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less speculations, disfigured and rendered unintelligible to then that Luther indignantly exclaimed at this and the
the professors themselves by a thousand uncouth and Aristotelian philosophy, from which it was derived,-
"What doth it contribute towards the knowledge of things,
barbarous terms, had succeeded to a precise and correct
to be perpetually trifling and cavilling, in language con-
ratiocination. Not only profane, but sacred erudition, the ceived and prescribed by Aristotle, concerning matter,
knowledge of languages, criticism, and every other ac form, motion, and time!"-Enfield's Brucker, vol. 2, p.
companiment of polite literature, was barfished as unwor- 387.) Others, distinguished for their talents and judg-
thy of the sanctuary, and it was the opinion, that with the ment, have been of the same opinion; and the name of
enerated obscurities of the mysteries of religion, should Bacon needs alone be mentioned, to show the Father of
Reform" was not so very wrong in his conclusions. But
je connected an obscurity or rather a barbarism of style if, in this particular, Luther cannot be altogether vindi-
ind an intricacy of undigested words. On the other hand, cated, his own acquirements prove there were many
many of the reformers were not only gifted with an acute branches of knowledge he diligently attended to.
genius, but also with valuable acquirements, and their possessed no small share of erudition, and was a powerful
tudies in the Hebrew and Greek languages, and their reasoner and orator. Bossuet acknowledges that he had
great learning for the period; too great for his own sal-
nowledge of the works of the Fathers, and of the monu-vation and the repose of the church." He afterwards
sents of profane and ecclesiastical history, were misused styles him invincible in treating the ancient dogmas of
r the purpose of giving credit to their wicked opinions. religion. He was completely master of his native lan-
then was acknowledged, that in order to oppose the re- guage, which he is said to have fixed; and his translation
of the scriptures remains at once a monument of his bib-
ent heresies, it was necessary to be furnished with arms lical knowledge, and the purity and eloquence of his style.
imilar to those the innovators were employing: theolo-
Mr. Butler has vindicated the Catholics, with much
jans began the study of foreign languages, of history, success, from the charge of prohibiting the translation,
nd antiquity, to distinguish the authentic from the ficti-and the entire perusal of the Bible, in the vulgar tongue.
ous writings of the Fathers, and thus to enable themselves Several editions, in most of the European languages, had
issued from the press long before, and very many after,
bear with firmness, and rebut with valour, the attacks the Protestant versions were printed. The Church of
heresy." (Tirabos. sec. 16. stud. sac.) Nothing can Rome, it is true, had no objections to translations, pro-
more explicit and correct than the sentiments of this vided those who undertook the task were firm in the pure
tinguished Italian, and not one of the branches of faith, and willing to be guided, and bend to the interpre-
rature, he notices above, was not renewed and mate- These versions, it may be supposed, were not always the
tation, as authorized by the infallibility of the church.
lly forwarded amongst the Catholics, by the emu-
most faithful and literal. Many striking instances of an
an and solicitude excited by the writings of the abandonment of truth, and a falsification, if so harsh a
irmers. The Centuria Magdeburgenses gave rise word must be used, of the Word of God," for the pur-
the immense and learned undertaking of Baronius, pose of propping up the "word of man," are to be met
with in these Catholic translations. I will transcribe a
attacks on the papal power to the celebrated trea- few, from a French version of the New Testament, printed
of the Cardinal Bellarmine, and the ridicule be- at Bourdeaux, in 1686, a year after the revocation of the
ed on the lives of the saints ultimately produced edict of Nantes; and, very probably, part of the 50,000
gigantic work of the Bollandists, which, though copies" noticed with satisfaction by Mr. Butler, "as dis-
ntains much that is absurd, is still less objectionable tributed among the converted Protestants, by the order of
Louis XIV., at the recommendation of Bossuet." It is
the former legends. The reformers are next accused surprising, at such a period, when learning was at its
e wish to abolish the various branches of polite learn-height in France, that so great a liberty should have been
and, in particular, of philosophy: the subsequent taken with the sacred text. A license of the Archbishop
ge of opinion in Melancthon, and his exertions in the of Bourdeaux, bearing date the 17th of July, 1686, declares
asion of knowledge, as well as those of other reformers, this Testament to have been revised and exactly corrected.
noticed with approbation. Mr. Butler is here per-year," is thus rendered:
-Luke ii. 41. Now his parents went to Jerusalem every
"And his parents went every
by correct. Many of the early reformers did hold the year in pilgrimage (en pélerinage) to Jerusalem."-Acts,
sion that profane learning was not requisite, and should xiii. 2. As they ministered to the Lord," &c. thus:
de encouraged in those who were engaged in the ser- "As they were offering up to the Lord the sacrifice of the
of religion. This opinion they were not the first to he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire:"But he
Mass" (le sacrifice de la Messe.)-1. Cor. iii. 15. But
tain: it has generally been received by all those sects himself shall be saved, yet so as by the fire of purgatory
ndividuals who profess a higher degree of spiritual (par le feu du purgatoire.”)—1 Cor. vii. 10. “**
ination and purity than their neighbours; it is the the married I command:""But as for those who are
dation of the religion of mysticism, and many of the united by the sacrament of marriage (par le sacrament de
ts and first Christians were decidedly of this senti- the Lord's table, and of the table of devils:"Ye cannot
marriage.")-1 Cor. x. 21. "Ye cannot be partakers of
The celebrated Pope Gregory the Great is said to be partakers of what is sacrificed upon (qui est sacrifié sur)
destroyed the statues, and burnt the classics of the the Lord's table," &c.-1 Cor. xi. 26. For as often as
st, for fear they should engage too much of the time ye eat this bread:" For as often as ye cat this living
bread (ce pain vivant.”)—1 Tim. iv. 1. In the latter
etention of Christians; and though this report is now
times some shall depart from the faith:"" In the latter
ally discredited by both parties, there is no doubt times some shall depart from the Roman faith (de la foy
he Pontiff was adverse to secular learning. The Romaine.")-Mem. de Lit. 4. art. 44. ap. Amer. C. Spec.
te, he declares, should not be profaned by the praises v. 5. p. 500.) Of course, such an attempt to corrupt the
piter, but should be devoted to those of Christ. original text, would be looked upon with indignation by
the Catholics of the present day; nor are these instances
Ashes to se ore cum Jovis laudibus Christi laudes non ca-
noticed here, except for the purpose of showing how ne-
) The opposition, however, of Luther was princi- cessary the translations of the reformers were, when such
directed against that system of philosophy called interpolations were publicly sanctioned by the Roman
stic, which had gained such despotic influence over Church. As to the opinions held by the Catholics re-
inds of men. There was perhaps nothing better specting the promiscuous reading of the scriptures, every
to retain the intellect in darkness, and serve the person must be aware, that many of the dignitaries and
learned men of the established church have entertained,
of superstition and mental slavery, than this philo- and do still entertain the same or similar views: there are
The most abstruse speculations were enveloped in certainly many powerful reasons against an indiscriminate
inth of sophistry, futile distinctions, and indefinite distribution, particularly of the Old Testament. That
it was of no consequence which side of a question sturdy and despotic "reformer," if he deserve the name,
mbraced, or however trifling it might be; its cham-Henry VIII. soon became convinced that such a perusal
was not the most salutary for the people at large, and ac-
were ever ready to prove "the worse the better cordingly issued a law, which, had it been made by a Ca-
n," and to attack or defend, as occasion required. tholic prince, would have been branded as the height of
meshes of this "cobweb of learning," as Lord Bacon persecution. The English Bible is absolutely forbidden
it were so close and intricate, that whoever entered to be read or expounded in the church. A nobleman or
sure to be entangled, and every effort to return or But quietly and without disturbance of good order. A
gentleman may read it in his house, orchard, or garden,
through was equally unavailing. It is no wonder merchant may also read it to himself privately. But the

And unto

common people, who had already abused this liberty to
the purpose of division and dissention, and, under the de-
nomination of women, artificers, apprentices, journeymen,
and serving men, are to be punished with one month's im-
prisonment as often as they are detected in reading the
Bible either privately or openly." (Warton H. E. P. vol.
4. p. 27.)
Yours, &c.

The Housewife.


Mr. Abernethy, in his third lecture, when speaking of the evils of indigestion, says, "The ordinary causes of these complicated evils are as plain as A B C. It is evident, that they are to be traced to the very irregular and intemperate habits which men practice. When patients apply to me, and I see that their complaints are chiefly of the nature I have been describing, I tell them that I am no physician; and I offend them stoutly when I tell them that they have their health in their own keeping. If a man were to do as Cornaro did, he would be rewarded for it by a long and happy life. Cornaro was given over by his physicians at the age of thirty-five; he saw that there was not the least chance of recovery, if he continued to swallow the trash they were in the habit of giving him, and that there was no good in putting food into his stomach, if his stomach could not digest it; what did it do there? why, it played the very devil with Cornaro's bowels. "So," said he," I dropped the plan pursued by my phy. pal duty of Cornaro's life was the happy state of mind sicians, and adopted a regimen of my own." The princtin which his continued temperance preserved him. He limited himself to twelve ounces of food for each day; this was of a nutritious kind, and no inducement could prevail on him to exceed it. He enjoyed the simplest food with the greatest relish, for Cornaro's appetite was rather keen; so that he used to say, when eating a dry crust of bread, "Oh! how delicious it is; it is so delicious, that I am almost tempted to exceed my allowance;" yet he never did. He writes, between eighty and ninety,

The society of my friends is delightful, and even the company of children is amusing to me; and when not otherwise engaged, I read godly books. But the infirmi ties of age increasing upon me, and becoming more feeble, my friends advised me to increase my diet, which I did to fourteen ounces. But, from the time I began to increase it, I was dissatisfied with myself, and felt that it was producing mischief in my stomach, and I had not continued it long before I was obliged to return to my former allowance." Cornaro, however, could not live for ever, and we find that, to the time of his death, he might be said to have enjoyed perfect health. He went down as the account is given by his niece, who was a nun at to the grave at the advanced age of one hundred and five; Padua.

"Now, what I propose as a diet is Cornaro's diet, and it is no fanciful system. The diet should always be of a moderate quantity, it should not be wholly vegetable or I have taken the liberty to recommend to the public is animal, but it should be of a nutritious kind. The diet Cornaro's, with a few conundrums of my own, as Dr. Franklin says. I do not pretend to have adhered to such a diet as Cornaro did. Oh, no! I acknowledge myself to have been a sinner; and I remember once having been living irregularly, and having been taking butter and sauces and sweetmeats, and indulging a pampered appetite, things that turned acid and rancid on my stomach; I was seized with pain in my bowels and head-ache, and had a sore throat; and I had a friend of mine, a physician, to look into my throat, and there was a long discussion as to what sort of cynanche it was to be; one said one thing, and the second another; but I smiled and said, If you do not know what it is, I know what will cure it; so I took a dose of calomel and jalap, and I lived upon toast and water for about ten days, and I got rid of my sore throat and fever together. It is of great importance that the functions of the alimentary canal should be regularly performed, and the quality of the secretions attended to as well as the quantity. Every old woman knows how necessary it is to attend to this if she wishes to keep herself in a comfortable state of health, and therefore she mixes up some gentle laxative compound, such as a little senna tea with some manna, or perhaps with a little tincture of rhubarb, and she takes sufficient of this to act at a given time, and if it should fail of its usual effect, why, she adds a little more to the dose, or takes a smaller quantity of it in four hours, and thus the end is answered perfectly well. cially those who have sedentary occupations, or who are All men should particularly attend to this subject, espeadvancing in years."-Lancet.



Dreams, dreams, all dreams! a bright fantastic cloud,
Gorgeous as is Italia's peerless sky,
Breathing of hope and immortality:
But how recedes the glorious pageant, proud!
At morn, fair as the brow of Hope; aye, fair

As Venus' train, the young and sportive Hours: At eve, loud threats the storm, the welkin lours, And raven night comes leagued with black despair, And this is love:-betraying love, that still

Caress'd and shrined within the heart's recess,
Worshipp'd with woman's fond devotedness,
With tears delights her gentle eye to fill;
"Strike out the dimple from the cheek of mirth,"
And scorn the sigh to which himself gave birth.



An honest Jack Tar, who was desperately in love with a rosy-faced, blue-eyed damsel (a servant in the house where he lodged) took the fancy, like his betters, to "pen a sonnet to his mistress's eyebrows." The following valentines were first written upon some leaves of his journal-book, now in our possession, and from which copies were forwarded to the fair maid, on superfine gilt-edged paper.

Whatever may be thought of Jack's muse, it is pretty clear that he was desperately in love, as the following lines testify.


The vessel cleft the rapid tide,
And dash'd the billows from her side,

That seemed to chide her way;

And her canvas reflected the pale moonlight,
That illumin'd the face of the waters by night,
With a cold and feeble ray.

She bounded o'er the threat'ning wave,
And seem'd its giant force to brave,

With haughty fearless mien ;

And soon from the eyes of her gallant crew,
Was hidden the hasty and shorten'd view
Of the shore, so lately seen.

But one there was that trod the deck,
And little did he seem to reck,

To leave his native shore;

Though in youthful prime, from his country torn,
To a far distant land from his kindred born,
Whose face he might see no more.

For she that once had lov'd him well,
Lay cold within a narrow cell,

Unconcious that her child

Now tempted the measureless worlds of the deep,
For lands where the burning billows sweep
The shores of a deadly wild.

It was not pride that steel'd his soul,
Fearless to bear the surges roll,

His heart was kind and free;
Yet he found that many were fickle and cold,
As the dark blue waters that 'neath him roll'd,
Before he crossed the sea.

His manly soul of malice void,
With pride and passion unalloy'd,

Though open as the day,

Look'd down on those envious petty minds,
And flinging their memory to the winds,
Pursued his lonely way.

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Oh ye Lords of the loom
Pray avert our sad doom,
We humbly beseech on our knees;

We do not complain

That you drink your CHAMPAIGN,
But leave us our PORT, if you please,
Sweet squires of the shuttle,
As ye guzzle and guttle,
Have some bowels for poor Liverpool!
Your great ship canal
Will produce a cabal,

Then stick to the jenny and mule.
Your sea scheme abandon
For rail-roads the land on;
And to save us from utter perdition,
Cut your throats if ye like,
But don't cut the dyke,
And this is our humble petition.



A! we shall B outdone if the C is let in at the D.
There's "a drap in their E," and it's fiddle de Dee:
Or they'd not, without Mersey, make F-fort to shut
Our port, by their new G-ographical cut.
Like the cross-bar in H, their canal they would stres
(Tho' I plainly can spy-that it is all my I)
To float ships enough to the Manchester sough.
This junction's promotion, ditch-water with ocean, well de
I've a notion;

'Tis like joining the lay of the thrush and the J.
Our railry will soon make the project Dee K,
When we've form'd the first L of our noble rail-way.
Some cry, with an M, "chaff, cocks never catches,
"Don't reckon your chickens before your N hatches
"O, Major, attend to your P's and your Q's;
"You R an A-double-S; your wine you abuse.
"Drink T, Sir; and U will soon find in V-racity
"None can W, X-Major, in mental capacity."
Take physic, I prithee, and get yourself bled,
And canals will no longer run in your Y Z
I'm yours, to command,
Most respectfully, &.

As for complements I could nier youse but you my ofers did refuse pray for my boldness me exquse thes harts of Love to you i send to Let you know my Love is trew and that to none but you

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SIR, I have just heard, but I do not pledge myself to the fact, that the Manchester humbug, as you have taken the liberty to designate it, has produced dreadful consternation amongst the members of our Corporation. Some go so far as to assert that we shall have no more Mayor's dinners, as it would ill become the chief magistrate to be wasting his turtle and champaign at a moment when Liverpool is threatened with utter ruin.. It is added, that the Manchester Canal shareholders are to have a grand dinner next week, in anticipation of the certain success of their scheme; and that it has been resolved that a deputation shall visit Manchester on the same day, in order, if permitted, to present a humble petition to the aforesaid shareholders, entreating them to pause in their ruinous career, and to avert the annihilation of the commerce of our good old town. The Corporation, it is added, being fully aware of the effects of a good dinner in producing good humour, have directed their deputation not to seek an audience until the cloth is drawn, and the bottle has circulated freely. The name of the spokesman of the deputation has been whispered to me; but I replied pSHAW! it cannot be. My informant, however, declares that the worthy Alderman has been lately observed rehearsing the address before a large mirror. However, as I said before, I do not attach much credit to the report. I am so much pressed for time, that I must conclude with calling your attention to the petition, of which I subjoin a copy. The au


(From an interesting volume of Sonnets, &c. just pudistel, A. D. L. Richardson.)

Thou darling Child! When I behold the smile
Over thy rosy features brightly play,
(Its light unrivalled by the morning ray)
Thy fair and open brow upraised the while
With an appealing glance so void of guile,
(Untaught the trusting bosom to betray)
Thy sinless graces win my soul away
From dreams and thoughts that darken and defa
Scion of beauty! If a stranger's eye
Thus dwell upon thee,-if his bosom's pain,
Charmed by thine holy smile, forget to smart,-
Oh! how unutterably sweet her joy-
Oh! how indissolubly firm the chain
Whose links of love entwine a mother's heart!

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Had I the powerful hand, the glowing fire,
Which waked the notes of PINDAR's tuneful lyre,
(Not the unblushing bard of modern days,
Who mingled nettles with his verdant bays;
Who, by an alias to a spurious name,
Obtained the plaudit of ephemeral fame;

Whose Muse, though skill'd to charm with soothing strain,

Breathed satire, calumny, and wit profane:

But him, the Theban bard of olden time,
Whose lofty song still lives and flows sublime;)
Then would I, fearless, strike the sounding string,

Till heath-clad hills, green woods, and valleys ring,

Till Dover cliff re-echo back the song,
And Kilda's lonely shores the notes prolong,
While every rank and age should lean to hear
My song of triumph hail the Jubilee year.

It may not be. In polish'd verse to shine,
With fervid thought, and smoothly-flowing line,
The muse denies; but still I must impart
The tide of gladness rushing round my heart;
And though the strain may falter on my tongue,
The GOLDEN AGs shall not remain unsung.

Erewhile, Britannia saw a cloud arise,
Which spreading wider, overcast the skies,
Portentous omen of the gathering flood,
Deep drenching Europe in a shower of blood;
Saw overturn'd the altar and the throne;
Heard Carnage yelling in exulting tone;
Beheld Bellona's dreadful flag unfurled,
Confusion striding o'er a wondering world.
Undaunted still, she fortune's minion saw

Ver prostrate nations fulminate his law;

And though she reign'd still Empress of the Seas,
Her flag triumphant floating in the breeze,

Yet sigh'd in secret, as her sons complain'd,

Their commerce fettered and their coffers drain'd..

it last, when Fate, relentless, struck the blow,

nd Britain stoop'd to crush her fallen foe,

er menials proud to vent their bitter rage,
nd tease the fangless lion in his cage;
When flourish'd fair the olive branch of peace,
Iritannia hoped her sorrows then would cease:
tut, ah! the arm of Vengeance was not staid,
testine sickness on her vitals preyed;

er bankrupt merchants made the ruin spread, er starving children cried aloud for bread; While o'er her fruitful plains the farmer sigh'd, Find eurs'd the plenty that his fields supplied; fill Discontent and Radicals arose, poreboding danger from domestic foes.

ut deepest gloom o'ershades the starless sky, and darkest lowers when morning light is nigh: bus Britain sees the boding tempest past, d, joyous, hails her GOLDEN AGE at last. Yes; Amalthea, from her bounteous horn, urs gifts, more precious far than oil and corn; gold exhaustless, from her liberal hand esee, profusely scattered o'er the land; lembryo hatch'd within the womb of Time, El Dorado bursts on Scotia's clime! lose patient fools, the Alchymists of old, l'd o'er the crucible, in search of gold; twe, a spell, a talisman have found, hich can create it from the clods around, JOINT STOCK COMPANIES there dwells a charm,

magic key, turn'd by a giant's arm;

e" Open Sesame!" at whose command
eiron gates of Plutus must expand.
fairy landscapes all around us rise,
d, whereso'er we turn our raptured eyes,
ong, an endless vista lies before,

hose teeming soil swells rich in golden ore:
wowe, beneath, around, and everywhere,
land, in water, in the fire, the air,
ch element in Nature's wide domain,
mbines to bring the GOLDEN AGE again.
it chief on thee, "my own romantic town,"
all Fortune pour her precious treasures down;

7 far most worthy of her special grace, ae first to start-still foremost in the chase. > tell thy schemes already hatch'd, were vain, rbrooding still in thy prolific brain; ' Well projected, and so wisely plann'd, Therever Fortune deigns to stretch her hand, owever tight the bandage on her eyes, dia cannot fail to catch a prize.

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He on an air-blown bubble seem'd reclined,
While South Sea spirits crowded close behind:
Malignant imps, an artful, restless crew,
Hov'ring in air, they round their master flew;
And though their looks were languid and forlorn,
Methought each lip betray'd the smile of scorn;
And I in whispers heard, "Dupes-dreaming fools-
Illusive shadows-Speculation's tools !"
When thus the shemer LAW, "The cycle's run,
The era I have long'd to see's begun;
Before them let still brighter visions pass,
And figures magnified in Folly's glass;
For though Edina's to my bosoin dear,
My native city, yet she would not hear:
But time will come"-a parting glance be cast;
And into viewless air the melting shadows pass'd.



(To the tune of Paddy Snap.)

Quick! we have but a second,
Fill round the cup while you may;
For Time, the churl, hath beckon'd,
And we must away, away!
Grasp the pleasure that's flying,
For, oh! not Orpheus' strain
Could keep sweet hours from dying,
Or charm them to life again-

Then, quick! we have but a second,
Fill round, fill round, while you may;
For Time, the churl, hath beckon'd,
And we must away, away!

See the glass, how it flushes,

Like some young Hebe's lip, And half meets thine, and blushes That thou shouldst delay to sip. Shame, oh shame unto thee,

If ever thou see'st that day,
When a cup or lip shall woo thee,
And turn untouch'd away!

Then, quick! we have but a second,
Fill round, fill round, while you may;
For Time, the churl, hath beckon'd,
And we must away, away!



A summary of the events of the past year, provided it be given with the brevity of an almanack, is always useful as a table of reference. It furnishes the materials from which history is to be composed-its use is to register events merely, to take "all that comes," to use the words of Lord Bacon's biographer, "to heap rather than to choose," and therein it differs from the true province of the historian, who has to select, collate, and digest. Our present business is to give the journal of the world as we find it, avoiding those minor and unimportant details which would incumber and confuse, rather than help the memory to any useful recollection or valid conclusion.

In the month of JANUARY, General Mina arrived at Plymouth from Spain, together with several other Spanish officers, who had succeeded in escaping from the pursuit of King Ferdinand of Spain, after an unsuccessful attempt to establish a popular constitution in that country, in defiance of the opposing intervention of the French arms. The first instalment of £200,000 was paid into the British treasury, on account of the Austrian loan. The planters in the West India Islands discontented, on account of certain suggested alterations in the condition of their slaves. The Castle of Corinth taken, and opening successes of the Greeks. Lord Byron arrived in Greece, and advanced 20,000 dollars to the Greek cause. New Tariff of the Republic of Colombia promulgated, for the regulation of foreign duties. John Thurtell hanged for the murder of Wm. Weare, and Hunt respited and transported. An increase on the preceding quarter's revenue of £262,849. Death of King Victor Emanuel of Sardinia. Declaration of the President of the United States of America. Signal defeats of the Royalists in Peru. Lord Cochrane created Marquis of Maranham; and Monte Video taken by the Brazilians.

FEBRUARY.-The British parliament opened for the Session, by commission, his Majesty not being able to attend in person, on account of illness. A statement of the year's revenue, stating a surplus of £6,000,000. War declared against Algiers, that government having refused

to give up their assumed right of detaining Christians in slavery. Disturbances continued in the West India Islands, partial revolts of the slaves, and Mr. Smith, the missionary, tried, convicted, and subsequently pardoned, for not disContinued closing certain proceedings of the natives. success of the Greeks and South Americans. The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced in the House of Com. mons the payment of two millions and a half sterling in reduction of the debt due from Austria, and appropriated £60,000 of the sum to the purchase, &c. of the Angerstein collection of pictures, £300,000 for repairing Windsor Castle, and £500,000 for building new churches. Reductions made by parliament in the rum, coals, and foreign wool duties. A commission appointed to inquire into the cause of delays in the Court of Chancery. Parliamentary regulations for ameliorating the condition of slaves in the West Indies, the slave trade made piracy, and a Church of England Episcopal Establishment ordered for the West India Islands. An association formed for draining the bogs in Ireland to the extent of three millions of acres. Death of Mr. Smith, the missionary.

MARCH AND APRIL. The alien bill continued for two years. Mr. Abercrombie's complaint against the Lord Chancellor. The state of Europe, foreign and domestic, not altered since the preceding month. The Greeks and South Americans proceeding successfully, the West Indies in statu quo, and the French arms used actively for the support of the order of things under Ferdinand, in Spain. Death of Lord Byron in Greece. Patrick Conolly, a surgeon, transported for life, for manslaughter. Foundation laid of New London Bridge.

MAY.-The King of Portugal fled for refuge on board a British ship of war in the Tagus, from an insurrection Grand rowing raised against him by his wife and son. match, in sixteen hours, from Oxford to London (by wa. ter, 118 miles.) Arrival of the King and Queen of the Sandwich Islands. Mr. Harris killed by a fall from a balloon. Dismissal of Mr. Battier from the Tenth Hussars for fighting a duel with the Colonel; the Marquis of Londonderry reprimanded. Defeat and death of the governor of Sierra Leone (Sir C M'Carthy) by the Ashantees. Committee of the House of Commons recommends the abolition of the combination laws. Petitions praying the recognition of the independence of Colombia. Reversal of the attainder of the Scottish Lords and the Earl of Stafford. M. Chateaubriand dismissed from the French Cabinet. Revolutionary movement in Portugal by the Infant Don Miguel.

JUNE.-Prorogation of parliament. Resolution of the Bank of England to lend money on government securities and bank stock. War between the East India Company and the Burmese. Foreign affairs elsewhere pretty much as usual. Conclusion of the war with Algiers. Defeat of the Ashantees. New successes in Greece and South America, under Odysseus and Bolivar.

JULY.-Death of the King and Queen of the Sandwich Islands, of inflammatory colds.

AUGUST.-Mr. Canning's private visit to Dublin.Cessation of the disturbances in the West Indies. More victories in Greece and Peru. Death of Louis XVIII. SEPTEMBER.-Abolition of the censorship on the press. Edict of the Emperor Charles X. proclaimed King. Alexander against the Jews. Death of Major Cartwright. Mr. Sadler killed from a fall out of a balloon. The East India Company's notice for April, 1825, for reducing the interest on their bonds from three and a half to three per The Irish Catholics subscribe what they denominate a rent, as a fund for the redress of grievances. Contests between the Spanish Constitutionalists and the Royalists and French, and defeat of the former near Gibraltar. Blockade and capture of Pernambuco, by Lord Cochrane.


OCTOBER. Return of the Griper, discovery ship. Increasing prosperity of the new Governments of Greece, Colombia, and Mexico; capture and execution of Iturbide, who arrived in the territory of the latter to counter-revolutionize the country.

NOVEMBER.-Foreign and domestic affairs, politically, in statu quo. Severe storms at sea, and on the coast in various parts of Europe; losses immense by shipwreck and other damage. The breakwater at Plymouth, and St. Petersburgh, severely damaged by the sea and inundations. Mr. Fauntleroy, a London banker, executed for forgery. Dreadful fire at Edinburgh.


DECEMBER.-Animated discussions amongst the Irish Catholics, increase of the amount of their rent. rest of Mr. O'Connell, for seditious expressions imputed to him in a speech delivered before the Catholic Association. Nothing new in our foreign relations. Meetings for the relief of the foreign refugees.

It will be seen with satisfaction, from the leading features of this chronology, that all these essential matters,

in which, as Englishman, we must feel interested, are in progressive advance throughout the world. Our commerce is not only flourishing at home, but the new principles of natural sense and justice on which alone it can have a sure basis, are beginning to be adopted by other nations. Our principles of national liberty are equally gaining ground in distant hemispheres. South America triumphs under their banners, and Greece is advancing them upon the ruins of the Ottoman tyranny in Europe. Our manufactures are equally flourishing, and whenever the wounds of Ireland can be healed, our domestic peace will be as universal as our foreign successes have been glorious.

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Property of Public Lectures.-A case of some interest. lately came before the Lord Chancellor. Adventures of a Pound of Cotton. The following s work on medical subjects, entitled the Lancet, had been the importance of the trade to the country in a very A periodical tory of a pound weight of manufactured cotton will accustomed to publish Sir Astley Cooper's lectures as they spicuous manner:-The wool came from the East In were delivered, and was proceeding in the same course with to London; from London it went to Lancashire, whe respect to the lectures of Mr. Abernethy, the highly- was manufactured into yarn; from Manchester it 1 talented Mr. Abernethy, as the, no doubt, equally highly- sent to Paisley, where it was woven; it was next talented Solicitor-General styled him. We believe that to Ayreshire, where it was tamboured; afterwards t Sir Astley Cooper was not content with the practice of the conveyed to Dumbarton, where it was hand-sewed, editor of the Lancet: however, as there might appear to again returned to Paisley, whence it was sent to a da be as much sweet as bitter in it, he swallowed both. Mr. part of the county of Renfrew to be bleached, and Abernethy will swallow neither. He therefore applied to turned to Paisley, whence it was sent to Glasgow, and the Court of Chancery, for an "injunction" to stay the finished; and from Glasgow was sent by coach to Le editors of the Lancet from publishing his lectures. The It is difficult to ascertain, precisely, the time taken to matter ended in a temporary compromise, by which the this article to market; but it may be pretty neardier number actually in the press might be allowed to appear, to reckon it three years, from the time it was pa and the future publication be suspended till the cause dia, until, in cloth, it arrived at the merchant's wed An Extraordinary Instance of Longevity is contained should be argued. It was easy, however, to see that the in London, whither it must have been evala kas in a letter dated the 29th of January, 1724, from M. Lord Chancellor's opinion was decidedly hostile to the 10,000 miles by sea, and 920 by land, and end Hamelbranix, the Dutch envoy at Vienna, to their high publication. The case, as acutely stated by his Lordship, reward no less than 150 people, whose seasons mightinesses the States-general, and published in a Dutch is totally different from these in which reports of courts of sary in the carriage and manufacture of the p dictionary, Het Algemeen historisch, geographisch en justice or police-offices are concerned. The proceedings of tity of cotton, and by which the value has beari genealogisch Woordenbock," by Luiscius. It relates to the latter are publici juris; the officers presiding are the two thousand per cent. an individual who had attained the extraordinary age of public servants, and they must act openly; and the public, one hundred and eighty-five years." Czartan Petrarch, without the payment of any admission fee, have a right to by religion a Greck, was born in the year 1539, and died know how they speak and act; or, otherwise British subon the 5th of January, 1724, at Kofrosch, a village four jects would fall into total ignorance of the practice of the miles from Temeswar, on the road leading to Karansebes. law. The case before the Court was thus stated by his He had lived, therefore, a hundred and eighty-five years. Lordship: It is, whether a party attending lectures in At the time when the Turks took Temeswar from the any branch of philosophy or learning, for his own informa Christians, he was employed in keeping his father's cattle. tion, is at liberty to publish the lectures for his own adA few days before his death he had walked with the help vantage." It is evident, if this be an accurate statement of a stick, to the post-house at Kofrosch, to ask charity of the case, that the mental improvement derived by hearfrom the travellers. His eyes were much inflamed, but ing, is all that is paid for: the professor has not conveyed he still enjoyed a little sight. His hair and beard were of away his right to the profit to be derived from publication. a greenish white colour, like mouldy bread; and he had a few of his teeth remaining. His son, who was ninety- Parasols. The Emperor of Austria has granted to three seven years of age, declared his father had once been the manufacturers at Vicina the exclusive privilege, for five head taller; that at a great age he married for the third years, of fabricating a new species of parasol of their intime; and that he was born in this last marriage. He vention. The form of these parasols is singular, but was accustomed, agreeably to the rules of his religion, to handsomer than that of the common parasols. When observe fast days with great strictness, and never to use open, they have the appearance of an arch; when closed, any other food than milk, and certain cakes, called by the that of a lyre. They may be taken to pieces, and packed Hungarians kollatschen, together with a good glass of up in a work-box. The same persons have obtained a brandy, such as is made in the country. He had de. similar privilege for the fabrication of all kinds of coverscendants in the fifth generation, with whom he some-ings for parasols, whether of cotton, silk, wool, leather, tines sported, carrying them in his arms. His son, though ninety-seven, was still fresh and vigorous. When field. marshal Count Wallis, the commandant of Teneswar, heard that this old man was taken sick, he caused a portrait of him to be painted, and when it was almost finished he expired.

Negociations for the Recovery of Stolen Property. It is generally known that negociations are not unfrequently entered into with thieves, in the metropolis, for the recovery of stolen property, and that large sums have been paid by way of compensation to the negociators. This practice, which was a capital felony in the time of George 1. has been reduced to a transportable offence, by an act of his present Majesty. Only one conviction ever took place under either statute: but a remarkable instance of an attempt at negociation was lately brought to light. Messrs Charlesworth and Co. silkien, London, were, in October last, robbed of a large quantity of goods. Mr. Lidbetter, a tavern-keeper, in Ludgate-hill, offered to negociate with certain characters whom he knew, and received £30 to pay the thieves. He, however, failed, and he was summoned before the Magistrates, and committed for trial for the attempt. He was tried at the Old Baikey, when the Jury retired for twenty-five minutes, and on their return the foreman rose, and said, "We find the prisoner guilty, but we beg leave most strongly to recommend him to mercy, on account of his previous good character." We recollect some time ago, when extensive robberies of bank-notes occurred, that a dashing individual was conspicuously engaged in the same practice; and it does not occur to us that any prosecution took place.


John Paul Jones.-A New York paper of late date "A letter addressed to this distinguished hero was acciden. tally discovered in a baker's shop in this city, a few days since, which induced the examination of several chests of old manuscripts, when upwards of 700 papers were found, such as drafts of his official communications, and letters to the most distinguished persons of the age, and their letters to him, from the year 1775 to 1783. Many are in the hand-writing of Franklin, Hancock, La Fayette, and John Adams, which proves, beyond doubt, their authenticity. We understand that the gentleman, whose perseverance recovered them from destined destruction, has handed them to the author of the Pilot, with a view to the Publication of a part, by Mr. Wiley."

or paper. Some of their parasols are splendidly orna-
mented with paintings and embroidery.—Lit. Gazette.

In New South Wales, from the mildness of the season
and the dryness of the soil, sheep require but little protec-
tion, and artificial treatment is unnecessary. With these
natural advantages, therefore, together with the protection
of British institutions, and the influence of capital, it is
not iadulging in too sanguine an anticipation to look for-
ward to the time when our manufacturers will derive their
chief supplies of fine wool from an English colony, at a
lower price than that at which they can now be imported
from countries where the severity of the winter renders
artificial treatment necessary, and increases the cost of

Pedestrianism.—Townsend, the walking phenomenon,
has just achieved a most marvellous performance. This
man, who undertook to walk from this town to Bridge-
water (twelve miles) three times each succeeding day,
seventy-two miles altogether, but who was impeded by the
late desperate and unprecedented state of the weather, and
was in consequence compelled to relinquish the under-
taking, has now actually succeeded in accomplishing his
most extraordinary attempt.
morning, the 6th instant, and persevered on every suc-
He commenced on Monday
ceeding day in walking the distance, in spite of the wind
and weather, which were much against him, and anally
performed all his journeys, amounting in the whole to 432
miles, in six days. His departure from Bridgewater, and
arrival at North Petherton, and return to this town on
Saturday night last, a little before 12 o'clock, was hailed
by and accompaniment of drums and other noisy instru-
ments, seconded by the vociferations of the populace.-
Taunton Courier.

New way of getting rid of superfluous wealth.-On the
29th October, Captain Parker was matched against James
Metcalf, the celebrated runner, to run at Doncaster one
mile, for 1000 sovereigns, the former receiving 40 yards.
Metcalf won with the greatest ease. The Captain, how-
ever, was not willing to be beaten, and, thinking if the
distance were shorter he would win, another match for
1000 sovereigns was made, to run a quarter of a mile, he
receiving 25 yards. The match took place accordingly.
Metcalf again got a-head, and kept his ground with ease,
eying the Captain behind him occasionally, until he won
the match by about 10 or 12 yards.

The Navy. The average mortality of the ty the Edinburgh Review, during the three years of the war, was 1 in 30.29. More than a half of the died of disease. We are informed, that in serende)trades of the metropolis, the members of which, sailors, are between the ages of 16 and 60, 60 mortality is greater than among scamen; sho with all the accidents to which they are liable, the t of life are in favour of the latter.

rage for mining companies has gained such an ach
Mines in South America.-In these times, whi
it may not be unacceptable to our readers to be v
that according to the computation of the Spanish s
Moncada, Navarette, and Ustariz, confirmed by Hire
the traveller, Spain received from her late possa
South America, during the 248 years that succes
conquest, up to 1740, 9000 millions of piastres,
about £1,537,500,000 sterling. The mines of
Peru, alone produced, during the 900 years of that
worked, £395,619,000 piastres, or about a
sterling-a prodigious extraction, when we cons
metallurgy in these countries has hitherto bera
not according to the principles and rules of ant
blind usage.
cording to the adoption and practice of an ac

Russian Chain-bridge. A chain-bridge, the si the kind in Russia, is about to be constructed canal of Moika. It will be executed after the dess Colonel Dufour, of Geneva, who has sent to 8: burgh a beautiful model of that which he erected a „a own country last year.

Important to Apothecaries.-An action was lat in the Court of Common Pleas to recover from tha fendant £11 11s. for medicines supplied by the p had practised as an apothecary previous to the an apothecary in London; but failing to prove 4* the Act in August 1815, or that he was regularly qu the plaintiff was nonsuited. He then wished to a the value of the phials, but the Lord Chief Justice 15, that as this Act did not allow him to practise as a “ cary, he could not recover for them.

Ornithology.-During the severe gales whi Stormy Peterel, nick-named by seamen Met Cay lately in the Downs, a small bird, called by Chickens, was picked up alive, on the shore tear W castle, by a servant belonging to Mr. Brooke house. Only three of these species are said by Be have been found in this country, and these They swarm in stormy weather in the Atlantic, and the ships with a doleful screach on the gathering of a 9

The following is a melancholy and singular instan the bad effects produced by chastising children to beaten by her mother, threatened to put a perd verely-A few days ago, a girl, who had been s existence, that her mother might never have an too fatally accomplished. In the absence of her nity of beating her in so cruel a manner; which the from his workshop, she went in, unobserved, and hard herself with a hank of yarn.-Life Herald.

Curious Circumstance.—A bill, which weighs more 18,000lb. has been discovered at the depth of 70 fet, valley of Mount Jura. It is imagined that a cont church has been ingulfed at that place. Nothing b bell has yet been met with. The search continues.

Antiquities. Some fishermen have found, in the bay of the small port of Ascoli, an iron chest, three feet and a half long. On opening it they found a long head of hair, a gauntlet, and a few pieces of an ancient sabre. It is thought that these spoils must have belonged to some Galician or Scandinavian dwarf. Those nations, in fact, used to enclose, in iron or steel chests, the hair or arms of a warrior, killed in battle, and throw them into the sea. It was an honour reserved to their first generals.-News of Literature.

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A singular instance of imprisonment was brought to A wellbght by the Society for relieving small debtors. Sehaved woman had been imprisoned for some trifling When the creditor was spoken with on the subject, te expressed his astonishment at her being in prison, s he had given his consent to her liberation on the day On farther inquiry, it fter she was taken into custody. opcared that the daughter of the poor woman had interpted the order for her getting out, and had for eight orths paid the gaol aliment. This unnatural conduct, rocceded from the girl's desire to be freed from the reraint which her mother's presence would have laid on er vices.-Glasgow Chronicle.

Nice Point of Law.-Blackstone, speaking of the right of a wife to dower, asserts, that if land abide in the husband for a single moment, the wife shall be endowed thereof; and he adds in a note, that this doctrine was extended very far by a jury in Wales, where the father and son were both hanged in one cart; but the son was supposed to have survived the father, by appearing to struggle the longest, whereby he became seised of an estate by survivorship; in consequence of which seisin his widow obtained a verdict for her dower.

The Liber.

In pursuing our plan of recording under this head any brief notices of "the good old town," which may be pointed out to us, we have copied the following, at the suggestion of an intelligent friend in Yorkshire, from the Compleat History of the Rebellion (1745-6) by Mr. James Ray, of Whitehaven, Volunteer under his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland." After describing the adherence of the inhabitants of Liverpool, to the then

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SIR, It is very astonishing that one mathematician should attempt to bring into disrepute the productions of another by mere assertion. Such an attempt has been made again and again by your correspondent A. B. T. though perfectly aware that assertion is not proof, and that this would be equally obvious to the most ignorant of his readers.

A. B. T. mentions that the results (I suppose those results which I endeavoured to conarm in my letter of the 24th ult.) are totally repugnant to the known laws of mechanics, and adds, that the manner in which the lever is supposed to act is also erroneous, though at the same time he confesses that the true explanation is not quite obvious, and will require some illustration.

These are certainly unqualified assertions, and I do main

We understand that Sir William Congreve is returned rom his tour to the Continent, where he has, for the last hree months, been engaged in the formation of a comany for the employment of Britis!: capital, in lighting e principal cities of the Continent with gas, under the We hear that tion of their respective governments. angements have been made for this purpose with Russia, eden, Prussia, Hanover, and many of the principal ms in the Netherlands. Sir Wm. Curtis and Messrs. goner and Attwood are the bankers for this immense monarch; their raising the regiment called the Liverpool rest satisfied with a mere dictum, and still less when accom

derraking, which has been received with the greatest isfaction in every place where Sir Wm. Congreve has bented himself, during his absence from England.arning paper.

tain that they are as untrue as they are unqualified. He pre-
tends to be very enlightened as to the variations in the
us, as he fancies, the precise law of these variations, and
Power of steam, during the motion of the piston, and gives
what he has said we must forsooth take for granted. But
in matters of science and philosophy, which admit of demon-
stration, or may be put to the test of experiment, we cannot
panied by an acknowledgment of indistinctness or imma-
turity of conception. In my judgment, he has yet made no
progress towards the establishment of his views. The few
| formule which he has published, and to which he seems to
have attached so much importance, are not in the least cal-
culated to aid him in the dispute: they, in fact, have nothing
case imaginable; that is, when the carriage moves with an
to do with it, nor are of any value, but in the most simple
uniform velocity, as I before observed.

The results in Mr. Silvester's Report are fairly derived from must be manifest to every man of science; but to the tyro the established laws of motion, and how he has derived them and general reader I thought some illustration might be

gation I was so fully satisfied of the truth of those results that

necessary, which I ventured to supply; and in this investi I still believe them to be incontrovertible.

I admit the force of the piston may not be uniform, because the quantum of steam generated depends upon the

Blues; their preparations to receive the rebel army, when expected to approach this town from Wigan, &c. &c.; the writer thus proceeds to describe the town itself: Liverpool, or Lirpool, is not a very ancient town, but is A great grand-daughter of Daniel Defoe, the immorauthor of Robinson Crusoe, and many other cele- very neat and populous, the people very polite, courteous, ted works, now lives in the metropolis, and is in pe- and well bred. It has three large churches, that called iary distress, at the advanced age of sixty-seven. St. George's is a very curious piece of modern architecfoe's life was eventful, and of great public utility; he ture; from the top of which you have a view of the town the son of a butcher in St. Martin's parish. In 1702 and adjacent country, and towards the sea a most agreewas unjustly convicted of a libel, when the High able prospect of the ships in the road and harbour: there nch party were inclined to persecute the Dissenters; is, likewise, two large Presbyterian meeting-houses, one was sentenced to fine, imprisonment, and the pillory. Quaker's, and one Baptist's house, all which live in perrtly afterwards he undauntedly published a Humn to fect harmony with each other, a virtue deserving to be Pulsory. Defoe was liberated before the expiration of imitated. There was, at the time of the Rebellion, a confinement, through the influence of the Earl of Ox-large Mass house, which the mob could not be restrained At the head or extremity of four 1. He died in 1731, in the parish of St. Giles's, from pulling down. pplegate, leaving behind him a widow and several streets, which are clean and well paved, stands the EX-intensity of the heat, which it would be dificult, if not inchange, where from eleven to one o'clock, every day, mer possible, to keep always the same; but that force, at each dren, in indigent circumstances. chants and masters of ships meet for business; over which stroke of the piston, is spoken of, and reasoned upon, as if constant, and compared to the pressure of a given weight. is the Hall, where the Mayor and Aldermen meet, to regulate the affairs of the Corporation. It is the most flou. rishing seaport town in these parts, and it may be justly said to vie with the city of Bristol, the second port in England, its customs being increased eight or ten fold within these forty years past, and though the town is said to be above three times as large as it was in the beginning of the late King James's reign, yet they continue still to build considerably, being well provided with clay for making brick, of which there are many stately houses built. The inhabitants are mostly merchants, who drive invert a Glass of Water without spilling.-Place a a large trade, with great success and large stocks, to all upon a wine-glass filled with water, that is, comthe northern parts of the world, viz. Hamburgh, Norway, filled; then invert the glass, and the water will not and the Baltic; to the British colonies in America; to e; the pressure of the exterior atmosphere being Guinea, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy; so tient to support the card in its position.-Economist. that there is no trade but that of Turkey, Greenland, and the East Indies, in which they are not concerned. As itim. hilosophy v. Theology. The ancient fathers com sed heavily of the sect of Aristotle; and it is almost ports almost all kinds of foreign goods, it has consequently the rail-roads with quite an impartial and disinterested view, a large inland trade, and shares that to Ireland and Wales, considering that to wait the result of the practical operations ral complaint, that philosophy is inimious to theology with Bristol; for as Bristol trades chiefly to the south and of the plans suggested would be the best test for deciding on the other side, it is also as certain that theology west parts of Ireland, from Dublin in the east, to Gallo- a judgment. The correspondents, however, have brought jurious to philosophy:-they are two faculties which d never justly settle their limits, did not the balance of way west, this town hath all the trade of the east and forward a point that claimed my attention above twenty

How to direct Balloons.-A letter from Naples states, an attempt to direct an air-balloon by means of a ile of large tame eagles, had been successfully made bat city. The birds had previously undergone the ess of training by two American gentlemen, who the directors of the experiment.-London papers.— project has often been suggested; but if the Amerihave really brought it to bear, they are entitled to e merit than the inere hypothetical projector.-Edit.



Bority, which is always interested on the side of the aer, make the regulation-Bayle. Fench Promises.-The Queen Marie Antoinette said de Breteuil, "Baron, I have a favour to ask of you." Tadame," he replied, "if the thing be possible, it is ady done; if impossible, it shall be done."

1. Arkwright, who purchased the Marquis of Orade's park and mansion, for two hundred and seven_thousand pounds, already possesses landed estates of rly a similar description, for which the wealthy protor has given upwards of three hundred thousand ads. Mr. Arkwright and Sir Robert Peel are supposed be the richest commoners in England.

north shores, from Dublin to Londonderry. As Bristol
has the trade of South Wales, and the south-west counties
in England, and some north of it as high as Bridgnorth
and Shrewsbury; Liverpool has North Wales, and all
the northern counties in England, besides what goods it
sends to Cheshire and Staffordshire, by the new naviga-
tion of the rivers Mersey, Weaver, and Dane. This port
has wet docks, in which, by the help of flood-gates, ships
of the largest burthen may ride afloat when the tide is
out: I likewise saw them this summer making a dry
dock, into which they carry ships of large burthen, and
Here they have brought
keep them dry at high water.
the delf and earthenware to very great perfection, with
which they drive a considerable trade. Their delf ware
very much resembles china.

It is, therefore, refining too much to dwell upon trifling anomalies that may occur in practice; for all our calculations, concerning the effects of machinery, ought to be considered because of the irregularities or imperfections in the construetion or working of machines, which cannot always be obviated, however apparent. But these approximations save a vast deal of time and labour to the engineer, and should be preliminary to every undertaking. Through the neglect of them much unnecessary expense has often been incurred.— Yours, &c.

as approximations; not by reason of any error in thein, but

Liverpool, February 8, 1825.

C. C. E.

SIR,-Having attended to much of the correspondence on

I should, therefore, feel greatly obliged if your

years ago.
correspondents, A. B. T., 4 BC, or others, could favour us
with solving a few questions on the principal movement
which I suppose will be used in the locomotive engines,
for the propelling of the carriages with goods; I allude to the
revolutions of the crank.

Now, admitting that the end of the beam of the engine, which gives motion to the crank, is at its highest point, and that the connecting rod and crank will be in a perpendicular line over the centre of the axis of the crank, and can rise no higher-therefore, the beam in that place cannot give the crank any more motion until it falls to a distance that will give it power over the wheels; and when the beam is on a perfect level, the crank will be so likewise, and then the greatest power of the engine is acting on the crank and

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