Зображення сторінки



I saw her like a thing of light,

Upon the green sward dancing;

I saw those eyes so wonderous bright
With love's own witch'ry glancing:
And all too fair she seemed to be

For child of frail mortality,

Too glorious and entrancing;

A very seraph sent to bless

The wanderer of the wilderness.

And all unknown, untried, and new,
The world, earth, ocean, sky,
Reflected in the guileless view

Of youthful purity;

Showed as some halcyon place of rest,
Some blessed paradise confest

Where love could never die;
Nor aught of evil might be there
It was so beautiful and fair.

I saw her like a blighted flower

All lustreless and dying;
The spoiler's prey in ruthless hour,

And now, from falsehood flying, Dark frowned that hallowed realm so fair, 'Twas now the region of despair

For misery made, and sighing;

And Mary prayed that she might die

And in the grave forgotten lie.

I saw her once again, and, oh!
Again a form of light;
Forgot her wrongs, and bosom's woe,
Wrapt in her shroud so white :-
And on that calm and spotless brow
No shade of darkness gathered now,
But oh, supreme delight!

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Nor flocks, from verdant lawns, their treasures gain.

No more to plunge into the liquid lake,

To cool the languid frame by heat oppress'd; Nor 'neath the shade sweet balmy sleep to take, For snows now cover every place of rest.

Winter still frowns, and nature torpid lies,

The wandering herds desert th' unfruitful meads;
To the clear stream, no more the wild-goose flies,
But through cold icy beds his course he leads.
Dark clouds now hang, and cast a gloom around,
The pelting hail beats with a heavy roar;

No more, oh Swain, with fruit thy fields are crown'd,
Thy dormant farm adds nothing to thy store;
Then homeward hie, and drown your cares in wine,
And heap fresh embers on your blazing fire;
Soon Spring shall come, o'er verdant fields to shine,
And from its glowing smiles shall frost retire.

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Rigid, with northern blasts, winter comes on,
Sad Nature shivers in her frosty veil;
Fall'n are the leaves, the meadows' verdure gone,
Where the herds find their wonted pasture fail.
These seek no more to lave them in the stream,
As when the summer sun dispensed his rays,
But shun the chilness of its wave, nor deem
Aught of such pleasure there while winter sways.
No more they seek the rest the trees' close shade
So grateful gave, when brighter skies prevail'd;
For deep around the glittering snows are laid
And earth in one unvaried garment veil'd.
Still sullen Winter spreads his barren reign,
And all things droop and deaden in his frown;
The flocks wide tracking o'er the sterile plain,
Starv'd and complaining, ask their winter home.
In fruitless search the wild-duck wanders o'er
The river's maze, nor finds the accustom❜d tide;
Hid is the stream, scarce traced by its shore,
In that dead hue which spreads o'er all beside.
And now black clouds, collected through the sky,
In silence hang, and, deepening, wildly lower;
At once the winds, the storm, and hailstones fly,
And earth loud rings beneath the iron shower.
To thee, hail, cultor of the soil!-thy farm,
Barren and bleak, can now no produce yield;
Then hie thee home, to thy snug cottage warm,
Fill the glad horn, the crackling faggots build.
Till when, at length, thou see'st advancing Spring,
Spread his green signals on the sunny rise,
The fields and streams away their fetters fling,
And rigid Winter with his horrors flies.


To M* C***

"Forget me not," how sweet the sound,
When lips of lovers part;

The magic strain flows softly round,
And steals upon the heart:
"Forget me not," more dear that sigh,
Than "Harps of Angels' " melody.
"Forget me not," in that still hour,
When through the blue expanse
Thou view'st the wandering planets soar,
And stars unnumbered dance;
When Cynthia sheds her lonely ray,
And night is lovelier far than day.
"Forget me not," should Fortune shed
Her golden smiles on thee;

And oh! when all her smiles are fled,
Dear girl, "remember me:"
Life's fleeting joys I'd gladly share,
And sooth thee in the hour of care.
"Forget me not," another sun

Has formed the rolling year,
And e'er his destin'd course he's run,
Around the spangled sphere,
Friends may depart, and so may we,
Let us prepare, then, for eternity.
"Forget me not," when distant years
My head shall silver o'er;
When all that's lovely now appears,
Shall charm thy soul no more;
Where'er I roam, whate'er my lot,
In joy or woe, "forget me not."
Liverpool, Jan. 1, 1825.


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Fashions for February.

WALKING DRESS.-Pelisse of gros de Naples, d tourterelle colour, made close, and simply oran down the sides, and round the border of the skirt, one full rouleau. A delicate row of embossed braiding naments each side of the bust; the pelisse is made v out any collar, and is surmounted by a double frill of lace, with a Vandyke edge. The sleeves are but rately full, and are finished at the elbows by manchen of a description entirely novel; being formed of fut which stand out very perceptibly from the arm. A nette of fine lace, with a few pomegranate blossoms worn under a bonnet of black velvet, ornamented plume of drooping black feathers; a black Chantilly veil is generally worn with this bonnet, thrown eve one side; the bonnet is encircled round the crown, tied under the chin on the right side, with a rich st ribbon of pomegranate blossom colour and jonquil gold chain, with an eye-glass, or ornaments, c under the belt; the trinket most in favour is a small blematical seal, with some elegant device, and recher nament depending. The half-boots are of black ki, and the gloves lemon colour.

CARRIAGE VISITING DRESS.-A dress made partiv en blouse, of very fine India muslin, sprigged, with three flounces of broad lace, of a most superb pattern; the body is drawn, but sits well to the shape, and is made partially low: the sleeves of plain muslin, of a clearer text than the dress, made full, but confined from the wris the elbow, with bands of muslin finished on the cus of the arm, with rosettes of white satin ribbon. Vene mantle of sapphire blue satin, lined throughout, and fac with canary yellow levantine. The cape of this beautif

arm, and is faced round with canary yellow. The colle à la Française, and from the part where it terminates each side, and the cape commences, is a splendid ch bar of gold, fastening the mantle, which is left sligh open, so as to display the dress; on the left side depe two rich cordons, each finished by a magnificent all of gold. The hat is of white watered gros de Na crowned with an elegant plumage of white feathers. boots of white kid complete this charming costume, is peculiarly adapted for paying bridal visits to ladies high rank on their first receiving the congratulatione their friends; or for personally offering respects, whet certain etiquette of style in dress is requisite.-Lab






The Catch, which is one of the most ingenious and enlivening varieties of musical composition, is too often associated with some vulgar double-entendre; which renders - it unfit for any respectable company. It is a circumstance very creditable to the taste and good sense of the two Webbes, father and son, that they never prostituted their superior talents, by pandering to a vitiated taste. In their excellent compositions we find no disgraceful association of fine music and obscenity.-All the glees and catches of the Webbes may with propriety be introduced into the social circle, whether domestic or anacreontic.

The following Glee, by the younger Webbe, which we have been kindly permitted to appropriate, was honoured with the prize-cup at the Harmonic Club, presented by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.-The piece perhaps may be said to border more than any other of the author's effusions upon that fault to which we have objected. Those who would raise such an objection, must, however, be extremely fastidious; as the fault, if it be one, consists merely in introducing somewhat prominently a certain very familiar reptile, which too often clings with officious pertinacity to the human head, especially of youth, to the annoyance of every body, except the manufacturers of small-tooth combs. If Mr. Webbe has been guilty of the slightest breach of decorum in thus incidentally introducing into his catch that which Peter Pindar made the subject of an entire poem, the error is atoned for by the moral inculcated by the words; from which we learn, that an idle fellow like Dick, who saunters away his time at the alehouse, is not likely to be over cleanly in his habits.

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The bars between ‡‡ and ‡‡ may be omitted by the first and second voices, in order to shorten the catch until all the voices join, when the whole should be sung from beginning to end.


MRS. JOHN ALLEN Educates a few YOUNG LADIES in the English and French Languages, History, Geography, with the Use of the Globes, Writing, Arithmetic, Drawing, Dancing, plain and ornamentai Needlework, &c. at Fifty Guineas per annum.

No Entrances or extra charges. Italian, Latin, Piano Forte, and Harp, on the Masters terms.

Forest Hill, near Nottingham. Respectable references in Liverpool will be given on applieation to the Mercury-office.

or rather the different modifications of the same force. But,
to proceed, let CED be a wheel

of the carriage, A I B a concen-
tric circle, whose diameter, A B,
is equal to the length of a stroke
of the piston, I, the situation of
the crank at any instant of time,
and draw HI perpendicular to
the axis CD or A B. Now it is

evident, that the effect of the
piston upon the crank depends
In the length of the ordinate
A I, and its mean effect is, con-

ARTIFICIAL TEETH, by Mr. BEREND, SUR-HI, which is the sine of the are

GEON-DENTIST, 25, Bold-street, warranted to remain per fectly secure and comfortable in the mouth, without tying, twisting wires, or any fastening whatever to the adjoining Teeth, and yet so effectually secured, that the most powerful motions of the jaws, in eating, cannotdisplaceor injurethem, fixed without pain, and adapted with such accuracy to the remaining Teeth, that not the least difference can be felt, nei ther can the minutest observer distinguish them. These Teeth can, with ease, be taken out, cleaned, and replaced with great safety by the wearer.

25, Bold-strect.

This day is published, price 18. No. I. to be continued
Monthly, of a New Series of

To James Falconer Atlee, of Marchwood, county Southampton, for a process by which planks and Scantlings of wood will be prevented from shrinking will be altered and materially improved in their dura closeness of grain, and power of resisting moisture, to render the same better adapted for ship-building other building purposes, for furniture, and other pa where close or compact wood is desirable; insomuc the wood so prepared will become a new article of merce and manufacture, which he intends calling densed wood."-11th January.-6 months.

To George Sayner, of Hunslet, in the parish of Yorkshire, dyer, and John Greenwood, of Gomend the said county, machine-maker, for improvements i mode of sawing wood by machinery. 11th Ja months. To Thomas Magrath, of Dublin, for his a to preserve animal and vegetable substans-11th To Thomas Magrath, of Dublin, for his pro paratus for conducting and containing vi fluids, and preserving the same from the dist 11th January.-6 months.


sequently, as the mean of all the sines of the quadrant, that
is, as 6 of the radius; therefore, if we call P the power of the
piston, we shall have 6 A B. P. equal to the power exerted on
the crank to turn it round its centre.
of the carriage, the power must be considered as acting at Aary.-6 months.
But to turn the wheel
to turn the lever A D on its fulcrum D, which is in contact
with the ground. Hence 6. A D. P is the power which pro-
duces a velocity in the piston that obtains with the actual
velocity of the wheel, the ratio of the circumference C ED:
.6.2 A B.AD P
2 A B; and, therefore,
circum. CED is the moving power
of the wheel of the carriage. And this result is the foundation
of the Theorems, which appear in the Report, and for the
truth of which I contend.

Yours, &c.

Liverpool, 24th Jan. 1825.

C. C. E.

ADVISER: edited by Dr. BUCHAN, and the Members
of a Private Medical and Philosophical Society.-Contents:-
Seasonable Observations on Clothing: Influence of Air, Wea-
ther, Exercise, and Rest-Walking Stewart's Observations,
4. B. T. in his solution, supposes the carriage to move with
&c.-Women, how disfigured-Hints to delicate People and
Invalids-Medical and Philosophical Observations on Health
an equable velocity, and finds an equation in terms of the
and long Life-Description of a healthy old Man-The ge. effective pressure on the piston, the length of the stroke, the
nuine golden Rules of Economy-Age and Constitution of diameter of the wheel, and the power of traction; which is
the celebrated John Wesley, &c.-Remarks on Rules in Diet well enough as far as it extends: But the author of the Report
-Short tabular View of the human Passions, their Sources,
Varieties, and Deviations-Prescription for the celebrated very justly conceives that the carriage is capable of being
Tincture of Long Life-Pills for strengthening delicate Sto-moved with an accelerative velocity, and his aim has been to
machs Toothache and Anti-Rheumatic Embrocation- find a general expression for the accelerative force at the cir-
Health and Quackery, Observations on-Salutary Cautions cumference of the carriage-wheel, and thence the relations
to people in Health, and Advice to the Sick-Signs of good of the times, velocities, &c. which he has accomplished very
bodily Health-Chinese Art of preserving Health-Chinese
Physicians-Oriental Aphorisms respecting Medicine Ob- satisfactorily.
servations on Tea, with Directions for choosing good, and
detecting Adulterations, &c.-Important Reflections on the
Health, Education, and Morals of Children, addressed to
Parents, Boarding Schools, &c.-Practical Observations on
Domestic Economy, addressed to all Ranks-Consolation for
Ladles at the Turn of Life-Symptoms or Signs preceding parish of St. George, Hanover-square, Middlesex, ma-
To William Francis Snowden, of Oxford-street, in the
Diseases-Singular Cures of the Gout-Qualifications of a
good Cook-Two curious illustrative ancient Wills-Recipe chinist, for his invented wheel-way and its carriage or car-
to establish true Friendship-Famines accounted for, &c. &c. riages for the conveyance of passengers, merchandise, and
Published by Sherwood and Co. Paternoster Row: Gos- other things along roads, rail and other ways, either on a
ling and Egley, Bond-street; and may be had of all Book-level or inclined plane, and applicable to other purposes.--
sellers in Town and Country.
Dated Dec. 18, 1824.-6 months to enrol specification.
To John Weiss, of the Strand, Middlesex, surgical in-
strument maker and cutler, for certain improvements on
Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improve- exhausting, injecting, or condensing pumps or springs, and
ments in Science or Art; including, occasionally, sin- on the apparatus connected therewith, and which said im-
gular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, Phi-provements are applicable to various useful purposes.
losophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineralogical 18th December.-6 months.
Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural History; To James Deykin and William Henry Deykin, of Bir-
Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.; List of Patents;-mingham, button-makers, for an improvement in the ma-
to be continued in a series through the Volume.] nufacture of military and livery buttons.-23d December.
-2 months.

Scientific Records.




To Daniel Stafford, of Liverpool, for improvements on carriages.-24th December.-6 months.

To Samuel Denison, of Leeds, whitesmith, and John Sin,-In the Mercury of January 21, you have inserted Harris, of Leeds, paper-mould maker, for improvements a letter with the signature 4. B. T. containing some animad-in machinery for the purpose of making wove and laid paper.-1st January, 1825.-6 months.

versions on the mathematical reasoning of a writer, who has lately published a pamphlet, entitled a Report on Rail-roads and Locomotive Engines:-The reasoning is designated erróneous, and, consequently, all the deductions depending upon it; and

4. B. T. attributes the error to "the omission to take into

consideration the times during which the several forces act." Having read the Report with some attention, and, I trust, with understanding, as well as the animadversions, it appears

To Pierre Erard, of Great Marlborough-street, Middlesex, musical-instrument maker, for certain improvements in piano-fortes.-5th January.-6 months.

To Alexander Tilloch, L.L. D. of Islington, for improvements in the steam-engine or apparatus connected therewith.-11th January.-6 months. To William Henson and William Jackson, both of Worcester, lace manufacturers, for improvements in machinery for making bobbin-net.-11th January.-6 months. To Goldsworthy Gurney, of Argyle-street, Hanoverinvestigations given in the former quite correct; and my ob-imstrument, in the use of which a performer is enabled to square, surgeon, for his improved finger-keyed musical jest in addressing you, is to beg you will insert, in your next hold or prolong the notes, and to increase or modify the paper, some illustration of the principles employed by the tone.-11th January.-6 months. author of the Report, who has, perhaps, explained them rather too briefly.

to me that the latter are erroneous, and the mathematical

With regard to the alleged mistake of omitting to take into account the times during which the forces act, I would remark, that in comparing variable forces, it is done only for an ieremental or indefinitely small portion of time, whilst these

forees are supposed uniform; and hence, in this case, the forees are as the velocities, which are also as the spaces passed over. And, therefore, the author of the Report, in that part of his reasoning which is alluded to, did right to consider the time given or constant, with reference to the different forces,

To Francis Gybbon Spilsbury, of Leek, Staffordshire,
silk-manufacturer, for improvements in weaving.-11th
January.-6 months.

To William Hirst, of Leeds, cloth-manufacturer, for
January.-6 months.
improvements in spinning and shabbing machines.-11th

To John Frederick Smith, of Dunston Hall, Chester-
field, Derbyshire, Esquire, for improvements in the prepa-
ration of slivers or tops from wool, cotton, or other fibrous
materials. 11th January.-6 months.

field, Esquire, for improvements in dressing and finishing
To John Frederick Smith, of Dunston Hall, Chester-
woollen-cloths-11th January.-6 months.

To John Phipps, of Upper Thames-street, s and Christopher Phipps, of River, Kent, paperimprovements in machinery for making paper-l nuary.-6 months.

To William Shelton Burnet, of London-stres, la for a new method of lessening the drift of ship protecting them in gales of wind.-11th JanTo Jonathan Andrew, Gilbert Tarleton, Shepley, of Crumpshall, near Manchester, cotton for improvements in the machine used for th water spinning of thread or yarn, which improved is so constructed as to perform the operations of t twisting in, or otherwise removing the super and of preparing a roving for the same-11th Ja 6 months.

To John Heathcoat, of Tiverton, lace manua improvements in machinery for making bobbin January.-6 months.

To William Booth and Michael Bailey, of C ling, throwing, and twisting silk, wool, cotton, Cheshire, machinists, for improvements in pin 13th January.-6 months.

To Joseph Lockett, of Manchester, engraver printers and copper roller manufacturer, for imp in producing a neb or slob in the shell or cylinder, of copper or other metal, used in the printing of cal -14th January.-2 months.

To William Rudder, of Egbaston, near Bir cock-founder, for certain improvements in cad January.-6. months.

in casting cylinders, tubes, and other articles of To William Church, of Birmingham, for impr other metals.-18th January.-6 months.

The Philanthropist.


At the suggestion of a friend we copy the fall teresting article from the Glasgow Mechanics J

GENTLEMEN,-I take this mode of ad
ing it to be the most likely channel through w
on a subject in which you are deeply inter
communication I have to make may reach
I believe there is no difference of opinion
question of giving education to the lower
the advantage of intellectual improvement to
the humblest condition of life; there has, inc
been, for some time, a general desire to afford
reading and writing have been multiplied in every
people the means of instruction, and schools for t
the country.

to them the door to knowledge, and, unless we
But in merely teaching the people to read we only
duce them to pass the portal, the stores which lie
Asiatic nations have, for an unknown period of time
will remain useless to them. The people of the d
the advantage of being taught to read; but their
could have access, no benefit followed the attainment
guages supplying no practically useful works to which
they have not advanced their own condition beyond
it appears to have been two thousand years ago,
not been able to furnish one solitary contribution
means which minister to human happiness and enjoy
The necessity, therefore, of doing something
than merely teaching the people to read, has not,

They had, a little before this time, got an Atlas, which they say, led them to think of purchasing a pair of globes; and one from among themselves, Alexander Anderson, by trade a joiner, who had had the advantage of attending two courses of the lectures in the Adersonian Institution, volunteered, about the beginning of last winter, to explain to them, on the Monday evenings, the use of the globes. Finding himself succeed in doing this, he offered to give them, on the Thursday evenings, an account of some of the principles and processes in mechanics and chymistry, accompanied with a few experiments. This he effected with a simplicity of illustration and usefulness of purpose that was delightful. He next, and while this was going on, undertook, along with another of the workmen, to attend in the reading-room during the other evenings of the week, and teach such of the members as chose it arithmetic.

observation. Libraries, supported by subscrip. nd donations from the higher orders, have been 1 in different places for the use of mechanics and ; and establishments for teaching them the branches ence connected with their respective employments, the plan of the lectures given to mechanics in the ersonian Institution here, have been made in Edinh and London, and in several of our large manufacg towns. All this is in excellent spirit, and calculatdo much good. But to make these measures effectuand permanently useful, I am satisfied, from the rvations which I have had an opportunity of making, these establishments, after they are once set a going, ht to be supported and conducted, in a great measure, the people themselves, in place of being managed, as le case at present, by their superiors. Te have had sufficient experience of the progressive cation which takes place in the management of public tutions by gratuitous directors from the higher classes, the fervour which has set the machine in motion has a to subside; and the apathy with which the com- The individuals of the committee have come under an people soon come to receive every thing that is done agreement to give, in rotation, a lecture, either in chy thers, for their benefit, is matter of daily complaint. mistry or mechanics, every Thursday evening; taking whenever they can be led to consider the undertaking Murray for their text-book in the one, and Ferguson in hich they are engaged as their own, its success never the other. They intimate, a fortnight before, to the peres to be an object of interest to them. The im-son whose turn it is, that he is to lecture from such a page ance, too, which attaches to the management of such to such a page of one of these authors. He has, in conEst, gives rise to honest feelings of self-respect, which, sequence, these fourteen days to make himself acquainted les a value of, perhaps, still greater consideration, with his subject, and he is authorised to claim, during their weight in keeping up the interest I have men- that period, the assistance of every member of the society L in preparing the chymical experiments, or making the Ese consequences, which we see taking place in the little models of machines required for illustrating his disite systems of management, I have noticed, flow course. From principles inherent in our nature, and serve to te to us that the more closely we can frame our ares for the people, in correspondence with their nafeelings, the more permanently successful they are to be. are considered it right to perface the communication to make to you, Gentlemen, with these few general vations. I will now proceed to give you an account ittle Institution formed here for the improvement of gle body of workmen, the history of which will show possible to be accomplished by each of you in the ess of education, independent of what may be effectthe greater general establishments I have taken the of adverting to; and, if I am not mistaken, it will views with regard to the instruction of the people, efficacious, more easily executed, and more practiapplicable to the end, than any we are yet acquainted

For the business of this season, the members of the society, who conduct every thing themselves, have made a new arrangement.

Gas Light Chartered Company of this city, in I hold a considerable interest, and of whose com. of direction I have for some years been a member, by constantly between sixty and seventy men in their Twelve of these are mechanics, and the remainarnace-men and common labourers of different deBons, forming altogether a community not very sing as a body to be incited to adopt measures for own intellectual improvement. ittle more than three yeare ago, our manager at the Mr. James B. Nelson, proposed to these men to bate each a small sum monthly, to be laid out in to form a library for their common use; and he inthem that, if they agreed to do this, the Company give them a room to keep the books in, which be heated and lighted for them in winter, and in they might meet every evening to read and converse, ce of going to the alehouse, as many of them had in the practice of doing. That the Company would give them a present of five guineas to set out with, bat the management of the funds, library, and every connected with the measure, should be entrusted to mmittee of themselves, to be named and renewed by at certain fixed periods.


work were enabled to adopt similar measures.
might we not then be entitled to look for, in useful inven-
tions and discoveries, from minds awakened and invigo
rated by the self-discipline which such a mode of in-
struction requires?

The Gas-light Company, seeing the beneficial consequences resulting from the instruction of their workpeople, have fitted up for them, this winter, a more commodious room to meet in for their lectures, with a small laboratory and workshop attached to it, where they can conduct their experiments, and prepare the models to be used in the lectures. The men, last year, made for themselves an air-pump, and an electrifying-machine, and some of them are constantly engaged during their spare hours in the laboratory and workshop.

The whole of the workmen, with the exception of about. fifteen, have now become members of the society, and these have been standing out upon the plea that they cannot read: they are chiefly men from the remote parts of the Highlands, or from Ireland-but the others say to them, Join us, and we shall teach you to read:" and I have no doubt of their persuading them to do so.

The rules of the society, which have been framed by the members themselves, are simple and judicious. Every person, on becoming a member, pays 7s. 6d. of entry money. This sum is taken from him by instalments, and is paid back to him again should he leave the gas-worka, or to his family or heirs, should he die. Besides this entrance money, each member contributes three half-pence weekly, two-thirds of which, by a rule made this year, go to the library, and one-third to the use of the laboratory and workshop. By a rule made at the same time, which I think a curious indication of the change of feeling proIt is a remarkable circumstance in this unique process duced in these men in the short period since the commenceof instruction, that there has been no backwardness found ment of the society, the members may bring to the lecon the part of any of the individuals to undertake to lectures any of their sons who are above seven and under ture in his turn, nor the slightest diffidence exhibited in twenty-one years of age. the execution; this I can attribute only to its being set about without pretension or affectation of knowledge, and merely as a means of mutual improvement, and nothing, I conceive, could have been better devised for accomplishing this end. Indeed, I might with confidence say that, under this simple system of mutual instruction, which has grown out of the train of circumstances I have mentioned, these persons, many of whom, when they joined the society, were in a state of complete ignorance, have acquired a clearer idea and more perfect knowledge of the subjects which have been brought under their consideration, than would be found to have been obtained by any similar number of students who had been attending the courses of lectures given in the usual way by the most approved lecturers.

On the Monday evenings the society has a voluntary lecture from any of their number who chooses to give notice of his intention, on either of these branches of science, or upon any other useful practical subject he may propose; and there is, with the general body, the same simple unhesitating frankness and disposition to come forward in their turn, that exists among the members of the committee with regard to the lectures prescribed to them.

I think it will be interesting, and may not be without use, to mention particularly the subjects of the different lectures that have been given since this plan was adop ted. They commenced in the month of September, and are as follows:

1. Upon solidity, inactivity, mobility, divisibility. 2 Attraction, cohesion, and repulsion. 3. Attraction of gravitation. 4. Centre of gravity, expansion of metals. 5. Magnetism and electricity. 6. Central forces-all motion naturally takes a rectilineal line. 7. Mechanical powers. 8. The lever, wheel, and axle. 9. The pulley. 10. The wedge and screw. 11. Attraction of gravitation. 12. Wheel carriages. 13. The primitive form of crystals. 14. Hydrostatics.

The voluntary Lectures began at the same time, and ith a good deal of persuasion, Mr. Nelson got four-have been as follows: of them to agree to the plan, and a commencement 1. Upon the air-pump. 2. Electricity. 3. An introduc. aus made. For the first two years, until it could be tion to chymistry, principally to show chymical affinity. ained that the members would have a proper care of 4. The properties of the atmosphere. 5. The corn mill. oks, it was agreed that they should nor take them 6. Coal mining, 7. Practical observations on the blastthe reading-room, but that they should meet there ing of whinrock. 8. Boring, sinking, and mining, and evening to peruse them. After this period, how- the properties of Sir Humphry Davy's lamp. 9. The the members were allowed to take the books home; globes. 10. Ditto. 11. Navigating a vessel from the last year, they met only twice a week at the reading-Thames to the Orkney Isles. 12. The nature of carbonic to change them, and converse on what they had been acid gas. 13. A description of Captain Manby's in. g. The increase of the number of subscribers to vention for the safety of ship-wrecked seamen. Mary was at first very slow, and, at the end of the Iyear, the whole did not amount to thirty. But conversing with one another twice a week at the upon the acquisitions they had been making, a or science and a desire for information began to among them.

The effect of all that I have been relating has been most beneficial to the general character and happiness of these individuals, and we may readily conceive what a valuable part of the community they are likely to become, and what the state of the whole of our manufacturing operatives would be, if the people employed in every large

The books now amount to above three hundred volumes, and consist of elementary works of science, and of history, voyages, and travels; some of the standard poets, a few of our best novels, and Shakspeare's works. The selec tion of the books purchased by the library funds is, in general, creditable to the members of the society.

They admit no books on religion into the library. The members say that there are among them men of a variety of persuas ons--Presbyterians, Seceders, Methodists, Church of England men, and Catholics; each of whom would be for introducing books connected with their particular opinions, and thus give occasion to endless unprofitable disputes.

I hope that you will agree with me, Gentlemen, in considering that there are valuable ideas on the subject of popular education to be gathered from the little history I have just given; and that what has been so usefully done by the people at the Glasgow Gas-work, is capable of being effected not only by the workmen in every manufacturing establishment, but in every part of the country. where a few persons can be induced to form a society for mutual improvement. In places where there is a schoolroom, the use of it might be had for one or two evenings in the week, and the books might be kept in presses so placed as not to incommode the scholars. The schoolmaster, too, might probably make a valuable member of the committee. Where assistance was wanted to procure these accommodations, the pecuniary contributions of the more wealthy persons of the neighbourhood, for this end, would be doubly repaid to them in the improved character of all around them. The course of mutual instruction to be adopted in these little societies might be varied to suit every pursuit in life, and each society, prosecuting inquiry in the direction of the particular occupation or business of its own members, would, while they were improving themselves, be in the most likely state to furnish valuable contributions to the stock of general knowledge.

Since writing the preceding, which was some weeks ago communicated by me in a letter to Dr. Birkbeck, I have read the excellent article in the last number of the Edinburgh Review, on the scientific education of the people, and am happy to find the general views I had been led to form on this subject, from what I had had the opportunity of witnessing in the different establishments here, sanctioned and confirmed by this able and enlightened writer. In. deed, there is so much information collected in this article on what has been done, in different parts of the country. in instructing the people, and so many suggestions with regard to what may yet be effected, that it is to be wished that it could be printed separately in a cheap edition, and circulated in every quarter of the country.-I am, with great respect, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, DUGALD BANNATYNE.

Glasgow, December 25, 1824.



TO THE EDITOR." SIR,-Being anxious that a well-organized system should be established in this populous town, for the early extinction of fires, I am induced, through the medium of your journal, to call upon those who feel interested in this subject (as indeed every individual ought) to give their ideas as to the most effectual method of co-operating with those valuable institutions, the fire insurance companies, to check the early progress of this destructive element, prior to the arrival of the engines, as a considerable time necessarily elapses before these can be brought into action. A respectable individual has been very actively employed, of late, in endeavouring to introduce amongst the circle of his friends fire-buckets. I am one of those who, at first, turned a deaf ear to his importunities, foolishly considering, that in having effected an insurance upon my property, I had done all that was necessary; but, reflecting on the loss that must necessarily be experienced to those, like myself, engaged in business, by its suspension, occasioned by the destructive effects of fire, my prejudices vanished; and the more I have since reflected upon the subject, the more I feel convinced, that if every family would provide

themselves with a few buckets, and with these, filled with

water from their cisterns, on the first alarm of fire repair to the assistance of their neighbours, several hundred gallons of water could thus, in a few minutes, be brought to the scene of action, and a successive supply kept up till the engines arrived. In most cases, by this timely aid, its progress would be greatly checked, if not entirely got


I would here suggest the propriety of every respectable inhabitant being allowed and called upon to act as a special constable, in cases of fire. A well-digested plan, with the co-operation of these, would very speedily extinguish most fires, and at the same time secure the property of the sufferers from those depredators who are generally very active in assisting themselves on these distressing occasions. The expense incurred in the purchase of a few buckets would, in a great measure, be reimbursed by the extra bonus that the fire-offices would be enabled to appropriate to the insured, in proportion as losses are diminished by a well-organized system, actively carried into effect by the inhabitants of this and every other town.

As I wish to see this subject taken up by those more competent to the task than myself, I shall feel obliged if you will appropriate a corner in your future papers, under the head "Fire," until a well-digested system shall have been established, being as desirable as it is important. Yours, &c.

LIVERPOOL VERSUS MANCHESTER. "When Greek meets Greek, then is the tug of war."



SIR,-In consequence of the recent project of converting Manchester into a seaport, by making “a navigable ship canal from the Irish Sea, at the mouth of the Dee, direct to Manchester," we have to announce that a company has been established in Liverpool, called "The Liverpool Joint Stock Cotton Company," with a capital of ten millions (be the same more or less ;) the object of which is to erect at least one hundred cotton factories in Liver pool, which project, amongst other beneficial results, will entirely ruin Manchester. The Liverpool factories will possess many advantages over those of Manchester. The heat will never exceed eighty degrees, so that the operative manufacturers will be some degrees better off than they now are, according to the statement of Mr. Cobbett, whose word no one can dispute. The workmen will also have the great advantage of sea bathing, should

they find the aforesaid temperature in any degree annoying. THE LIVER, or GRUMBLER, No. VI, is this day Precautions will also be taken by means of gauze masks, taining-Fifteen original Letters relative to suggested published, at the Mercury-office, Price One Penny, &c. to prevent the workmen from being choked with the provements in Liverpool, Nuisances complained of, cotton-fuz, of which that philanthropist Cobbett so pathe-lars, Old Dock, Charitable Institution for Females, Sear local hints relative to New Buildings, Fires, Dangerous tically complains. Nocturnal Depredators, Flagging Streets, Sunday Slave A few shares in this promising establishment may be New Scotch Church, Charity Schools, &c. &c. ON SALE, secured, by immediate application to Vol. I, II, III, IV, of the KALEIDOSCOPE, with a copiou Index to each; Price, in boards, Sixteen Shillings; to be of all the Agents.

Messrs. MOONSHINE and Co.

[blocks in formation]

SOLUTIONS TO THE CONUNDRUMS, &c. IN OUR LAST. 31. Because it is infirm awry (infirmary!!!) 32. Because they are disinterestedly employed in the common weal (common wheel!)

33. Buckthorn. 34. Matchless. 35. Bugbear. 36. Starling.

We were about to close our bagatelle department for the season, when we were favoured with the following communication from a new correspondent, who promises, in time, to become a very accomplished literary squinter. As hisogles with a few of his charades, together with the following note, in which the “Great Unknown" introduces himself.

are of a most whimsical cast, we shall favour our readers


SIR,-You will perceive I am a new correspondent, though I am an old subscriber. I have often wished to distinguish myself, and add to my honours, by making my appearance in the Kaleidoscope. If you deem the following attempts at puzzling worthy a place in your admired publication, I shall be glad to see them inserted, when convenient. They are all original to me; but if I have chanced to hit upon any word that has already been on the rack, you will be able to discover it, and turn it out. If these have the good fortune to pass the ordeal, I may perhaps take the first opportunity of again exercising my wits. Yours, &c.



37. A game at cards, a great nian, a letter, and a girl of fifteen, when joined together, will compose a useful piece of furniture.

38. My whole is a small animal, by depriving me of onethird I become a large one, take off another third and I become a great river.

39. A mode of conveyance and a fond mother's delight, when joined together, are trodden under foot.

The following detached Publications may also be had the same publishers.

A Perspective VIEW of the LIVERPOOL NEW MARKET with a GROUND PLAN of the INTERIOR of that extensive Structure.-Price Sixpence.

An elegantly-engraved VIEW of the LIVERPOOL TOWY HALL, with a PLAN of the SPLENDID SUITE OF ROOMS, 1 full Description of that admired Edifice.-Price Sixpence [This publication is adapted to binding with the Kand

A MAP and DESCRIPTION of the celebrated MAMMOTH CAVE (several miles in extent) in North Amerin-Price Twopence.

A Lithographic PORTRAIT of OLD ELLEN TATE, who lately died in the Liverpool Workhouse, aged 110 years, two months, and 12 days.-Price Sixpence.

Mr. ROSCOE'S DISCOURSE on the Opening of the Liver pool ROYAL INSTITUTION.-Price Fourpence. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS upon the EDUCATION of the PEOPLE, addressed to the Working Classes and their Employers, by HENRY BROUGHAM, Esq. M. P.F.R.S., Pace Sixpence.

(One concern

To Correspondents.

MECHANICAL PARADOX. The discussion to which out t

on the article recently published in the Scofman given rise, possesses so much interest, as a scientif blem, that we make no apology for transferring anve munication on the subject from the Mercury to the E scope. The letter of A. B. T. this week is the fifth f series, and a sixth will appear next week. It is v gular that the public journals are so silent upon subject. The singular position contended for by th man is either true or false; and, as its resultaa tant, it is of some consequence to settle the quest way or the other.

WARM and VAPOUR BATHS.-We have it in contemp offer some remarks upon this subject next week, bata obtained Mr. Coglan's permission to appropriate the or any part of a little work on the subject, which b drawn up with care and ability. We shall preface wi a few editorial observations.

VALENTINE'S DAY.-We have in reserve for our net Sailor's Valentine, with the original of which we some time ago favoured by Little B.

RICHARDSON'S SONNETS, AND OTHER POEMS-We have gi at the pages of this newly-published volume, recomm to our perusal by A Friend, and we have seen enouch contents to convince us that it is a work of a s character. We shall take the first opportunity to our readers with some selections.

40. My whole is considered valuable by all, take off one quarter and I become like an old woman, take another ARTICLES IN PREPARATION. We have in hand, for imme quarter, and what remains of me is considered highly honourable.

41. What word in the English language expresses the following question:-Are you a reserved man?

42. It is required to ask the following question in one word:-Are you the person spoken of?

43. Why does a person belonging to the Society of Friends resemble a sprightly young horse?

44. Why does a man that has satisfied himself with eating fruit of the garden resemble a vestry at a full meeting? 45. It is required to make the name of a delightful, amusing, and instructive article, from the following heterogeneous mass :-One end of a sack, an old English beverage, a human sense, a word denoting confusion, and one denoting liberty.

Mr. Brougham has written a very interesting pamphlet, which we take this opportunity to recommend to the perusal of all our readers, who will find it advertised along with the Liver, in this day's Kaleidoscope. It is entitled "Practical to the Working Classes and their Employers." Observations upon the Education of the People, addressed Any profits arising from this work will be given to the London Mechanics' Institution; and as the price fixed upon it is no more than sixpence, we expect it will have an immense circulation. Mr. Brougham is not one of those who anhis suggestions for promoting that great national object ticipates any danger from the education of the people; and are most valuable.

publication,-A new Song, the words by Lord Byre, music by Mr. Samuel Smith, of Manchester-An and brief chronology of the principal events of the 1824-Extracts from Mr. Brougham's recent worked t cation of the people-Letter of Philharmonicus-T phical Sketches of Bolivar and other South Ameri manders-Account of a recently discovered is Southern Ocean-Other letters respecting R the newly advanced Mechanical Paradox-Seen tions by L. Man-Interesting original Letters of the Reformation upon Literature and M Letter No. II. from a Literary Devotee, on Capita


MUSIC AND MUSICAL CRITICISM. The letter of Ma London, is reserved for next week; and also the seal of Manchester.

VIVE LA BAGATELLE. In order that we may have the tunity of introducing some whimsical conundrums, res since our last, we shall prolong this department for or two. This note applies to W. w. C. C.-O. N A Respectable Burgess and A Constant Reader. THE COUNCIL OF TEN.-The communication of these men reached us too late for insertion this week

J. L's letter has been received.

Printed, published, and sold, EVERY TUESDAY E. SMITH & CO. 75, Lord-street, Liverpool

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