year 1490. Warton's Hist. of Eng. Poetry.

Call not these wrinkles graves; if graves they were,
They were love's graves; or else he is no where.
Yet lies not love dead here, but here doth sit,
Vow'd to this trench, like an anachorit.

Donne's Elegy. The Autumnal.


Harold was not slain in the battel, but only wounded and lost his ITE. left eye, and then escaped by flight to Chester, where he afterwards led a holy anchoret's life.

Baker's Chronicle.

No man needs to flatter, if he can live as nature did intend.

And this is true, not only in those severe and anchoretical and philolosophical persons, who lived meanly as a sheep, and without variety as the Baptist, but in the same proportion it is also true in every man that can be contented with that which is honestly sufficient. Taylor's Sermon's.

We also suspect the life of the Stylites, or anchorites of the pillar, bore some resemblance to a life led in caves; their bodies being secured, or screened from the sun's heat; and the air they breathed not being subject to great changes or inequalities.

Bucon's Hist. of Conden. and Rarifactions. ANACHORETS, or ANCHORETS, in Ecclesiastical History, were a celebrated order of religious persons, who generally passed their whole lives in cells, from which they never removed. These habitations were, in many instances, entirely selected from all other abodes of men; sometimes in the depths of wildernesses, in pits, or in caverns; at other times, we find several of these individuals fixing their habitations in the neighbourhood of each other, when their cells were called by the collective name of laura, but they always lived personally separate, and in cells at some distance from each other. Thus the laura was distinguished from the canobium, or convent, where the monks formed themselves into a society, and subsisted on a common stock; and the anchorite differed from a hermit (though his abode was frequently called a hermitage), in that the latter ranged about at liberty, while the former rarely, and in many instances never, quitted his cell. But a convent would sometimes be surrounded by a laura, to which the more devout, or the more idle of the monks would ultimately retire. To Paul, the hermit, the distinction is assigned of having first devoted himself to this kind of solitude.

The order of Anachorites in Egypt and in Syria, comprehended in the first instance, all those hermits of the desert who abandoned the ordinary abodes of mankind, and wandered amongst the rocks and haunts of wild beasts, nourishing themselves with roots and herbs that grew spontaneously, and reposing wherever they were overtook by night. Amongst these early Anachorites, Simeon Stylites, who lived at the close of the fourth century, will ever occupy a wretched immortality. Having passed a long and severe noviciate in a monastery, which he entered at the age of thirteen, this devotee contrived, within the space of a mandarin, or circle of stones to which he was confined by a heavy chain, to ascend a column, gradually raised from nine to sixty feet in height, on the top of which he passed thirty years of his life, and died of an ulcer in his thigh, without descending from it. Crowds of pilgrims from Gaul to India are said to have thronged around his pillar, and to have been proud to supply his necessities.

In succeeding ages, the order of anchorets assumed a more entire distinction from that of hermits, and other religious, and was regulated by its own rules. Early in the seventh century, the councils began to notice and to modify this kind of life. "Those who affect to be anchorets," say the Trullan Canons, "shall first for three years be confined to a cell in a monastery; and if, after this, they profess that they persist, let them be examined by the bishop, or abbot; let them live one year at large; and if they still approve of their first choice, let them be confined to their cell, and not be permitted to go out of it, but by consent and bene


diction of the bishop, in case of great necessity." quently at this period would the monks of various RETTE. abbies select from among them a brother who was thought to be most exemplary in his profession, and devote him to this entire seclusion, as an honour, and to give him the greater opportunity of indulging his religious contemplations. A similar custom also obtained in the convents; and there are even many instances of men who became anchorets in nunneries, and of women in the abbies of monks. The bishop, in the eighth and ninth centuries, generally presided at the ceremony of seclusion, which was as follows: "The anchorite was to be advised by the bishop, or some other priest, to examine his conscience, whether he acted from piety sincere, or feigned; and if the answer was favourable, the priest was, by the order of the bishop, to shut him up. Provision was first to be made for his confession, and that, on the day preceding the ceremony, he received the refection of bread and water. On the night following he passed devout vigils in the church nearest the hermitage. On the morrow, after an exhortation to the people and the anchoret, the priest began a reponsory; and, upon the conclusion of it, prostrated himself with his ministers, before the step of the altar, and said certain psalms. After these, the mass was celebrated in the neighbouring church, and an especial prayer said for the anchoret. After the gospel, he offered a taper, which was to burn upon the altar at the mass. The anchoret then read the schedule of his profession (which consisted only of the vows of obedience, chastity, and stedfastness) at the step of the altar; and if he was a layman, the priest read it for him. He then made a sign of his intention, and offered it upon the altar, kneeling. The priest consecrated the habit, and sprinkled that and the anchoret with holy water. Then followed mass and litany; after which they went in procession to the hermitage. The priest took him by the right hand and led him to the house, which was then blessed and shut from without. The priest, with the assistants, retired, leaving the anchoret within, and advised the standers-by to pray for him." FOSBROOKE'S Monachism, 4to. 1817.

These cells, according to some rules, were to be only twelve feet square, of stone, and with three windows. The door was locked upon the anchoret, and often walled up. One of the windows, when they were attached (as they now frequently were) to the building of an abbey or monastery, generally formed the choir, and through it the sacrament was received; another was devoted to the reception of food; and the third for lights, being clothed with horn or glass. Thus affixed, they were called anchor-hotels, anchor-houses, and destina, as that which is said to have been occupied by St. Dunstan, at Glastonbury; and which, according to Osbern, in his life of that monk, was not more than five feet long, two feet and a half broad, and barely the height of a man. Here it became a merit to invent ingenious self-torture. The recluse would in some cases vow eternal silence, and never see any individual of his own species except the monk who brought him his food; he would wear old corslets of mail, chains, and heavy bracelets, and collars of iron round his neck, and immerge himself (as in the instance of the "holy and solitary" Wulfric of Haselborough, mentioned by Matthew Paris) in a tub of cold water, at night, to say the psalter.


ANACHO- In this country it was strictly enacted, according to RETTE. Lyndwood, that no anchoret or anchoress should be put into any place. 1. Without special leave of the dio2. Due consideration of the situation. 3. The quality of the person; and 4. The means of support. These last were derived either from his personal fortune, or manual labour; the friends of the religious house to which his cell was attached; or the offerings of the neighbourhood. If these circumstances were not properly regarded, the bishop might be compelled to maintain him.

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ANACHYTIS, in Natural History, a species of worms, of the second Linnan order, and of the species Echinus; found in a fossil state.

ANACLASTIC GLASSES, are acoustic vessels or vials, generally made of glass, and of a bell form, with the broader part or mouth covered. To the flexibility of this bottom or covering, the characteristic experiment upon these vessels is entirely owing. It is made (with regard to the outward shape of the vessel) a little convex; and by applying the mouth to the opposite end or orifice of the vial, and gently exhausting it of the air within, the bottom flies upward with a loud noise, and assumes a concave shape. If, again, we cautiously breathe into it, until the vessel is sufficiently inflated, the bottom will rebound into its former shape with a similar explosion. Much depends, of course, in the formation of these vessels, upon the even grain of the glass that is used, and on the shape of them being duly proportioned. They were first invented at Golbash, in Germany (see Ros. Lentilii Oribasii Sched, de Vitris Anaclasticis Ephem. Acad. Nat. Curiosorum ii. ann. 3. p. 489), and are still principally manufactured in that


ANACLASTICS (of ava and kλaw, to break), an obsolete name for that branch of the science of Optics now called Dioptrics.

ANACLETERIA, in Antiquity, festivals solemnized when kings and princes came to the actual exercise of the regal office, and issued their avakλnous or proclamation of that event to the people. POLYB. Hist. xviii. et Legat. Eclog. 88.

ANACLETICUM (of ava, and Kaλɛw, to call), in Antiquity, a peculiar blast of the trumpet calculated to renew the ardour of the troops when flying, and to in

duce them to return and renew the combat.

ANACLINOPALE (of ava, kλirw, to recline, and oλov, arms), in Antiquity, a method of wrestling wherein the combatants threw themselves upon the ground, and made use both of their nails and teeth in the combat; it was thus distinguished from the more



manly orthopale, and the other contests, in which the ANA champions stood erect. ANACLINTERIA, in Antiquity, pillows upon which the guests used to lean, and which formed an important D part of the furniture of the dining couch. The triclinary couch had a pillow at the head and feet, another at the back, and another at the breast. Some authors confine this term to that on which the head rested occasionally, others to that which supported the back. For more upon these ancient postures at meals, see the article ACCUBATION.

ANACOLLEMA, in Medicine, an application of drying, or astringent substances to the forehead, for defluxions of the eyes.

ANACOSTE, or ANASCOTE, in Commerce, a kind of Woollen-diaper stuff somewhat resembling serge, but with less knap upon it, about a French ell in width, and sold in pieces containing about 20 ells. It is a manufactory of the Austrian Netherlands, and Leyden in Holland, and is principally consumed in Spain, where it is in great request.

ANACREONETIC, in Poetry, a name frequently given, after Anacreon, the father of convivial and amatorial lyrics, to this species of composition. In our country, except in the instance of Mr. Thomas Moore, it has been cultivated with little success; the structure of modern languages, and the amelioration of modern manners by the diffusion of Christianity, having equally, perhaps, discouraged the numerous imitators of the Teian muse. be more successful in the Anacreontic verse, and The German poets, however, are said to Gleim, in particular, has been distinguished by the appellation of the German Anacreon. We refer to the article ANACREON, in our Historical and Biographical Division, vol. ix. p. 254, for some of the best English specimens of this kind of poetry.

quity, the ceremony of examining the Athenian archons ANACRISIS (of ava and кpvw, to judge), in Antiin the senate house previous to their admission into the


ANACROSIS, in Antiquity, that part of the Pythian song which describes the preparation for the combat of Python and Apollo.

ANACTORIA, or ANACTORIUM, in Ancient Geography, a town of Epirus, on the site of the modern Vonizza, which terminates a peninsula at the entrance from Corinth, and was the occasion of many quarrels of the gulf of Ambracia. It was originally a colony between that city and the Corcyræans. After the the city of Nicopolis. THUCYD. I. 55. PLIN. v. 29. battle of Actium, Augustus removed the inhabitants to

ANACYCLUS, a genus of plants belonging to the class Syngenesia, and order Polygamia Superflua.

ANADAVADEA, in Ornithology, a small Indian bird, frequently brought into this country, having the

beak of a chaffinch and the feet of a lark.

ANADEMA, in Antiquity, the ornament for the head, with which the victors were honoured at the sacred games.

AN'ADEME, Avacqua, from aracew, to bind round. See DIADEM. A garland.

The virgin-huntress sworn to Dian's bow,
Here in this shade her quarries did bestow,
And for their nymphals, building amorous bowers,
Oft drest this tree with anadems of flowers.

Drayton's Owl.




Walla is now no more. Nor from the hill
Will she more plucke for thee the daffodill,
Nor make sweet anadems to gird thy brow:
Yet in the grove she runs; a river now.

W. Browne's Brit. Pas. book ii. song iii. ANADIPLOSIS (of ava, again; and dirλow, to double), in Rhetoric, a reduplication of the concluding word in the foregoing member of a verse or sentence; as in our Saviour's advice, "I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him which after He hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, fear him." Luke xii. 5. Or in the following beautiful stanza, from an ancient poem on angling, quoted by WaltonLet them that list, these pastimes still pursue

I count it higher pleasure to behold—

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The hills and mountains raised from the plains,
The plains extended level with the ground,

The grounds divided into sundry veins,

The veins enclosed with rivers running round;
These rivers, making way through nature's chains,
With headlong course into the sea profound:
The raging sea, beneath the vallies low,

Where lakes and rills and rivulets do flow.

ANADROMOUS, in Ichthyography, an epithet applied to fishes that migrate annually from salt water to fresh, for the purpose of depositing their spawn; of which the salmon is a remarkable instance.

ANADYOMENE, in Antiquity, an exquisite paint ing of Venus, ascribed to Apelles, which originally adorned the temple of Esculapius, in the island of Cos. It represented the goddess rising out of the sea, and in the act of wringing her hair. Augustus transferred it to the temple of Julius Cæsar, and remitted the inhabitants of Cos a tribute of a hundred talents in return; the lower part of the figure having been injured, no Roman painter could be found to supply it. PLIN. XXXV. 10. OVID de A. iii. v. 401, &c.

ANADYR, a river of Siberia, which has its source in the lake Yoanko, and falls into the sea of Anadyr, from whence it derives its name.

ANADYRSKOI, a fortress on the banks of the above river, in lon. 165°, 14′ E., and lat. 66°, 9′ N. It was erected in the year 1649, by a Russian hunter, named Deschnew.

ANADYSIS, in Ecclesiastical History, an ancient term to denote emersion in baptism, as opposed to the κατάδυσις, or immersion.

ANÆDEIA (according to Junius, from avaria, innocence), in Antiquity, a silver stool placed in the Areopagus for the accused to sit upon during examination. The accuser was placed on a stool opposite, called hybris, or injury, and asked the party accused, "Are you guilty of this fact? How came you to commit it? Who were your accomplices?" To which three questions the defendant was obliged to give direct


ANAESTHESIA (of a, priv. and aiolavoμai, to feel), in Medicine, a privation of the sense of touch. Cullen ranks it in the order Dysæsthesiæ, class Locales. Whatever injures the nervous influence, either in the brain or in the numerous channels by which it is conducted, has a tendency to produce this disorder. Warm bathing, blisters, and sinapisms, are the general remedies. See MEDICINE, Div. ii.

ANAGALLIS, in Botany, a genus of plants belonging to the class Pentandria and order Monogynia..

ANAGLYPHICE, or ANAGLYPHIA, in Ancient ANAGLY. Sculpture, that work wherein the strokes are promi- PHICE. nent, or embossed; the opposite sort, which has the strokes indented, is called Diaglyphice.

ANAGNIA, now ANAGNI, in Ancient Geography, the capital city of the Hernici, in Latium, celebrated for its riches and illustrious families. When Anthony had divorced Octavia and married Cleopatra, he struck a medal in this city. It is 30 miles from Rome, and CIC. Att. xvi. 8. PLIN. iii. c. 5. is a bishop's see. STRAB. V. ANAGNOSES, or ANAGNOSMATA, (from ava and yivwokw, I know), in Ecclesiastical Affairs, a book of the lessons of the Greek church during the year.

ANAGNOSTA, in Antiquity, a literary servant in the establishment of families of distinction, employed to read to them during meals.

ANAGOGIA, in Antiquity, an annual feast in honour of Venus, celebrated at Eryx, in Sicily, where she had a temple, and from which place she was said to retreat into Africa for nine days, when she was followed by all the doves of the vicinity. The return of the goddess was commemorated by a feast named Catagogia.


Avaywyn, from Avayw ; i. e. ANAGOGICAL, Sarw ayw, to lead, or draw the rising or elevation of the mind to the contemplaupwards. Applied to the withdrawing, or abstraction, tion of things; lofty, exalted, recondite, mysterious.

They deuide the Scripture into foure senses, the litterall, tropological, allegoricall and anagogicall. The whole Workes of W. Tyndall, &c. fo. 166. c. 1. and thinges aboue. The allegory is appropriate to fayth, and the anagogicall to hope Id. Ib.

ANAGOGY (avaywrn), in Theology, sometimes used by ecclesiastical writers for an elevation of the mind to things spiritual and eternal, and opposed to oropiahistory. It is applied more particularly to Jewish and other expositions of the types of the law of Moses; see the quotations above.





a different signification.

From Ava and γραμ ua, a letter, from ypad, to write. Applied to the transposition of the letters of words so as to form other words of

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I have largely written his life in my "Ecclesiastical History;" and may truly say with him who constantly returned to all inquirers, I met with this Anagram : Nil novi novi, I can make no new addition thereunto; only since JOANNES WHITEGIFTEUS; Novi vi egit, favet Jesus.

Fuller's Worthies-Lincolne-shire. The only quintessence that hitherto the alchymy of wit could draw out of names, is Anagrammatisme, or Metagrammatisme, which is a dissolution of a name, truly written, into its letters as its elements, and a new connexion of it by artificial transposition, without addition, subtraction, or change of any letter into different words, making some perfect sense applyable to the person named. Camden's Remains.

and particular incorporeal substances or souls, in the successive geThe whole system of the created universe, consisting of body, nerations and corruptions or deaths, of men and other animals,, was,



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