Зображення сторінки

102, 272-288
ITALY, 635-661. Discussion of the
university in Italy 635, parts of the
university system 636, free univer-
sities 637, university courses an-
nexed to licei 637, number of
faculties 638, official teachers 638,
privat-docents 639. Admission of
students 640, course of study 641,
official courses in political science
642, additional courses 644. Spe-
cial work 645, special schools 646.
School of Social Science at Flor-
ence-History 647, Organization
648, Instruction 550. Superior
School of Commerce at Venice-
Organization 651, Instruction 652.
List of Professors 655. Statistics of
Italian universities 661.
Insurance, L'assicurazione obbliga-
toria," par Carlo F. Ferraris; re-
viewed, 322


Interest, The Law of Wages and.


International Journal of Ethics, 513
Law, 409

Intuitionism, and Natural Law, 572
Italy. See Instruction.


Johns Hopkins University Studies, 133
Jurisprudence of Austin, etc. See Sov-

Labor Question, 518

Lectures, in German Technical Schools

on Economics, 522

List of, in Political Economy and
Public Law in German Universities,
83-102, 275-288; Statistics of same,
81, 274

Legislative Powers of Congress, origin
of constitutional provisions, 211-221
Limits of State and National Govern-
ment. See Original Package.
Liquor Traffic. See Original Package.
Local Administration in Prussia, 518
Government, Decay of State and. See

Majorities, the rule of, 404
Malthusianism, and Wages, 429
Manors in England, 414
'Manual Training in Education," by
C. M. Woodward; reviewed, 702
Maryland, Colonial government of, 544
Massachusetts, Colonial government of,

Early relations to Connecticut, 173

Methods in Economic Thought. See
Political Economy.

Ministerial Responsibility in Canada, 12
Monde Economique, Le, 705

Nature. THe Law of NATURE, 558-
585. Present status of the doctrine
558, Definition of Natural Law 559-
560, Origin of the idea 560, Natural
law simply non-human law opposed
to positive law 560, shown by his-
tory 561, Conspectus of chief con-
ceptions of the doctrine 564, Defense
of Natural Law 566-582-The doc-
trine does not imply belief in a state
of nature 566, it is not based on a
metaphysical theory of nature 568, it
does not imply a theistic origin of the
universe 569, Huxley's statement of
the doctrine 570, the doctrine does not.
imply intuitionism 572, objection that
it is à priori 574. Relations to modern
ethics 575. Propriety of the phrase
Natural Law 582-585-the term law
New York, Colonial government of, 553
582, the term natural 583
New Jersey, Colonial government of,

Original Package. THE ORIGINAL
PACKAGE CASE, 192-202. Statement of
the decision 192, Police power belongs
to the States 192, Federal government
subject to it 193, Police power not a
restraint on commerce 195, Recogni-
tion of State's right to tax 196, Origi-
nal Package Case not one of taxation,
but police power 197, Previous deci-
sions 198-199, Articles in question not
dangerous, etc. 200, Consequences of
the decision 201, Probable future 201,
Discussed 662-671. Mr. Budd-Police
power and commercial power 662,
Federal power rules in case of con-
flict 664, Freedom of commercial in-
tercourse to be upheld 665. Mr.
Wintersteen-Commerce under Na-
tional control 667, Right to bring in
implies right to sell 668, Are liquors
commercial articles 669

Passengers. See Railroads.
Pennsylvania, Colonial government of,

PERSONAL NOTES, 138-144, 289-309,
472-479, 676-678
CIATION, record of its work, 708-719
Police power in U. S. See Original

Political Economy. See Instruction in Political Science, Political Science Quar-
German Universities.

ECONOMY, 244-271. The historical
economy 244. Roscher's work 245,
Conflict of methods in economics
247, Position of the author 248, the
controversy stated 249, Equality of
the methods 249, Argument from
experience against deduction 251,
Mistakes the situation 252, The situ-
ation stated 253, Need of generali-
zation even for simplest operations
254, The problems of economics
256, Problems of theory belong to
deduction 257, Use of deduction by
the historical school 259, Position of
the school on theoretical problems
261, Deductive school defended
263, Results of the two schools in
the field of theory 266, Need of
harmony and concerted action 269
384. Their province, theory 361, In-
vestigations of methods 363, Theory
of final utility 363, its origin 364,
its application to exchange 366,
Market price and individual esti-
mate 366, Production 368, Cost of
production 368, Explanation of the
Austrian school 369, Importance of
this position 371, Relation of value
to cost 372, Defects of the usual
explanations 374, Law of comple-
mentary goods 375, Distribution
376, Fundamental conceptions 377.
Practical questions 377. Aims of the
school 378, A new analysis of eco-
nomic phenomena 378, Must start
at relation of goods to men 380,
Spread of the new doctrines 383
"L'École Nouvelle," par Ch. Gide;
reviewed, 490

"Les Progrès de l'Economie Poli-
tique depuis Adam Smith," par M.
Block; reviewed, 680

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terly, 133

Political Science and Comparative
Constitutional Law," by J. W. Bur-

gess; reviewed, 681

Politics, "An Introduction to the His-
tory of the Science of Politics," by
Sir F. Pollock; reviewed, 505
Population, relation to wages, 64
"Die Bevölkerung des Kantons
Basel-Stadt," von Karl Bücher;
reviewed, 312
ACADEMY, 132-137, 469-471, 662-675
Prison Reform, The Prison Ques-
tion," by Charles H. Reeve; reviewed,
Protection, The Economic Basis of
Protection," by Simon N. Patten; re-
viewed, 337

Prize on regulation of interest, 705.
Professors, in Italian Universities, 638
List of certain professors, 655
Psychology, relation to sociology, 70
Public Law. See Instruction in Ger-
man Universities.

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133


The experiment in Hungary 103,
Length of zones 103, Local tickets
104, Fare per zone 104, Former
charges 104. Amount of reduction
105, Simplification of bookkeeping,
etc. 105, Increase of traffic. Rea-
sons for change 107, Features of
the new plan 108, Baggage regula-
tions 109, Table of rates 111, Buda-
pesth always the end of a zone 112,
Redemption of unused tickets 112,
Excess for fares paid on trains 113.
Excess when higher class is used
than ticket allows 114, Parlor and
private cars 114, Separate compart-
ments 115, Hospital cars 115. Spe-
cial trains 116, Reductions of fare
to special classes 117, Season tick-
ets, rates for, 119, Baggage rates
121, Regulations 122, Insurance
123, Indemnity for loss of baggage,
124, Insurance against delay 124.
Storage 125, Fines for improper
baggage 125, Carriage of dogs 125.
Results of the system 126, Table of
old and new rates 127, Receipts
under old and new systems 129.
Reduction in kinds of tickets 131
AUSTRIA, 462-468. Lines covered

462, Prices of tickets 463, Table of
fares 464, Yearly tickets 465, Re-
duced rates 466, Baggage 467

TEM, 344-349. Austria and Hun-
gary compared 344, Old and new
rates 345, Basis of the system 345,
Amount of reduction 346, Local
traffic favored 347, Abolishment of
special tickets 348, Simplification of
tickets 348, Free baggage abolished
348, Results 349

Passenger rates in Prussia 510, in
Roumania 510

Railway Acts, mode of passing them in
Canada, 16

Rhode Island, Colonial government of,

Right, Natural. See Nature, The Law

Roads, A move for better, 707

Senate of U. S., constitutional provi-
sions, 214

Silver, "Silver in Europe," by S. Dana

Horton; reviewed, 328

Social sciences, relation to sociology, 68
Social and Political Science in United
States, 132

Socialism," Bismarck and State Social-

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ism," by W. H. Dawson; reviewed,

'Charles Fourier," Euvres choisies,
par Ch. Gide; reviewed, 491
"Die Sozialdemokratische Gedanken-
welt," von Theodor Barth; re-
viewed, 679

OGY, 66-77. Need of definition 66,
Relation to statistics 66, to philo-
sophical history 67, Sociology the
basis of social sciences 68, Differentia-
tion from physical science 69, from
psychology 70, Evolution 72, Sociol-
ogy and freedom of the will 73, Anal-
ogy of physical and psychical forces 75
SOVEREIGNTY, 385-411. Austin's
definition 385, Influence of Austin
386, No arguments against Austin to
be drawn from history 387, Limita-
tions of the Austinian jurisprudence
388, Where is Austin's sovereignty in
the British Constitution 389, the law-
yer's point of view 392, the real sov-
ereignty not in Parliament 392, Dis-
tinction between the nominal, legal,
and political sovereignty 393, Hobbes
and Locke on this distinction 394,
Austin 395. In the United States
Constitution 396. The nominal sov-

ereign 398, Ultimate political sover-
eign 401, Relation to legal sovereign
402, Majority rule 404. Limitations of
this ultimate political sovereignty 407,
International law 409

State Governments. THE DECAY OF
MENTS, 26-42. Early importance

of local government as compared
with present 26, Conditions of set-
tlement in older sections 28, Arbi-
trary division of State lines in
Mississippi Valley 29, Size of newer
States 31, Effect on political vitality
32, Effect of changes in local dis-
tricts 35. Geographical anomalies
in lines of Eastern States 36, in
States of the far West 37. Com-
munity of interests essential 38.
Large cities 41

Constitutions, basis of National, 208
"The State," by Woodrow Wilson;
reviewed, 148

"L'État moderne et ses Fonctions,"
par P. Leroy-Beaulieu; reviewed,

States, in America. Origin of their gov-
ernment. See Constitution, Genesis
of a Written.

Relation of their powers to those of

the Nation. See Original Package.
Statistics, relation to sociology, 66
Supreme Court of U. S., origin of con-
stitutional provisions, 233 242

Taxation by States when in seeming
conflict with U. S. powers, 196
Technical Schools. ECONOMICS IN
525. Relations of these schools to the
universities 520, List of Lectures 522
Tenure. See Villein, Character of.
Theism, relation of natural law to, 569
Theory of Economics, advanced by de-

ductive methods, 263 et seq.
Tickets, on Austrian Railroads, 463, 465
On Austrian Railroads, 348

Railroad under system in Hungary.
See Railroads.

NECTICUT TOWNS, 165-191. Char-
acter of early settlements in dispute
165, Theory of Prof. Johnston 166,
Settlers in Connecticut Valley before
the towns 171, Appointment of con-
stables by Massachusetts 173, Church
and town 174. Theory of migrating
towns 176, First plans of government
178, Constitution of 1639, 179, Com-
parison of terms with Articles of Con-
federation 183, Source of sovereignty

in the towns 184, Representation of|
the towns 185, Modifications of Prof.
Johnston's theories 189
Township, The Ontario Township,"
by J. M. McEvoy; reviewed, 151

United States, Constitution compared

with Canada, 5, 6, and passim.
Sovereignty in, 390 et seq.
Universities, American, Work in Political
and Social Science, 132
German. See Instruction.
Italian, 635 et seq.
University Quarterly Review, 153
Utilitarianism, and natural law, 575
Utility, Theory of final, 363 et seq.

Verein für Sozialpolitik, 515-520
Veto-power, in U. S., origin of consti-
tutional provisions, 230
Place in American system, 12
"The Veto, Its Origin, Development,

and Function in the Government of
the United States," by E. C. Mason;
reviewed, 694

Village, "The Village Community," by
G. L. Gomme; reviewed, 325
Villein Tenure, 471

NURE, 412-425.
Information on
agrarian history of England 412,
Mediæval manors 414. Legal the-
ory as to customary tenants 415,
Evidence from eleventh century
417, The text-books 418. Littleton
420, Coke's addition 421. Influ-
ence of Yorkist politics on these
utterances 421. Enclosures ignore
supposed rights 422. Usual con-
ceptions of Mediæval history un-
founded 423. Need of historical
study 425

Virginia, Colonial government of, 537




BEGINNING early in July, and continuing six weeks, there will be held at some convenient summer resort, in New England or New York, a School for the discussion of Ethics and other subjects of a kindred nature. The matter to be presented has been selected with regard to the wants of clergymen, teachers, journalists, philanthropists, and others, who are now seeking careful information upon the great themes of Ethical Sociology. It is believed that many collegiate and general students will also be attracted by the program.

Speakers and subjects will be, so far as arranged, as follows:

I.-Department of Economics, in charge of Professor H. C. Adams, Ph.D., of the University of Michigan. Professor Adams will deliver eighteen lectures, three during each of the six weeks, on the History of Industrial Society in England and America, beginning with the Middle Ages, and tracing genetically the gradual rise of those conditions in the labor world which cause so much anxiety and discussion to-day.

Along with this main course will be presented: 1. Three lectures by President E. Benj. Andrews: one on the Evils of Our Present Industrial System; one on Socialism as a Remedy, and one on The Better Way. 2. Three lectures by Professor F. W. Taussig, Ph.D.: one on Distributive and Credit Coöperation; one on Productive Coöperation

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