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suppose it possible, that all those who expose themselves to the slightest risk of infection, should for three or at most six months (during which even in untreated cases the contagious properties would probably die out) to unite in the use of this instrument; and if the most jealous watch were put upon all the cases which might remain, and these be carefully prevented from spreading the disease, and cured as speedily as possible; in short, were mankind earnestly and unitedly to enter into a war of extermination against syphilis, as has been done in the case of wild animals, or other noxious plagues, this terrible disease could be in a short time eradicated from the world, and become a thing of the past. The generations of man to the latest posterity would bless the age in which such a boon had been conferred on humanity!

But we are indeed far removed at present from the hope of such an achievement. The world treats with a sinful neglect all diseases, and most of all syphilis. There are few united efforts, few noble aspirations, to shake off any of the physical evils, which desolate our society; and until a common cause be made against them, as against others, there is no hope of their eradication. Can physicians prevent disease? Can they keep men in health, or ennoble each individual's physical, and through it, his moral nature? No: in this matter, as in others, every individual must be self-governed, must depend chiefly on himself for his direction in life, for his elevation, or for his ruin. We have our united political endeavours, our united educational, peace, and other movements, but where are our united efforts for physical regeneration ?-a matter perhaps more important than any other at present, as none has been so much neglected. There are few or no such efforts, because man as yet knows, and cares little for his body, because mind and spirit rule his thoughts, and form his religion; but when we shall have a far wider and truer religion, and an equal reverence for all parts of our nature, then will these questions of the eradication of syphilis and other diseases, claim our most devoted attention.




I Now proceed to speak of the sexual diseases of women, and of the peculiar morbid states to which the female constitution is liable. Until a few years ago, the subject of female disease was in many parts shrouded in the profoundest darkness. It is only since the invention of the speculum by Professor Recamier of Paris, who is, I believe, still alive, and the gradually spreading use of the digital and ocular means of examining the female sexual organs, that these affections have become tolerably understood, and another ample page in the history of human suffering been opened to us. Thousands and millions of women have spent years of misery, have languished and died, for the want of the aid, which knowledge of these affections could have afforded them.

What is the reason, that so very extensive and important a class of diseases remained so long hidden from mankind? The one great reason is the mysterious and unnatural manner in which the female sexual organs have been regarded. The knowledge of the male sexual diseases has been, and still is, most unhappily impeded by the same cause; but in the case of woman it has acted with tenfold force. If we attend to the history of the science of female disease, we will easily understand its very slow progress. The Greek and Latin physicians, who had not these morbid feelings of sexual delicacy, had considerable knowledge of female disease. They used an instrument, which some say was similar to the speculum, and have left us descriptions of ulceration of the womb, &c. But after them, medical science fell into the hands, first of the Arabs, and next of the Roman Catholic priesthood, who were for centuries the sole physicians. Both these elasses of men were restrained by their religious and moral opinions from investigating female disease; and thus the knowledge possessed by the Greeks fell completely into abeyance. "It does however seem most marvellous," says Dr. Bennett, in his admirable work on Inflammation of the Womb, "that the influence of these former social conditions should still be felt in the medical profession, should still exercise an evident control over medical science in England. And yet, unless we admit that such is the case, how can we account for the existing state of uterine pathology, or explain the opprobrium, thrown till

within the last few years, by the governing bodies of our leading medical corporations, on those who devote their attention to midwifery, and the diseases of females?" In the standard work on female disease, by Sir Charles Clarke, published in 1831, ulceration of the mouth of the womb, one of the commonest female diseases, is not even alluded to; which shows how very great was the ignorance of these diseases before the introduction of the speculum.

This invaluable instrument constitutes an era in medical science, and in the history of our race. It has been as great a boon to mankind as the stethoscope. It has cleared up innumerable obscurities, and been the means of giving health and happiness to thousands. Happy would it be for medicine and for mankind, if we could say that its benefits have been fully reaped; and that the false sexual delicacy, which has for ages shut the door of medical aid against suffering woman, is a thing of the past.

But such is very far from being the truth. Although the world in other matters has made such advances in enlightenment, still in the depths of the dark ages in all things pertaining to sexual feelings. The sexual organs, especially of woman, are still regarded with the old Hebrew feelings of mystery and shame, as if they differed from the rest of our humanity; and as if it were either our duty or our safety to permit their nature and their laws, their health and their disease, to remain hidden from us. I do not know any class of ideas, which produce more unhappiness or more disease at the present day, than these. Instead of the sexual organs and sexual appetites being studied and reasoned upon, in a natural and open manner, exactly as any other organs and functions of our frame, the subject is regarded as one which must be avoided and kept secret. The consequence is, that the grossest ignorance prevails upon it; that the physical and moral ideas entertained with regard to it are a tissue of errors; that sexual diseases and morbid sexual feelings are excessively prevalent; and that the knowledge and eradication of these diseases is very greatly impeded.

There is no physician, who is conversant with female diseases, who does not deplore the false delicacy so constantly found in woman when suffering from any sexual disease. Dr. Ashwell and Dr. Bennett frequently complain of this, saying that the repugnance of women to have recourse to the necessary examinations, or to communicate any information with regard to their symptoms spontaneously, is a constant cause of delayed and erroneous treatment. It may be said, that nothing more retards the knowledge, the prevention, and the cure, of female diseases, than this false delicacy. When a woman becomes affected with a genital complaint, especially if she be a virgin, or unmarried, she shrinks from informing a medical man; and thus the irrevocable infancy of the disease, when it is always so much more tractable, passes away. When she does at last call in assistance, instead of openly informing the physician of her symptoms, as she would do in any other affection, she tells nothing spontaneously, but leaves it to him to elicit the necessary information piecemeal; which

of course is very frequently the source of the most lamentable errors. Again, in vast multitudes of cases, where the disorder is considered not to be of a serious nature, medical aid is not sought at all, but the woman continues to bear her ills in silence, as long as they are at all endurable. In this way leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, &c. are often borne for years, and cause an immensity of suffering, often breaking down the health irretrievably. This false delicacy is not confined to the diseases of the sexual organs; piles, constipation, diarrhoea, &c., and morbid states of the urinary organs are also disclosed by the patient with great reluctance, and often neglected for years, from motives of false delicacy.

Disease, with our present scanty knowledge of therapeutics, is alas! difficult enough to treat, when every advantage is given to the medical man; but when no alacrity is shown in anticipating it, when the patient by reluctance and reticence rather perplexes than aids the diagnosis, and when the means of investigation and treatment are received with repugnance, rather than with the anxious co-operation we should expect from her, whose interests are chiefly at stake, the task becomes arduous and unsatisfactory indeed. There is no safety for woman, till these morbid feelings of sexual delicacy have been thoroughly eradicated, and till the sexual organs and their diseases are regarded in exactly the same rational light, as any other part of our frame; till a knowledge and reverence for these organs have been substituted for the present ignorance, mystery, and childish and degrading feelings of shame; till their states of health and disease be so generally understood throughout society, that on the one hand, disease will be prevented, and on the other, when it does it occur, that it will be met, as promptly, as openly, and as earnestly, as disease of any other bodily organ.

The main cause of all diseases is the general ignorance regarding them, which prevails throughout all but the medical part of society; and the first necessary step to their prevention, is to remove that ignorance and to bring the subject into the clear light of day. There is no part of our nature, which has been so peculiarly enveloped in mystery as the sexual part; there is none about which there is such general ignorance, and in consequence so much disease and misery; and there is none in which more requires to be done, to remove these obstacles to human welfare. The mystery attaching to the sexual organs, has, as it were, overshadowed the whole body. This lies at the root of the neglect of the study of anatomy, and consequently of the other physical sciences; which, without human anatomy and physiology, their keystone, will never be really interesting to man. There are few questions more nearly affecting our happiness, than to investigate the causes of the exceptional manner, in which the sexual organs are viewed, and the origin of the peculiar feelings of mystery and shame attaching to them, particularly in woman; for these are the chief causes of the pervading ignorance on the subject, and the vast accumulation of sexual disease and misery.

The Greeks and Romans knew little of these feelings, and it may be

said that they have been introduced and fostered amongst us, chiefly in connection with the spiritual views of the Christian and ancient Hebrew faith. There is nothing which more particularly characterised the ancient Hebrews, than this sexual mystery and shame, and also the excessive harshness with which a breach of their moral code was punished.

Of the intensity of these morbid feelings the following instances may be given as illustrations. It is recorded that Noah cursed Ham and Canaan for having seen him naked. A woman after her confinement was to be considered unclean for a week, if the child was a boy; if a girl, for two weeks; then she was to continue in the blood of her purifying thirty-three days for a boy, sixty-six for a girl, (as if there were some peculiar pollution in the female sex), being forbidden during that time to touch any hallowed thing, or come into the sanctuary; and then she should make a sacrifice, to be offered by the priests for her as an atonement, and then she should be cleansed. If any man's seed of copulation should go out of him, he should bathe and be unclean till evening. Every garment and skin, whereon this seed was, should be washed and be unclean till evening. Also the woman with whom a man had lain, should bathe, and be unclean till evening. A menstruating woman was put apart for seven days, during which she and everything she touched were considered unclean, and then she had to make a sacrifice of atonement.

As instances of the extreme harshness of their judgments in sexual matters, the following may be given. The sons of Jacob treacherously slew Shechem, and all the males in his city, which they sacked, because he had lain with their sister, Dinah. The Lord is said to have slain Onan, for spilling the seed, before going in to his brother's wife, not wishing to have a child by her. Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah, disguised herself as a harlot, and was lain with by Judah; who afterwards in his character of judge, ordered her to be burnt for thus playing the whore. According to the laws of Moses, the daughter of a priest was to be burnt alive, if guilty of prostitution. Both parties in adultery were to be put to death. If a man lay with a menstruating woman, and uncovered her nakedness, both were to be put to death. If a man took a wife and found that she was not a virgin, she was to be stoned to death for playing the whore. The unnatural practice of circumcision, wantonly inflicted on helpless infants, still exists among the Jews, as a symbol of their sexual code and the feelings which gave rise to it.

These awful cruelties, the very thought of which fills us with horror, are, as far as I am aware, the most remarkable proofs of sexual barbarism recorded in history. They illustrate the manners of a people, great indeed, but semi-savage, which, so far from being to us a model for imitation, should be a solemn warning for avoidance. And yet they are the real source of our present views on sexual subjects; and thus have caused an incalculable deal of misery to our race, and especially to the female sex. Probably of all the dangerous modes of feeling and action, which have been perpetuated by the Bible, uone

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