Зображення сторінки

MSTER- merous canals, forming what may be termed small DAM. islands, and communicating with each other by no less than 290 bridges; none of them, however, with the exception of that which crosses the Amstel, are worthy of particular notice. This is handsomely built of brick, and has thirty arches; it is 600 feet long, and 70 broad, and is protected by a handsome iron ballustrade, which joins the terrace or promenade in front of the admiralty, a noble building, enclosing its own dock-yard and the warehouses of the East India canals. company. The water of the canals is, in general, about eight or nine feet deep, and the mud at the bottom about six more. Many of them are offensively impure, and there is a uniform greenness spread over the surface. But it is contended, by the medical practitioners of Amsterdam, that these stagnant waters are by no means unwholesome to the city. Several of the streets are lined with trees, forming very agreeable walks and promenades; they are paved with brick, but have no raised pathways; and the houses are remarkably narrow. The Heeren-gragt and Prissengragt, however, contain some noble buildings; and, the river Amstel running into the very bosom of the city, the port formed by the Y capable of receiving a thousand vessels, the bustle of its mercantile pursuits, with the general appearance of wealth and industry, conspire to give Amsterdam a degree of importance superior to many other larger cities in Europe. The harbour, when viewed from a distance, has the appearance of a thick forest of masts; but the entrance from the Texel requires some experience to pass in safety. The dock-yards and arsenals, both of the city and admiralty, are extensive and well contrived for busi

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Amsterdam yields to the Dutch government a revenue of a million and a half per annum, and is, in every aspect of it, a monument of Batavian industry. The surrounding country through which the Wye has its course, is four or five feet below the level of the stream, from which it is preserved by immense embankments; and the city itself is built upon many thousands of immense piles, driven into the natural swamp on which it stands. It was formerly only a small fishing village; but in the year 1370 it began to be known as a trading town. More than another century, however, elapsed before it was encompassed with walls or any species of fortifications. But at this time Mary of Burgundy took it under her protection, and encircled it with a substantial wall of brick. This was afterwards destroyed by the Guelderlinders, and never wholly renewed. In the earlier records of the Reformation we find this city exposed to the plots of the Anabaptist leaders. The deputies of John of Leyden, who asserted that God had made him a present of the cities of Amsterdam, Devinter, and Wesel, assembled twelve of their associates at midnight, in 1535, five of whom were women, and running naked at the head of them into the streets, exclaimed, "Woe, woe; the wrath of God; woe to Babylon!" This outrage, though soon quelled, was but the precursor of a more formidable conspiracy, headed by one Von Gellen, and conducted with considerable adroitness and inviolable secrecy. This fanatic raised a sufficient number of proselytes to attack and take the town-house, to which they marched with drums beating and colours flying, and there fixed their head quarters, sustaining a severe siege from the


regular troops that were mustered by the burgo- AMSTER masters; but being completely surrounded, were all of DAM. them put to death. From this period, it gradually increased in size and general importance, till, in the seventeenth century, it was one of the first commercial cities in Europe; particularly after the shutting of the Scheldt and the reduction of Antwerp, by successive wars with the Spaniards. The stability of its commerce was, however, finally fixed by the erection of the bank, Bank. which was instituted by the states of Holland on the 31st of January, 1609, which rendered Amsterdam the grand central point of European exchange; and sustained, with the highest reputation, its bill transactions to an immense extent, with every trading town of note in the world. This, however, has considerably declined. The invasion of this city by the French in the year 1795, led to the discovery, that the deposits in the Dutch bank consisted not so much in specie as had always been held out, but in bonds, which the directors had received from different public bodies, in lieu of cash. This circumstance shook the credit of the bank of Amsterdam to a degree, which it has not, and never will, entirely survive; so that a great part of its former profitable exchanges have found their way to London and Hamburgh. Prior, indeed, to this event, the Dutch commerce had begun to decline; but the merchants of Amsterdam may justly attribute their greatest disasters to the revolutionists of France.


In the year 1787, this city was taken by the Prus- Modern sians; but they left it the year following. It was occupied by the French from the year 1810, till the overthrow of Napoleon Buonaparte, during which time it was the chief town of the department of the Zuyder Zee, and was deemed the third city in the French empire. In 1785 there were 230,000 inhabitants; but in 1812, they did not exceed 200,000. In 1815, they are stated to have been only 180,179; but this, we think, must be greatly below the truth.

This city is defended, on the land side, by a wall Means of and twenty-six bastions, with a capacious and deep defence. ditch, or fosse. On the side next the sea, however, it has no fortifications; but the entrance to the harbour is guarded by a double row of piles, which have openings at intervals to admit vessels. These openings are always closed during the night. There is a sort of basin outside of the piles, called the Laag, in which lie the heavy laden ships. In case of invasion, the inhabitants could, if they chose, lay the whole city under water in a very short time, by means of enormous sluices in the neighbourhood. The city is entered by eight noble gates of stone. Some of the streets have a very splendid and magnificent appearance, rendered more pleasing by the avenues of stately elms which adorn the fronts of the houses. The shops are also very handsome, particularly those belonging to the jewellers and print-sellers, of which there are great numbers.

Among the public buildings, the stadthouse is by far Public the most elegant and splendid: it stands nearly in the buildings. centre of the town, on a foundation of 13,659 piles, and occupies a spacious quadrangular area: it is a square building, 282 feet in front, 235 feet in depth, and in height 116, without the tower: it has seven small porticoes, representative of the seven united provinces; but has not any grand entrance,-an architectural omission which is said to have been occasioned 3 v


AMSTER by the prudence of the magistrates, who had the superintendance of the building, for the purpose of preventing free access to a mob, in case of tumult. The whole building, with the exception of the ground floor, which is brick-work, is of freestone, and is said to have cost 300,000l. sterling; some say the enormous sum of two millions. The principal architect was John Van Kempen, who acted under the controul of four burgomasters. The first of the numerous piles on which it is erected was driven on the 20th of January, 1648, and the last on the 6th of October following, when the first stone was laid. It was finally completed in 1655. The interior is in every way worthy the former greatness of the Batavian republic. The burgo-masters' cabinet and retiring rooms, the treasury chamber, painter's chamber, and the council of war chamber, are splendid apartments. The bugher's hall is a magnificent room, with sides of marble, 120 feet long, 57 broad, and 80 high, having galleries 21 feet in width. It is entered under a Corinthian colonnade of red and white marble, by massy bronze gates and railing finely executed. On the floor are the singular ornaments of the terrestrial and celestial globes, delineated in circles of 22 feet in diameter, by inlaid work of brass and variegated marbles. There are three of these circles; two of which are devoted to the hemispheres of the earth, and one between them to the planisphere of the heavens. At one end is a colossal Atlas, supported by Vigilance and Wisdom, and bearing the globe on his shoulders. From this hall a noble double staircase leads to the tribunal, another principal apartment of the stadthouse, which occupies a large portion of the ground floor. Its walls are also of white marble, adorned with figures in bass relief, symbolical of the purposes to which it is devoted.

The statues and paintings with which the interior of the stadthouse is adorned, are both numerous and costly. Among the pictures we may briefly notice, The Signing of the Peace of Munster, by Vanderhelft; An Assembly of the States, a capital picture, by Vandyke; and The Assembly of the Confederates, by Rembrandt. The centre of the grand saloon was drawn by Huygens; but, unfortunately, its basement has been injured.

The exterior is richly decorated with basso and alto relievos. On the front is a marble pediment, on which is a female figure supporting the city arms. The figure is in a sitting posture, her chair being supported by two lions, bearing an olive branch in the right hand. On each side are four Naiads, presenting her with a crown of palm and laurel; and two other marine goddesses, presenting her with different sorts of fruits. There is also Neptune, accompanied by tritons, a sea unicorn, and a sea horse. Over these are three bronze statues, representing Justice, Strength, and Plenty; and on the top of the whole structure is a round tower, adorned with statues, and containing a chime of bells.

This magnificent edifice formerly contained prisons both for criminals and debtors; but these have been lately transferred to more suitable abodes; and the stadthouse is now converted into a royal palace.

The bank, which, as we have already noticed, was established in 1609, has nothing peculiarly worthy of notice in its structure. The public course, or exchange, built of freestone, and measuring 230 feet in length by 130 feet in breadth, is a very commodious building. There are two galleries, where the merchants may retire

in wet weather; they are supported by forty-six large AMSTER pillars, each marked with a particular number; and DAM under each is a place for the merchandize of the persons who frequent it. These lower apartments are generally appropriated to foreigners.

Besides these buildings, we may notice the cornexchange; the four houses of charity; the hospital; the lazaretto, or house for old men; nine houses for orphans; and the foundation of Van Brienen. Here are four houses of correction, and other minor prisons. The admiralty-office, or, as it was formerly called, the court of the princes of Orange; the houses of the East and West India companies; the colleges, and public schools; the botanic garden; the theatres, and the superb gate, called the Harlaem-gate, are all worthy the notice of the visitor; as also is the arsenal for the men of war, and several other public establishments: nor should we omit to notice the workhouse, an establishment of the kind which has no parallel in the world. It is capable of holding 1,000 persons.

Among the literary institutions, we may particularize Literary i the following:-The society of Felix Meritis, an in- stituti stitution devoted to philosophy and the fine arts; the Academy of Design; the Poetic Society; the Illustrious School, or Athenæum Illustre; and the School for Seamen.

The churches are not very numerous. The old Churche church, called Oudekerk, has a chapel, with windows &c. of painted glass; the new church, called St. Katherynenkerk, contains the tomb of the celebrated Admiral De Ruyter, who died in the year 1676; the tomb of Admiral Bentinck, who died in 1781, at the battle of Dogger's-bank; and the monument of the Dutch poet Vondel. Here also are the southern church, called Zuider-kerk, and some others. These churches of the establishment are Calvinistic; but all other denominations are tolerated. There are two French, one English, one Scotch, one Armenian, two Lutheran, and three Baptist churches; besides twenty-four Roman Catholic chapels, one Quakers' meeting, and two very splendid Jewish synagogues, one for the German, and the other for the Portuguese Jews.

We must not omit to notice the amiable sisterhood of the Beguines amongst the best conducted establishments of Amsterdam, and forming an institution peculiar to that place, as a Protestant town. These ladies reside in a large isolated building, contiguous to which is a church and numerous inferior offices appropriated to their own order; the whole being surrounded with a wall and a ditch. Any female may enter into this society, being unmarried, or without children, upon a certificate of good character, and of her having an adequate income for her own support. Each sister is required to attend stated prayers, and to be within the walls at a given hour at night: she has a small flower garden devoted to her own use; she is not distinguished by any dress, is free to pursue her own former habits during the day, and may marry from, or leave the establishment when she pleases.

Amsterdam, on the other hand, has always been disgraced by the gross profligacy of its licensed brothels or spiel-houses, whose keepers are ever on the watch to entrap unemployed or unwary females into their esta blishments, and obtain the connivance of the police by the payment of a small fine.

The government of Amsterdam is vested in a senate




STER- or council of thirty-six members, and twelve burgomasters. The members of the council sit during life, and fill up the vacancies that occur in their numbers by their own suffrages. The burgo-masters, who are chosen by the citizens out of a double number first nominated by the council, sustain the active magistracy of the city in rotation, the government of each lasting only three months, and the four who are to preside during the year being annually appointed burgo-masters' regent, an office very similar to that of the lord mayor of London. These magistrates have the keys of the bank deposited with them. There is also a court of burgo-masters, which decides all criminal cases; but in civil causes there is an appeal to the provincial council. The senate of Amsterdam formerly appointed the deputies to the states-general, in which this city only held the fifth rank, although it sent four representatives, or double the number of any other of the cities of Holland.


Amsterdam has several extensive manufactures, particularly in all sorts of stuffs, serges, woollen cloths, damasks, lace, galloons, velvets, carpets, and leather; jewellery, gold and silver articles, sugar refining, toys, distilleries, and japan and china ware. Here also is an extensive Lombard, or pawn-house, in which business is transacted to a very great amount. The water in this part of Holland is so brackish and feculent, that it is not used for common culinary purposes: hence there are water-merchants, who are constantly occupied in supplying the city with water that is fit for drinking. This they bring in boats from Utrecht and Germany, in large stone bottles, containing about a gallon each. Those who cannot afford to buy it, use rain-water.

AMSTERDAM, NEW, a town in Dutch Guiana, situated between the rivers Berbice and Canje. It is the seat of the government of Berbice. The allotments of land on which the houses stand that face the waters, have trenches all round them, which are filled and emptied with every tide; each lot occupying about a quarter of an acre of land. Here is a neat garden; the circulation of air is kept up; and the cleanliness of every establishment within these precincts is promoted. It stands W. lon. 57°, 15'. N. lat. 6°, 20'.

AMSTERDAM, an island of the South Pacific Ocean, in E. lon. 76°, 54', and lat. 38°, 42', visited by Von Vlaming, a Dutch commander, in 1697; and in 1793, by the British ships which took out Lord Macartney on his embassy to China. It is of the shape of a horseshoe, nearly closed at the points, containing a harbour or basou in the centre, the entrance to which might easily be made navigable to vessels of any burden. The length of the island, from N. to S., is upwards of four miles; its breadth, from E. to W., about two miles and a half; and its circuit, about eleven miles. The harbour, with its surrounding rocks, is of the shape of an elliptical funnel, or inverted cone, whose longest diameter at the water's edge is 1,100 yards, and the shortest 850; its circumference being 3,000 yards, or about a mile and a half. At the top it is about two miles round. A fertile but very soft and spungy soil covers the island, which bears every where such unquestionable marks of a volcanic origin, that the scientific gentlemen attached to the embassy had

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on Amster

This island is inaccessible on every side but the E., through the narrow strait by which the basin communi- Volcanic cates with the sea; it stands 200 feet out of the water, as seen from the outward shores, and the land slopes dam island. upward all round to its internal edge, or the mouth of the crater, which is formed of layers of lava rising about 730 feet from the water below. On the western side of the island, which is nearly perpendicular, the depositions of successive eruptions may be distinctly traced; a glassy layer being lowest, the compost next, the cellular next above it, and over it volcanic ashes and lighter substances, covered by a layer of vegetable mould. In the same quarter, and toward the S. W. are four small volcanoes, with regularly formed craters, containing lava of recent formation, and constantly emitting elastic vapours. The ground in this part of the island is tremulous under the feet, which cannot be kept in one place for a quarter of a minute together, and stones thrown sharply on the surface return a hollow sound. The island generally is penetrated by fissures, from which smoke issues in the day, and flames at night; the latter giving an awful appearance to the surrounding scenery, as seen from our ships in the offing. Several springs of hot water were visited by our countrymen on the occasion above mentioned, of which the average heat was about 212° Fahrenheit's thermometer; and a large party regaled themselves with tench, bream, and perch, taken with a hook and line from the basin, and boiled in about fifteen minutes in the water of the adjacent springs, as it flowed from the ground. The soil is evidently a decomposition of lava, which is continually increasing and spreading a rich mould over all parts of the island for the tall rank grass that abounds in it; the putrefaction of vegetable matters mixes with this lava and with the mouldering ashes, while the long roots of the grass form the principal tie of the whole. So light, indeed, is the soil, that the foot breaks in at every step, as into sand, and the short walk across the island becomes a fatiguing and dangerous journey. One gentleman in the suite of Lord Macartney accidentally plunged his foot through the layer of mould on the western side, and it was severely scalded. The holes that have been made by various visitors have been built in by the sea-birds that abound in the neighbourhood; which, in no small degree, increases the annoyance of the walk.

Near the centre of the island is an area of about 200 yards square, where the heat of the soil is so great, as to admit of no vegetation. Here one of the hot springs is supposed to take its rise, and to break through the interstices of lava to its mouth, which is just above the water in the great basin below. All the springs of hot water, except one, are brackish; this is a pretty strong chalybeate, and flows to some distance in a small collected stream, through a crust of ochre which it has deposited. Its temperature is not above 1120, and the water is very safe for use. Large beds of moss of the marctantia and lycopodium species, variegate the surface of the island in some places, and on part of it being torn away, it disclosed, in 1793, a thin hot mud, in which a thermometer rose immediately to the boiling point. The same substance overspreads the barren spot in the centre of the island, and on removing it,

AMSTER- copious streams of vapour arise, while the sound of DAM. bubbling water may be heard in applying the ear to the ground. Veins of vitrified matter, in a liquid state, are seen running down in many places into the basin. This great reservoir, which, if once the crater of a volcano, was one of the largest in the world, now receives the tide regularly through the mouth, or entrance we have mentioned, where it runs at the rate of about three miles an hour. Within the bason it rises perpendicularly eight or nine feet at the full and change of the moon. During the winter months, all kinds of storms and agitations pervade this place. Sometimes the whole mass of waters seem to heave upward from the bottom, and whirlwinds scatter them in immense sheets above the surface of the surrounding rocks. The entrance appears to have been formed by a recent irruption of the sea; for, in 1697, Von Vlaming noticed a low bar across it, upwards of five feet above the surface of the ocean; it is still shallow, and accessible only to boats.

The seal fishery of Amsterdam.

On the shores of the island immense numbers of seals are taken, of the phocaursina species. The ships of the embassy, in fact, were induced to stop here by the appearance of two men making signs from the immense precipices, and who proved to be part of an American crew who were left to procure seal skins for the Canton market. The whole party consisted of five, two American sailors (originally from England), and two Frenchmen, commanded by a native of France. They had been here about five months, and had gathered 8,000 skins; calculating upon finding 17,000 more before the return of their vessel from Nookta Sound. These are worth at Canton, from one to three dollars each. The animal is killed as it is found basking in the sun, and the carcase is left to putrefy before the skin is taken off. Our people, who were here early in the year, found these disgusting objects scattered all round the island, and the stench from them almost intolerable. The summer is the season for their appearance, when they come ashore in droves of from 800 to 1,000; sometimes plunging instantly back at the sight of man, at other times erecting themselves into a menacing posture, and remaining barking on the rocks until struck down. This is accomplished by a slight blow on the nose with a stick; and if 100 could thus be taken during the day, the adventurers above-mentioned were content, as it was the full employ of five men to pin them down afterwards in a proper manner. Some of the oil they yield was gathered, and served their people as butter. It is remarkable, that the proportion of female to male seals which came ashore here, is more than thirty to one. In winter, these animals keep in deep water, and amongst the weeds, which seem to shelter them from its inclemencies; while the sea lions (phoca leonina of Linnæus), appear in great numbers, and take their place upon the rocks. They are as large as from 11 to 18 feet long, and make such a prodigious howling round the shore, that the British ships could distinctly hear them at their anchorage, a mile distant. Whales and sharks also abound in the neighbourhood at this part of the year; but none of these latter animals appear to have been objects of commerce with the visitors of the island. Cod and cray fish are caught in every direction. AMSTERDAM, an island in the Pacific ocean, generally called Tongataboo. See TONGATABOO.


AMSTERDAM, an uninhabited island, in the Frozen AMSTER sea, near the western coast of Spitzbergen. There is DAM also an island of this name in the Chinese sea, between Japan and the island of Formosa. AMTSHITKA, one of the Aleutian Islands, 60 miles in length, but very little cultivated, and consisting greatly of rocky mountains, particularly on the eastern side, where they branch out into the sea, and form several distinct islets, with which the whole island indeed is more or less surrounded.

AMTSZELL, a parish, market-town, and castle, the kingdom of Wirtemberg, district of the lake in Constance, and upper bailiwic of Ravensburg, between that place and Wargen. It has a population of about 2,130 inhabitants.

AMUCHTA, one of the volcanic Aleutian Islands, about 27 miles long.

AMUDARSA, in Ancient Geography, a town of Bizacium, in Africa Propria, mentioned by Antonine, and placed north of Septimunicia by M. d'Anville. It was formerly a bishopric.

AMUL, a town of Persia, giving name to a district in the province of Mazanderan. It is situated in a pleasant plain, at the foot of a hill, on the river Arasbei. This was formerly one of the best fortified towns in Persia; and there are still some remains of a castle, which the inhabitants say is 4,000 years old. The building of the town itself is ascribed to Shah Suhak, a celebrated Persian chief, in the 11th century, who named it after a favourite daughter. The Arasbei is crossed by a fine bridge of stone, erected in the year 1680, by a priest of the Mahometan religion, in commiseration of the fate of those who lost their lives in passing the stream at high water. After it was finished, at his sole expence, he is said to have pronounced an anathema against all those of elevated rank who should cross it on horseback, which to this day is religiously avoided. Persons of this description always dismount on approaching it, and walk over in reverential obedience and fear. In the suburbs of the town, there is a palace, two stories in height, said to have been built by Shah Abbas. There are also three sepulchral towers, supposed to have been fire temples of the ancient Guebres. The population amounts to about 800, who subsist by the cultivation of rice and cotton; or by working at the several iron founderies and forges in the neighbourhood of the town. Amul is distant from Casbin about 120 miles.

AM'ULET. Amuletum; from amolior, amolitus; from a and moles, a heap or mass; to heave away, to drive away, to repel.

Amulets, made up of relics, with certain letters and crosses; to make him that wears them invulnerable.

Bp. Hall's Cases of Conscience.

In that day will the Lord take from them the ornaments,
Of the feet-rings, and the net-works, and the crescents;
The pendents, and the bracelets, and the thin vails;
The tires, and the fetters, and the zones,
And the perfume-boxes, and the amulets.

Lowth's Isaiah.

AMULETS, in the Customs of almost all the nations of Antiquity, were favourite and sometimes very important instruments of superstition and empiricism, They were most frequently suspended from the neck. and contained the name or exploits of some deity, whose protection they were supposed to ensure, and of

IULET. whose service they were the token or badge. They were formed of all sorts of materials, though precious stones were naturally preferred, and thus they often added to the elegance of dress, what was meant for the safety of the person. In their formation, or their being made into amulets, particular times were imagined to be very propitious, especially after the reveries of the astrologers succeeded the early discoveries of astronomy. Various herbs and plants, gathered at these times, of which the full age of the moon was considered one of the most important, were presented as sovereign remedies for many fatal disorders, the bite of venomous reptiles, &c. The Egyptians had a great variety of them, of which the most popular was the ABRAXAS (which see), a cabalistic word engraven on a stone, to which it gave name. The Jews had an early propensity to using them for similar purposes. Compare Deut. xviii. 10-12, with Jer. viii. 17. In later times the Mishna allowed an amulet to be worn which had previously been three times successful in the cure of any disease.

The Chaldeans, Persians, and oriental nations, also held them in the highest estimation. Amongst the Greeks, parts of animals, minerals, and herbs, were used as amulets, especially in exciting and conquering the passion of love; and Pliny mentions many that were in use among the Romans. Ovid speaks of Mount Caucasus as celebrated for yielding the necessary plants,

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Lecta Prometheis dividit herba jugis, supposed to spring from the blood of Prometheus; and Colchis is mentioned by other poets as noted for similar productions. Amulets were also sometimes appended to the bodies of beasts, for medical and other purposes. They are still commonly worn in the East, and among the Turks, with whom magical words, numbers, and figures, sentences of the Alcoran, prayers, &c. inscribed on scrolls of paper or silk, are in great request in time of war.

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Christianity, in the decline of the Roman empire, supplied numerous amulets to her nominal converts from paganism, in crosses, agnus dei's, relics of the saints and martyrs, &c. The pope is said still to claim a prerogative of creating them. (See the article AGNUS DEI.) Their connection with ancient British customs is also important, Burton prescribing some, while he deprecates the use of others, as cures for melancholy" I say with Renodeus, they are not altogether to be rejected;" he adds" Piony doth cure epilepsie; pretious stones most diseases; a wolf's dung, born with one, helps the colick; a spider an ague,' &c. The celebrated Mr. Bayle mentions the application of some amulets, as a proof of the power of external effluvia over the corporeal system; and states the fact of having cured himself of a tendency to bleeding at the nose, by the application of the moss of of a dead man's skull. Several physicians have noticed similar phenomena; and it is well known, from the wearing of camphor and other substances, that the effluvia of various bodies is very powerful in preventing contagion. It may be some assistance to the readers of our early poets, to subjoin a curious extract from the scarce work of Regnald Scot, On the Discoverie of Witchcraft, with respect to what was even thought to

be the specific virtues of certain stones worn as amulets AMULET. in the "elder time."

But from

"An agat (they saie) hath vertue against the biting of scorpions or serpents. It is written (but I will not stand to it) that it maketh a man eloquent, and procureth the favour of princes; yea, that the fume thereof dooth turn awaie tempests. Alectorius is a stone about the bignesse of a beane, as cleere as the christall, taken out of a cock's bellie which hath been gelt or made a capon foure yeares. If it be held in one's mouth, it assuageth thirst, it maketh the husband to love the wife, and the bearer invincible :---Chelidonius is a stone taken out of a swallowe, which cureth melancholie; howbeit, some authors saie, it is the hearbe whereby the swallowes recover the sight of their young, even if their eies be picked out with an instrument. Geranites is taken out of a crane, and Draconites out of a dragon. But it is to be noted, that such stones. must be taken out of the bellies of the serpents, beasts, or birds, (wherein they are) whiles they live: otherwise, they vanish awaie with the life, and so they reteine the vertues of those starres under which they are. Amethysus maketh a droonken man sober, and refresheth the wit. The corall preserveth such as beare it from fascination or bewitching, and in this respect they are hanged about children's necks. whence that superstition is derived, and who invented the lie, I knowe not; but I see how redie the people are to give credit thereunto, by the multitude of coralls that waie emploied. Heliotropius stancheth bloud, driveth awaie poisons, preserveth health; yea, and some write that it provoketh raine, and darkeneth the sunne, suffering not him that beareth it to be abused. Hyacinthus dooth all that the other dooth, and also preserveth from lightning. Dinothera hanged about the necke, collar, or yoke of any creature, tameth it presentlie. A topase healeth the lunatike person of his passion of lunacie. Aitites, if it be shaken, soundeth as if there where a little stone in the bellie thereof: it is good for the falling sicknesse, and to prevent untimelie birth. Chalcedonius maketh the bearer luckie in lawe, quickeneth the power of the bodie, and is of force also against the illusions of the divell, and phantasticall cogitations arising of melancholie. Corneolus mitigath the heate of the mind, and qualifieth malice, it stancheth bloudie fluxes. Iris helpeth a woman to speedie deliverance, and maketh rainebows to appeere. A saphire preserveth the members, and maketh them livelie, and helpeth agues and gowts, and suffereth not the bearer to be afraid: it hath vertue against venome, and staieth bleeding at the nose, being often put thereto. A smarag is good for the eiesight, and maketh one rich and eloquent. Mephis (as Aaron and Hermes report out of Albertus Magnus) being broken into powder, and droonke with water, maketh insensibilitie of torture. Heereby you may understand, that as God hath bestowed upon these stones, and such other like bodies, most excellent and woonderful vertues: so according to the abundance of humane superstitions and follies, manie ascribe unto them either more vertues, or others than they have." See also DRAYTON'S Muse's Elysium, 9th Nymphal; CHALMER'S Poets, vol. iv. which is, in fact, a sort of parody of the above.

AMULETIC MEDICINES is a term that has been some

times given to sympathetic applications of various de

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