Зображення сторінки
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[From the Carmarthen Journal of April 15] Holdford, of Kilgwyn, had upon part of his estate asiderable distance from the mansion, a pyramidal prodigious magnitude, which he was desirous of ng near the house, but was deterred from the atrom its apparent impracticability. In his absence, lford, jun. with the view of giving his father an le surprise upon his return, collected a number of ghbouring tenantry, to essay its removal. The lateral pressure of earth having been removed, a *five-and-twenty horses were put to, and succeeded, me difficulty, in dislodging this ponderous mass s site, and exposed to view a tablet, with the followcription:

A PAWLA BRECElhoAd un yvan
hon hyd FLWdd Ana dxxviii


OACOf PREC thy Grif† 1604. when translated, we take to be "St. Paul preached is spot about the year of our Lord 48; and Elim en Goch suffered martyrdom, and was buried in se place, for preaching Christ, 1604." This is an of considerable importance in a historical point 7, determining, as far as such evidence can, the esis of our Learned Diocesan,-that St. Paul ed the Gospel in Britain. When this inscription ide does not appear; but, even admitting it was as the early part of the 17th century, it shows the ce of a tradition to that effect, or of some historical of which this tablet is probably a transcript. From tinctness of the date, we are inclined to think the and that our ancestors were desirous of transmitting teresting fact to posterity is apparent from the im labour which must have attended the sepulture of .blet.

congratulate the Principality upon the discovery of ncient relic; and we congratulate the Bishop of St. 's, upon the discovery of this strong corroborating ace, that Great Britain (aye, that Carmarthenshire) hin the limits of St. Clement's" Ess To Tigua τn;

the workmen, was broken, the other, in which were human bones, was preserved. Under these was also found a tablet, with an inscription, partly Welsh and partly corrupt Latin, of which the following is a transcript:

CoRpvs Lvpvs

Lloscodd AD. 427.

This bears the date of the 5th century, and is inscribed to the memory of Lupus, Bishop of Trecastle, whose remains it is supposed they contain. Both these discoveries were made in the parish of Mothvey, and if an examination were set on foot generally in the Principality, we are sanguine that many valuable antiques may be rescued from oblivion, and that the cause of history would be materially benefited by the recovery. We should have observed, that in digging up the tablet which records St. Paul's preaching in this island, human bones and ashes were found. The pyramidal stone (one of the meini hirion alluded to in Archdeacon Beynon's address at the opening of the Cymreigyddion Meeting in our Hall) was formerly surrounded with a hedge. Since its deportation to the lawn at Kilgwyn, part of it has been polished, and it proves to be a block of red marble, beautifully variegated with blue veins. The farm on which the stone stood, was formerly called Gelly-maen, obviously deriving its name from the stone. The other inscription, it will be seen, records the martyrdom of Elim ap Owen Goch, for preaching Christ.

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The Beauties of Chess.

"Ludimus effigiem belli"............VIDA.

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ihermo- Thermo- Extreme State of meter 8 meter during the morning Night. Wind.

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54 20 57 0 44 0 S.S.W. Rain. 55 O 60 0 47 0 S.S.W. Rain. 55 20 48 59 20 0 W.S.W. Fair. 48 O 59 O 41 0 S.W. Fair. Heavy 45 20

0 59 20 47 0

0 66 0 49 0

N.W. Fair. gale in S.W. Cloudy. night S.W.

Fair. fm N.W.


-a point for which his Lordship has contended June and earnestly, and, as we think, successfully. The -ery of this very interesting tablet, determined Mr. rd to examine a cairn, or tumulus, also upon his ty, the result of which was the discovery of two envases, one of which, through the carelessness of


Deus Cælestium Moderator, after which his Majesty was conducted to the seat prepared for him in the middle of the sanctuary under the high canopy (after the Princes, CEREMONY OF THE CORONATION OF CHARLES X, bishop of Rheims presented holy water to his Majesty, the great Officers, &c. had taken their places,) the Archwho rose to receive it.


After the public papers have given, as news, all the particulars of this event, it may not be amiss, in a work like ours, to give place to the following description of the splendid spectacle as matter of historical record. In our volume it may be subject of reference many years after thefolios of four pages" have been thrown carelessly aside. The French journal, L'Etoile, is the publication which we have copied.

The Bishop of Soissons took from the altar the hols and presented it to the Archbishop, who took some a his thumb, to anoint his Majesty on the usual places. Cross, and saying, Ungoli in regem de Ölio santificato, de 1. On the crown of the head, making the sign of th

2. On the breast.

3. Between the shoulders.

His Grace afterwards gave holy water to the whole assembly, and then withdrew behind the High Altar to 4 and 5. On the right and left shoulder. put on his pontifical robes; he then brought the holy 6 and 7. On the back of the right and left arms, tak vial (Sainte Ampoule.) During this time the choir each time the sign of the Cross, and repeating Uggot, chaunted Sexte. menced the Veni, Creator. His Majesty remained kneel-fleus de lys, of gold, and over this the royal mandle, The High Chamberlain put on his Majesty the His Grace having saluted the altar, the King com- and the dalmatica of crimson satin, embroidered w ing during the first verse. with ermine. The King, being in his royal robes, kres purple velvet, with gold fleurs de lys, lined and trimmed down. The Archbishop, seated, took the bely edit the Bishop, acting as Deacon.

Rheims, May 30. the doors of the Cathedral were besieged by the crowd. Before five o'clock in the morning, (Sunday, the 29th,) At six they were opened, and at half-past six all the gal.ed the following oaths:leries in the body of the Church, the Choir, the Sanctuary, &c. were filled. The galleries reserved for the Dauphiness, the Duchess of Berri, and the Princesses of the Blood, were on the right of his Majesty's pew, opposite the gallery of the Diplomatic Body. The Peers of France and Great Officers of the Crown were placed on the steps of the Choir. On the right, the Deputies and Mayors of the good cities, the Prefects, and many other public func.. tionaries, called to the Coronation by sealed letters.

The Royal Courts, the Tribunals, a great number of General Officers, occupied the steps in the body of the Church, to the right and left. The galleries, erected on both sides between the pillars, were filled with ladies, most of them presented.

The Dauphiness had a robe embroidered with silver on a gold ground, and a diadem sparkling with diamonds. The Duchess of Berri wore a crimson-coloured robe bordered with silver lama; she wore in her hair a wreath of roses inixed with diamonds. The Princesses of the Blood wore white robes worked with silver.

At half-past seven the Clergy repaired to the Cathedral. The Archbishop of Rheims advanced towards the altar, preceded by the Bishops of Soissons and Rheims, acting as Deacon and Sub-Deacon, and by the Archbishops of Besançon and Bourges, and the Bishop of Autun and Evreux, appointed to chaunt the litanies.

Cardinals Clermont Tonnerre and La Fare, assisting his Majesty, went to fetch the King from his apartment, preceded by the Chapter.

After the Veni, Creator, the Archbishop advanced to
the King, accompanied by his two assisting Cardinals,
bearing, one the book of the Evangelists, the other the relic
of the true cross; he took the book, on which he placed
the relic, and held it open before his Majesty, to whom
he presented the forms of the oaths placed thus on the book
hand placed on the book, and on the true cross, pronounc-
of the Gospel. The King, seated and covered, with his
Oath of the Coronation" In the presence of God, I
promise to my faithful people to maintain, and to honour
our holy religion, as becomes the Most Christian King,
and the eldest son of the Church; to do good justice to all
my subjects, and to govern conformably to the laws of the
kingdom, and the Constitutional Charter, which I swear
to observe faithfully,-So help me God, and his Holy Gos-
Oath of the King, as Chief and Sovereign, Grand Mas-
ter of the Order of the Holy Ghost." We swear to God,
the Creator, to live and die in his holy faith, and the Ca-
tholic Apostolic Roman religion, to maintain the Order of
the Holy Ghost, without suffering it to lose its glorious pre-
rogatives, to observe the statutes of the said Order, and to
cause them to be observed by all those who are or shall be
(members of it.) reserving to ourself, however, to regu.
late the conditions of admission according to the good of
our Service."

Oath of the King as Grand Master of the Royal and
Military Order of St. Louis, and of the Royal Order of
the Legion of Honour" We solemnly swear to God to
maintain for ever, without suffering them to lose their
glorious prerogatives, the Royal and Military Order of St.
Louis and the Royal Order of the Legion of Honour, to
wear the Cross of the said Orders, to cause their statutes
to be observed; this we swear and promise on the Holy
Cross and the Holy Gospels.'

After the prayers, the first Valet de Chambre presented to the Deacon a pair of gloves, in a play of ver sprinkled the gloves with holy water, and put them on the which the Deacon held while the Archbishop bes gloves, saying, Omnipotens Creator, and the Arbut King. The same ceremony took place with the ring which his Grace put on his Majesty's finger, saying. As A lum. The delivery of the Sceptre and the Rod of Jar was performed in the same manner.

The Archbishop, with both hands, took from the crown of Charlemagne, and placed it abo King's head without its touching his Majest Princes put their hands to it to support it. T bishop holding it with his left hand said, making the l diction with the right, Coronet te, Deus, corené girie ap justitia. After which, alone, he placed the crown in King's head. The Dauphin and the Princes, time, put their hands on it as if to support it, and Accipe Coronan Regni in nomine Patris, &c.

The ceremony of the Coronation being finished Archbishop raised the King by the right arm, Majesty was conducted to his throne. His Mas

attended in the same manner as on his entering the tha

the Duke of Conegliano bearing the sword of Charing naked in his hand.

Every body standing, the Archbishop holding by the right arm, and turned towards the altar, a prayer, Sta et retine a modo statum. Then the fa ing seated, the Archbishop holding his Majes hand said, In hoc regni solis confirmet te, &c. T ers being ended, the Archbishop put off his in a profound obeisance to the King, kissed him After the oaths, the King, being led to the altar by head, and said, Vivat Rex in æternum! The the two Cardinals, put off his upper robe, which was taken and the Princes took off their crowns, which the The Chapter having arrived at the door of his Majesty's by the First Gentleman of the Chamber and delivered to on their seats; they advanced, and each of them chamber with the Dauphin, the Dukes of Orleans and the First Valet de Chambre. The King gave his cap to an embrace from the King, saying, Vivat Rest Bourbon, the Great Officers of the Crown, the Officers of the first Gentleman, Master of the Wardrobe, who deli- num. At this moment the trumpets sounded; 127 the Household having functions to perform in the cere-vered it to the Senior Valet de Chambre. entered the church: the heralds distributed mony of the Coronation, the principal Chapter of the The King, who had on only a salon camisolle embroi- a thousand birds were let loose; all the bells Cathedral knocked at the door. Prince Talleyrand, the dered with silver and open at the places where the unction and three volleys of musketry fired by the inf High Chamberlain, said, in a loud voice,-"What do was to be performed, remained standing during the pray- Royal Guard were answered by the artillery of you desire?" The Cardinal Clermont Tonnerre answered, ers. Charles X, whom God has given us for our King." of purple velvet, embroidered with fleur de lys in gold. The High Chamberlain put on his Majesty the boots parts of the city. After these ceremonies, the A chaunted Te Deum. Then High Mass was The doors were then opened by his Majesty's porters. The Dauphin put on his Majesty the golden spurs, crowns, and the Cardinals their tres. The The two Cardinals then approached the King (who rose which were on the altar. The Duke of Conegliano, acting took the King's crown and laid it on the desk at the during which the Dauphin and the Princes took f from his seat) and saluted his Majesty. The Dauphin, the Dukes of Orleans and Bourbon, then King, who rose, and approached the altar, when the Arch- the King's head, and resumed his own, as did the as Constable, laid aside his sword, and advanced to the jesty's pew. After the Gospel, he replaced the proceeded to the Church, conducted by the Master of the bishop blessed the sword of Charlemagne, saying the During the offertory, the King at Arms and th Ceremonies, and preceded and followed by their Chief prayer, Exaudi quæsumus, Domine, preces nostras, &c. carried the offering to four Knights of the H Officers, who took their places in the Sanctuary, except The Archbishop then girded the sword about the King, These offerings are of a vase of silver gilt cer the Lieutenant of the King's Gardes du Corps on duty and immediately took it off, and drawing it from the scab-wine, a silver loaf, a gold loaf, and a large dis about the Dauphin, who remained with his Royal High-bard, presented it to him, saying, Accipe gladium tuum. The first of the two Cardinals presented the holy water on the altar. After several other prayers, the Archbishop Prince de Croi, went to take the kiss of pea After which, the King kissed the sword, and replaced it gilt, containing the medals struck on the Corota After the elevation of the Host, the High to the King, and repeated the prayer, Omnipotens sempi- prepared for the sacred unction. terne Deus, qui famulum tuum, &c. after which the two the King. The Dauphin and Princes of the B Archbishop; then going up to the throne, he Cardinals conducted the King to the church. to receive it of his Majesty, when the Dauph knee. The Dauphin having received the king's (accolade) bent his knee to his august father, him, and held him long pressed in his arms. The ing scene made a profound impression on the s and tears produced by the sweetest emotions were with unanimous cries of Vive le Roi! Five The enthusiasm of the spectators was without be His Majesty afterwards took the sacrament in bot after which the Dauphin approached the King, vered his crown to him again. His Majesty few moments on his knees in prayer. After Archbishop, took from him the crown of Chaien and gave him a lighter one. He afterwards retr ment in the great hall of the Archiepiscopal Palant. his apartments, and he repaired to the Royal


Here follow the details of the procession to the church, during which the Anthem, Ecce mitto Angelum meum,

&c. was chaunted.]

The King wore a silver robe; his slippers were trimmed with silver, and he had a cap (toque) of black velvet, with two white aigrettes, separated in the middle by a diamond


When the King arrived at the door of the church, Cardinal La Fare repeated the prayer, Deus, qui scis genus humanum, after which the psalm, Domine, in virtute tuo lætabitur Rex, was chaunted. During the psalm the Clergy took their places, and the King was conducted by the two Cardinals to the foot of the altar, where his Ma. jesty knelt down.

The Archbishop of Rheinis, as soon as the King entered the choir, said over his Majesty the prayer, Omnipotens

The King, conducted by the two Cardinals, sat down. The Archbishop opened the reliquary containing the holy vial, and with the point of a golden needle took out a portion, which he mixed with consecrated oil. The choir chaunted the anthem, Gentem Francorum inclytam, &c.

The two Cardinals opened the places in the King's garment for the unction, and led his Majesty to the altar, where he knelt down on cushions placed for the purpose. Then the four prelates appointed to chaunt the litanies advanced to the foot of the altar. After the litany prayers, the Archbishop took his place on the seat, with his back to the altar. The King was conducted by the two Cardinals to the Archbishop, and knelt down. The Archbishop seated, with his mitre on his head, said the prayer Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, Gubernator Cæli.

These words appear to be omitted by mistake in the French.

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Scientific Records.


To Samuel Ryder, of No. 40, Gower-place, Eustonsquare, coach-maker, for an improvement in carriages, by affixing the pole to the carriage by a new invented apparatus. 28th April.-2 months.


would have a speedy termination. Philac, the professed
champion of Dr. Bell's system, complains in his farewell
address that he has been "parodied, and tortured most
unmercifully." Had he stated at the beginning of the
I could excuse the "drivelling sauce," and raving of
controversy that he was an old man, his age would serve
him as a protection.
the old gentleman, and the silly nonsense of his coadjutor

This gentleman does not believe that the cestershire, for his improvements in machinery for reduc- S. who, by the bye (to the Doctor's great disadvantage) is

To Daniel Dunn, of King's-row. Pentonville, Middle-
righton, the usual summer alarm about mad dogs sex, manufacturer of essence of coffee and spices, for his
drophobia has been sounded, and war has ac-apparatus for separating the infusion of tea or coffee from
To William Davis, engineer, of Leeds, and of Glou-
ly been declared against the canine species. Several its grounds or dregs.-30th April.-6 months.
have been bitten, and among them a Mr. White,
called hydrophobia can be communicated in the
nerally supposed, and has resolutely refused to
y of the precautions recommended in such cases.
ind, which was in the arm, has been suffered to
The dog was secured, and subsequently died in his
Mr. White has published the following:
Saturday, (the day after the animal died) I enter-
lace of confinement. I there found three basins
, (one of which, each day, had been placed there,)
ed. The contents of three dishes of food, too,
much decreased, though she had evidently eaten
It was manifest that she had not drank water
rly three days, indeed, she had, from the first,
d'a disinclination to it-but not amounting to
She would move back from that fluid if gently
towards her; this was tried in basins of different

ing wool into slivers or threads, of any desired length, un-
points projecting from the surface of the slivers or threads.
like worsted, namely, presenting more numerous hair
-7th May.-6 months.


verpool Courier; I say, Sir, I could excuse all their folly and bickering at myself, if they would exhibit a single the person who first opened this systematic ball in the Lispark of justice towards Mr. Lancaster.

To Thomas Hill the younger, of Ashton-under-Line, I admire fair play and liberality, but I have no patience Lancashire, land-surveyor and engineer, for improvements in the constructions of railways, and tram roads, and in ists, and who will not be convinced by truth, however May. 6 months. carriages to be used thereon and on other roads.-10th with a set of creatures who are determined to be exclusionTo Edward Elliss, of Crexton, near Rochester, lime-clear, unless the great Bell of Durham is the medium of information. merchant, for his improved brick, or substitute for brick, manufactured from a material hitherto unused for, or in, To Samuel Pratt, of New Bond-street, Middlesex, the making of bricks.-14th May.-6 months. camp equipage manufacturer, for a manner of comto the manufacture of bedsteads, cornices, and other works bining wood and metal, so as to form rails or rods adapted

Such is the limited, or rather perverted state of their understanding, that the dreams of Dr. Bell are preferred to the rational improvements of Mr. Lancaster.

In a recent manual published by the Doctor, he asserts,

-brown and white. It was not so with food, for where strength and lightness are desirable, which he deno. that there cannot be dunces on his system; but I main

ild eat of that before me.

On Saturday afternoon avoured by a call from Dr. King, Dr. Martin, and atton, to notice any appearances that might present elves on examining the body of the dog. Such apices are included in the following account:-The as of a good size; and, apparently, healthy. The rather large; and, like the neighbouring vessels, with blood. The stomach was nearly empty; and he strongest marks of inflammatory action on its coat and general substance. The intestines, through ir convolutions, were much thickened and marked same unequivocal appearances of excitement from There were about twenty live worms in the (the longest of the small intestines.) The lungs, ng inflated, were (with the exception of marks of mation) without disease; but the stomach being tted to distension, the air was found not to pass, he thickened state of its pyloric (lower) orifice, into testines. It is worthy of remark, that this fact observations made on a case of recent dissection of


of Confucius, has ushered into the world such consumtain, that no plan of education, practised since the days mate blockheads as my opponents on this occasion.

Mr. Editor, allow me to request that you will sum up the evidence, and favour the public with your verdict on the present discussion.

To John C. C. Raddatz, of Salisbury-square, Fleetminates union or compound rods.-14th May.-6 months. street, in consequence of a communication made to him by Ernst Alban, of Rostock, M. D., for improvements To Jean Francois Gravier, of Cannon-street, London, in steam-engines.-14th May.-6 months. My opponents have not a prop in Europe to keep up for a method, communicated from abroad, of regulating the emission or flow of gas from portable reservoirs, and increasing the security of such reservoirs.-14th May.-6 their system; I have not left them a leg to stand on; and, To Thomas Dyke, of Broadway, near Ilminster, So-when forced out of Britain, they retreat to Madras, and, publican Yankee, thou shalt be treated to a hot-bed' in mersetshire, Dissenting minister, for an apparatus to pre- with the battery of Fort St. George at their back, they vent the overturning or falling of carriages.-14th May. turn round on your correspondent, and say," Thou reprison, for chasing the Madrasites!"


-2 months.

-6 months.

To Alexander Galloway, of West-street, London, engineer, for a machine for the forming and moulding of bricks and other bodies usually made from clay, plastic, or To William Grimble, of Cowcross-street, Middlesex, any of the usual materials.-14th May.-6 months. dying supposed to have been rabid) was thought, for improvements in apparatus for distilling spirituous To Edward Garsed, of Leeds, flax-spinner, for imMartin, as likely to occur, and mentioned as such, liquors -14th May.-6 months. it gentleman, before the experiment was made that med it. Traces of inflammation were discernible provements in machinery for hacking, combing, or dressthe windpipe and gullet. The tongue seemed rathering flax, hemp, and other fibrous materials.-14th May. at the root; and the sublingual glands were uny prominent. The latter remark may be quoted on pearance of the sub-maxillary and parotid glands. rain presented nothing extraordinary, further than ing collection of fluid in its ventricles, and scarcely nible blush of inflammation on its dura mater. The ys and bladder were healthy, as was the uterus. e was only a trifling increase of the natural quantity liva in the mouth. I shall close my remarks by ig my opinion (confirmed by that of several persons saw the dog) that her latter appearance most unequiily exemplified the state of stupor and listlessness that becasioned the remark- as a dead dog standing upt. Strong excitement, from some cause, was evidently loped by the dissection. That that excitement in d the disinclination to taste, or inability to swallow, T, with other strange symptons, I can readily imagine; that a bite from any dog, dying under similar ciristances, can infuse a specific poison into the human

Poor fellows, I could forgive their growling and snarling, if they would say with every honest and liberal man in England,-"We are convinced that Lancaster is an was acknowledged by the people of England (from the injured individual; from the year 1798 up to 1807, he coveries were eulogised in Parliament, a reverend gospel King to the peasant) as the inventor of the Lancasterian system of education. In 1807, when his important dis member, a pensioned schoolmaster (a rare sinecurist) comes forward to wrest from the celebrated Joseph Lancaster not only the merit of invention, but all claims to

To Henry Oswald Weatherley, of Queen Ann-street,
Mary-le-bone, Middlesex, for his apparatus or machinery
for splitting, cutting, or cleaving of wood, and forming
and securing the same in bundles.-14th May.-6 months.
To Goldsworthy Gurney, of Argyle-street, Hanover-useful improvement."
square, Middlesex, surgeon, for his apparatus for propel-
May.-6 months.
ling carriages on common roads, or on railways.-14th

To John Young, of Wolverhampton, cooper, for his
improvements in the construction of locks for doors and
other purposes.-15th May.-6 months.

I repeat, Mr. Editor, were they to act in this man ner, that I would not only forgive them, but I would consider them as friends, and liberal-minded persons. all I want; and justice, though slow and tardy, I must


Justice is

Farewell, Mr. Editor; in a few days I must set out for

To James Fox, of Plymouth, rectifying distiller, for an improved safe to be used in the distillation of ardent the East Indies; when I get to their favourite and original To Charies Macintosh, of Crossbasket, in the county spot, I shall inquire for John Friskin,+ and the old disspirits.-14th May.-2 months. If their boasted system has not flourished there since of Lanark, Esq., for a new process for making steel.ciples of Dr. Bell, at Egmore. 14th May.-6 months. To John Badams, of Ashted, near Birmingham, chy- he (the Doctor) left, without the aid of teachers from their ores and purifying certain metals.-16th May.-6 em-let it be called by any name-I deny. I have, in mist, for a new method of extracting certain metals from England, then, Sir, my point will be gained, the Lancasmonths.

minds of my medical friends, staked my life on my nions; I have every confidence, short of bigotry, in ir correctness; and, with (what others have been ased to term) the most dreadful of human maladies sumed to be hanging over me, feel competent to dere that imagination will, at least, have no share in the ult. I shall die, and the worms may eat me,' but not Hydrophobia."


To Augustin Louis Hunout, of Brewer-street, Goldenquare, for certain improvements, communicated from broad, in artillery, musketry, and other fire-arms.Dated 23d April, 1825.-6 months to enrol specification.

To Thomas Alexander Roberts, of Monford-place, Kennington Green, Surry, for a method of preserving otatoes and other vegetables.-23d April.-6 months.

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N. B. If Philac, or any of the same family, should appear again, they shall find their match in my friend Lancasterian.

Several respectable gentlemen informed me. that they heard the Doctor, in some part of England, announce his dreams as improvements in education! They should not have meddled with learned men, such as Perry and Hamilton. ↑ A famous little boy at the school in Madras, who was the first person in the world that discovered the wonderful powers of the new system.




not a servile imitation; it wanted, however, spirit and
tenderness: a few of his bursts of passion were well given,
and the conclusion of that in which he seizes Iago by the
throat, was admirably spoken;-with this exception, there
was nothing but what an ordinary actor, with some expe-

reminds us of that of a passage in one of the petitions lately presented to Parliament on a popular question. As amends, for having spoken thus plainly to our correspo dent, we will subjoin the passage, with which we fancy ba will be highly charmed. It is as follows:-"The fearf Roman flood, whose torpid waters so very lately meras one vast deluge of priesteraft and despoliation, has ebõed; and now again the various streams of legitimate ascendan and of tolerated sectarism in all their meanders rela wards to one great ocean with less agitated tides."

to our friend J. M. to whom we were indebted for the Itali MS. music in the last Kaleidoscope. The "Tr with the manuscript copy of which he has since shaited us is a most interesting composition, but it is somewhat lenger than is quite compatible with our musical department. It must not be lost, however, and, by the leave of our corres pondent, we will keep it in reserve for a leche, the next volume of our work, which will commence the f Tuesday in the next month.

me, that in the nicer qualifications which go to make a
first-rate actor, Mr. Vandenhoff is sadly deficient; he has
little or no by-play; he does not identify himself with his
character; he is too evidently acting, and constrained; it
is only when he speaks that the illusion is at all preserved MS. MUSIC.-—We have again to make our acknowlederen
when silent, he relapses into himself, and is altogether
Mr. Vandenhoff. If his voice be good, it is very badly
managed; for at the conclusion of almost every sentence
it becomes harsh and gutteral, and often unaudible. His
action is uniformly ungraceful, and his attitudes un.
picturesque. In short, considering the experience he has
had, it seems little likely that he will ever rise to the first
rank in his profession, though it might be difficult to find
any one better qualified to take the lead in a provincial
company. By the bye, his mode of painting the visage of
Othello was calculated most effectually to obscure all deli-
cacy of facial expression. He forgets, surely, that he had
to represent a Moor, and not a Negro.

Mr. Bass played Cassio respectably, but not with suffi-
cient care.
His voice, too, wants culture: it is husky
and feeble; but management might do much to veil its
defects, and judicious practice to improve it. When he
next personates the character, he need not take quite so
much wine, nor make his legs so very drunk; in other
respects, the scene in which this occurs was not played

S18,-Amusing myself this evening with your enter-rience of stage business, could have effected. It seems to taining miscellany, the Kaleidoscope, I stumbled after a time on the paragraph headed "the Drama," but had scarcely finished the first sentence, when, with instinctive horror, I cast my eye to the conclusion. I knew it could be the production of no other than the Council of Ten; and, en passant, as these persons have assumed the title of that infamous junta, the Venetian Decades, I wish they would imitate them in more ways than in cruelty to the public, by endeavouring to annihilate each other, at least as far as literary vitality is concerned. I beseech you to read the first sentence, or, indeed, the first paragraph, which, I am almost sure you could not have done before publication, and say whether you are justified in allowing a place to such stuff in your paper, to the exclusion, most probably, of some of the interesting matter which its columns generally afford; and be it borne in mind at the same time, that this precious morceau is a fair specimen of the worse than schoolboy rodomontade which you permitted to be weekly doled out to us last season from the same kailyard of stupidity, with this exception, that the name of Mr. Vandenhoff does not appear. This gentleman they are perpetually, without intending it, endeavouring to injure, by upholding him as a topping performer of every character he represents, without any qualification. But there is such a consistent dulness about these essays, that I can scarcely believe them to be the production of ten persons; indeed, I am certain there are not ten to be found in Liverpool, capable, individually, of giving to such muddy meandrings of intellect "a local habitation and a name." I rather take them to be the progeny of some young gentleman, who might safely exclaim with Richard, "I am myself alone;" whose ideas of the beau monde have been generated in a Liverpool counting-house; whose beau ideal of grace, in action, is the congé of a cotton broker; and whose imagination is daily enlivened by the gay and varied routine of posting, balancing, &c. To conclude, there is nothing more to be lamented by those who take an interest in theatrical matters, than the total absence of every thing like judicious criticism in the public prints, if we except the occasional maudlin attempts which it is the purpose of this letter to decry. And I trust, Mr. Editor, that your own good sense will point out to you the propriety (if you cannot supply us with better) of at least clapping your editorial extinguisher on the flickerings of this rush-light. Yours, &c. Monday, May 30, 1825.




SIR,-It is unnecessary to speak of Mr. Young's Iago, the principle attraction of the evening;-it was a most judicious and masterly performance; not so light as Mr. Kean's, nor so obviously villanous as the late Mr. Cook's, but beautifully discriminative in all its parts.

Mr. Vandenhoff played the Moor, and I will freely admit that it was to see this gentleman, of whom I had heard and read much, I was induced to visit the Theatre. Praise and censure, in connexion with Mr. V., have been very liberally, and, I think, very injudiciously employed, because each has been extreme. Having had only one opportunity of seeing this tragedian, it would be unfair, perhaps, to pronounce a decisive opinion of his general merits, I shall, therefore, confine myself principally to his personation of his last night's character. His representation of the credulous, but noble Moor, was evidently formed on that of Mr. Kean; in many of its parts it was well sustained, and the resemblance, though obvious, was

Mr. Hooper was Rodrigo, and played the character exceedingly well-a little too vivaciously, perhaps, but otherways without fault.

Mrs. M'Gibbon personated Desdemona; a character evidently unsuited to her. She read the text well, but she wanted flexibility and tenderness, and her action was singularly inappropriate.-Of Mrs. Aldridge's Emilia, charity induces me to say nothing in detail. Perhaps the company does not possess a better representative, and yet it can scarcely furnish a worse. If this lady have talent for acting in any other line, it is, indisputably, doing her a great injury in assigning her such a character as Emilia."

The other performers, in the minor characters, acquitted
themselves very respectably, and bating a little mouthing,
the "Duke" has not, in the Metropolitan Theatres, half
so good a representative as Mr. M'Gibbon. In fine, the
whole company appears highly respectable, and deserves
more encouragement than the " beggarly account of
empty boxes" last evening seems to indicate is bestowed.

I cannot omit noticing the disgraceful noise permitted
in the upper slips, during the whole performance: decency
demands immediate removal of this nuisance. No wonder
Theatres and the Drama incur reproach and obloquy,
when such indecorum prevails, and is tolerated.
Thursday, June 8, 1825.


• If Dramaticus will wait to see more of this lady, he will find she possesses talent of a high order in various walks of the Drama.-Edit. Kal.

To Correspondents.

A TOUCH OF THE SUBLIME. Our correspondent Crito must
excuse our observing, that he is not at all qualified for the
office he has assumed. Whilst he seems to consider him-
self an example of perfection which essayists ought to study
as a model, his style is abominable and vulgar. He is always
on stilts; and is perpetually stumbling under the weight of
his own broken metaphors. Vicious, however, as his lan-
guage is, the sentiments and sense are still worse. The
only intelligible passage in the whole of the essay on com-
position, is stolen from Blair; but it is so mutilated, by its
assimulations with Crito's own froth, that the plagiarism
would elude detection, if it did not happen to be the only
passage that is not absolute nonsense. Crito's pomposity

DRAMATIC CRITICISM. We have inserted we dramati
letters in our present publication; and we take the
opportunity of observing, that it is easy to perceive fat
our opinions and impressions will often be at variance with
those of these new correspondents, who may, ever,
be uniformly judicious. However that may be, our gir
respecting the merits of some of the actors and
of the letters are diametrically opposed to these s
critic; and with respect to Mr. Vandenhoff, our
dent is opposed in opinion to the shrewd calculating
the northern metropolis. We hope in any future ema
cations with which he may favour us, he will never lost aga
of his professions of perfect impartiality, although t
almost a "forlorn hope" as respects a dramatic critic Me
have their predilections, although they are sometime in
unconscious themselves of any undue bias. The hat
associating at the domestic circle, or the social touri, vil
the individuals who are the subjects of their strict
not unfrequently affect the character of their co
We have been disappointed by the Council of Ten bit
whom we were led to expect a letter this week. Thes
cisms of one of the correspondents to whom we **
replying, we are of opinion, will surely make thee ;T
men "saddle white Surrey for the field" next week
they shall have perused one of the letters in a peta
column, we fancy they will exclaim in the word
pet bard,

"You must not think
That we are made of stuff so flat and dull,
That we can let our beards be shook with danger.
And call it pastime. You shall shortly hear mori"

MR. YOUNG'S SIR PERTINAX-A correspondent part
compliment to ask our opinion of Mr. Young's St Pet
the other night. We can speak of it only from Myrë
we were prevented by business from visiting the
that evening. We expected that the Couns int
some correspondent, would have noticed a per
which appears to have delighted the whole audience till
that we can gather from some judicious friends a
we are told, has greater applause been heard with
walls of our theatre; and we rejoice that the keen i
Sir Pertinax has at length found an adequate regnac. #
tive. It is a fortunate circumstance for the lennu
nuine comedy, who had well nigh come to the za
that Macklin's chef d'œuvre and George Cook (
boards at one and the same time.

PERFORMANCES AT THE THEATRE.—An advertiseme appears in our local department, will, we believe, brin useful to our readers. We allude to the list of the performances at our Theatre for the whole of the

week. From that list our readers, whether in the t the neighbourhood, who are desirous of seeing ticular play, may obtain the requisite information * time, and may make their arrangements according EMPLOYING SUSPENDED ANIMATION DURING SURGICAL TIONS.-Before we were favoured with the note of N had perused and selected for insertion, the details f cent and most important experiments of Dr. Hirin shall give them a place in our next.

WELSH ANTIQUITIES-The communication of RT. attended to.

W. D. G. is informed that there is a small packet left fr

at the office.

Printed, published, and sold, EVERY TUESDAY
E. SMITH & Co. 75, Lord-street, Liverpool.


Literary and Scientific Mirror.


familiar Miscellany, from which religiousand political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending Literature, Criticism Men and Manners, musement, Elegant Extracts, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biography, Meteorology, the Drama, Arts and Sciences, Wit and Satire, Fashions, Natural History, &c. &c. forming a handsome Annual lame, with an Index and Title-page.—Its circulationrenders it a most eligible medium for Advertisements.

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Natural History.




TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1825.

terrified by their aspect, and could hardly endure the|
rigour of their climate.

The change of temperature, in our country, has been
accounted for, by the clearing away of the forests which
formerly covered parts of its surface, now occupied by
cultivated fields; but it is not probable that this cause can

legère couche de vie, qui fleurit à la surface du globe, ne have produced effects so important. i que des ruines.-Paris: printed, 1824.

However this may be, the same reasons cannot be alleged for the change of climate which has taken place in Italy, Wlated expressly for the Kaleidoscope from a recent French work. which was then at least as well cultivated as it now is;




e second mode of imparting caloric, namely, the sucte removal of heated particles, is the most important, nly because it is incontestably proved, but also on nt of the influence which it has in producing winds. , if a mass of air, somewhat considerable, be simulusly heated, it will rise in the atmosphere, and from ish of the surrounding air into its place there will, sarily, result a wind of more or less violence.

nevertheless, Horace, in one of his odes, descriptive of the severity of the winter, speaking of Mount Soracte, says, that its summit is white with snow; he says also, that the forests are weary of the weight of the ice with which they are covered.

A similar picture would certainly not be presented by any description of the present appearance of Italy. I repeat, that it would be very interesting to examine, with as much accuracy as possible, what changes may have taken place in the climates of all the countries whose history is known to us, up to the time of the ancients: facts might, perhaps, thus be ascertained, which would give rise to opinions very different from those now prevalent.

the earth lose more caloric than it receives, or does The barometer proves, that the weight of a column of ave more than it loses? This question, which is of air, extending from the earth to the utmost height of the reatest interest, does not appear to me yet to have atmosphere, is equal to that of a similar column of water atisfactorily solved; the general opinion of geologists ten metres high; the total weight of the atmosphere is, at the globe is growing colder. Although the quan. therefore, equal to the weight of a mass of water sufficiently caloric which it loses is so small, and so gradually large to surround the terrestrial spheroid, to the height of d as to be almost incalculable, astronomy, never- ten metres. Consequently, if the air were to be condensed, *, furnishes the means of computing it. In fact, if and to fall in a liquid state to the earth, it would add to obe is growing colder, its revolution round the sun the waters now collected upon its surface only a five hunbe more rapid, and the length of the year, which de-dredth part of their mass. It is evident also, that its upon that revolution, must, necessarily, diminish. it is known what was the length of the year in the of Hipparchus, a celebrated astronomer, who, two The effects produced by the atmosphere upon the sea and years ago, drew up very exact astronomical tables. and land are very important. Besides the chymical action perceived by them, that, in his time, the day was which it exercises upon the mass of waters, by ceding to r than it now is 1-300th of a decimal second, 1-30000th them a portion of the superoxigenated air contained in it hundredth division of an hour; a quantity of time and upon the earth, by the decomposition of minerals, it t incalculable. The terrestrial spheroid is also de-operates mechanically, by carrying away light, dry bodies, I of caloric by its thermal waters, which constantly some part of it to its surface, and particularly by ric eruptions.

hatever may be the accuracy of this calculation, concurs with many others to establish the opinion Fur globe is growing colder, it seems to me that this ct gives rise to many other inquiries of a very interest. ature. It appears, in fact, to have been proved, that, any countries, the temperature was formerly much elevated than it now is. France and Germany are g the number of them; there is no doubt that, in : two countries, the climate is now much more temte than it was in the time of the Romans.

is fact is proved, not only by the descriptions remainto us of the former state of these countries, and by circumstance, that plants, the vine for instance, which d not formerly grow in their soil, are now abundantly iced there, but also by the difference perceived in the acter of their inhabitants. It is well known, that the ent Germans were much superior to the modern Geras in stature and strength. The Roman armies were

volume is equal only to a thousandth part of that of the spheroid.

and transporting them to a distance; it is the cause of the formation of Downs, and thus changes the whole surface of many countries; and by lifting up the sea in waves, it occasions the beating of its waters against their shores. It contains also the cause of the electric phenomena, which so frequently destroy the summits of high mountains.

The most astonishing productions of the atmosphere are the stones which frequently fall from it to the surface of the earth, and of whose origin and mode of formation no satisfactory explanation has yet been suggested.


The difficulty of explaining the fall of stones from the atmosphere, has induced the naturalists of the last century absolutely to deny the existence of a phenomenon never before doubted, and respecting which they ought merely to have suspended their judgment. But, far from using that wise precaution, they have, during a long time, rejected, with the utmost disdain, all arguments opposed to their positive decision.

Meanwhile, opportunities of observing the fall of atmospheric stones became more frequent, and the men who had seen them, and had narrowly escaped being crushed by their fall, could not consent to believe, merely on the word of the learned, and in spite of the evidence of their senses, that they had neither seen, heard, nor felt any thing. Besides, these facts were so often repeated during the last half of the eighteenth century, that it is difficult to understand why they did not excite more general attention. There were indubitable instances of the fall of stones in Bohemia, in 1753; near Paris, in 1768; at Sienna, în 1794; and in two different parts of Europe, in 1796; two years afterwards the same phenomenon was observed at Confaté, Benaes, &c.

The proof that might best have served to convince our naturalists of the reality of the phenomenon they were so unwilling to admit, was, that all these stones were different in nature from the soil where they were found. They also differed entirely from all stones before known to natural philosophers and chymists; finally, they strikingly resembled each other in many of their characteristics, although they had been gathered at different periods, and in distant places. It may be added, that those who had witnessed their fall, agreed in their description of the circumstances attending them. All of them had been seen to fall from the atmosphere during thunder storms, and, in most instances, during the explosion of the luminous meteors which often accompany storms. A great number of them had been picked up while they were still warm.

Finally, the evidence of facts has triumphed over prejudice, and the fall of stones from the atmosphere is now no longer doubted. The circumstance which has most contributed to subdue the obstinacy of the incredulous is, that these stones contain a metal, in its native state, never found in that state in any other body. The existence of this fact could be ascertained only by chymists, and it has been confirmed by the conviction of all those who have had opportunities of examining the composition of atmospheric


This phenomenon being once acknowledged to exist, you will readily believe, Madam, that the same learned men who at first would not admit it, because they did not understand it, have not failed to propose explanations of it, which seemed to them very clear.

One of them, denying the aërial origin of these stones,

History mentions showers of stones, which are said to have fallen, at a very early period of antiquity, and which excited the astonishment of all those who witnessed them.supposes that they have been laid bare, or brought to the Titus Livy, Pliny, and several other writers, relate in stances of these phenomena, which they had positively ascertained to have taken place.

The truth of these accounts was never doubted in the middle ages. Cardan particularly describes a similar phenomenon, which occurred in 1510. According to him, 1200 stones fell; among which, one weighed 120 pounds, and another 60.

surface of the earth by the action of thunderbolts. But whence could they have been withdrawn, if it be true that stones like them have never been found, either at the surface of the earth, or in its interior? Yet, if that were the case, they must have been deposited at the depth of only a few inches. By what singular concurrence of circumstances have they never appeared at the surface of the soil, except when placed there by the agency of thunder bolts?

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