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WILLIAM WILBERFORCE. "Jamque opus exegi, quod nec Jovis ira, nec ignis, Nec poterit ferrum, nec edax abolere vetustas."

treaties, his ardent appeals to the hearts and feelings of his auditors, his splendid and Christian enthusiasm, met their reward-a Bill passed for the entire Abolition of the Slave Trade, being sanctioned by both Houses of Parliament.

His conduct as a public character was, laudably independent; he lent himself to no faction, but, on all occasions, spoke and voted to the honest dictates of his conscience. Some idea-an inadequate onewe confess-may be formed of this re, spected gentleman, by the outline of his form, which we have the pleasure to present this day to our readers. In person he is short, and in appearance by no means dignified; but as an orator, even in the last session of his career in Parliament, he was spirited, copious, and clear.


In private life he is beloved and honoured. He was united, in 1797, to a daughter of an opulent Birmingham merchant, named Spooner, by whom he has a large family. He has devoted a long life to the cause of humanity: neither sickness nor defeat could ever arrest his benevolent exertions-the object nearest his heart has been the moral improvement of mankind; every project that would conduce to so beneficial a purpose he has promoted; every abuse that would thwart it, he has endeavoured to detect and exnor did he rest here, for he gave notice pose. In the course of his political life of a motion in the House of Commons, in he supported Catholic Emancipation and the session of 1787, on the subject of Parliamentary Reform, reprobated the slavery, and prevailed on Mr. Pitt to Lottery as injurious to public morals, THIS gentleman was born at Hull, in propose a Resolution, on the 9th of May insisted that the employment of boys of a the month of August, 1759, and received in that year, pledging the House in the tender age in the sweeping of chimnies his education at St. John's College, Cam- next session, to take the state of the was a most intolerable cruelty; and also, bridge, where he formed an acquaintance Slave Trade into its immediate considera- after the hostile meeting which took place with, and became warmly attached to, the tion. The tardiness of the House of between Tierney and Pitt, attempted, but celebrated William Pitt, with whom and Commons, constituted as it then was, pre-in vain, to procure a Legislative enactDr. Milner he made his first Continental vented the discussion of the subject until ment against duelling. By the present At the general election in 1780, 1791, when he moved for leave to bring in Lord Chancellor Brougham he has been he was unanimously returned to Parlia- a Bill to prevent the further importation described as "the venerable patriarch of ment for his native place, but being of African Negroes into the British Colo- the cause of the slaves, whose days were shortly afterwards chosen for the county nies. This motion was lost by a majority to be numbered by acts of benevolence and of York, he made a selection of the latter, of 75. On the 2d April, in 1792, he piety; whose whole life-and he prayed and continued the representative of that again called the notice of Parliament to it might long be extended for the benefit populous county until 1812. From that the subject, and concluded a most beauti- of his fellow-creatures-had been devoted period up to the end of his Parliamentary ful and pathetic speech by declaring, to the highest interests of religion and career in 1825, he was chosen for Bram- that "in his exertions for the Negroes charity." ber. At the very outset of Clarkson's he had found happiness, though not suchumane exertions to procure the abolition cess, which enlivened his waking, and Philanthropist without observing, in the of slavery, he was urged and recom- soothed his evening hours; that he carried language of Mr. Knibb, "Now that he mended to secure the co-operation of the topic with him to his repose, and often is gathering his mantle around him, and Wilberforce. On their first interview the had the bliss of remembering, that he had preparing for his entrance into eternity, words of the latter were," that the sub- demanded justice for millions who could let the attending angel, as he descends to ject had often employed his thoughts, and not ask it for themselves." When a convey his ransomed spirit to the realms that it was nearest his heart; and that he motion for "gradual" abolition was carried, of felicity, whisper in the ears of the dewould not rest until he made proper in- Mr. Wilberforce became rather more inquiries into it." Mr. Wilberforce soon spired with the hope of final success, and parting saint, that 'AFRICA IS FREE!' after performed his promise, by joining a determined henceforward to redouble his Society which was formed to carry the exertions, and in 1807, during the brief benevolent object of Clarkson into effect; Administration of Fox, his earnest en

We cannot close this notice of our





Ah Massa! he is a fool or knave,
And his heart is steeled to me,
Who says dat de poor afflicted slave
Is happier dan de free.


But if he be not fool or knave,
If he speak de truth of me,
Then let him come and be de slave,
And I will be de free.


Turn, turn thy hasty foot aside,


Nor crush that helpless worm;
The frame thy wayward looks deride,
Required a God to form.

The common Lord of all that move,
From whom thy being flowed,

A portion of his boundless love
On that poor worm bestowed.
The sun, the moon, the stars, he made
To all his creatures free;

And spread o'er earth the grassy blade
For worms as well as thee.
Let them enjoy their little day,
Their lowly bliss receive;
Oh! do not lightly take away
The life thou canst not give.


Ir will to some appear singular, that the slave-trade should have originated in an act of humanity; yet such was the fact, and exhibits an instance of one of the best and most humane men being guilty of cruelty, when his mind was under the influence of prejudice. Barthelemi de las Casas, the Bishop of Chiapa, in Peru, witnessing the dreadful cruelty of the Spaniards to the Indians, exerted all his eloquence to prevent it. He returned to Spain, and pleading_the cause of the Indians before the Em peror, Charles the Vth, in person, suggested that their place as labourers might be supplied by Negroes from Africa, who were then considered as beings under the proscription of their Maker, and fit only for beasts of burthen. The Emperor, overcome by his forcible representations, made several regulations in favour of the Indians; but it was not until the slavery of the African Negroes was substituted, that the American Indians were freed from the cruelty of the Spaniards.



ABOUT two months ago a black boy was
brought to the office of the Anti-Slavery
Society by a respectable tradesman in
Liverpool Street, Bishopsgate, under the
following circumstances:

He had been brought to London a few
weeks previously by a Dutch gentleman,
who purchased him as a slave at Batavia.
By this master he was treated as a SLAVE
-fondled or flogged, according to the
varying humour of his owNER; that he
had been many years a slave, but, finding
he was free in England, he wished to be
a slave no longer; that his master was
going away in a day or two, and he feared
would carry him back into slavery; and
that therefore he wished to stay in Eng-
land, and work for his subsistence here
as a free person.

After a careful examination of the
circumstances of the case, the boy was
received under the protection of the
Anti-Slavery Society; the livery which
he wore, and which he said belonged to
his master, was sent back to the
OWNER, and he was clothed anew at the
and his immediate sub-
sistence provided for.

Next day it appeared from a report in
the newspapers, that the master (Myn-
heer Van Cunninghen) had applied to
the Lord Mayor for means to recover his
lost or runaway slave; stating that
the lad possessed extraordinary talents,
spoke seven different languages, and was
quite a treasure to him.



"The best words of the best Authors."

Vice is like a dark lanthorn, which turns its

bright side only to him that bears it, but looks

black and dismal in another's hand.

Arts that respect the mind were ever reputed nobler than those that serve the body.

the proper management of temporal concerns: PUNCTUALITY, ACCURACY, STEADINESS, and DISPATCH.

There are four habits essentially necessary to

merely for the furtherance of justice and the preservation of right.

The profession of the Law was instituted

Socrates said that temperance promoted the knowledge of the soul, whetted the appetite, and rendered men at once both excellent and happy. Eating, said he, without hunger, and drinking without thirst, sinks both the appetite and the understanding.

The revolutions caused by the progress of truth are always beneficial to society, and are only burthensome to those who deceive and oppress it.

"I will admit," said Hogarth, "all the world to be competent judges of my pictures, except those who are of the profession."

Ray observes that an obscure and prolix author may not improperly be compared to a cuttle-fish, since he may be said to hide himself under his own ink.

God, ought always to pray and often to read: Whoever wishes, says Augustin, to be with for when we pray we speak to God, and when we read he speaks to us.

A Russian has published "A View of all the Known Languages, and their dialects." In this book we find in all 937 Asiatic, 587 European,

226 African, and 1264 American languages and translated into 139 languages.

dialects, enumerated and classed. The Bible is


When we think of death, a thousand sins we

have trode as worms beneath our feet, rise up against us like flaming serpents.-(Scott.)

The passions, like heavy bodies down steep hills, once in motion, move themselves, and know no ground but the bottom.-(Fuller.)

If thou wouldst have a good servant, let thy servant find a good master; be not angry with him too long, lest he think thee malicious; nor too soon, lest he conceive thee rash; nor too often, lest he count thee humourous.

too often

He that hath a trade hath an estate; and he

Upon seeing this statement, Mr. Pringle waited upon the Lord Mayor and explained to him the actual state of the case; that the boy told a story respecting his It is the greatest of all sins, always to continue Van Cunnighen's; but that the compa- is easier to quench a spark than a fire: I had treatment altogether different from M. in sin, for where the custom of sinning waxeth greater, the conscience for sin grows the less: it rative accuracy of the conflicting state-rather break the cockatrice's egg than kill a ments of the master and the slave was serpent. Lut a secondary point:-the boy having that hath a calling hath a place of profit and sought protection from slavery, or from honor. A ploughman on his legs is higher than being carried back into that condition, a gentleman on his knees. the laws of England could afford it; and that protection should be afforded him, if that, finally, he, as Secretary of the AntiSlavery Society, would be responsible for receiving him. The Lord Mayor merely replied that he understood M. Van Cunninghen had gone to the continent, and that he did not see that he in the matter as it then stood. (the Lord Mayor) could interfere farther

WEST INDIA LOGIC.-A Slave Owner in the Liverpool Mercury of the 7th inst., attempts a logical and scriptural proof that Slavery is consistent with Christianity, which is so conspicu ously absurd as to merit a corner in our first number. He says, infidels have in all ages been opposed to Slavery-infidels disbelieve the Bible -Ergo, Slavery is sanctioned by Scripture.


"Fiat justitia ruat cœlum,"


SIR: I beg to inform you that Two LECTURES illustrative of the Character of Slavery in the British Colonies, and of the advantage, safety, and practicability of its immediate Abolition, will be delivered at Ebenezer Chapel, Highstreet, Shoreditch, by Edward Baldwin, Esq., on Monday and Wednesday Evening next, the 17th and 19th, at half past six o'clock.

Perhaps you will make it a point to drop in.
Yours faithfully,
'M. D.

Printed and Published by J. CRISP, at No. 13, Wellington-street, Strand, where all Advertisements and Communications for the Editor are to be addressed.


Sketch Book of the Times.

"I pencilled things I saw, and profited by things I heard."-LETTER OF A WALKING GENTLEMAN.

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THIS splendid edifice was built on the site of the old cathedral, which was burnt down in the great fire of 1666. The first stone of the new cathedral was laid on the 21st of June, 1675, by Sir Christopher Wren himself, who lived to see his son, then but a few months old, thirty-five years afterwards, deposit the highest stone of the lantern on the cupola. During the early progress of the work, an incident occurred, which, even in a less superstitious age, might have been considered a favourable omen, without any charge of extraordinary credulity. Sir Christopher was marking out the dimensions of the great cupola, when he ordered one of the workmen to bring him a flat stone, to use as a station. A piece was brought it was the fragment of a tomb-stone, on which but one word of the inscription was left-that word was RESome authors suppose this circumstance to have been the origin of the emblem sculptured over the south portico, by Cibber, namely, a phoenix


rising out of its fiery nest, with this word as an inscription.

During the whole time that the cathedral was building, Sir Christopher, in order to preserve the new temple from profanation, affixed orders on various parts of the building, prohibiting the workmen from swearing, on pain of dismissal.

In 1693, the walls of the new choir were finished, and the scaffolding removed and on the 2nd of December, 1697, it was opened for divine service, on occasion of the thanksgiving for the peace of Ryswick. The morning prayer chapel was opened for divine service the 1st of February, 1699.

It is remarkable, that this mighty fabric was begun and finished by one architect, Sir Christopher Wren; one principal mason, Mr. Strong; and during one bishopric, that of Dr Henry Compton, bishop of London.

The total expense of the building was 736,7521. 2s. 3d.

The dimensions of this cathedral, compared with that of St. Peter's, are, according to the Parentalia, as follow:

Length, within Greatest breadth


St: Paul's 500

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St. Peter's 669ft.



The great dome over the central area is supported by eight stupendous piers, four of the arches formed by which open into the side aisles. The cathedral church of Ely is said to be the only other one in this country in which the central area is thus pierced by the side aisles.

The choir is separated from the body of the church by handsome iron railings. Over the entrance to it is the organ gallery, and an organ in it supposed to be one of the finest in the kingdom. It was erected in 1694, by Bernard Schmydt, or Smith, for 2,000l.

Few of the persons to whom monuments are erected in the cathedral, have been really buried there. Among the number, the first who claims our notice is the great architect of the building, Sir

Christopher Wren. Descending to the vaults by a bread flight of steps, you see beneath the south-east window, inscribed



humanity: far from it, they have kindled the most delicate sensibility in Sanson's breast. You will hear him declaim with

on a low tomb, the following simple epi- (From the 5th vol. of the Livre des Cent et Un.) the most fervid energy against the pu


"Here lies Sir Christopher Wren, Knight, builder of this Cathedral Church of St. Paul, who died in the year of our Lord MDCCXXIII., and of his age XCI."

THE most striking passage in this volume
is that which describes a visit to

Monsieur de Paris, the executioner of the
French metropolis. Start not, reader;
the being has feelings and tastes, which

On the wall above, there is an additional inscription in Latin, with which the public are more familiar, and which« may be thus translated:

would not shame the best among us. "I was introduced," says the narrator, into a small, low apartment, where I of this church, and of this city, who lived up-sixty years of age, and of features replete "Beneath lies Christopher Wren, the builder descried a fellow mortal, apparently some wards of ninety years, not for himself, but for with candour and sweetness, playing upon a piano, and extracting sounds from it by no means devoid of melody. It

the public good.


Reader, would'st thou search out his monu

ment? Look around.

nishment of death, and dwell with animation on the means of efficaciously substituting some other penalty for it; and you will see him, on the day of an execution, pallid and unnerved-refusing to he had exchanged stations with the partake of sustenance-and lifeless, as if doomed man, and the doomed man were to enact the executioner. This is what

the world knows not; this is what I would not have credited myself, had I not been witness to it with my own eyes.

"He died 25th February, 1723, aged 91." was Monsieur himself. And in the He related a number of details conAfter examining all that is to be seen same apartment, was his son, a young nected with the last hours of some celein the lower part of the cathedral, you man of about 34, fair of countenance, brated offenders. I will give you an ascend by a spacious circular staircase, to and of timid and gentle deportment; on anecdote, which is quite in its place in a gallery which encircles the lower part of his knees sat a little girl, some ten or these pages. About the year 1750, three the interior of the dome, and is called the twelve years of age, beautiful as a seraph, young men, of that high class of nobility "Whispering Gallery," from the circum- and with features as expressive and finely who held the monopoly of broken winstance, that the lowest whisper breathed wrought as eye could desire to look upon. dows, insults to passers by, and outrages against the wall in any part of this vast It was his daughter. The sight of her against guardians of the night, after a circle, may be accurately distinguished by unhinged the whole chain of my thoughts; jovial supper rambled down the Fauan attentive ear on the very opposite side. I could have wished that nothing so un-bourg St. Martin, laughing, gambolling, Branching off f-om the circular staircase earthly should have been discovered in and gossipping, between two and three in at this place, there are passages which such a spot as this; 'twas as the sun the morning, of such things as the tongue lead to other galleries and chambers piercing through a storm; 'twas a rose, is given to sport with, when a man does over the side aisles. One conducts you raising its delicate form amidst the stony not know what word shall tread on the to the "Library" of the chapter, which is cheerlessness of a sepulchre. M. Sanson heels of another, and has clean forgotten immediately over the consistory. The received me like a man who knows the what thought last crossed the threshold floor of this apartment is a great curiosity, world; there was neither embarassment of his lips. They had made up their being entirely constructed of small pieces nor affectation in his manner; and he in- minds not to return home before the sun of oak, without either nail or peg, and quired the object of my visit. I had my was up, and not a house was open to redisposed into various geometrical figures excuse nearly cut and dried and a conceive them. When they reached the with the utmost nicety. Above the chim-versation, which lasted a couple of hours, Rue St. Nicholas, they heard the sound ney, there is a good half-length portrait of music, which had something more of the Protestant bishop, Dr. Compton, than commonly joyous and noisy about it. who bequeathed the whole of his books Think, what a God-send! what a reto the library, which is not however, of source for closing the night's vocation! much value as a collection. Over the One of the party having knocked at the morning prayer chapel, at the opposite door, a man came and opened it; he was end of the transept, is a room called the civil and plain in his address, and neatly Trophy Room," from being hung round attired. The young nobleman, who had with various shields and banners used at knocked, briefly explained the motive of the ceremony of Lord Nelson's funeral. their unseasonable visit. "I cannot adIn this room are kept the rejected model, mit you, gentlemen;" the master of the according to which Sir Christopher Wren house replied with frigid civility; “'tis a first proposed to erect this cathedral, and family festival, and no stranger can be also the model of the altar piece, which allowed to join it." "You are in the was left unexecuted. wrong: never perchance has better society than ours graced your roof.” “I must repeat it, gentlemen, I cannot allow you to enter." "Pshaw! pshaw ! man; you do not know whom you are refusing." "Gentlemen,-gentlemen, I entreat of you not to insist upon admittance!" " And pray, sir, in the name of all goodness, who may you be?" "I am EXECUTIONER TO THE CITY OF PARIS!" "Excellent! He! he he! Really, is it you who cut off heads, split members assunder, make the bones cry out between two screws, and inflict most exquisite torment on poor devils!" "Aye! aye, sir; I confess, that such are the duties I am heir to, by virtue of my office: but I make over petty details to my servants. It is only when some gentleman of rank for instance, a man of high birth like

IMAGINARY COLD.-The late Saville Carey,

who imitated the whistling of the wind through a narrow chink, frequently practised this decepdom failed to see some of the company rise to examine the tightness of the windows, while others, more intent on their newspapers, contented themselves with putting on their hats and

tion in the corner of a coffee house, and he sel

buttoning their coats.

The following extraordinary instance of the different effects of various vegetables, some of them poisonous, upon different animals, are mentioned by the Botanical Professor, in a recent lecture delivered at King's College "Horses," says Mr. Burnett, "will not touch cruciferous plants, but will feed on the reed grasses, amidst abundance of which goats have been known to starve; and these latter again will eat and grow fat on the water-hemlock,

which is a rank poison to other cattle. In like manner pigs will feed on henbane, while they are destroyed by common pepper: and the horse

which avoids the bland turnip will grow fat on

rhubard and take a drachm of arsenic daily with advantage.",

enabled me to remark, how much correct-
ness of judgment and purity of views were
possessed by Monsieur de Paris. One
thing struck me; he had often resorted
to his snuff-box without offering it to me.
I was surprised, but could not account
for this departure from the received cus-
tom between priseurs. All on a sudden,
and mechanically, without thinking of it,
and whilst absorbed in a discussion which
alienated my attention from what I was
doing, I offered him a pinch. He raised
his hand in token of refusal, with an ex-
pression of countenance which it is not
possible for me to describe; his look
chilled me to the heart. Unhappy being!
the recollection of a past moment brought
the very blood to his fingers! M. Sanson
delights in conversation; probably, be-
cause he has read much and to great ad-
vantage. He has an extensive and well
selected library, and it is evidently, in his
case, no article of mere luxury. His
books, indeed, are the only company he
keeps ; for, exiled as he is from inter-
course with the living, he moves and has
his being in the disembodied society of
the illustrious great: and can look
them without a shudder: for it was not
his hand which shortened their existence.
One should have imagined that the na-
ture of his duties and the class of men


with whom they compel him to associate,
would have extinguished every spark of

[blocks in formation]


The following plain rules are addressed to landowners and farmers, by the strict observance of which it has been found, from long experience, that the labouring poor may be rendered comfortable and comparatively independent, and the poor rates in almost all agricultural parishes may be made nearly nominal. By the Rev. Joseph Wilson, Minister of Laxton, Northamptonshire.


1. To each cottage apportion, as near to it as possible, one quarter or one-third of an acre of land, at a moderate yearly rent, according to its quality.

2. Do not allow of more cottages than the extent of the parish really requires.

3. See that the cottages are kept in good repair, and preserved dry, and well white-washed



1. For really productive labour always give a labourer good and liberal wages, without any reference to his being married or single. 2. Whenever you can, set the labourers their work by the task, or great.

3. Never allow of rounds-men.

4. Never permit any part of a man's wages to 5. As the labourer should always receive good and liberal wages for productive labour, so, on the other hand, when the labourer is employed on mere parish work, he should have hard work and short wages, and his work by the task or great. 6. See that the very aged, the sick, and the

be paid out of the poor rate.

infirm, are kindly treated.
1. See that the children of the labouring poor
have a Christian education, in a well regulated

and conducted school.

2. Enforce by all proper means, a regular attendance of all the people on public worship at the parish church.

3. Allow of no more public houses than are absolutely necessary.

and drinking.

4. Discourage in every proper way, all tippling 5. Discourage to the utmost degree all lewdness and improvident marriages.

6. Never force a marriage in order to prevent a child being born illegitimate; but put the law fully in force against the mother, by committal to prison, if she make the child illegitimate chargeable to the parish.

7. Purchase fuel in summer, to be sold out to the labouring poor at a cheap rate in winter. 8. Patronize and promote clothing societies. 9. Endeavour to influence the poor to unite in


GRATITUDE. THERE is not a more pleasing exercise Sailors are a most superstitious race, of the mind, than gratitude. It is accomand have a secret dread of remarkable panied with so great inward satisfaction, sounds heard at sea. At the Land's End, that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by it is not uncommon to hear a mysterious the performance. It is not, like the sound off the coast previous to a storm, practice of many other virtues, difficult which fishermen are not willing to attri- and painful, but attended with so much bute to natural causes, but believe it to pleasure, that were there no positive come from the spirit of the deep. This command which enjoined it, nor any reeffect is obviously occasioned by the com-compense laid up for it hereafter, a geneing storm whistling through the crevices rous mind would indulge in it, for the of the rocks that stand in the sea, and natural gratification which it affords. which skirt the Cornish coast; so much do the people consider this as ominous of shipwreck, that no one can be persuaded to venture out to sea while this warning voice is heard. In the northern seas, our sailors are alarmed by a singular musical effect, which is now well understood to proceed from the whale inhaling his breath. Similar sounds, probably, may be uttered by other monsters of the deep, upon which the ancients fallaciously founded their notions of sea nymphs and sirens.

If gratitude is due from man to man, how much more from man to his Maker? The Supreme Being does not only confer upon us those bounties which proceed more immediately from his hand, but even those benefits which are conveyed to us by others. Every blessing we enjoy, by what means soever it may be derived upon us, is the gift of HIM who is the great Author of good, and the Father of mercies.

If gratitude, when exerted towards one another, naturally produces a very pleasing sensation in the mind of a grateful man, it exalts the soul into rapture, when it is employed on this great object of gratitude; on this beneficent Being, who has given us every thing we already possess, and from whom we expect every


The peasantry may be classed with the sailors; they have not yet lost their faith in witchcraft and supernatural agency; yet such is the advance of knowledge in the manufacturing districts, where science is blended with every operation and every art, that these traits of ignorance nothing we yet hope for. longer exist. The idea that fairies dance in the meadows on warm summer nights to sweet music, no doubt has arisen from the sound ascribed to the midnight dances MANY persons who saw Daniel in his of the ephemera; but to see these green old age have described him to us; and it little figures flitting to and fro, is a stretch is plain he would have been, even to one of imagination that can only result from of Homer's heroes, a formidable antagoa state of fear and trepidation. Great nist. Though of course much fallen then, stress is laid by the country people upon he was still a huge skeleton, far above sounds heard in the night time, such as the ordinary size of these degenerate days. the croaking of the raven, or the thrill-" His jaws," said a gentleman to us, ing note of the screech owl. These are “resembled a horse's, and the children always considered as bad omens, and a of Killarney used to break themselves in It was the certain presage of disaster and death. buying apples for him to eat. The power of the imagination to repro- greatest delight to them to see the huge duce sounds, when in a state between working of his jaws; and Daniel would sleeping and waking, is a fact that no one easily devour a basket full; so that he can doubt. Who has not found himself had always a crowd of urchins after him suddenly aroused by a sound, or startled through the streets. But this never gave out of sleep by a well-known voice, when him any annoyance; he was as simple as it is certain no sound has been uttered? any one of themselves. At a large patThese effects, like our dreams, are excited tern once, he was attacked by the faction by causes extremely slight. By the of the Agars, and got a great beating, lower order these sounds are considered but no man could knock him down; at as calls or warnings from invisible last he became completely roused; he ran to an old cabin, and laid about him with spirits. one of the rafters, until he cleared the field. In short, he was a giant. You could


The Bank of England, though in reality a common joint-stock company, yet possesses they can save in some saving bank. revenue of the British empire. Every shilling 10. Administer the poor laws firmly and rigidly. of the receipts and expenditure of the excise, John Wesley thought he could increase his customs, post office, and naval and military utility by the practice of physic. He, accord-establishments of the country, passes through the Bank of England. The commission for the ingly, dispensed medicines gratuitously; and published a book of recipes, in which a daily management of the national debt amounts to application of lunar caustic is prescribed for the sum of 260,000l. per annum, and the entire films in the eyes; toasted cheese for a cut; profits of the Bank, derived from its exclusive quicksilver, ounce by ounce, to the amount of enjoyment of the business of the revenue, is several pounds, for a twisting in the intestines; believed to exceed the sum of a million per annum, whilst the loss of its notes by fire and a plaster of brimstone and eggshells, spread on other accidents by the public is known to cover brown paper, for consumption; and the cold the expenses of the whole establishment. bath for agues.

friendly societies, and to put whatever money management, at a commission, of the entire put a young child into his shoe; and his

voice was so deep and hollow that one would think it came out of the bowels of the earth.”

Some of the workmen employed in digging the foundation of a house in Sun-street, Chichester, discovered some ancient coin, of the reign of Conabout 12 guineas were also found, of the date of stantine, and what they considered more valuable, 1782. A few persons, taking advantage of the men's ignorance, obtained them, in some cases, at half price.

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